Business Booster Tips

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Free weekly podcast aimed to help Start Up and existing businesses thrive and grow. We will help you market your business through social Media as well as help you look deeper into your business, often asking the questions you dont usually hear but will help you maximise your profits


  • 0013 Being a Sales Person


        There is no doubt that to be successful in sales, you need a tremendous amount of confidence. You have to believe that you can MAKE things happen. You have to believe that you can control destiny. In short, you have to believe that you can do the impossible. Part 1 – How To Exude […]

  • 0012 Sales Teams


    Communication, communication and more communication. No pun intended here, but for some sales managers, communication is just talk. Effective and proactive communication is as integral to your sales team as professional training, solid sales support and even good sales people. In fact, communication is the glue that holds all of the pieces of the team’s […]

  • 0011 How to Find the Best Employees


    In recent years I have been looking to fill a number of positions and each advert has attracted 100’s of applications. Filtering out unqualified candidates became a huge task. But I’ve learned along the way that long before you can locate the best employee for an open position, you’ve got to identify what exactly it […]

  • 0010 Exit Strategy


    Exit strategies are something that every investor in a business looks for and before they invest they work out their exit strategy. But even if you are a sole trader, you need an exit strategy. For you, as for any investor in a business, the questions are the same when it is time to move […]

  • 0009 Believe in Your Prices


    How much are you going to charge your customers for your product or service? Getting the price right could double your profits at a stroke. Many business owners work out a cost figure for each product and add a modest mark-up known as “Cost-plus” pricing. While this method is common, it is not the only […]

  • 0008 Making a Decision 8 of 8


    Decisions are not just related to business; they will become your philosophy for life. Every decision you make leads ultimately to success as you reach your goal or disappointment and review as you reach a place where you goal can no longer be achieved. Step 8 is about taking stock, deciding whether to make ongoing […]

  • 0007 When Will You See Results? 7 of 8


    Focuses on management decision-making. The ongoing process of daily prioritisation is where the true success of a business takes place. After all the excitement of big-picture planning, the tasks of maintaining enthusiasm for the daily detail and the smaller decisions can be challenging. Read More about this Podcast here

  • 0006 Is the concept profitable? 6 of 8


    The financial element is crucial to your business. Set long term financial goals and short term controls. Make sure your business plan is built on solid financial foundations. Plan for profit, account for overheads, control costs and understand finance. Read More about this Podcast here

  • 0005 How Will You Achieve Your Goal? 5 of 8


    Uses the DO IT or DUMP IT techniques to improve sales and marketing, helping you turn your customers’ needs into those all-important wants. Sales and Marketing are the how of business decision-making. They are the route to your customers, who determine the profitability of your business.The good thing about running a small business is the […]

  • 0004 Who do You Need to Help You Deliver? 4 of 8


    Considers the decisions we make that involve other people. Your business network ultimately determines your net worth. Who can help you turn your idea into action? How can you find people who are team players, who can act on their own initiative and who are team players and who take a pride in the work […]

  • 0003 Where Are You Heading? 3 of 8


    Focusses on the importance of planning and prioritising and how to use your time wisely to implement your plans. It is important to look before you leap. Have you decided on a short – medium and long term goals for your business? Do make planning a daily management habit. Dump terminal drift. Includes essentials for success […]

  • 0002 Why the idea is important 2 of 8


    Focuses on personal motivation, it will help you to recognise why some ideas fire your enthusiasm, while others leave you cold. The choices you make each day to either DO IT or DUMP an idea, a behaviour or a decision knowing ‘why’ you feel motivated to take action will help you to build a business […]

  • 0001 What is The Idea? 1 of 8


    This Podcast focuses on the decisions you make during the evaluation stage assessing and deciding which ideas to develop and which to walk away from (Do It or Dump It) In theory there is no such thing as a bad idea, just an idea whose time is not yet ready to be explored. Nevertheless, not […]