Elaine Lindsay Keep Breathing!



Hello there, It's Elaine,Lost a dear friend to suicide at age 16 and the ramifications of that loss turned into the gift that kept me living. Through some pretty dark shit... For almost 2 decades, hospital beds and nurses became more familiar than family. Now I want to re-gift to others so they 'Keep Breathing'


  • Cid Fernandez Suicide Attempt Survivor

    15/03/2022 Duração: 01h06min

    Originally from Miami, FL 1st generation Cuban-AmericanMother born in Cuba Athlete and high school social butterfly Husband to GabyMarried at 19 yrs old Father to 2 teenagersBrianna 14 Caiden 13 Cecilia – Coming in Aug Joined Marines Corps in 2004 (18 yrs old)Deployed to East Asia Electrician on helicopters Joined Air Force in 2012Flight Engineer Deployed to Middle East in 14’ Flew over 18 missions to Afghanistan Spent over 12 years in Aeronautics Traveled to 23 countries Fluent in 3 languagesEnglish Spanish Sarcasm Suicide Attempt SurvivorIn 2001 my parents went through a bad time with one another. The arguments got bad and my mom finally threw my father out of the home that year. During that time I lost the ability to play basketball due to terrible grades. For me Basketball was my form of expression and my therapy. When it was taken away, I hit a real bad point. Obviously perspective is huge in life, as a 15 yr old it felt that everything was caving in and felt the only way out

  • Michelle Cleveland Resilience & Resolve in the Face of the Unthinkable

    08/03/2022 Duração: 37min

    Michelle Cleveland Resilience & Resolve in the Face of the Unthinkable Suicide within the Family  NTC Lifeworks was born out of a desire to help others benefit from what Michelle learned about resilience through adversity. In honor of Nicholas and Thomas her sons whom she lost to suicide. Born in Prague, but raised in the USA I grew up in two vastly different cultures. I married my college sweetheart, an Army officer, and began moving all over the US as well as a tour in Germany. Living in so many places and having experienced the different cultures helps me connect with people from all over the globe. As a mother and advocate for children on the Autism spectrum I know and truly understand the various learning modes and the importance of engaging with learners in more than one way. With over 20 years of sales and business experience I have a thorough understanding of many facets of work and business life. I’ve worked in the corporate setting as well as home based and have first hand knowledge of the ch

  • Frank King Mental Health Comedian Suicide Prevention

    01/03/2022 Duração: 25min

    Frank King believes "You can make a difference. You can save a life. I can show you how." In 2016 Frank King began coaching potential TEDx Talkers, when a number of his speaker coaching clients approached him and asked if he would coach them on scoring a TEDx Talk opportunity. Since then, those half-dozen clients have all done their first TEDx Talk, one of those is scheduled to do her second early in 2019, and four of them are also in the second round of auditions for DukeTEDx! Frank King was a writer for the Tonight Show for 20 years, and he holds the record for the longest non-stop comedy club road trip ever. Beginning the day after Christmas in 1985, he and his wife (who must have the patience of Job) were on the road 2,629 nights in a row, comedy club to comedy club and cheap motel room to cheap motel room, with no home, just a PO Box and voice mail. Along the way he worked with Jerry Seinfeld, Jeff Foxworthy, Ron White, Adam Sandler, Dennis Miller, Ellen DeGeneres, Rosie O'Donnell, Kevin Nealon, Bill

  • SZF Debbie Hampton from Suicide to the Best Brain Possible

    22/02/2022 Duração: 51min

    After taking care of my brother as he wasted away and died from AIDs, the end of my 18-year marriage to my high school sweetheart in an ugly parting that made Divorce Court look civil, and years of wrong turns, things not working out, and being flat-out disappointed with life, I tried to kill myself in June of 2007, by swallowing over 90 pills, mostly brain drugs. Because I wasn’t found in time, the drugs went all the way through my system wreaking destruction. After a week in a coma, I woke up with a global, acquired brain injury (ABI), technically labeled encephalopathy, to a very different world. Initially, I was seriously mentally impaired and couldn’t retrieve words, remember the day, my sons’ ages, or that I’d gotten divorced. Physically, I could barely speak, couldn’t coordinate the acts of breathing and swallowing anymore, and had no fine motor skills. My ex-husband sued me for custody of our two sons, won, and promptly moved out of state with them. And I thought things were bad before? Alone, for t

  • Multiple Suicide Survivor- Now Thriver Herbie Mack

    15/02/2022 Duração: 36min

    Herbie Mack is a multi-time suicide survivor, which led him to become a suicide prevention speaker. Herbie is also a mental health first aider, QPR gateKeeper, and the Just Believe Podcast host. The Just Believe Podcast gives insight into how people overcome their mental health challenges, seek professional help & provide alternative ways to tackle anxiety and depression.   Social Media Links   Instagram @hbmack Twitter @Hbmack Facebook Herbie Mack Suicide Prevention Speaker  

  • Ottawa Under Siege What about Mental Health?

    07/02/2022 Duração: 24min

    On day 11, Elaine discusses the effect the seige/occupation is having on peoples mental health here in Ottawa, the Capital of Canada with guest Sue Quinn, Photographer, Artist Mother of 5 grandmother of 9 and great grandson due anyday now.  

  • The Lesson Learned

    21/01/2022 Duração: 27min

    I've always been the 'Fixer' the 'one who gets it done' in the family, often within my other groups as well.  There are things we are not meant to fix. Learning that lesson can be difficult. The universe sometimes teaches with painful incidents in nature.  Humans, I believe, are the only animal that often needs to repeat the lesson before we learn.  Humbling to say the least. 

  • Ted Warren Jazz Drummer About His Sister

    21/01/2022 Duração: 36min

    Ted Warren has a solid reputation as a musical, versatile drummer. Join me as we talk about his sister who died by suicide. In fact, Ted Warren is one of Canada’s great drummers, along with fronting his own group Ted’s Warren Commission. Throughout the pandemic, Warren has been keeping musically active by performing solo drum concerts live on Facebook.  He is an active member of Canada’s jazz scene and has been recognized with Jazz Report’s Drummer of the Year award. He is also a well-regarded clinician and adjudicator.  Ted's own quartet,  Ted's Warren Commission, has released three  CDs, First Time Caller, Songs For Doug, and the recently released The Great  Regina Pizza Debate He is also member of Broadview, which he co-leads with  Rich Brown and Mike Murley. They released their debut recording, Two of Clubs,  on Addo records. He was the drummer for the Boss Brass and can be heard on  six of their recordings, including Velvet and Brass (with Mel Torme), From Lush to  Lively (with Oliver Jones), Even Ca

  • Suicide Zen Forgiveness Returns

    21/01/2022 Duração: 24min

    On the 27th of October 2021 we made the difficult choice to say good bye to my only sister, Carolyn.  We have been on hiatus since.  Now I talk about my sister and the accident that took her from us... Feeling powerless and unable to move forward. I went into stasis...

  • Chris Michel shares his story

    12/10/2021 Duração: 29min

    Coach Chris Michel joined Elaine to share his story about his younger brothers suicide and Coach Chris' tribute golf outing to his brother's legacy.   Chris told elaine, "The golf outing is called the Stryker Liker Open and was held on Oct 1, 2021.  We had over 28 foursomes show up and we were able to raise over $10k for the Stuff the Bus campaign that my brother was passionate about.  We will have another one in the fall of 2022."  Email: cmconsulting84@gmail.com Personal Website  LinkedIn Coach Chris YT LinkTree

  • Nancy Pickard - Bigger Better Braver

    05/10/2021 Duração: 42min

    Always looking at other people’s lives, comparing and never feeling whole without a man at my side, I discovered that I never even considered what it was that I wanted. Little by little, that changed. I like the woman I am now – ready to play big and make choices for me, I no longer need to live a life based on what anyone else thinks. You can too – and it begins when you understand the beliefs that keep you in whatever life situation you are in now.  Ms. Pickard proves her methods work. She reinvented herself as a master life coach and climbed Mount Kilimanjaro at 61- experiences that became her vision for your bigger life. Not everyone must climb a mountain to live larger. Nancy Pickard is a Certified Integrative Coach through The Ford Institute for Transformational Training and the Levin Life Coach Academy. She is certified as a Breakthrough Shadow Coach, Empowered Parent Coach, Courage Coach, Healing Your Heart Coach, Leadership Coach, Holistic Lifestyle Coach and Bigger Better Braver Coaching. She is

  • Laura Stack talks about Johnny

    28/09/2021 Duração: 31min

    Laura Stack was best known in the business world for her professional moniker, The Productivity Pro. Her 30-year career as a keynote speaker, bestselling author of eight productivity books, and corporate spokesperson came to a screeching halt on November 20, 2019, when her 19-year-old son, Johnny, died by suicide after becoming psychotic from dabbing high-THC marijuana concentrates. Laura responded by forming the nonprofit, Johnny’s Ambassadors, to educate parents and teens about the dangers of today’s high-THC marijuana on adolescent brain development, mental illness, and suicide. Her platform now brings education, awareness, and prevention curriculum to parents, drug prevention conferences, community groups, and schools to stop youth marijuana use. She is a powerful speaker who brings Johnny’s personal warning and solid research together in her new book, The Dangerous Truth About Today’s Marijuana: Johnny Stack’s Life and Death Story. Described as a force of nature with unstoppable drive and unwavering pu

  • Lisa Sugarman’s Story of Her Dad

    21/09/2021 Duração: 01h05min

    A mom, a nationally syndicated humor columnist, a parenting author, a speaker, a 13-year veteran of her town’s school system, and a radio talk show host in Boston, Lisa gets it. All of it. First hand.  Lisa believes as parents, we need to be nimble and let our kids find their own path and make their own mistakes and learn to rise for themselves. Because the goal of parenting is to raise strong, capable, resilient humans who’ll thrive on their own.  Lisa's Links e: lisasugarman@hotmail.com w: www.lisasugarman.com f: facebook.com/TheLisaSugarman t: twitter.com/thelisasugarman i: instagram.com/lisa_sugarman l: linkedin.com/in/lisa-sugarman-16925b69   Lisa Sugarman's Post on Sep 10 2021 Hello, friends. Here with a serious (and somewhat long) post that I hope you’ll all take a moment to read… Today is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay and I’d like to talk about that for a minute. My father Jim died by suicide two weeks after my 10th birthday in August of 1978. We were inseparable. He was my person. And his

  • David Jaques Mental Illness to Mental Health Advocacy

    14/09/2021 Duração: 30min

    David Jaques - Navigating Mental Illness  to Mental Health Advocacy David is from London, England. He started his career at Barclays Bank, in which David specialized in the field of currency and interest rate risk management. He did that job in London and New York City, and re-located to Silicon Valley, California in 1994, where he worked as Treasurer of Silicon Valley Bank, the first CFO of PayPal, and CFO of various venture capital firms, including the venture arm of Nokia Corp. David loves startups and innovation, and has served on the boards of public and private companies in the US, Canada, UK and Australia. David is the board chair of Wedo and with his current focus in the area of mental health advocacy, Wedo has provided the platform for David to do that. Social media details: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-jaques-91a/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/david.jaques.39 Twitter: @DavidJ42k Instagram: @davidj262 Clubhouse: @davidjaques  

  • Self-Forgiveness The Final Frontier

    25/08/2021 Duração: 30min

    Forgiveness it's worth its weight in gold.  Here is the best part of my story. Here, after decades, I have now finally forgiven myself.   Forgiving others doesn’t always come easy. Forgiving myself was almost impossible mostly because I didn’t even know I was supposed to forgive myself.  “Holding onto anger/ resentment/a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. “ Shame and guilt were the poisons that I drank.  Forgiveness is the greatest gift I ever gave myself.

  • Martika Whylly Suffers Many Losses

    17/08/2021 Duração: 30min

    Martika Whylly is an Author, Podcaster and Grief Counsellor. Her path to become a grief counsellor became clear sometime after she wrote the book Having fun with God. An autobiographical journey about death, loss and how she handled grief that transcended into peace of mind. Martika Whylly has studied with Ramtha - the enlightened one - for several years which led her to awareness and self-actualization. She enjoys sharing her experiences and hopes to inspire others to live a happy and fulfilling life. Martika loves music and lives in Ontario, Canada. Martika’s Resources Website: https://grievewithease.com Email: grievewithease@gmail.com Having Fun with God book on Amazon https://www.instagram.com/martikawhylly/

  • Seth Hoffman tells his story

    10/08/2021 Duração: 40min

    Seth Hoffman: Grief Support Community Organizer | Orphan | Survive+Thrive | MSW | Elder Advocate | Writer | WFPB | NYC | | Mindful | Lovingkindness | Grateful Seth says, "I lost my dad when I was 17 and my mom when I was 21. These losses sent me on a journey where I've fallen down and been picked up several times. And throughout these experiences, I always wanted to find people in my age group who could relate to me. So when I came upon this group in May of 2016 (when I was 24), I felt relieved when I went to a few meetings, and finally felt like people could relate to my experiences, especially through the context of young adulthood. This group has been one of the reasons I motivate myself to heal from and survive these losses. Being a young adult who loses a parent or both parents, makes this transitional stage of life harder to deal with. As young adults, we are facing new experiences that can shape the rest of our lives. Some of us are in school pursuing degrees. Some of us are working in the real-wor

  • Jaikishaan Sharma

    03/08/2021 Duração: 41min

    Now an affiliate marketer Jaikishaan Sharma, shares his inspirational story and shares his wisdom and his newfound joy in life.  After a car accident, Jaikishaan was wheelchair-bound for nearly three years.  The rollercoaster of emotions, depression and anxiety sent his mind to a dark place. A baby daughter’s look lifted him out of that bad place and he chose life. The doctors told him there was less than a 5% chance that he’d ever walk again,” he changed that outcome and  In January 2019, he took his first step out of his wheelchair. From the Forbes article by Melanie Fine “During a particularly rough time in my life, my mother was paying all of my bills. If not for her, I would have lost my house. I was going through a lot of depression and anxiety, but everything changed when we had a baby girl come into our lives. One day, I was sitting in my wheelchair, and I saw my daughter playing on the floor. She was so happy and care-free. This fleeting moment in time stuck with me, and I knew that I had two choi

  • Michele Bell The Grief Warrior

    27/07/2021 Duração: 51min

    Losing a brother you only recently came to know, is as raw for an amazing death shaman as it would be for anyone. Michele shares her story.  "Dignity is not negotiable. Dignity is the honor of the family." Death is a topic that most people prefer to avoid in everyday conversation. But for death shaman Michele Bell, it’s a daily centerpiece in her life journey, one whose stigma she’s working hard to remove by Illuminating the topic that is so often hushed.  "I encourage a sturdy voice in the midst of a society that is in fear of feeling." For Michele, tucking death into a closet that’s not meant to be opened isn’t an option. She believes that life is precious right up to the very last breath, and those whose lives we lost require compassion, emotional support, and spiritual guidance at a time when its most difficult for their loved ones to provide.  “As a society, we’re uncomfortable witnessing other people’s emotional pain, particularly as it relates to death,” she explains. “We tend to shy away from

  • Suicide Ideation & Teenage Death Pact

    20/07/2021 Duração: 22min

    Things look different from the lens of a teen. When there is no long-term outlook and the future seems outside the possible.  A look back at the beginning, as it turns out even earlier than I thought! 

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