Middleton Methods: Marriage, Family, & Business Podcast



Brandon and Sam Middleton know how to make a marriage work while growing a business and family. The Middleton Methods podcast shares what theyve learned on their journey with you by letting you be a fly on their wall. Listen in and youll get practical life hacks, gain insight, and laugh with them as they give you the tools you need to succeed in business, marriage, and parenting.The busy parents of two have been together for 16 years, married for 7, and heres what they know for sure: theres a spark that ignites inside when you follow your passion...and when that happens for you, youre unstoppable. Their mission is to inspire, motivate, and guide you to ignite that spark within yourself.This dynamic duo is on fire and they are going to share how you can be too. A message from Brandon and Sam:Look, life gets crazy! We get it, when youre being pulled in a million different directions, most people will just quit. But youre different, thats why youre here. You need to remember at the end of the day, the good this life has to offer always outweighs the bad. We have found that when you approach life with positivity, proactivity, fearlessness, and love, you can get what you want as long as you are willing to put in the work it takes to get there.Make sure to stay connected with us!Download their podcast on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/middleton-methods-podcast/id1185297770 Blog: http://MiddletonMethods.comFacebook: https://facebook.com/middletonmethodsTwitter: @BrandonAndSamInstagram: @brandonandsam


  • #131: How Ride or Die Couples Deal With Crisis (1 of 4)

    30/12/2019 Duração: 36min

    For the first time in over 16 years of business, serving hundreds of CEOs, I got sued! . Yep! Someone entered into a contract with my company was not only suing my company but also named me personally, meaning he was out for blood. Not just trying to hurt my business but specifically me and my family. . I don't care how strong your marriage is, the first time you get sued can go over like a fart in church! . My wife could have easily said things like.... . "I told you we never should have trusted him!" . "You should have listened to me!" . "Lawyers are going to cost us a fortune even when we win!" . "You're too nice! Why do you always believe people who say they've changed?" . After the initial shock, we laughed in disbelief and reminded each other that we can get through anything! . "FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE..." aka RIDE OR DIE BABY! . We all made this vow on our wedding day but when life tries to throw tragedy your way or you find yourself under attack, do you remember that promise? . For many couples, it ca

  • #130: PAIN of PROGRESS | Ride Or Die Couples | EP 130

    09/12/2019 Duração: 41min

    In preparation for all the New Years resolutions, we wanted to talk about the ONE thing you can't avoid when making positive change in life... ...PAIN This week we'll give you perspective on the pain in your life and share with you a new way of looking at pain that will serve you heading into the New Year.   Join us in IG @brandonandsam @brandontmiddleton http://RideOrDieCouples.com

  • #129: STOP Talking Sh$!.. About Your Spouse

    11/11/2019 Duração: 30min

    Prep for the Holiday Season... . Holy crap, it's November already?! . That means time with family, eatin' good, and all the holiday festivities... . It also means DRAMA...you know that in-law that always has an opinion about how he/she could have done better? . Or that negative Aunt Nancy who loved to bring up the past and poo poo on your life choices? . We all have them. The family or friends that just don't understand how to have a little perspective and a positive attitdue...REGARDLESS of what happened in the past. . Life is messy...for all of us. . What's important is to be grateful for what you have and always seek to get better. . This is A LOT easier to do with your husband/wife by your side BUT if you have spent all year whining to your family about your spouse, don't expect these family gatherings to be all peachy. . This week we discuss how important it is to paint your spouse in a positive light as often as possible. . At the end of the da

  • #127: Win-Win vs Win Lose

    27/10/2019 Duração: 25min

    Parenting tips for happy kids . Ugh...the mom/dad guilt was STRONG this week!! . So often we are so busy and rushing that we just want the kids to pick up their toys, brush their teeth, get dressed, etc. so we can get out the door without being late for once! . In all this rushing we tend to say things like "do it or else.." or when asked "why do I have to" we say "because I said so" (God we sound like our parents right?! lol . In this episode we dive into a more effective way to talk with the kids so you get what you want with less yelling or tantrums. . WARNING: This is NOT a quick fix. It requires more patience than you probably feel you have BUT, with enough practice, you'll be raising kids that make it THEIR idea to take responsibilty for the things you're always telling them to do. . What's working for you? Have you tried this approach before? . Let us know in the comments!

  • #126: 10 Things Happy Couples Do Before Bed

    13/10/2019 Duração: 22min

    We've been talking a lot about habits lately. Here's 10 habits you can create before bed to ensure a long lasting relationship. There are many secrets to being a happy couple. Little things, such as the things we do before bed, are a part of it. Over the years, we’ve developed these ten rituals before bed, which have helped us bond and contributed to our happy relationship.  Let’s Talk About This: What do you and your partner do before bed? Are the kids (and pets) allowed into your bed? Do you and your partner go to bed at the same time? Can you or your partner go to bed without their phones?   See Blog Posts on -  Ride OR Die Life:  http://rideordiecouples.com/    Follow them on INSTAGRAM:  @brandonandsam @brandontmiddleton @rideordiecouples

  • #123: 7 Habits of Happy Kids & Better Parents

    22/09/2019 Duração: 36min

    Even though we’ve been together for decades, we’re still learning ways to build a successful family and be better parents. In this episode, we share some of the things we learned at the Stephen Covey’s 7 habits training organized by the kids’ school.  Let’s Talk About This: How do you see or view your family? What are the things that are most important to you? What are the things you have control over? What are the things you don’t have control over?  What are the things you’d like to have more control over?    See Blog Posts on -  Ride OR Die Life:  http://rideordiecouples.com/    Follow them on INSTAGRAM:  @brandonandsam @brandontmiddleton @rideordiecouples   Like them on FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/rideordiecouples/

  • #120: F@%K THE STORM

    01/09/2019 Duração: 18min
  • #119: Walking Away From Deals

    09/05/2019 Duração: 38min

    Sometimes, it’s difficult to walk away from a deal or situation because it feels like missing out on a deal of a lifetime. However, not all deals are beneficial to us, and we should learn to walk away from those. In this episode of the Ride or Die Podcast, we share the things that have helped us to walk away from business deals that don’t fit our plans or goals. Let’s Talk About This: What do you want at this point in your life? Does that ‘big’ deal align with your plans and goals? What would you lose if you take that potential deal of a ‘lifetime’? What are the things that would make you walk away from a deal?   See Blog Posts on - Ride OR Die Life: http://rideordiecouples.com/   Follow them on INSTAGRAM: @brandonandsam @brandontmiddleton @rideordiecouples   Like them on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/rideordiecouples/


    03/05/2019 Duração: 32min

    There are several myths out there about having a long-lasting marriage. But, the majority of these myths are untrue, and if you pay too much attention to them, they will affect your marriage or relationship. In this episode of the Ride or Die Podcast, we debunk the top five marriage myths and share valuable insights on what really works. Let’s Talk About This: Are there any marriage myths that you believe are true? Is a marriage myth affecting your relationship with your spouse? What moves have you made to sustain your marriage over the years?   See Blog Posts on - Ride OR Die Life: http://rideordiecouples.com/   Follow them on INSTAGRAM: @brandonandsam @brandontmiddleton @rideordiecouples   Like them on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/rideordiecouples/

  • #117: How Bad Do You Really Want It?

    29/04/2019 Duração: 30min

    It can be frustrating to be around people who say they want something but do not take action to get it, especially if you’re a goal-getter like us. A couple of days ago, we were in a situation in which people around us were giving excuses and whining about not achieving a set goal, without putting in the required hard work. So, in this podcast, we vent about the frustration of being around people who always have excuses, as well as discuss what we do to get over the situation and concentrate on the goal. Let’s Talk About This: Do you sometimes feel unmotivated to do what it takes to achieve your goals? Is there someone around you who always finds an excuse not to do something? How do you deal with the frustration of being around people who don’t want it bad enough?   See Blog Posts on - Ride OR Die Life: http://rideordiecouples.com/   Follow them on INSTAGRAM: @brandonandsam @brandontmiddleton @rideordiecouples   Like them on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/rideordiecouples

  • #116: Ride or Die Anniversary (18yrs)

    11/04/2019 Duração: 40min

    It’s our 18th anniversary of being together next week – April 18th, and we would be married ten years, next year. Yaay! We’ve made it this far because of our patience, communication, sacrifice, teamwork and commitment to each other. In this podcast, we discuss our life together in the past 18 years and hope to give you insights and perspective that will be helpful on your journey to forever with your partner. Feel free to ask us any question about how we made it this far as a couple, in the comment section. Quick Poll: Should we have a huge celebration for our twenty years together or ten years married? Let’s Talk About This: How do you stay sane and keep the passion alive in your relationship? Did you have qualities of a perfect partner written down, before you met your partner? Do you and your partner have a mutual understanding on really big things? What are the highs and lows of your relationship? When did you have it figured out?   See Blog Posts on - Ride OR Die Life: http://rideordiecouples.com/   Fo

  • #115: Alter Egos and Relationships

    05/04/2019 Duração: 40min

    We all have a wide range of egos that we exhibit in different situations or when we are with different people. In this episode, which is inspired by the book, The Alter Ego Effect by Todd X, we talk about how we channel our different alter egos in our relationship with ourselves, our kids, our business partners, and the people around us. Let’s Talk About This: What’s your opinion on Ego? What are some examples of egos you don’t like? What ways has ego served you in your different relationships? How do you step into the character that will serve you and the people around you?   See Blog Posts on - Ride OR Die Life: http://rideordiecouples.com/   Follow them on INSTAGRAM: @brandonandsam @rideordiecouples   Like them on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/rideordiecouples

  • #114: Sex & Money, The Power Struggle

    28/03/2019 Duração: 47min

    In most relationships, the men control the money while the women control the sex. This often causes a power struggle that affects the love and, consequently, the relationship. For us, we’ve learned to find a not-so-perfect balance between love, sex, and money and NEVER to use our “perceived” power as a weapon against one another. Let’s Talk About This: What’s the power dynamic in your relationship? Do you find yourself throwing your power in your partner’s face? Or vice versa? How do you deal with love, sex and money power struggle in your relationship? Are your finances combined, or do you have separate bank accounts?   See Blog Posts on - Ride OR Die Life: http://rideordiecouples.com/   Follow them on INSTAGRAM: @brandonandsam @rideordiecouples   Like them on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/rideordiecouples/

  • #113: Falling Off Track

    14/03/2019 Duração: 39min

    It’s almost the end of the first quarter of 2019, and we’ve been able to stick to our New Year resolutions/goals by being accountable to each other. It isn’t easy being the perfect accountability partner, but over the years we’ve learned how to push each other to achieve our goals. Let’s Talk About This: How much of your new year resolutions have you achieved? Do you have an accountability partner(s)? Why did you choose them? Is your significant other your accountability partner, and vice versa? How do you push each other to achieve your goals?   See Blog Posts on - Ride OR Die Life: http://rideordiecouples.com/   Follow them on INSTAGRAM: @brandonandsam   Like them on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/rideordiecouples

  • #112: Working With Your Significant Other

    07/03/2019 Duração: 51min

    We’ve been in business together for as long as our relationship, and have had our share of friction that affect our relationship. But, we’ve learned how to work together seamlessly, and today we can’t envision not doing business together. Let’s Talk About This: Are you in business with your significant other? Is there a line between your business relationship and your personal relationship? Does being in business with your partner affect your personal relationship? How do you avoid/deal with tension in business with your significant other?   See Blog Posts on - Ride OR Die Life: http://rideordiecouples.com/   Follow them on INSTAGRAM: @brandonandsam   Like them on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/rideordiecouples/

  • #111: Jealousy in Relationship

    01/03/2019 Duração: 30min

    Jealousy isn’t a big part of our relationship today. But, everyone struggles with jealousy, and we’ve had moments of jealousy in our relationship…and outside it. However, over the years we’ve learned how to avoid situations that will cause jealousy. Let’s Talk About This: Is jealousy a part of your relationship? What do you get jealous about? How do you avoid being jealous? How do you prevent your partner from being jealous? Besides your relationship, does jealousy affect other areas of your life?   See Blog Posts on - Ride OR Die Life: http://rideordiecouples.com/   Follow them on INSTAGRAM: @brandonandsam   Like them on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/rideordiecouples/

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