Brass Keys To Murder

US Navy Lieutenant Steve Craig is in one hell of a mess. Being accused of murder is bad enough, but the local police are convinced he’s killed his own father. And now, for Steve...

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Hell's Legionnaire

American Ann Halliday is as fiery as the Sahara sun. And now she’s feeling some real heat, as the prize captive of the Berber leader Abd el Malek also known as “The Killer.”...

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The Bold Dare All

Brash and bold and daring, Lieutenant Lee Briscoe will never back away from a good cause or a good fight. Briscoe’s gone undercover to infiltrate a slave-labor camp on an island...

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Six-gun Caballero

He’s handsome. He’s charming. He’s a total gentleman ... and he’s totally outgunned and outnumbered. He’s Michael Patrick Obañon. Obañon’s lost his inheritance—a...

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The Great Secret

Women. Liquor. Power. Women. Liquor. Power. That is Fanner Marston’s mantra—his reason for being—and while he knows a little about the first and a lot about the second, he...

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Imagine that your father is one of New York City’s top gangsters, and that you want nothing to do with him or his criminal empire. Now imagine he’s been murdered ... and the...

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Under The Diehard Brand

Eighteen-year-old Lee Thompson has a chip on his shoulder and a mission in his heart to save his dad, an aging sheriff who’s lost control of his town. Old Diehard’s lost...

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Sea Fangs

Bob Sherman signs on the crew of the yacht Bonito with hopes of revenge, and he’ll need every ounce of his strength and courage to overcome the forces arrayed against him—in...

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The Falcon Killer

The Japanese military has turned the once-thriving Chinese city of Nencheng into a reeking pile of blood and ash. And now the Japanese Rising Sun threatens to scorch the...

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Branded Outlaw

Take the law into your own hands, and you risk losing your grip on everything else—including your life. Lee Weston is as good-looking as he is quick tempered, and he’s got a...

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