Bibliophiles Anonymous



Join Denise and Jess, two crazy bookaholics, as they talk about what they love best.


  • My Soul To Take - Chapters 13-15

    02/08/2015 Duração: 33min

    We are finally back! Sorry about that everyone. It's been a rough few weeks. In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess continue their discussion of My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent, the first book in the Soul Screamers series. We get confirmations on certain theories about what is actually going on, but of course, that leads to nothing but more questions. Nash is being over protective, Tod is being creepy, and Kaylee is determined to see this through her own way. It's all leading up to the memorial service where they are sure that the number of bean sidhes in attendance will draw out the reaper causing all the problems. Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, or leave comments at our official website. We’d love to hear from you!

  • My Soul to Take - Chapters 10-12

    05/07/2015 Duração: 34min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess continue their discussion of My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent. the first book in the Soul Screamers series.  In these chapters, we learn about reapers and meet one of our favorite characters: Tod. He's a reaper with a chip on his shoulder who is none too happy about getting stuck at his boring hospital job. We learn about the master list of death, which Kaylee and Nash try to get Tod to investigate for them. And now that Kaylee knows the truth of what she is, it's time to confront the aunt and uncle, who have been keeping this from her "for her own good." When has that ever worked out? Never! Denise is expounding on one of her theories and Jess is chuckling over Denise's innocence. GoodReads discussion post for this episode can be found here. Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, or leave comments here. We’d love to hear from you!

  • My Soul to Take - Chapters 7-9

    28/06/2015 Duração: 27min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess continue their discussion of My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent, covering chapters 7 through 9. The plot thickens as we find out that Kaylee's aunt and uncle, while still being rather unpleasant, know a lot more about what's going on than we expected (well, than Denise expected - Jess already knew, of course). Seems like everyone knows what's going on - except for Kaylee. She hears an odd phrase used to describe her: "living on borrowed time." What does that mean? We also FINALLY learn why Kaylee has been having these death premonitions - she's not human. She's a bean sidhe, more commonly called a banshee. Lots of information given and one crazy cliffhanger. Are you reading along? Are you enjoying the book so far? GoodReads discussion post for this can be found here. Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, or leave comments on our official website. We’d love to hear from you!

  • My Soul to Take - Chapters 4-6

    21/06/2015 Duração: 28min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, we continue our discussion of My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent, the first book in the Soul Screamers series. In this episode we meet Kaylee's cousin Sophie (who is awful) and Nash's mother Harmony (who seems kind of awesome, at least at first. Nash and Kaylee's relationship starts to heat up a little, although the fun is diminished just a bit with two more mysterious deaths: one a random girl at a movie theater, the other Sophie's friend Meredith. Also, weird shadowing things. Because that's not creepy. Also, it is clear now that whatever is going on, Nash is involved up to his eyeballs. We don't know how, but we know he is. Our discussion post up at GoodReads can be found here. Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, or leave comments here. We’d love to hear from you!

  • My Soul to Take - Chapters 1-3

    14/06/2015 Duração: 36min

    Hey everybody! It's a brand new episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous! We are finally rolling out our new format, where we take a book that one of us has read that the other one hasn't and tear it apart a bit. We call it "I Read It First!" For our first book, we are tackling My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent, the first book in the Soul Screamers series. Jess read this book several years ago, but it's all new to Denise. So far, she's enjoying it. Teenage angst. A strange and scary superpower. A mysterious green-eyed boy. What's not to love! Incidentally, this is the cover that Denise doesn't like all that much. It's way too vampire-y! There has been a GoodReads discussion board set up for this, so feel free to discuss things over there or in comments. Let's get things going! It's a new day here at Bibliophiles Anonymous! Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, or leave comments on our website. We’d love to hear from you.  

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous - We're back! (sort of)

    12/04/2015 Duração: 28min

    Hello everyone! We are back briefly to let everyone know the future of the podcast. We are not podfading, not giving up. Instead, we are happy to announce that we have a new plan and a new direction for the show. Just in case you don't listen to the podcast, here's the jist. Instead of choosing random topics each week, we will be focusing more on the actual reading of books. We are taking a brilliant idea from Jess and going forward with the "I Read It First" format. We will alternate, one host challenging the other to read a book that they haven't read. We will then split that book up in manageable chunks, a few chapters per show, and do an in depth episode, really digging in to the story. We will also start releasing the show in seasons, one season per book. Our first book is one that Jess is challenging Denise to read: My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent. Hopefully the season will start within the next month. This is not to say that we won't occasionally do a special episode where we review an ARC or a new b

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #110 - Those Devilish Boys

    08/03/2015 Duração: 45min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess bring you their review of Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke. We fell in love with the cover and with the title of this book, but did we love the story itself? You'll have to listen to find out. Let's just say that one of us can't wait to read the next book in the series. Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, or leave comments here. We’d love to hear from you. Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #109 - Problems?

    01/03/2015 Duração: 50min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess discuss some of the various and strange issues that only bibliophiles seem to have. Consider it a support group, if you will. This topic is taken from one of our favorite websites, "The Broke and the Bookish." You can read their take on the subject here. Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, or leave comments at our official website. We’d love to hear from you. Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #108 - Stump the Host: Chicagoland Vamps!

    22/02/2015 Duração: 38min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess bring back one of their favorite features: Stump the Host! It's Jess's turn to be challenged, so Denise has chosen to quiz her on the Chicagoland Vampires series by Chloe Neil. These books have been reviewed several times on the show (see this episode, and also this one). How did Jess do? You'll have to listen to find out! Don't let Merit down! Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, or leave comments here. We’d love to hear from you. Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #107 - Death's Daughter

    15/02/2015 Duração: 53min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess are BACK (finally!!!) and are ready to review Death's Daughter by Amber Benson. A decent read, which earned a 3.5 star rating from your favorite bibliophiles. Has anyone else out there read it? If so, what were your thoughts? Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, or leave comments at our official website, We'd love to hear from you. Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #106 - Stuff We Missed in 2014

    25/01/2015 Duração: 53min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess discuss the books that came out last year that, unfortunately, they didn't get a chance to actually read. So many books, so little time! Some of Jess's picks were The Iron Trial by Cassandra Clare and Holly Black, and also The Paper Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg. Some of Denise's picks were The Young Elites by Marie Lu and Perfect Lies by Kiersten White. Of course, there are many more books that we discussed in this episode, so let us know if there were any books that you missed out on last year and are looking forward to this year! Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, or leave comments at our official website, Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #105 - Dandy Debuts

    18/01/2015 Duração: 43min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess discuss some debut novels hitting the shelves in 2015. Books were taken from this list on GoodReads: YA Debuts 2015. Here are some stand outs that we are interested in: Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard The Girl at Midnight by Melissa Grey The Sin Eater's Daughter by Melinda Salisbury The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir Are there any others on this list that look good to you? Or anything not on this list coming out that you'd like to read? Let's give some new authors some love! Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, or leave comments at our official website. Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #104 – Love/Hate

    11/01/2015 Duração: 57min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess talk about several of the new book-to-movie adaptations coming out this year. Several are books that we know and love, others are unknown quantities. Is it best to read those before the movie comes out in order to not be critical, or to read the book first and know what we’re getting in to? The list we used can be found in this Buzzfeed article. Let us know if you have read any of these or if you are looking forward to seeing any of these movies. Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, or leave comments here. Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #103 - Happy 2015

    04/01/2015 Duração: 59min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess discuss how they did for their goals in 2014 and make new ones for the new year. Denise did good on her GoodReads list, but failed at her other two challenges. In fact, not only did she make poor progress in completing her series that she started, she made the problem a lot worse. Jess missed her GoodReads goal by one book, which made her a little disgruntled. She also made very little progress in trying to read her bookshelf. New goals for 2015: Jess's GoodRead's goal will be 60 books again, and will also read 5 books from her bookshelf. Denise originally said that she would make her GoodRead's goal 75 books, however after recording, she decided to be crazy and up it to an even 100. She will also attempt to make progress in the series she has started (there are 33 to choose from). Have you set any goals for this year? Let us know! Email the show at, find us on Facebook and Twitter, or leave comments here. Thanks for lis

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #102 - New to Us

    21/12/2014 Duração: 53min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess overcome technical difficulties to talk about the new authors that they have discovered in 2014. Denise's picks are Laini Taylor, Yasmine Galenorn, and A.G. Howard. Jess's picks are Ransom Riggs, Kate Locke, and Kiera Cass. Of course there are others as well. You know how well we stay on topic! We're also sorry for missing last week. Again, technical difficulties. We're still having a few of them, some of which are a bit obvious. We're hoping to get those straightened out by our next episode. Have you found any new authors that you love this year? Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook and Twitter (@bibanonpodcast), or leave a comment here. We'd love to hear from you! Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #101 - Multi-Purpose Pants

    07/12/2014 Duração: 31min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess ramble for a bit about their current reads and current video game obsessions. During the holidays, episodes will be a bit less focused and a bit more rambly, but that's why you love us, right? Congratulations to our 100th episode winners - Tabi Haswell and Annie Chanse! We will be contacting you to find out what book you would like and where to send it! Email the show at, follow us on Facebook or Twitter (@BibAnonPodcast), or leave us comments here at our website. Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #100 - Celebrate!

    23/11/2014 Duração: 46min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess celebrate their 100th episode! Both of us are still in shock that we've made it this long, and we couldn't have done it without you, our loyal listeners! Two big announcements this time around. First, we are happy to announce our new project - a new podcast! Details are coming soon, but we think that it will be a lot of fun. Also, like the hobbit fanciers we are, we are giving you guys presents on our birthday! All you need to do is wish us a happy 100th episode, either in comments, by email, or on Facebook or Twitter, and you will be entered to win a copy of any book that we've discussed on the show. It can be one that we've reviewed, or one that you've just heard us talk about during our current reads segment. It's quite a list to choose from! Here's to the next 100 episodes! Be a part of the show! You can email us at, follow us on Facebook or Twitter (@BibAnonPodcast), or leave us comments here. We'd love to hear fro

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #99 - YALLFEST!!!

    16/11/2014 Duração: 50min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess are coming to you live from YALLFest 2014! We got to record this one together for once instead of several states apart, which was fun. And yes, a weekend full of fangirling. From left to right: Becca Fitzpatrick, Morgan Rhodes, Scott Westerfeld, Libba Bray, Kami Garcia, Alexandra Bracken, Brenden Reichs, Ally Condie and Michael Johnston We got to sit in on panels talking about everything from gender stereotypes and genre classifications to how some well-known authors feel about seeing their books adapted for the screen. We also got to meet some of our favorite authors, including ones that we've talked about on this show, and get some books signed. Top Left: Laini Taylor, Top Right: Libba Bray, Bottom: Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl We encourage you all to try to attend YALLFest next year. It is so much fun. YA authors are the best! Be a part of the show! Email us at, find us on Facebook or Twitter, or leave comments here

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #98 - A Pirate's Life for Me

    09/11/2014 Duração: 46min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess review the latest book in Liesel Schwarz's Chronicles of Light and Shadow series - Sky Pirates. This is book three in the series, although not the final book as we once suspected. More adventures with Elle Chance to come. This time, Elle is trying to find a way to save her husband, Hugh Marsh, from being a wraith in Shadow forever. On the way, she is captured and reluctantly joins a crew of pirates, captained by Logan Dashwood, an old friend/enemy. With her feelings for Dashwood growing and old enemies seeking her, Elle must try and find the ancient city of Angor Wat in order to ask the mystical aspara for help in saving her husband. We both enjoyed this book quite a bit. Lots of twists and turns and plenty of adventure. Elle is a spunky heroine who is maturing and coming into her own. And if this Twitter exchange is any indication, we will be seeing a lot more of her in the future. Yay! We always love hearing from authors! Be a part of the show! Em

  • Bibliophiles Anonymous #97 - Author vs. Reviewer

    02/11/2014 Duração: 55min

    In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess discuss what has become a very heated topic in the book blogging community lately - the article posted by The Guardian by Kathleen Hale, detailing her attempts to respond and track down a reviewer who posted a horrible review and then mobilized others to do the same. Since many things (blog posts, tweets, etc.) have been deleted, it is hard to say for sure exactly what happened, since we only have Kathleen Hale's version of the story and there hasn't been a response (that we know of) from Blythe Harris (the reviewer in question), we will just say that it looks like both parties were behaving badly and made some not-so-good choices. As always, we will let you the listener weigh in with your opinions. Is this the story of a cyberbully who has used a fake, stolen identity to try and get attention? Is this the story of an author who overstepped her bounds and stalked a reviewer, both online and in person? Is it both? Bottom line: no one in this situation

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