Princess Alethea's Fairy Tale Theatre



Princess Alethea's Fairy Tale Theatre - Classic Fairy Tales read by NYT Bestselling Author Alethea Kontis


  • Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 25

    29/03/2014 Duração: 06min

    Episode 25: “The Marvelous Minstrel” The Marvelous Minstrel…or perhaps the PSYCHOPATH MINSTREL, because seriously…this guy is a jerk. The ASPCA would *not* approve. And, quite frankly, neither do I. Check out Princess Alethea’s Rant about this fairy tale HERE. The post Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 25 appeared first on Princess Alethea's Fairy Tale Theatre.

  • Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 24

    09/02/2014 Duração: 06min

    Episode 24: “The Companionship of the Cat and The Mouse”   A fairy tale in which…well…cats will be cats and mice will be mice, and that’s just the way of the world. Check out Princess Alethea’s Rant about this fairy tale HERE. The post Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 24 appeared first on Princess Alethea's Fairy Tale Theatre.

  • Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 23

    11/05/2012 Duração: 05min

    Episode 23: “The Foundling” This fairy tale (also known as “Fundevogel”) is the basis for the origin of Trix Woodcutter’s character in Enchanted. If you prefer to listen on YouTube you can here, courtesy of The Book Rat: Also, be sure to check out Princess Alethea’s YouTube Rant about this fairy tale HERE. The post Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 23 appeared first on Princess Alethea's Fairy Tale Theatre.

  • Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 22

    20/10/2011 Duração: 13min

    Episode 22: “Tom Thumb” (13:47) Here’s a treat after last week — the infamous tale of tiny hero Tom Thumb. This tale is his origin story and only some of his adventures — the tale is continued in “Tom Thumb’s Travels,” which is a separate piece. I had a lot of fun with the voices […] The post Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 22 appeared first on Princess Alethea's Fairy Tale Theatre.

  • Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 21

    13/10/2011 Duração: 01min

    Episode 21: “The Golden Key” (1:16) This should hardly qualify as an episode of the podcast, as the tale of The Golden Key is little over a minute long. The tale itself is just as disappointing…with sort of a “Lady and the Tiger” ending. It makes me wonder why the Grimm Brothers would have included […] The post Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 21 appeared first on Princess Alethea's Fairy Tale Theatre.

  • Uh-LEE-thee-uh


    People are always wondering how to say my name. Every so often, I have to make a post and remind them. Thanks to clever Audacity and the fabulous microphone on my Powerbook, I can say it for you aloud so there is no misunderstanding. READY?!? Say it with me: ALETHEA KONTIS Now I’m going to stick this on my FAQs. Hooray for technology! The post Uh-LEE-thee-uh appeared first on Alethea Kontis.

  • Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 20

    11/08/2011 Duração: 07min

    Episode 20: “Mother Hulda” (7:18) Mother Hulda, or Frau Holle, is possibly the goddess of Hell, a goddess of marriage, and/or goddess of the weather. Prompted by a footnote in my book, I looked up Mother Hulde on Wikipedia: The legend itself, as it was eventually passed to the Grimm Brothers, originates from oral traditions […] The post Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 20 appeared first on Princess Alethea's Fairy Tale Theatre.

  • Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 19

    04/08/2011 Duração: 06min

    Episode 19: “The Three Spinners” (6:11) I’d almost say this tale was a retelling, if I hadn’t read it from The Brothers Grimm with my own eyes. “The Three Spinners” is a…well..spin on “Rumplestiltskin,” starring a girl as clever as she is lazy. I won’t give away any spoilers, but I have a feeling that […] The post Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 19 appeared first on Princess Alethea's Fairy Tale Theatre.

  • Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 18

    30/06/2011 Duração: 08min

    Episode 18: “Sweetheart Roland” (8:58) Imagine, after escaping from certain death and all you had been through together, that your sweetheart leaves you for another woman. At the end of the story it sounds like Roland had been put under a spell by this woman, but I didn’t really get that while I was reading […] The post Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 18 appeared first on Princess Alethea's Fairy Tale Theatre.

  • Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 17

    23/06/2011 Duração: 09min

    Episode 17: “The White Snake” (9:35) Whenever I read this type of story I always wonder who it was that first ate a white snake and realized he could suddenly hear animals speak. For that matter, I would love to see a fairy tale version of Chopped. “In your entree basket: “Whole duck, leg of […] The post Princess Alethea’s Fairy Tale Theatre: Episode 17 appeared first on Princess Alethea's Fairy Tale Theatre.