Time And Space: A Doctor Who Podcast



Time and Space celebrates Doctor Who, one the worlds most enduring television sci-fi series. Co-hosts (and recently married couple) Jessica Nunn and Phillip Gilfus take an in-depth look at the current episodes of the Doctor and her companions, exploring how the new adventures of the Thirteenth Doctor break new ground and reach back into the canon. Jessica, a newer Whovian and an 11-year resident of the United Kingdom, and Phillip, a lifelong resident of the USA and fan of classic & nuWho, join together to discuss characters, stories, technology, Big Finish audio adventures, novels, and comics. They journey into the TARDIS archives each episode to look at how classic Doctor adventures helped pave the way to contemporary stories. Join Time and Space as Jessica and Phillip explore their love of Doctor Who, and, occasionally, for each other.


  • Episode 08 - Better Than Chris?

    31/01/2018 Duração: 38min

    "The Day of the Doctor" 50th Anniversary SpotlightFormer "Doctor Who" showrunner Steven Moffat faced a difficult task when he helmed the series in 2013 - put together a 50th Anniversary special for the franchise. "The Day of the Doctor" is generally regarded as a powerhouse entry, pairing up the 10th and 11th Doctors with a "surprise" Doctor - the War Doctor. Jessica and Phillip talk about John Hurt's portrayl of this "new" Doctor, what the 9th Doctor would have been like in that role, and how well the three Time Lords played together.For their look into the TARDIS library moment, the couple examine "The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot," a 50th Anniversary special written and directed by Peter Davison (5th Doctor), starring Colin Baker (6th Doctor), Sylvester McCoy (7th Doctor), Paul McGann (8th Doctor), and a slew of "Doctor Who" stars, both in front of and behind the camera.What did you think of John Hurt's War Doctor? What was your favorite part of "The Day of the Doctor?" 

  • Episode 07 - Plucky, Strong, and Heart

    24/01/2018 Duração: 46min

    A Look at the Tenth Doctor's CompanionsThe Doctor Who franchise is filled with many memorable companions to the Doctor. This week, Jessica and Phillip examine David Tennant's passengers in the TARDIS - Rose Tyler (Billie Piper), Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman), Donna Noble (Catherine Tate), and others. They discuss favorite moments, how the companions contrast, and how each human was changed by travelling with the Doctor.In their look into the TARDIS library moment, Jessica and Phillip examine the Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee) adventure, "The Time Warrior," which introduced the world to a young Miss Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) for the first time.Who was your favorite 10th Doctor companion and why? Let us know! 

  • Episode 06 - The Timey-Wimey Professor

    17/01/2018 Duração: 44min

    "Shada" Animated Restoration ReviewThere's new "Doctor Who" to talk about! Well ... sorta.The recently released "Shada," the abandoned 1979 Douglas Adams'-penned Fourth Doctor story, has hit the UK. Original footage of the Doctor (Tom Baker), Romana II (Lalla Ward), K-9, and others combined with recent animation (and original cast voices) has brought this "lost story" back to life. Jessica and Phillip review this restored classic Who story which includes "punting on the Cam," killer memory spheres, more Time Lords than you can count, TARDISes within TARDISes, and more. They see how well the "restored" story stands up and how well the live vs. animated footage mix together.In their look into the TARDIS library, the couple discuses another couple -- the only time the Doctor has married his companion! That's right, they examine the 1980 marrage of Tom Baker and Lalla Ward.What did you think of the restored "Shada"? Do you think there are other "lost" Doctor Who stories that should be animated? 

  • Episode 05 - A Whovian UK Holiday

    10/01/2018 Duração: 37min

    Jessica & Phillip's Visit to EnglandWhat better way to experience "Doctor Who" than in the United Kingdom? Jessica and Phillip share about their recent holiday in England where they visited "Doctor Who"-related sites and spoke to their English friends about the show. The couple talk about visiting the Earl's Court police box and their fantastic stop & interviews with Whovians at The Who Shop in London (www.thewhoshop.com).Since they were Americans visiting the UK, it only made sense to use this episode's look into the TARDIS library to discuss the first American companion, Peri Brown, to travel with the Doctor & her introductory serial, "Planet of Fire."For those who don't live in the UK, do you plan on visiting soon for a "Doctor Who" tour? And for British listeners, any recommended stops for foreign tourists taking a Whovian UK holiday? 

  • Episode 04 - We Use 'She' Now

    03/01/2018 Duração: 33min

    Series 11 PreviewIt's a new year, and we are officially in the Chris Chibnall-era of "Doctor Who." Even though viewers got only a few seconds of Jodi Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor in the 2017 Christmas special, that doesn't mean they don't have enough information to speculate about what awaits in the next series. Jessica and Phillip discuss the announced companions for the new Doctor (Bradley Walsh, Tosin Cole, and Mandip Gill), their backgrounds, and what a large group of companions could mean for Series 11 of "nuWho."The married co-hosts also share their experiences seeing the Fathom Events theatrical release of the 2017 Christmas Special, "Twice Upon a Time," and what extras were included in their local cinema. In their visit to the TARDIS library, the couple examine the freshly regenerated Sixth Doctor in "The Twin Dilemma," and how confused a new Doctor can be -- especially when he tries to kill his companion!What do you think of the recent announcements of the Thirteenth Doctor and her companions? What

  • Episode 03 - Happy Special Merry Christmas

    27/12/2017 Duração: 35min

    "Twice Upon a Time" DiscussionChristmastime means time for a "Doctor Who" Christmas special! This year's special includes a regenerating Doctor (Peter Capaldi), the First Doctor (David Bradley) contemplating his own regeneration, lots of time shenanigans & memories, and a new Doctor (Jodi Whitaker). Jessica and Phillip discuss their favorite moments from this year's Christmas special, and how it all ties into the larger Doctor Who canon.In their look into the TARDIS library moment, the couple revisits "An Adventure in Space and Time," when David Bradley played William Hartnell and explored his journey as the First Doctor.What was your favorite moment from the 2017 Christmas special? Let us know, and have a wonderful holiday season.

  • Episode 02 - A Long Goodbye vs. Snap

    27/12/2017 Duração: 42min

    Regenerations in "nuWho"As "Doctor Who" says goodbye to Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor, Jessica and Phillip look at some of the Time Lord's past regenerations. They discuss how 9 (Christopher Eccleston) became 10 (David Tennant) in "The Parting of the Ways," 10's change into 11 (Matt Smith) in "The End of Time, Part Two," and 11's regeneration into 12 in "The Time of the Doctor." They also talk about the Tenth's Doctor's "meta-crisis" regeneration and the War Doctor (John Hurt). Jessica and Phillip explore the mythos of regeneration - what's stayed the same and what's changed. In their look into the TARDIS library moment, they examine the Fourth Doctor's harrowing journey in "The Deadly Assassin," the serial that first establishes the limit on the Doctor's regeneration cycle and also features the franchise's villain, The Master, attempting to extend his regeneraiton cycle. How do you think "regenerations" have changed during "Doctor Who" and which is your favorite?

  • Episode 01 - Sock Moneys with Flashlights

    26/12/2017 Duração: 45min

    "The Doctor Falls" ReviewIn this inaugural episode, married co-hosts Jessica and Phillip introduce their respective entries into the Doctor Who franchise. They then dive into an in-depth review of "The Doctor Falls," the Twelfth Doctor's (Peter Capaldi) final episode, prior to the Chrismas special. They say goodbye to Nardole (Matt Lucas), see Bill (Pearl Mackie) turned into a Cyberman, fight two Masters (John Simm and Michelle Gomez), and watch the Doctor begin to regenerate.In their trip into the TARDIS archives, they revisit the first appearance of the Cyberman in the First Doctor adventure, "The Tenth Planet."What did you think of the episode? What timey-wimey topics do you want "Time & Space" to tackle in the future?

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