Liquid Church With Pastor Tim Lucas



Relevant & dynamic messages about culture and faith, God and life from Pastor Tim Lucas of


  • Fix Your Relationship With Forgiveness | Crazy Stupid Love Part 3

    01/05/2024 Duração: 41min

    If you have a broken relationship, you can fix it through reconciliation, forgiveness, and honest conversation. We’re not saying it’s going to be easy. Building healthy relationships requires work, intentionality, and lots of patience. Relational conflict is a normal part of life and each relationship has a cycle in which they operate. The cycle starts with closeness and a deep connection. But with every relationship comes a rupture, which is a conflict or misunderstanding. After that, the relationship must go into repair mode.  The good news is, there are steps to take to go from the ruptured relationship to the repaired relationship. You need to pursue reconciliation, and take immediate actions to repair the damage. The second step is to practice forgiveness. The final step is to promote honest conversations. Watch Dr. David Ireland’s message on how to repair relationships in practical steps. #RepairRelationships #PracticeForgiveness #LiquidChurch

  • How To Fight Fair In Your Marriage | Crazy Stupid Love Part 2

    21/04/2024 Duração: 42min

    To make love last in a marriage, you must fight fair! Dr. John Gottman, a relationship expert, studied couples for years and found four red flags when it comes to conflict. They are: criticizing each other, feeling contempt (that's like disrespect), getting defensive, and shutting down (also known as stonewalling). These are the ingredients that build resentment and often lead to divorce. We have to learn what not to do in order to learn how to fight fair.  There are also three green flags, or healthy habits that couples should use in their relationships: be quick to listen, slow to speak (talk less), and slow to anger. And here's a helpful trick: when someone's upset, ask them whether they need a solution or just someone to listen, so you know the best way to respond. Now, let's talk about anger. It's okay to feel mad sometimes, but it's important to deal with it calmly. And remember that forgiveness is like a superpower in relationships – it helps you move past the tough stuff. Watch

  • How To Have A Strong Marriage Despite Differences | Crazy Stupid Love Part 1

    14/04/2024 Duração: 39min

    Have you ever wondered about how God wired men and women differently and what that means to live as husband and wife practically? Understanding the fundamental differences between men and women can profoundly impact the dynamics of marriage. Men's brains operate by compartmentalizing thoughts into neat boxes, while in women's brains, everything is interconnected by emotion. Practically, this means husbands and wives must navigate communication and understanding with grace and patience. Husbands, recognizing their tendency to retreat when stressed, should actively engage in listening and empathizing with their wives, understanding their need to connect emotionally. Meanwhile, wives should understand that their husbands may need time alone to decompress. When it comes to sex, spouses need to understand each other's needs and motivations. For men, sex serves as a way to express love and care for their wives, while for women, emotional connection often precedes physical intimacy. By acknowledging an

  • What Is The Meaning Of Baptism?

    07/04/2024 Duração: 23min

    Did you know that Jesus told his followers to get baptized? Baptism is an important step of faith for any Christian. It’s a public declaration of someone’s faith in Jesus. By getting baptized, you’re telling the world that you belong to Jesus and you are committed to following his teachings! That’s why we get baptized. If you’ve witnessed Baptism by immersion, when someone goes under the water and gets raised back up out of the water, this reflects the cleansing of sin. Going under the water signifies leaving behind your old ways and your sin, while emerging from the water symbolizes that you are washed clean, starting a new life filled with the Holy Spirit. Through baptism, individuals embrace forgiveness, hope, and purpose. They align themselves with Jesus' life, death, burial, and resurrection, embracing a renewed life  through His grace.  Watch Pastor Kayra Montañez’s message to hear the significance of baptism. #Baptism #TheMeaningOfBaptism #LiquidChurch

  • Why Did Jesus Rise From The Dead? | Easter 2024

    30/03/2024 Duração: 34min

    Easter is a pivotal moment in history. Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is fact, not fiction! Jesus faced wrongful arrest and crucifixion, and was put to death. But, 3 days later, Jesus rose from the dead. That means, Jesus emerged victorious! Why does this matter so much? Because Jesus’ resurrection demonstrates his divinity as the Son of God. Because of Jesus' resurrection, a door opens to eternal life for all who believe in him. You receive the promise of heaven, which is a place where every Christ follower can anticipate a joyful reunion with loved ones. No matter what struggles you face today, be it addiction, divorce, or the loss of a loved one, you can rest assured that nothing can break the bond between you and God's love. Watch Pastor Tim Lucas’s Easter message to hear the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ: #Easter #JesusRoseFromTheDead #LiquidChurch

  • Why We Invite People To Church | The Way Part 7

    24/03/2024 Duração: 40min

    Has your life been changed by Jesus? If so, then you need to tell people about it… about HIM! We invite people to church so that they can come and see what Jesus is all about. Maybe you’re thinking “that’s not my job.” You’re right – it’s your mission! Our mission given to us by Jesus is to go and seek out those who don’t know him yet. We are meant to be evangelists. So, how do you actually accomplish your mission? Through relationships. Don’t overthink this. It doesn’t have to be weird. Invest in relationships with those around you - neighbors, coworkers, gym buddies and then find an opportunity to invite them to church. Who is God calling you to pursue this season? Pray about it. Be a good friend and neighbor and when the moment is right, invite them to church. Your invitation could change their life. Watch Pastor Cory Daniels’s message and learn the power of evangelism. #InviteSomeoneToChurch #LiquidChurch #Evangelism 

  • The Significance Of Being Baptized | The Way Part 6

    17/03/2024 Duração: 35min

    Do you know the significance of being baptized? Baptism stands as the pivotal rite marking the beginning of one's journey as a disciple of Christ. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus commands His disciples to go forth and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. His command shows the importance of baptism—it symbolizes obedience, repentance, commitment, and spiritual renewal. Jesus Himself set the precedent by being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, identifying with humanity's sinfulness and showcasing humility and solidarity with ordinary sinners. Baptism embodies obedience to Jesus' command, it’s a public declaration of faith, and a commitment to follow Him. It signifies repentance from past sins and a step toward a new life in Christ. Believers enter into a new life, transformed by God's grace. Baptism serves as a tangible encounter with the Holy Spirit, often marked by a profound sense of God's presence. It is a sacred cove

  • How To Serve Others With Humility | The Way Part 5

    10/03/2024 Duração: 27min

    Have you heard of the incredible moment from the Bible when Jesus humbly washed His disciples' feet? Picture it: the Son of God down on his knees, washing away the dirt and grime from the feet of these grown men, even from the feet of Judas, who He knew would later betray Him. This is the picture of true humility… of servant leadership. Now, wrapping our minds around this type of servant leadership that Jesus modeled isn't easy. He intentionally took on the role of a humble servant, kneeling down to care for the tired, dusty feet of His followers. Imagine the scene: dusty roads, weary fishermen, and there's Jesus, showing us that serving others isn't just a task—it's a way of life. So, what does that really mean for us today? It means that serving others isn't a chore, but a joyous part of who we are as Christ followers. The Church isn't just for our personal benefit, it exists to serve the world. Our purpose is to love others and make a real difference. God has blessed you to bles

  • The True Meaning Of Generosity | The Way Part 4

    03/03/2024 Duração: 40min

    Do you have a heart of generosity? Generosity is a concept that goes beyond just giving money to others, but speaks to the core of our faith and relationship with God.  When we turn to the Bible, we learn that generosity isn’t about the amount you give, it’s the attitude and sacrifice behind your gift. In a story known as the “the widow’s mite,” we see Jesus observing people as they give their offerings at the temple. While many wealthy individuals made grand gestures, Jesus noticed a poor widow quietly offering just two small coins, which was all she had to live on. Jesus emphasizes that true generosity stems from the heart, not from abundance, but from a willingness to trust God completely. So, what’s your attitude toward giving? Are you merely tipping God, or are you giving sacrificially, trusting in His provision?  The principle of tithing, giving the first 10% of our income back to God, isn't about legalistic rules but about demonstrating our faith and trust in God's abundance. By embracing a

  • The Importance Of Taking A Sabbath | The Way Part 3

    26/02/2024 Duração: 45min

    Did you know that taking a day of Sabbath, or rest, is one of God’s commands for our life? Even God took a day off. After creating the earth and everything on it in six days, the Bible tells us that He rested on the seventh day. If God took a day of rest, so can we! A true, biblical Sabbath spans 24 hours and involves four essential elements: stopping, resting, delighting, and worshiping. When we stop, we do no work, paid or unpaid. Resting has three components - the physical where we sleep; the mental and emotional, where we calm down, relax and process our week, and the spiritual, where we rest in God’s love. Delight means that we partake in activities that bring joy to our lives. Finally, we WORSHIP! And, worship is not just music. Worship is also where we surrender to God, giving Him our whole heart. When we unite as a church community to offer our heartfelt songs of devotion to God, it profoundly impacts and molds us. Culture tells us to work, work, work. God commands us to rest. So stop - designate a da

  • The Importance Of Prioritizing Prayer | The Way Part 2

    18/02/2024 Duração: 38min

    Are you feeling disconnected from God in the chaos of your daily life? Finding time for meaningful connection can feel like a daunting task. The good news is there's a simple yet powerful practice that can help anchor us: PRAYER. Prayer isn't just a religious obligation. It is the way to tap into something deeper within ourselves and connect with God. It's about finding moments of stillness and reflection in the midst of our busy lives. Take a cue from the life of Jesus himself. Despite the demands and pressures he faced during his ministry, he consistently made time to seek solitude and communicate with his Father through prayer. His example serves as a reminder that even in the busiest seasons of life, prayer is essential for finding peace, guidance, and clarity. So how do we make prayer a priority in our own lives? It starts with acknowledging and surrendering the distractions that pull us away from this practice. It's about intentionally creating space in our daily routines to quiet the no

  • How To Build Relationships WIth Other Christians | The Way Part 1

    11/02/2024 Duração: 37min

    Did you know that early followers of Jesus weren’t called Christians? They were simply called followers of “The Way.” Their commitment went beyond mere adherence to religious customs; it was a lifestyle deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus. These followers placed an emphasis on having a vibrant, personal connection with God, and a deeper, more fulfilling existence characterized by joy, purpose, and meaningful relationships. If you are a follower of Jesus today, you should know that to truly experience the promises of God, we must embody the practices of Jesus. Just as Jesus lived in community with his disciples, we too, are created for connection and mutual support! The church is a part of this. The church isn’t a building, but is best described as a community of brothers and sisters. The truth is many of us long for deeper community and friendships. In the midst of our busy lives, packed with family commitments, career responsibilities, and everyday tasks, we want deeper fulfillment. One powerful way to

  • You Can Choose Kindness Over Revenge | The X Factor Part 4

    05/02/2024 Duração: 42min

    Do you have someone in your life that you constantly feel you are in battle with? It is easy to seek revenge when you feel attacked, but instead try this approach: seek refuge in God alone. If we turn to the Bible, David faced the same challenges we face today. Picture this: David is on the run, being chased by King Saul, who's basically on a mission to make David's life miserable. David is literally dodging spears – he is under attack. But, instead of seeking revenge, David goes all in with kindness. He takes the high road, and as he’s hiding out, his cave becomes the stage for one of the most epic 'aha' moments in history. David's time in the wilderness becomes this powerful analogy for our own struggles, showing us a different way to navigate the chaos in our own lives. Choosing kindness allows us to break the revenge cycle. David chooses sacrificial love, just like Jesus on the cross when He died for us. The cave where David hides becomes this metaphorical space where we wrestle with o

  • In Training For Reigning!| The X Factor Part 3

    28/01/2024 Duração: 41min

    Did you know that as a Christ follower, you have been chosen and anointed by God? You might question why, even though you feel God's anointing, you may not immediately understand where He wants you to serve. There exists a gap between the anointing and the appointing. If you look at David’s life, it took 20 years after he was anointed by God, until the time he was appointed. David was faithful and sought God and it turns out he was the only person in the Bible who has been anointed 3 times. Do you want to level up your anointing? You may face opposition, which may come from family, friends, co-workers or even strangers. David faced opposition from not only his family, but from Goliath, who he defeated with one rock.  You have a Father in Heaven who sees you, has chosen you, called you by name, ransomed His son and has given you gifts. Remember, God has chosen and gifted you, and your service doesn't require a church role; it extends to every profession. Young people, forge your unique story, avoiding

  • Legacy Unleashed: Embrace Your Anointing for Lasting Impact!| The X Factor Part 2

    21/01/2024 Duração: 43min

    What does it mean to be anointed by God? Anointing is the power of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life. The anointing is the difference between the best you can do and the best God  can do. The plans of God are revealed in the presence of God. How many of you have at least one difficulty in your life right now?  Our difficulties will either derail us from God’s purposes or develop us for God’s purposes. When God brings you through a dark, difficult moment and you make it to the other side, there is victory. Where there is victory there is authority, where there is authority there is anointing. The reason God brought you through that challenging season is so that you could help someone that’s struggling with the same thing.  Anointing extends beyond personal benefits; it shapes the legacy left for future generations. Legacy is not merely personal accomplishments but the impact on others. Prayer, especially from parents, transforms them into prophetic figures, emphasizing that the greatest legacy is not in pe

  • You Can Have The Power Of The Holy Spirit | The X Factor Part 1

    14/01/2024 Duração: 44min

    Do you know what Christ means? As in, Jesus Christ? It’s not Jesus’ last name. Jesus was THE Christ. It’s a title and it means “The Anointed One.” Or, empowered by God. Anointing is the Bible’s way of describing the power of the Holy Spirit. God’s anointing in your life is the X Factor or IT Factor in your life. It’s what separates Christians from others in this world.  In this message, we explore 3 key questions. What is anointing? How do you lose it? How do you attract it? First, Anointing is the power of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life. It’s the presence of God activating your spiritual gifts for special service to God. But, you can lose God’s anointing. If you grow complacent and let your prayer life go cold and you stop talking with God, we can actually put out the fire of the Holy Spirit within us. You can also attract God’s anointing and that comes down to your heart. Do you have a humble heart that listens to God? One that seeks out Jesus through prayer and scripture? That’s what attracts anoint

  • Release Your Anxiety And Place Your Trust In God | 21-Day Fast

    07/01/2024 Duração: 42min

    Are you anxious about what 2024 will bring? Are you anxious about your future or your family? We all worry, no matter how strong our faith is in God. We get overwhelmed by stress at work, juggling schedules, knowing what will come in times of uncertainty.  But, the Bible is so clear that there’s no need to worry. Look at our anchor verse from the Gospel of Matthew: “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” - Matthew 6:31-34 Matthew says to seek first God and his kingdom, and everything else will sort itself out. Notice that Jesus doesn’t say all of these things going on in your life aren’t important. Instead, he says fix your eyes on the thing tha

  • Jesus Was Sent To Earth To Save You | Christmas Eve 2023

    24/12/2023 Duração: 37min

    At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the fact that He was sent to this earth to save us. Did you know that Jesus’ birth was first announced to shepherds grazing their flocks of sheep in the fields of Bethlehem? An angel announced the miraculous news to lowly shepherds! Maybe that’s because Jesus is also known as the Lamb of God. Your destiny and the destiny of the whole world is wrapped up in the mystery of Jesus’s birth– of his mother Mary’s little lamb!   Jesus was God’s spotless lamb, who was born without the blemish of sin. He was born without sin so that the Lamb of God would take away the sin of the world. How did He do this? 33 years after His birth, Jesus Christ went up to Jerusalem for the Passover. Like those lambs that were led to the slaughter, He was crucified. God sacrificed His son on the cross as a way to destroy sin and evil without destroying you. Understand that Jesus is our sacrificial lamb – He died so that all who believe in Him may have eternal life in Heaven.  So, a

  • How To Love Others Well At Christmas | Advent Part 3

    17/12/2023 Duração: 38min

    We all have family or friends who add to the tension of holiday gatherings. Who is that person for you? Do you handle them with outrage, take offense, or show them love? There are 4 types of crazy makers! The first are people who are demanding; bossy, pushy and controlling. They dominate every conversation. The second is disapproving; either they get their feelings hurt easily or they are highly critical, judgemental and negative. The third type are deafening; people who make themselves the biggest person in the room and are loud mouths. The fourth and final one are demeaning crazy makers. These make biting comments toward their family and friends or are dream deflaters.  Perhaps not so coincidentally, there are 4 types of love you can show at Christmas (and all year round). Love A is “if I scratch your back, you scratch mine.” The second, Love B is a “If I scratch your back, you’ll likely scratch mine.” The third, “I’ll scratch your back without expecting anything in return.” The fourth is “I’ll scratch your

  • How To Find More Joy In Life | Advent Part 2

    10/12/2023 Duração: 34min

    How do we grab ahold of the joy that God wants to give us? Before joy can be down in your heart, someone has to put it there. Every major scriptural lesson on joy is of it being GIVEN to us. Joy is not magically found in your heart, it is found in God! I bet you would like more joy in your life, right? Sure, we all do! So, here are three practical ways to take joy with you wherever you go and it is easy to remember. The first thing you do is always put Jesus first. We have to listen to what God has for our lives. The second is others, meaning put others ahead of yourself, after Jesus. The third and final one is yourself. It is easiest to put ourselves first, but that is not how God calls us to live.  If we open our Bibles to James 4:10, it says to “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” Humbling ourselves means putting Jesus and others before ourselves. Love God first, and love others. If you do these two things, everything else will pretty much sort itself out. God will lift you up and

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