Wealth Strategy With Bryan Rigg



Welcome to Wealth Strategy with Bryan Rigg. Bryan is a celebrated Yale graduate, adding a PhD from Cambridge, a former officer in the Marine Corps, a man of profound integrity and honor, and your wealth professor.


  • Consolidate Your 401Ks

    09/07/2017 Duração: 59min

    Folks, we're glad you're with us here for the next hour. I want to say thank you for letting us contribute to part of your day. We are here every weekend at this time. It is the weekend. It's a great weekend. We're looking forward to having you with us. We're going to talk about a few topics today. We're hitting on four in particular we think you might enjoy. We're going to lead off with insurance. Insurance, you need it for planning. People commonly have life insurance, but we're going to get into some of the details about why it needs to be a part of your financial planning. We're also going to find out what to do with previous employer's 401(k)s. Let's say you've quit a job or you've moved on and changed careers. If you've got 401(k)s that are hanging around with other companies, let's get those consolidated. The why and the what‑fors, we're going to talk about later in this hour. For More Information Visit: www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial

  • What Do Banks Do With Our Money?

    02/07/2017 Duração: 59min

    Coming up today, we're going to talk about stock markets being up and they're down. Is it anything to worry about? Do we need to watch and worry about it? We'll also talk about what banks ‑‑ what they do with our money when we give it to them for savings and checking. We talked off air about what we do with our kids, and how we raise our families, and how finance and savings and taxes really aren't part of a conversation at the dinner table, but it really should be. We're going to talk about what these guys do and what their suggestions are to get financing and savings in early at home. Then we're going to spend a segment to close out the show to learn a little bit about Gary and David, who both work with Bryan. You can call and ask for them directly if you are indeed charmed by their abilities and intellect. For More Information Visit www.RiggWealthManagement.com DISCLOSURE: RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment

  • What Exactly is an Annuity?

    29/06/2017 Duração: 59min

    What Exactly is an Annuity? We're going to discuss annuities. What exactly are they? Should you or should you not participate in an annuity program? Also, the definitions and the differences in IRAs and 401Ks. We bounce those numbers around and those items. We consider them in our portfolio, but what are they? What are the differences? We also want to take a segment to clear up confusion about Social Security. There are Social Security benefits, and there's Social Security income. We're going to address some broader elements in Social Security. Finally, our last segment's going to be about TRS. School's out now. Summer's in session. Teachers, some are retiring, and some are starting. Some are continuing their career path as a teacher in our public school system as well as some administrators. What are pension plans for TRS? Is it always going to be enough? We'll talk about that to close the day. LEARN MORE at www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial

  • The 411 on Trust Funds

    08/06/2017 Duração: 08min

    A trust fund is a vehicle you can use during your life. You can do an irrevocable trust. Then it's solid. It's active, once you fund it. Or you can have a revocable or a trust you fund on your death. This trust, then, will benefit either a foundation or benefit your heirs, your children, your grandchildren, nieces or nephews, whoever you earmark for it. One of the most important things about a trust is that it bypasses probate. If you set up a trust it's not disclosed. If you're worried about people knowing where a certain amount of assets are going to go later on, if you have it in your will it will be probated and it will be a public record. Everybody will be able to see it. If you do it in a trust, it bypasses probate. It's sealed. Nobody knows who's getting what and how much is in there. LEARN MORE at www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment Advisors Corp and SCC registered investment adv

  • Taxes & Investing

    08/06/2017 Duração: 59min

    There is a difference between the way men and women invest. There are some, I don't want to say genetic differences, but there are philosophical difference on how and what they're comfortable with, speaking of risk appetite. Also, we're going to do a topic on taxes and investing. There are some dos and don'ts. The government will penalize you for some things and you will have to pay taxes on some of the things and the money you make. We're going to talk about taxes and investing. Then we're going to close the show with a personal segment because we've been doing this for this calendar year, 2017.   LEARN MORE at www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment Advisors Corp and SCC registered investment advisor. RIGG Wealth Management is not a subsidy area of Broker Dealer Financial Services. Neither RIGG Wealth Management nor Broker Dealer Financial Services offer legal advice. Client should consult

  • The Psychology of Investing

    29/05/2017 Duração: 59min

    We're here today for an hour to talk about wealth, and wealth planning, and financial planning, and your retirement, and saving in general. It's not something we do automatically or organically. Having the knowledge to do it and do it right is very empowering. We want you to know because knowledge is power. The topics we'll be covering today are common client roadblocks. We're going to talk about that for a little while, about how clients can get in their own way. Bryan has experience with that. Speaking of experience, we've got a few client stories from Bryan about some of the people he works with, and some goods and bads, and some watch outs. Also, what do we need to know about investing? You want to counsel someone and help them, but you need to be helped as well. What is it about investing that you need to understand and you may be overlooking? Finally, how do brokers and agents get paid? Your investments, you're putting money with these people. How is it that they get paid, and the different rate structu

  • Divorce and Your Money

    29/05/2017 Duração: 59min

    We're here today to talk about financial strategy, financial wealth management. We're also talking about what to do today for tomorrow, and what to do tomorrow for the beyond tomorrow later in life. We're going to talk simple talk. We're going to break things down and make them digestible. We wanted to thank you for being with us today, and listening and paying attention. We'll be around for the next hour. We're going to talk about a couple of segments. Topics we're going to talk about today is divorce. Also, we're going to tap into early retirement. Is it the right time to enter the stock market? Finally, we're going to talk about, say you're in your 40s. What can you do now to save for the future and retire comfortably? LEARN MORE at www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment Advisors Corp and SCC registered investment advisor. RIGG Wealth Management is not a subsidy area of Broker Dealer Fin

  • Ways to Save Money

    16/05/2017 Duração: 59min

    We're here to talk about not just finances and financial wealth but planning, proper planning, retirement, and saving for schools. There's all sorts of ways you can save money. We're now in a culture where we need to take care of our money for today, for tomorrow, and for the long term. We're here every week, just to keep things simple, just to educate you, to remind you that doing nothing is never the answer. You have to do something. Whether you come and see Bryan at Rigg Wealth Management or whether you just dial in every week, and listen to this show, and learn a few things if we can inspire you to do something then we're doing our job. Bryan is here to help with Rigg Wealth Management. I'm here to facilitate, move things along, and ask the questions that may be on your mind today and every weekend. Doing something with your money. Ask parents. Ask friends. Ask a coworker. Ask your boss. Ask HR. Talk to your bank. Talk to Bryan. Just go online, but please... People have to do something because nothing is

  • Stocks and Bonds

    05/05/2017 Duração: 59min

    Let me tell you what's coming up today in the show. First, we're going to talk about stocks and bonds. They're always mentioned together, but is there a difference, and what are they? Also, we're going to talk once in a while here over the next several weeks about if you're in a certain age bracket, "What is it I need to be doing based on my age?" We'll talk about today, in the 30s. We're going to talk about precious metals, and then we're also going to talk about some simple ways, some practical ways to save nickels and dimes and pennies instead of always looking to save hundreds or tens of dozens of dollars. Bryan's got some great advice about how to break things down. LEARN MORE at www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment Advisors Corp and SCC registered investment advisor. RIGG Wealth Management is not a subsidy area of Broker Dealer Financial Services. Neither RIGG Wealth Management nor

  • Social Security & Pension Plans

    02/05/2017 Duração: 59min

    I want to talk about the segments we're covering today, but first we're going to lead off with pros and cons of credit cards, the goods and the bads. There are some good things about credit cards. They are good to have. You just don't need too many. We're also going to talk about the misconceptions of social security. No matter where you are, it's good to know, because you're saving money through work, and then as you get older you're able to use that. It's something everybody participates in when they're working. We've got the misconceptions of social security. We've also got are there pension plans out there? Is it like a unicorn where there are a herd of them, but you've never really seen one? We're going to talk about existing pension plans, where are they. If they exist, where are they, and what do you need to plan for in eventualities. Finally, we're going to close out today with private school and education savings for college. Some of this will pertain to most of you, we hope, and we think you'll find

  • Doing Nothing is the Worst Risk You Can Take.

    27/04/2017 Duração: 12min

    John F. Kennedy, one of our most successful presidents, said, "There are risks and costs to action, but there are far less than the long‑range risks of comfortable inaction." He was a Navy officer in World War II. He knew what it meant to lead men and take risks. One thing I also want to say here is that doing nothing is the worst risk you can take, and that's one thing that we'll be talking about.   LEARN MORE at www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment Advisors Corp and SCC registered investment advisor. RIGG Wealth Management is not a subsidy area of Broker Dealer Financial Services. Neither RIGG Wealth Management nor Broker Dealer Financial Services offer legal advice. Client should consult their attorney of choice on all legal matters. Opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect those of Broker Dealer Financial Services. The topics discussed and opinions given are not i

  • Show 7 - How to Manage Liquidity Events

    27/04/2017 Duração: 12min

    We see quite often in life a lot of people do not manage liquidity events very well. The most dramatic example are lottery winners. When they get a lot of money, what happens in a few years? It's all gone. Granted we don't encourage you to be banking on winning the lottery, but we see that when people do get a liquidity event like that they've put no thought into how to manage that cash. Whether it's on this massive scale of a lottery or whether it is being in control of your 401K, selling a house, having an inheritance, a lot of times when people get that money they do a very poor job of managing it. Another example out there that we've heard quite often about when people get a liquidity event and manage it poorly, and here they know they're getting a liquidity event, are professional athletes. We hear so often that 70, 80, 90 percent of NFL players and NBA players, once they leave the league they're bankrupt in a few years because they haven't properly focused on how to deal with those liquidity events, put

  • Getting Your Financial House in Order

    27/04/2017 Duração: 12min

    Right now, with the New Year, we've had a lot of political change. We have had a lot of things going on in the world. This is a good time to be looking at your portfolios, seeing what changes you need to be making, also, looking at the instruments that you have right now at your disposal and questioning whether they are right instruments for working towards reaching your goals. I would encourage many of you right now, with all your new years' resolutions, to be looking at one thing in particular, and that is to make sure your financial house is in order. Quite often, I have found throughout the years, some of the things that are most important in life, we don't pay enough attention to, estate planning, making sure your wills are put together, make sure your power of attorneys are put together, a living will, health care surrogates. LEARN MORE at www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment Adviso

  • When is Saving Money Not Enough?

    27/04/2017 Duração: 59min

    We're going to talk about wealth strategies. We're going to educate you on finance. Finance is difficult for a lot of people. It's intimidating. But Bryan, being the wealth professor, he wants to help you understand what you can do for yourself and what he can do for you if you're interested in finding him at Rigg Wealth Management. We're going to cover a couple topics today. We're going to talk about contributing to an employer-funded 401k. We're also going to talk about options with sudden liquidity. If all of a sudden you've got a sudden cash flow, or you're fortunate enough to have a sudden cash flow. LEARN MORE at www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment Advisors Corp and SCC registered investment advisor. RIGG Wealth Management is not a subsidy area of Broker Dealer Financial Services. Neither RIGG Wealth Management nor Broker Dealer Financial Services offer legal advice. Client should

  • What Do Financial Advisors Do?

    27/04/2017 Duração: 59min

    Quite often we get questions about what actually do we do. What do financial advisors do? Simply, it is sitting down with people and helping them come up with a strategy of how to, in most cases, plan for retirement. Also, there is a lot of things that go into financial planning that doesn't necessarily have the compass heading of retirement solely in the crosshairs. There's a lot of things that financial planning can do. How you take care of kids' educations. How you take care of health insurance. How you take care of the mortgage. Best ways to manage those things that are daily life pressures, whether they be car payments, whether they be house payments, and so on. There are a lot of things that go into financial planning, but having a financial quarterback is something that the research shows most people need. They need to sit down with somebody and go over what they are doing and how they are planning for all the pressures in life that require financial discipline, financial support, and so on. EARN MORE

  • Portfolio Review

    24/04/2017 Duração: 59min

    Today, we'll be talking about portfolio management and the importance of getting your portfolios up and running. Especially for those of you who have not started investing, the time is now, plan now, is very important to implement if you know you need to do something with your cash that's on the side, or with your IRAs, or with your 401k. Also, this is the last week of tax season. We want to encourage you to, while you're going over your taxes, think about how you are investing. If you haven't started, please come talk to us. We would love to sit down with you and go over your portfolio, see what you're doing. LEARN MORE AT www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment Advisors Corp and SCC registered investment advisor. RIGG Wealth Management is not a subsidy area of Broker Dealer Financial Services. Neither RIGG Wealth Management nor Broker Dealer Financial Services offer legal advice. Client sh

  • More on Estate Planning

    24/04/2017 Duração: 59min

    Since we're in the middle of tax season, we have thought that it's good to approach people about getting their estate planning up and running if they haven't done so, what they need to be thinking about to make sure that they cover the whole gamut of estate planning. LEARN MORE AT www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment Advisors Corp and SCC registered investment advisor. RIGG Wealth Management is not a subsidy area of Broker Dealer Financial Services. Neither RIGG Wealth Management nor Broker Dealer Financial Services offer legal advice. Client should consult their attorney of choice on all legal matters. Opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect those of Broker Dealer Financial Services. The topics discussed and opinions given are not intended to address the specific needs of any listener. Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss in a declin

  • History and Your Financial Portfolio

    24/04/2017 Duração: 59min

    One thing history tells us is that if you are diversified, your portfolios usually are going to do extremely well in the long run. Another thing people don't look at as far as the fabric of our world and how this came about in helping productivity is women in the workforce. That's something that, really, the last three decades, if you will, women have really been able to enter into the workforce at a very high level. LEARN MORE AT www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment Advisors Corp and SCC registered investment advisor. RIGG Wealth Management is not a subsidy area of Broker Dealer Financial Services. Neither RIGG Wealth Management nor Broker Dealer Financial Services offer legal advice. Client should consult their attorney of choice on all legal matters. Opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect those of Broker Dealer Financial Services. The topics discussed and opinion

  • Estate Planning

    24/04/2017 Duração: 59min

    Today I will be talking about historical events and how we can use those lessons from historical events to understand what's going on in the market today. How that might influence our investing. Also, different things that you want to be looking out in the world today, as far as helping you understand your portfolio. I'm also joined here today with Reid Heller, a lawyer who's been practicing for 30 years. He'll be talking to us about estate planning and things people might want to be considering as they put their estates in order. We thought that would be a good guest to have on the program during tax season, right now, as people are looking at what they've done this last year, how much taxes they're going to have to pay, and looking at their estates. It might be a wise decision, while you're involved with that, to also be looking at how you're putting together your estates, your wills, your trusts, and so on. LEARN MORE AT www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer

  • Financial Diversification

    31/03/2017 Duração: 59min

    Diversifying not only your investments is important, but also diversifying your spending habits or your saving habits is very important, especially when times are good, which right now, quite frankly, times are very good in the United States. We see that throughout history, practicing diversification is something that people have realized is very important to do. Unfortunately, as we see throughout history, most people do not do it properly, and many people don’t do it at all. Even Shakespeare, in “The Merchant of Venice,” talks about how you should never trust just one investment, no matter how good you think it is. LEARN MORE AT www.RiggWealthManagement.com RIGG Wealth Management offers securities to Broker Dealer Financial Services, Member SIPC and advisory services through Investment Advisors Corp and SCC registered investment advisor. RIGG Wealth Management is not a subsidy area of Broker Dealer Financial Services. Neither RIGG Wealth Management nor Broker Dealer Financial Services offer legal advice. Cl

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