A dramatized adventure story following a teenage girl's desperate search to solve the world.
Episode 1: Meet Jennifer Dash
01/05/2017 Duração: 16minWelcome to the journey. 17 year old Jenn has made a decision. She's going to solve the world. How does one do that exactly? Jenn doesn't have the faintest idea, but she figures the first step is to walk out the front door. Little does she know how epic her adventure is about to become.
Episode 2: The Leviathan
01/05/2017 Duração: 20minWere unicorns ever real? Can sea monsters breathe fire? Jenn hears answers to these questions at the most uncommon of places: the local fast food joint.
Episode 3: Hitchhiking
01/05/2017 Duração: 18minMotivated to get to the sea, Jenn decides to hitchhike. She's picked up by truck driver Doll Burden. Doll's happy enough to let Jenn in -- but not so happy to let her go.
Episode 4: Infinite Jest and Other Topics
01/05/2017 Duração: 22minJenn stumbles into a convenience store where she meets young Atticus Further. Little does Jenn know, this witty young lad has the keys to her future.
Episode 5: The Sunset Limited
01/05/2017 Duração: 20minJenn is propelled forward by the benevolence of the Further family -- both physically and spiritually.
Episode 6: Remember, Remember
01/05/2017 Duração: 18minAdventure awaits, but where? Jenn's moved half-way across the U.S... for what? She's not sure. She's bobbing along in the current of life, looking for direction. Boredom and fleeting whims will rule this day.
Episode 7: Under LA
01/05/2017 Duração: 24h05minJenn's story pivots here. Unwittingly stealing the bench space of Thomas "Flusher" O'Malley, Jenn is led deep into a cobwebbed maze that will soon swallow up her life and irrevocably change the tone of her quest forever.
Episode 8: Introducing Magical Kingdom
01/05/2017 Duração: 26minJJenn meets the leader of the underground community, and is connected to a theme park with deep roots. From Saints Row to JFK, this one's got you covered... or perhaps covered-up.
Episode 9: The Mechanical Giraffe
01/05/2017 Duração: 28minTheme parks, parades, Cleopatra, conspiracies, and lawyers... Jennifer Dash is in the middle of it all. Jenn thinks she's settled for the first time amidst her cross-country adventure. She's dead wrong.
Episode 10: Illusion
01/05/2017 Duração: 19minThings get meta when Jenn and Tiff get into a fight. Jenn finds herself being soothed from the most unlikely of sources.
Episode 11: The Seducers
01/05/2017 Duração: 27minThere's an undercurrent of battle arising for Jenn's affection, as two men begin to tear at her moral compass. Which will she prize more: brain or beauty?
Episode 12: Cartoon
01/05/2017 Duração: 27minJenn's desire to go out with her new, very kissable Don Juan, leads to a series of tense and dramatic events, whose consequences can't be undone.
Episode 13: Heaven Above
01/05/2017 Duração: 28minJenn's about to be witness to Magical Kingdom's deepest secrets. And what you know, you can never unknow.
Episode 14: Hell Below
01/05/2017 Duração: 22minJennifer Dash has awoken the attention of the working elite. She's about to be tested by the most powerful in the kingdom.
Episode 15: Guideline #1
01/05/2017 Duração: 25minThe big bag of crazy that is Jennifer Dash's roommate is about to burst.
Episode 16: Bad Blood
01/05/2017 Duração: 26minJenn's attempt to escape to Santa Monica is hampered by a sudden sickness. Mrs. Moose will be her downfall or her salvation. There's no middle ground.
Episode 17: Lillith
01/05/2017 Duração: 37minJenn, forced into the trunk of a limousine heading toward Las Vegas, is about to experience what it's like to be a pawn in a massive game of black market chess.
Episode 18: Letter to Atticus
01/05/2017 Duração: 22minIn this, the final installment of PART ONE, Jenn summarizes, in her own, sometimes errant way, her adventures so far, in a letter to Atticus, the boy she left back home.
Episode 19: Aboard the Orion
01/05/2017 Duração: 26minJennifer Dash is introduced to her new home, a modern exploratory schooner.
Episode 20: Eight Conversations
01/05/2017 Duração: 33minConnections simmer while pasts are revealed as Jenn gets to know the people she's stuck on the ocean with.