With a slowing economy, uncertainty on Wall Street, and an increasingly powerful government, many of us are uncertain of our financial future. This podcast, brought to you by, brings insight and sheds light on how to create wealth in a difficult economy. We go in depth on many ideas including Infinite Banking, Arbitrage, and Immediate Legacy.
Using Cash Value Insurance While Paying Off High Interest Debt
12/09/2013Hey. Thanks for stopping by this post. I am starting this out odd because, well, I’m a bit tired. The reason. This is the third time I am writing this post. I started out trying to show how to use life insurance with debts, but it got way too complicated. And every situation is so […]
Whole Life Insurance is a Bad Investment, Right?
30/08/2013I was in a bit of an online argument (don’t worry I’m ok) the other day with a guy on some random website comments. These are unproductive, for the most part, and Dan Thompson would be telling me it’s a waste of time. Probably true. To continue, we were about done with it all when […]
The Options You Have When Choosing a High Cash Value Policy
21/08/2013Many people are unaware they have options when it comes to creating a high cash value life insurance policy. And, to be honest, I wasn’t able to offer these options for a long time, and most people in this business still do not have this ability. So, being able to give you options has been […]
Life Insurance Premiums (Base, PUA, Term, and Reduced Paid Up)
16/07/2013After a long and arduous battle with a lengthy blog post idea on this topic, I realized that a podcast was going to be much easier. And now, for your less boring audio educational enjoyment… Life Insurance Premiums (Base, Paid Up Additions, Term, and Reduced Paid Up)
Why Making Purchases With a Life Insurance Policy Loan Makes Sense
01/07/2013Let me tell you about Jim. Jim is 55, and Jim is pretty mad. I just got done reading an email from him and, he was in a fury, a bit humorous, but the angry overtones were definitely there. He’s mad at himself and the world that he didn’t understand the concept of compound interest […]
How Far Would You Go To Pick Up A Penny
26/10/2012Nick's long lost cousin collected over $3,000 in pennies! Listen in as we talk about how far we would go to pick up loose change. Let's just say some will go farther than others...
Special Guest Kim Blanton From The Squared Away Blog
14/08/2012This is one of our best podcasts to date! We're joined by Kim Blanton, a veteran financial writer and reporter, who runs the Squared Away Blog. Her blog is so awesome, when I ran across it I did everything I could to get her on our show and she graciously agreed. a>
Universal Life Part 2
02/08/2012Max Herr, a Universal Life Insurance expert, joins us for part 2 of our Universal Life series. Max knows more about the ins and outs of these complicated polices than anyone else and took some time to answer our questions.
Universal Life Fraud
02/08/2012Special guest Mark Colbert joins us on part 1 of our 2 part series about Universal Life Insurance. After listening to this episode you'll understand why we're not strong proponents of Universal Life Insurance, and you'll learn what some very dishonest agents are doing out there to scam unsuspecting consumers.
Pay Tax Now or Pay Tax Later Podcast
20/06/2012Government sponsored plans like 401ks and IRAs have played a major role in retirement planning for years. In this podcast, we share clips of real CPAs, and dig into the value of tax deferral, to understand the purpose of tax deferral, and determine if you should pay taxes now, or defer taxes, and pay them later.
Infinite Banking Podcast- Paying Yourself Extra Interest
11/06/2012Infinite Banking Concept FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) - Why and how do you pay yourself extra interest? Read more about it here:
Infinite Banking Podcast- How Policy Loans Work
08/06/2012Infinite Banking Concept FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) - How do policy loans work? Would you rather read than listen? click here:
The Ugly Truth About Suze Orman
14/05/2012Suze Orman is one of the most well known financial talk show hosts of our day. Her financial philosophies have been spread nationwide, teaching families how to save and invest their money. It may shock you, however, to find that Suze isn't at all what she seems. In this podcast, Jake, Josh, and Nick expose the hidden details of Suze Orman's personal finances and how highly contradictory they are to her financial teachings. Video Referenced in Podcast: Download the New York Times interview here:
The Value of Liquidity
08/05/2012If you’re like us, you like to be able to use the money you earn. There are a lot of reasons why having our money liquid and accessible is very important. Listen in as we discuss the flawed American philosophies that tie up money (401k, IRA, government plans) and why liquidity is so important.
The Rise And Fall Of Gold Prices
24/04/2012You may not think comparing gold to internet stocks makes much sense, but the trends may be more closely connected than you think. In this podcast we look back at the historical price of gold and analyze what causes the fluctuation. If you think gold is he only safe place to have money right now you need to tune into this episode. contact us at info (at)
Estate Planning 101
20/04/2012Regardless of the size of your estate, without proper planning your legacy could be significantly affected leaving your beneficiaries with massive headaches. Most people want to be remembered by their kids and grandkids for leaving a lasting legacy but without proper planning you would be amazing at how quickly money and assets can disappear. Today we are joined by 25 year law veteran and Estate Planning Attorney Mark Wight who helps make sense of planning for the inevitable event of demise, as well as the possibility of incapacitation. All while lessening the burden on surviving family members. Whether you are worth 100 Million or 100 thousand dollars this information is vital. Contact us at info (at)
The Profitable Business of Term Insurance and Mutual Funds
06/04/2012Special guest Dave Ramsey gets our conversation started on the lucrative business of term insurance and mutual funds. In this podcast we explore the roots of the 'buy term and invest the difference' philosophy. This transition from safety and guarantees has been an incredibly profitable business model for select elites as well as banks and financial institutions, at the expense of the average consumer. Want to see for yourself? This video will help you navigate through the FDIC website to find out how much money major banks have in cash value life insurance.
Economist Carlos Lara on Inflation, Privatized Banking, and The Federal Reserve
04/04/2012One of the heaviest taxes we pay, and will pay, is the inflation of our dollars. This could potentially be the biggest problem we face, and it stems from the banking industry, government, and the federal reserve. We invited Carlos Lara, an expert in Austrian Economics, to share with us how privatized banking is a key step to controlling inflation.
Special Guest: Nelson Nash – Discoverer of the Infinite Banking Concept
30/03/2012If you've learned anything about the Infinite Banking Concept than there is one thing we are certain of... you've heard the name Nelson Nash. Nash is the discoverer of the Infinite Banking Concept and the first to ever put this strategy on paper in his book titled, "Becoming Your Own Banker." Listen in as Nelson shares with us how he discovered the Infinite Banking Concept, and why his personal experience is the reason he has made it his mission to share the value of dividend paying whole life insurance.
What is The Private Reserve Strategy
23/03/2012We take a few minutes in this short podcast to explain exactly what The Private Reserve Strategy is and how it relates to the Infinite Banking Concept.