Una Habitación Propia

En 1928 a Virginia Woolf le propusieron dar una serie de charlas sobre la mujer y la novela. Lejos de cualquier dogmatismo, planteó la cuestión desde un punto de vista realista,...

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To The Lighthouse

The Ramsey family, with house guests, visit the Isle of Skye at least twice. The plot is not at all the point though, as this is a book about how people think and feel and relate....

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Entre Actos

"Los libros son el espejo del alma"Publicada en 1941 y de forma póstuma, este libro es la novena y última novela de Virginia Woolf. "Entre actos" es, además, una de las obras...

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Las Olas

"Las olas" fue publicada en 1931 y es la séptima novela de Virginia Woolf. Considerada como la novela más experimental de la autora, la historia, si puede llamarse así, se...

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Al Faro

"Si se atuvieran a la propia experiencia, sentirían siempre que eso no es lo que quieren, que no hay nada más aburrido y pueril e inhumano que el amor, pero, que al mismo...

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Mrs. Dalloway

Mrs. Dalloway è il primo grande romanzo di Virginia Woolf, pubblicato nel 1925. Nell’arco di una sola giornata i fili invisibili delle emozioni uniscono i due...

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The Voyage Out

The Voyage Out is the first novel by Virginia Woolf, published in 1915 by Duckworth; and published in the U.S. in 1920 by Doran. Rachel Vinrace embarks for South America on her...

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A Haunted House And Other Short Stories

A Haunted House is a 1944 collection of 18 short stories by Virginia Woolf.

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Flush : A Biography

Flush: A Biography, an imaginative biography of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's cocker spaniel, is a cross-genre blend of fiction and nonfiction by Virginia Woolf published in...

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Night And Day

Night and Day is a novel by Virginia Woolf first published on 20 October 1919. Set in Edwardian London, Night and Day contrasts the daily lives and romantic attachments of two...

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