Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast



Time and Space celebrates Doctor Who, one the worlds most enduring television sci-fi series. Co-hosts (and recently married couple) Jessica Nunn and Phillip Gilfus take an in-depth look at the current episodes of the Doctor and her companions, exploring how the new adventures of the Thirteenth Doctor break new ground and reach back into the canon. Jessica, a newer Whovian and an 11-year resident of the United Kingdom, and Phillip, a lifelong resident of the USA and fan of classic & nuWho, join together to discuss characters, stories, technology, Big Finish audio adventures, novels, and comics. They journey into the TARDIS archives each episode to look at how classic Doctor adventures helped pave the way to contemporary stories. Join Time and Space as Jessica and Phillip explore their love of Doctor Who, and, occasionally, for each other.


  • A Tale as Young as Time

    05/08/2020 Duração: 35min

    Children's BooksThe storytelling of "Doctor Who" takes many forms, from the television series to Target novelizations to Big Finish audio adventures. There's one avenue that's directly targeted at the youngest demographic - children's books. Jessica and Phillip look at two Who Jr. selections - the "Dr. Who" variants of the "Mr. Men and Little Miss" mini-books and one of the newest releases, "Doctor Who: The Runaway TARDIS." How do these stories appeal to children? Can adults enjoy them too? Here's a link to Missy herself, Michelle Gomez, reading the "Dr. Twelfth" book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSmKk2eCfu0In their look into the TARDIS library, Phillip reviews the 2011 novel "Touched By An Angel" by Jonathan Morris, featuring the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, and the Weeping Angels.

  • A Stone in Time

    22/07/2020 Duração: 51min

    In Focus: Weeping AngelsDon't blink!This is the phrase forever associated with one of the Doctor's greatest enemies: The Weeping Angels. Jessica and Phillip look at their major appearances in "Blink," "Time of the Angels"/"Flesh and Stone, and "Angels Take Manhattan." What makes these beings so scary? Are they overused? Underused? What mysteries remain?In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple examine the pilot episode of "DC's Legends of Tomorrow," starring Arthur Darvil, aka Rory Pond.

  • Build a TARDIS Team

    15/07/2020 Duração: 38min

    TARDIS Team Challenge Meme"Doctor Who" fans may have seen the social media post that challenges Whovians to build a TARDIS team using a certain number of points allocated to various Doctors and companions (Reddit link here). Jessica and Phillip do round-robin selections of three TARDIS team versions, how these different companions and Time Lords would (or would not) work together, and what their adventures would be like.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple look at the recent Clever Dick Productions release, which focuses on analyzing the Doctor's companions. This first episode focuses on arguably the first companion: Susan. The video can be found here.

  • Board Game of the Daleks

    08/07/2020 Duração: 01h04min

    "Time of the Daleks" Tabletop AdventureLet's play a game!The "Doctor Who" franchise offers many ways for Whovians to live out their own adventures in time and space at home - one of those is Gale Force Nine, Inc.'s "Time of the Daleks" board game. Jessica and Phillip start off as Doctors and must race against the Daleks to arrive on Gallifrey? Will they beat the Doctor's enemy? How many times will they regenerate? How often will they have to stop and read the directions??? (Don't worry, we edit those parts out.) Let us know if you've played and how it turned out.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple look at the re-creation of "Mission to the Unknown" by the students and staff of the University of Central Lancashire. Check out their efforts here: https://bit.ly/3izEujk

  • The Classic Fam

    28/05/2020 Duração: 01h03min

    Series 10 - Jon PertweeJessica and Phillip have finished their first Blu-ray set of the classic "Doctor Who" era with Series 10. Not only does it contain the first multi-Doctor story with "The Three Doctors," but also has additional features and interviews with the actors, producers, and more who made this penultimate series of the Third Doctor era. From saying goodbye to Jo Grant to saying hello to the use of CSO (color separation overlay), there is a lot that sets this series apart. What is your favorite story in Series 10?In their look into the TARDIS library, Phillip submits a book review of the 2018 James Goss-adaptation of the Douglas Adams' story, "Doctor Who and the Krikketmen."

  • Farewell, Companions

    06/05/2020 Duração: 01h16min

    "The Faceless Ones" Animated RestorationThere are many "lost episodes" in the "Doctor Who" franchise - but luckily animation provides a way to bring these episodes back to life. The Second Doctor serial "The Faceless Ones" is the most recent to be restored, and so Richard Carrier of Clever Dick Films joins to talk about Patrick Troughton, the wonders of the airport, and how Ben and Polly exit the series.In our look inside the TARDIS library, the trio discuss "Farewell, Sarah Jane," a webcast that assembles an amazing panel of Who characters to finally say an in-universe goodbye to Sarah Jane Smith.

  • Writing is Hard

    15/04/2020 Duração: 01h22min

    Series 12 Wrap UpIt's been several weeks since the Thirteenth Doctor ended her season series - what did we think of the second batch of episodes? New "Doctor Who" fan Charlynn Schmiedt joins the couple dissect the journey of the Doctor, her companions, the Master, the Lone Cyberman, and the cast of thousands of guest stars.In their look into the TARDIS library, the trio examine Clever Dick Films' "Dr Who Review Part 10 - The Christopher Eccleston Era." From the BBC cancellation to the "Screams of Shalka" to Series 1, we talk about how the video provides a deep dive into the resurrection of "Doctor Who." Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXEFZwRaZRU

  • Ace, Bill, and Shades of Grey

    25/03/2020 Duração: 01h02min

    Classic versus NuWho: The Good BitsIn honor of 100 episodes of the podcast, Jessica and Phillip talk about their favorite parts of the Doctor Who franchise, from the "classic era" (1963-1989), the "interregnum era," and the post-revival nuWho era (2005-present). What makes them excited to watch a classic episode? What character are they looking forward to the most in nuWho? And how does "Take That" connect to the lasting legacy of Who?In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple discuss the #SavetheDay quarantine global re-watch of the 50th Anniversary "Day of the Doctor."

  • Make It Make Sense

    05/03/2020 Duração: 48min

    "Ascension of the Cybermen"/"The Timeless Children" ReviewSeries 12 is coming to a close (not counting the inevitable holiday special...), and we're left with some big reveals, an action-packed finale, and a cliffhanger ending. What to make of it all? Were all our questions answered? Did it bring up even more questions? Let us know your favorite parts!In our look into the TARDIS library, we review the Second Doctor adventure "The Wheel of Ice." What are your favorite "Doctor Who" books?

  • Fright Night Double Feature

    20/02/2020 Duração: 40min

    "Can You Hear Me?"/"The Haunting of Villa Diodati"It's been a busy month in the podcaster couple household, so it's double duty this episode with two episode reviews! The final two scary installments of Series 12, prior to the two-part finale, offer differing views of the Doctor, the companions, and the historical guest stars who help fight the monsters. From Eternals to a lone cyberman, there's a lot to unpack. In their look into the TARDIS library, Jessica and Phillip examine a special Big Finish production featuring the Eighth Doctor and Charley - "Living Legend."

  • Night of Too Many Guest Stars

    20/02/2020 Duração: 30min

    "Praxeus" ReviewThere's a lot going on in this episode of "Doctor Who" with a missing astronaut and mysterious illness. There's bird, blogs, and strange ex-cops in this globe-trotting adventure. But how well does it all come together? Jessica and Phillip talk about the Chibnall-era reliance on guest stars and multiple characters. They end the episode talking about what other TV shows remain in their queue. What did you think of the episode? And what shows are you watching?

  • Jo Martin is ...

    30/01/2020 Duração: 26min

    "Fugitive of the Judoon" ReviewNot since the Series 12 opener "Spyfall" has an episode been so chock full of reveals. The return of a fan favorite has us sequel, and the introduction of a new character had us ... well, we're still not sure our reaction (but mostly "yay!" and "cool outfit" and "where can I get those glasses?" What were your reactions to this episode?In their look into the TARDIS library, Phillip reviews the 1996 Doctor Who The New Adventures novel "Damaged Goods" by Russell T Davies. What are you Who novel recommendations?

  • Tesla's Hours of Excitement

    23/01/2020 Duração: 50min

    "Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror" ReviewTesla. Edison. Animated steampunk corpses. Scorpion Queens. All that plus the Doctor and TARDIS fam converge in this turn-of-the-20th-century episode of monsters and discovery. This series has been full of guest stars, and this episode continues that trend - with a few alum from "Doctor Who" and its spinoffs showing up. Did Tesla carry this episode? Was the toothy villain (that's not Tim Shaw...) scary? Join the discussion, and let us know how this episode landed for you.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple re-visit the musical(?) "Blackpool" and the new-er "Dracula" series and their respective conclusions. How did you enjoy these two "Who" adjacent shows?

  • Climate Change & Cosplay

    17/01/2020 Duração: 56min

    "Orphan 55" ReviewThe Doctor and the TARDIS fam visit the "Doctor Who" version of a resort planet - except things go off-kilter when the episode ... I mean, spa is invaded by a plethora of guest stars, erm, monsters. Sue joins Jessica and Phillip to look at exactly what happened during the fast-paced action episode with mommy (and daddy) issues, and a certain message to present-day Earth at the end.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple examine the "Dracula" series, recently released from Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss.

  • The Master Plan

    10/01/2020 Duração: 41min

    "Spyfall, Parts One and Two" ReviewSeries 12 is here, and it starts with a bang. Well, lots of bangs. New/old enemies revealed, new friends are discovered, and the Doctor is brought back to where it all began. For those fans who wondered if the episodic nature of Series 11 would continue - the answer is a resounding "no." The Doctor and her fam will feel the repercussions from this adventure for the foreseeable future. What did you think of this reintroduction and continuation of the Whittaker Era?In their look into the TARDIS library, Phillip reviews "Doctor Who The Handbook: The First Doctor, The William Hartnell Years 1963-1966." This book explores the very beginnings of "Doctor Who" and the foundations laid that would last for over 50 years.

  • Twelfth (Doctor) Night

    01/01/2020 Duração: 55min

    Twelfth Doctor Christmas SpecialsThe Capaldi Era not only ends with a Christmas special - as far as we know, it ended the Christmas specials! Jessica and Phillip close out their year of monthly Doctor celebrations with a focus on the Christmas specials of the Twelfth Doctor era. From "Last Christmas" to "The Husbands of River Song," from "The Return of Doctor Mysterio" to "Twice Upon a Christmas." What were the common themes? How do each of them rank? How many would we watch again? Let us know your favorite.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple visit of Eighth Doctor Big Finish adventure: "Embrace the Darkness."

  • It's a Metaphor

    18/12/2019 Duração: 42min

    In Focus: "The Zygon Invasion"/"The Zygon Inversion"One of the Twelfth Doctor's best speeches, if not the best, comes in the two-parter sequel to "The Day of the Doctor." Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman lead this continent-spanning story, featuring everyone's favorite UNIT fangirl Osgood and UNIT leader Kate Stewart. Is this the best of the Twelfth Doctor's era?In their look into the TARDIS library, Phillip explores the first run of the Twelfth Doctor in Titan Comics, issues #1 thru 5.

  • The Capaldi Monologue

    04/12/2019 Duração: 52min

    "Heaven Sent" AnalysisAn unusual episode for a talented actor - the Steven Moffat-written "Heaven Sent" sends the Twelfth Doctor to the ultimate escape room. But he is the only player. A Doctor in mourning for Clara, faced with a silent, deadly enemy, and a mystery to be solved with time - can this be called the best Twelfth Doctor episode?In their look into the TARDIS library, the co-hosts look at two different Big Finish adventures, one with the War Doctor and the other with the Eighth Doctor and Charley.

  • Timey-Wimey Tales

    27/11/2019 Duração: 56min

    Eleventh Doctor ArcsSteven Moffat planned a few arcs, some that intertwined, for the Matt Smith era. Jessica and Phillip look at the arcs that fueled (or just mildly-flavored) the three series of the Eleventh Doctor. How effective was the crack in the wall? Did we all think the Doctor had really died? How gripping was the mystery of River Song's identity? And just who was The Impossible Girl? In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple visit Matt Smith (and his plus one) in another role with the feature film "Pride+Prejudice+Zombies." How did Smith fare in the land of Austen and the living dead?

  • Had Me at Hello and Goodbye

    13/11/2019 Duração: 01h25min

    11th Doctor, From Beginning to EndIt's time to spotlight the Matt Smith era of "Doctor Who" - for this first installment, the couple compare his first and last outings as the Eleventh Doctor. "The Eleventh Hour" and "The Time of the Doctor," both written by then-showrunner Steven Moffat, introduce and send off his incarnation of the wacky, but powerful, Time Lord. How did the character change? How was he constant? What paid off and what didn't? In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple are joined by Constance Gibbs, co-host of the "Who Watch: Time and Relative Blackness in Space" podcast, who interviewed Christopher Eccleston at the 2019 New York Comic Con. She talks about the talk, from how she got the gig, prepping for the interview, and making news with her questions. (NYCC interview link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?)v=IQi4nK0Cl9g&feature=emb_logo)

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