
En la Rusia zarista, cuando el príncipe Nejliúdov, joven rico y ocioso, acude al tribunal para ejercer su deber ciudadano como jurado, no se imagina que una de las acusadas es...

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La Muerte De Iván Ilich

Iván Ilich es un funcionario de la administración zarista cuya principal aspiración es escalar peldaños en su carrera profesional para mantener su bienestar y así seguir...

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Ana Karenina

Ana Karenina es la obra más ambiciosa y de mayor trascendencia de Tolstoi. Cuenta la historia de dos amores que se desarrollan en paralelo. Ana, mujer de alta sociedad enamorada...

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Familienglück (ungekürzt)

Nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter verliebt sich die jungfräuliche Mascha in ihren älteren Vormund, zwischen beiden entwickelt sich eine sanfte Liebesbeziehung und beide ziehen nach der...

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Die Kreutzersonate (ungekürzt)

Posdnyschew sitzt in einem Zug und hört den anderen Reisenden bei einer Diskussion über die Grundbedingungen einer Ehe zu. Schließlich erzählt er von seiner eigenen Ehe, in...

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Resurrection, Book 1 by TOLSTOY, Leo

Resurrection is the last of Tolstoys major fiction works published in his lifetime. Tolstoy intended the novel as an exposition of injustice of man-made laws and the hypocrisy of...

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Kreutzer Sonata, The by TOLSTOY, Leo

Publication of The Kreutzer Sonata in 1889 was a significant intellectual event worldwide. Censored in Russia, it set off an explosive debate in Europe, America, and Asia on...

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Ivan the Fool by TOLSTOY, Leo

Written after Tolstoy suffered a spiritual crisis, Ivan the Fool is a fairy tale that offers children instruction in how to live rightly, simply, and generously. The story...

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Resurrection, Book 3 by TOLSTOY, Leo

Resurrection is the last of Tolstoys major fiction works published in his lifetime. Tolstoy intended the novel as an exposition of injustice of man-made laws and the hypocrisy of...

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Resurrection, Book 2 by TOLSTOY, Leo

Resurrection is the last of Tolstoys major fiction works published in his lifetime. Tolstoy intended the novel as an exposition of injustice of man-made laws and the hypocrisy of...

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