Living Life To Full With Your Type2 Diabetes Show

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 2:22:09
  • Mais informações



Living life to the full with your type2 diabetes show is my journey. It is exactly as the title says. The show will educate you, inform you, motivate you, inspire you and encourage you to take your life back from the clutches of this awful disease.Let me share my story & my background with you ..My name is Nazir Hussain. I was diagnosed with type2 diabetes in 2001 and in 2012 I came off all my medication. Here is my plan abut the show.I plan to record and broadcast short podcasts as often I can. In each episode, I will talk about issues, my struggles, my story, my experiences, my knowledge, my failures even and especially my success. Why? I want every diabetic in the world to have access to my information, my story and my success so they can have their lives back.To that end, I will talk about all aspects across the spectrum choosing each or the next topic as I go along. Each episode will contain fresh content and which hopefully you can take onboard and apply to your life.(I am not a Doctor and I am not giving medical advise. I would say this .. follow my program because I offer support or get an expert to help you. Please note, all risks resulting from information that I share with you rests with you and you alone)


  • Your diabetes puts your eyesight at great risk..

    30/01/2015 Duração: 12min

    Diabetes damages and destroys eyesight. Elevated and uncontrolled sugars damage the tiny nerve and blood vessels that supply oxygen and blood to the eye. In short, the weakened blood vessels burst and thereby reduce vision leading to loss of sight and blindness too. In this episode, I talk about my own sight & its ongoing care as well as discussing the case of a friend whose sight was severely damaged. The object being to highlight and illustrate the dangers of type2 diabetes as it lays hidden for years and years wreaking havoc on your vital organs. Please, make sure you take this information onboard to prevent and pre-empt any lasting damage to your eyes. In the case of ones eyes, prevention is the very best solution that one has available to oneself. Please visit my page by clicking on the loin below, accept my free 25 page gift and start your brand new life today ..

  • Christmas Greeting from Living life to the full with diabetes team

    30/01/2015 Duração: 07min

    Christmas is the time of the year when we give, share, get together, have a feast and party along with doing things for other less able to do for themselves. But for diabetics, it presents some challenges too. There is temptation to indulge in food which is not suitable for diabetics. Drinking to access is not too uncommon during the festive period so I advise caution and care. Finally, I suggest ways to find peace, relax and participate in all that Xmas is about. Please look after your health, make sure to keep your sugars in check, look after loved ones and people in your network & circle of friends. I have written a few short books about laughter, exercise, stress relieving etc to help with your diabetes. These are short about 25 page books precise and to the point. Here is the author page for you to take a look.

  • Introduction to living life to the full with type2 diabetes show.

    30/01/2015 Duração: 12min

    The very first episode introduces "living life to the full with type2 diabetes". This first episode describes what the show is all about. Why I am talking about diabetes and my connection, struggles, battles and success even. Additionally, I have gone through a very detailed discussion about risks, responsibility and the responsibility basically rests with the user and the user alone.

  • Flu injection and why you need the flu injection.

    30/01/2015 Duração: 12min

    Flu injections are highly recommended for diabetes for they offer protection against the 3 to 4 types of flu viruses. Unfortunately, diabetics have an impaired immune system and as such are more at risk of catching the flu virus. In the event, a diabetic catches flu, he or she will have problems controlling their sugar plus it takes a lot longer for diabetics to heal or get rid of their flu. Additional dangers that the flu exposes the diabetics are pneumonia and other conditions.

  • The word cure and why I have chosen to use it.

    30/01/2015 Duração: 12min

    This is my journey and my story. Ever since my diagnosis in 2001, I have worked hard to have my health & life restored back to me. My aim has always been to cure and eradicate my diabetes come what may. And, total eradication of my diabetes and its cure will remain my end goal until I achieve it. In brief, in naming my website and other resources, I have started with the end in mind. I hope you have an end goal when you start attacking your diabetes. Please attack it at the root.

  • Insulin and the problem it causes

    30/01/2015 Duração: 12min

    I first came across insulin and its role in making you ill in the book by professor Clark. It read something like this ".. it is insulin which is the culprit and not the sugar". The details of the book follow below:- Health Revolution for men -- Kick-start your weight loss and reduce your risk of serious disease in weeks. That one sentence took me to Professor Clark and in 16 weeks I was off all my diabetes medication. As for insulin, it does two nasty things amongst many other; 1. It helps you gain weight 2. and, it stops you from losing weight. Finally, when my insulin was measured, it was 55 which was 11 times the normal insulin in a normal person. PS. My short kindle book is a good read for your continued education. The book is entitled "Insulin & Diabetes Connection: How They Cause Havoc in Your Body and What You Can Do about It." I recommend it highly and it is available via this link ..

  • my-message-for-my-visitors

    30/01/2015 Duração: 28s
  • Diabetes, what it is and what it does.

    30/01/2015 Duração: 16min

    Diabetes causes untold amount of damage to your vital internal organs like heart, kidneys, eyesight and brain. Recent research findings are that the onset of the disease ages the victim by 5 years and that is across the board. I said in one of the episodes that I did not recognise myself when I saw my own reflection in the mirror. And, it was because I had aged much faster and a lot due mainly to my undiagnosed diabetes. I think we as patients and suffers don't have a clue as to how it affects our respective bodies etc until it is too late. In view of the above, I spoke about diabetes by sharing my story, my problems and my lack of attention at the right time. I have said as much as I know or can so that other type2 diabetics take action and prevent serious damage to their life and health.

  • Eyesight damage, partial and complete blindness due to diabetic retinopathy

    11/01/2015 Duração: 41min

    Retinopathy can destroy your vision. Robert’s virtual blindness is due to diabetic retinopathy. On the all important subject of the damage to one's vision due to diabetes. Robert Wolk was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the tender age of 8, at 21 he lost 95% of his vision and at age 28 his type 1 diabetes was cured as a result of a double transplant. He was very fortunate to have a kidney as well as a new pancreas. His type1 diabetes was the thing of the past. He was cured of his diabetes. Thus proving that nothing is impossible. Unfortunately for Robert, his eyesight remained at 5% vision leaving him virtually blind. For Robert, compromised vision was no obstacle. He worked hard and achieved all his goals. He ran New York Marathon last year as well as walking 600 miles to pay homage to a sacred place. At present, he is writing two books, he is a coach people to success and busy creating products to sell. He very kindly shared his story with me on the subject of eyesight and what diabetics can do to hel

  • Diabetes Eye Disease

    04/01/2015 Duração: 15min

    Eyes are the most precious organs in your body. They need to be protected from the ravages of diabetes. As a diabetic, you are at risk of developing retinopathy, cataract and glaucoma. Each of these eye diseases will lead to damage to the sight. The worst case scenario is blindness. In this podcast, I explain each of these conditions so as to make you aware of the dangers. Early detection and early action can save your sight. So, blood works and eye screening is highly recommended to protect your sight. Controlling and managing your sugars is the key to healthy eyes so take action. please visit this link and take free a 25 booklet as my gift to you. The book let outlines simple strategies that you can deploy right away to help you to a better life. Additionally, I will send you 4 short videos to help you with your education of the diabetes. These are free and no obligation videos.