Mount Eaton Church



Welcome to the Mount Eaton Church podcast. Messages are taken from our Sunday morning services . For more information on our church visit


  • Adapting to Change


    God's Plan for the Church: Adapting to Change- Change is not something we often embrace. Uncertainty can cause us to even fear change. But keeping our focus on God, Who never changes, enables us to tackle new roles that God has for us.

  • Recognizing God's Power


    God's Plan for the Church: Recognizing God's Power - Reading through the Bible, we so easily forget that God has not changed. He still wishes to perform miracles and move powerfully - both for us and through us. We must stay connected to the Holy Spirit and remain expectant for healings and blessings.

  • Personal Growth


    God's Plan for the Church: Personal Growth - When we enter into a relationship with God, He equips us for the work He has prepared for us. Through relationships, we receive encouragement, guidance, and insights into our ministry.

  • Transformation


    God's Plan for the Church: Transformation - When we accept God into our hearts, we allow Him to change it. By allowing ourselves to be changed, He can also transform those around us and the church.

  • Listening to the Holy Spirit


    God's Plan for the Church: Listening to the Holy Spirit - When Jesus left the disciples, they were devastated to lose their teacher. But, in His place, He left the Holy Spirit to guide and teach them. Once we accept the gift of salvation, the Holy Spirit is given to us as well - it's important for us to learn to distinguish it's voice.

  • Priority of the Gospel


    God's Plan for the Church: Priority of the Gospel - It is easy to become distracted - so many things battle for our attention. But when it comes to following God, it is easy to re-align ourselves with what is important. We should always go back to the Gospel and make sure that it is the priority of all that we do.

  • Living Out Our Call


    God's Plan for the Church: Living Out Our Call - God gives us each a job when we choose to follow Him. But, there is also a collective call on the church. We should be preaching the Gospel, establishing Biblical leadership, and strengthening new believers.

  • Hearing God's Call


    God's Plan for the Church: Hearing God's Call - Seeing that God used someone like Paul to continue Jesus' ministry should be a great comfort for us. Paul persecuted the early church prior to his own conversion. Although not everyone will play a role quite like Paul's, God has a plan for each of us if we are listening with a glad heart.

  • Answers to Prayer


    God's Plan for the Church: Answers to Prayer - Despite all the examples in the Bible, and in their own lives, the early church was still surprised when God answered their prayers. Although He doesnt always answer them the way we anticipate, He is always listening and answers according to His will.

  • Following God's Will


    God's Plan for the Church: Following God's Will - God doesn't need us to accomplish His work in the lives of others. He offers us the opportunity to share in the experience, but to accept, we have to constantly be listening.

  • Accepting the Call


    God's Plan for the Church: Accepting the Call - Paul's conversion to Christianity is an example of God's call on each life. Both Paul, and Ananias who was sent to heal Paul's blindness, responded to God's plan for their lives and the world was changed as a result!

  • The Holy Spirit Leads


    God's Plan for the Church: The Holy Spirit Leads - As the early church experienced, God can lead us into some pretty overwhelming situations. When we rely on the Holy Spirit to work through us, we can accomplish more than we could imagine!

  • The Good News


    God's Plan for the Church: The Good News - Hearing we are loved is one of the greatest gifts we are given. God's desire to care for us is inherit in His plan for His church - to spread that message of love and hope to others.

  • Dealing With Difficulties


    God's Plan for the Church: Dealing With Difficulties - Because sin came into the world, we will always have difficulties. When disputes and challenges rise up, it is easy to lose sight of God in the turmoil. By seeking God above our own desires, and listening to His wisdom, we can find peace in any situation and move forward in unity.

  • Hipocrisy


    God's Plan for the Church: Hipocrisy - God understands that it is easier for us to appear good than actually be good at heart. Turning our lives over to Him is what changes our hearts and makes us look more like Jesus, both inside and out!

  • Unity


    God's Plan for the Church: Unity - Persecution led to unity within the early church. God rewarded them by giving them great power, and performing miracles through them. As God did with the early church, He wants to reward our unity and commitment to Him with power and grace!

  • Partnership


    God's Plan for the Church: Partnershp - God has perfectly engineered the church, just as He did the ecosystems and systems within our bodies. Each person has gifts that God wishes to strengthen and weave together for His purpose. When we put our trust in our Creator, we can accomplish more than we could ever imagine!

  • Church Life


    God's Plan for the Church: Church Life - God's Plan for the Church, as written about in Acts, focuses on the respect God commands, our acceptance of the supernatural, and our need to share what God gives us with others. When we follow His plan, He blesses us with the opportunity to see new believers brought to the Lord and their lives transformed as they form a relationship with Christ.

  • Worship


    God's Plan for the Church: Worship - God desires a relationship with us, and worship is a vital part of that bond. In addition to music, God also seeks our worship through obedience, continued study of His word, fellowship with other believers, and our prayers. When we devote ourselves fully to a life of worship, our lives change and we become more like Him!

  • Priority on God's Word


    God's Plan for the Church: Priority on God's Word - The Bible is the word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit. It is there not just for our instruction, but it also has incredible power! The only way to follow Jesus and grow is to continue to learn and know the Word.

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