Bullhorn Leadership For Entrepreneurs By Sam Crump



This is THE podcast for entrepreneurs of every stripe -- not just small business start-up types, but non-profit leaders, political leaders, faith leaders and more. Sam Crump is an attorney and former state legislator who has started six businesses. His podcast episodes explore people, issues, current events and helpful advice on entrepreneurial pursuits. Many shows include in-depth interviews with fascinating guests. His shows are weekly, one-hour podcasts that drop on Thursday mornings. Have a listen and you too can Act Boldly, Communicate Effectively and Make A Difference in all that you do!


  • 061 – Life is a B.A.R. Exam


    Show Notes: In this episode I share the key to achieving your goals: Beliefs, Actions and Results (B.A.R.). We all have a belief system, for better or worse. These beliefs are what get us to take action, or fail to take action. And actions lead to results. I discuss the powerful learning that I took […]

  • 060 – I Finished My Book!


    Show Notes: In this episode I discuss my excitement over completion of my book, Bullhorn Leadership for Entrepreneurs. After four years, I’ve finally published my book. Now the work of promoting and marketing it begins. Not only do I want to sell books, but I will use the book and my podcast to become a paid […]

  • 059 – This One Action Changed My Life


    Show Notes: In this podcast I update on my business ventures, including opening my froyo shop and buying my law practice. But then I describe the incredible conference I attended earlier this month in Franklin, TN. It was called FreeTheDream and it was produced by Cliff Ravenscraft. He was the person who taught me and […]

  • 058 – I’m Opening a Froyo Shop


    In this episode I report the great news that I have completed my book, Bullhorn Leadership. I will self-publish it in a few weeks, and I feel a great sense of accomplishment. My other big news is that I am opening a frozen yogurt shop. I am not quitting my day job as an attorney, […]

  • 057 – Eden Sunshine of Level 7 Systems


    An interview with Eden Sunshine of Level 7 Systems. While he says he doesn’t prefer the term “business coach”, it is still a quick way to describe his work. Eden has developed his own tools, Level 7 Systems, to help mid-size businesses achieve their goals. www.Level7Systems.com

  • 056 – Taking Action as a Leader


    Show Notes: In this episode I talk about several community activities that I’ve been involved in, and a new one coming up. I talk about my mental checklist before I take on new tasks. And I talk about the energy and fulfillment that I draw from being involved in community efforts and providing the leadership […]

  • 055 – Patent Law & More with Wayne Carroll, Esq.


    Show Notes: In this episode I interview attorney Wayne Carroll, who is an intellectual property attorney. This type of law is especially important to entrepreneurs because they typically want to protect their ideas, their brand or even simply the name of their business, products and services. Wayne Carroll talks about the differences between patents, trademarks […]

  • 054 – Intvw: Hunter Merrill – Creative Mind of an Entrepreneur


    Show Notes: Today I interview Hunter Merril who has made a career in the tech and programming field. While he loves computers and programming, he also has many other interests that I call his creative pursuits. From community theater to music to creative writing, Hunter is always exploring new things. His mind does not seem […]

  • 053 – MeetUp for Motivation


    Show Notes: Today’s episode talks about MeetUp.com, which you can find online or as an app. I had heard of MeetUp but I had never looked into it. Recently I discovered a friend had organized a new writing group on MeetUp, so I signed up and attended. Long story short, this has absolutely motivated me […]

  • 052 – Break Out of Your Funk


    Show Notes: Have you ever been in a funk? Everyone has. It can be especially difficult for entrepreneurs who tend to have more challenges, doubts, naysayers, money issues and all around reasons to be bummed. And it is all the more important that entrepreneurs learn how to bounce back and not wallow in their funk. […]

  • 051 – Trump Is President?!


    Shown Notes: Today I listened to my podcast from September 2015, Episode #30, www.BullhornLeadership.com/030 where I was assessing the Presidential Primary races. I talked about the phenomenon of Donald Trump on the right and Bernie Sanders on the left, and how they were both populist candidates who were getting serious support. In this episode I […]

  • 050 – My Relative In Prison


    Show Notes: Today I share the fact that I have a relative in prison. I talk about how I am exchanging letters with him trying to offer encouragement. I try to imagine what it is like to have my liberty taken away. I shared with him that we can change anything about the past but […]

  • 049 – Back Behind The Mic!


    Show Notes: After a 10 month hiatus, I am excited to be back behind the mic with my 49th episode! We have moved back to Anthem, Arizona to the house we have owned since 2002. But we took a detour and returned to California 2011-2016. We owned the house the whole time and it became […]

  • 048 – Is My Life Just Ordinary?


    Show Notes: Another outdoor walk while I recorded this podcast. The beautiful weather is back, so expect more of these! Today I talk about a new podcast I discovered called The Brian Buffini Show. He has only done a few episodes and it already inspired me to start brainstorming about new ideas. I also share […]

  • 047 – Life and its Milestones


    Show Notes: This episode tracks my recent illness, then my back pain. The upside is, I went to a chiropractor for a first time and really found it helpful. I also talk about the passing of my dad, David Crump, last week at age 88. I then talk about some upcoming trips we have and […]

  • 046 – My Iowa Caucus Appearance


    Show Notes: I’ve been fighting a nasty head cold but finally getting back to normal. My recent experience with a nasty person on Facebook reminds me of the need to remain mindful on social media and how odd people can be. The recent Iowa caucus reminded me of my own appearance there in 2008. I […]

  • 045 – My Van Halen Experience!


    Show Notes: This episode is about my awesome experience hanging out with Hot For Teacher, which is a Van Halen Tribute Band. My friend Steve invited me to go their 9th performance at the National Association of Music Merchants convention in Anaheim. Not only was this an incredible experience of reliving the thrill of rock […]

  • 044 – A Boot Camp for Your Life


    Show Notes: My military service was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I highly recommend it for young men and women as a way to build skills and confidence; see the world; and develop camaraderie. The model of boot camp is one where the individual is pushed beyond limits and achieves goals he […]

  • 043 – Are You Well Read?


    Show Notes: At first I discuss some of the new late night talk show hosts. Then the dangers of crossing the street while I am wearing earbuds and all the drivers are looking at their phones. On the topic of being well read, I ponder the idea that not many of us are very avid […]

  • 042 – Family Time and Giving Thanks


    Show Notes: Today’s episode is a reflection on family time during Thanksgiving 2015. How do we provide leadership for our families and create positive memories? Spending time together and remembering how important holidays were to us when we were growing up. I also touch on my experiences of trying to give back to others and […]

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