The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection



Strategies, tips, resources and step by step action plan geared to women to help you lose weight, end the battle with your body and leave food cravings & emotional eating behind you. Each episode we bring an expert or deliver a message to help achieve your health goals, unlock your self- confidence and live a better life while looking at health beyond just food and to explore the mind-body connection to healing. You will discover what has been holding you back and be empowered and inspired to now unleash the best version of yourself. The Beyond The Food Show it's a holistic approach to health for women, personal development, personal growth, spirituality, coaching, education, and self-mastery. Your host Stephanie Dodier is a Clinical Nutritionist, food cravings and weight loss expert. She was there too, Stephanie lost 100lbs ended the food cravings that were ruling her life for the last 20 years. At 34 years old she was hospitalized, sick, depressed and hated her body. Today at 42 she serves and inspires women to transform their own life. More at


  • 369-Weight Gain: Experiencing, Processing and Accepting a New Body Weight

    10/08/2023 Duração: 26min

    I’d love to get you started with a mini-lesson on dealing with weight gain. This is how you set yourself up to be neutral with your body and create confidence, freedom, and ease in your life today, next month, and for the rest of your life. #1-Nothing has gone wrong It’s expected and normal that you gain weight after dieting. Research is clear: the #1 predictor of weight gain is having been on a diet. Your body didn’t wrong you. You didn’t get lazy. So stop the mental self-torture and make a choice: Go back on a diet and commit to being on it for the rest of your life; otherwise, you’ll regain the weight AGAIN. (NB-I can’t help with this choice… preferable that you unsubscribe to my emailing you as this will only be more torture for you.) Accept that controlling the amount of fat your body is NOT in your control and move to step 2. #2-Weight acceptance doesn’t mean giving up Accepting your body weight simply means focusing on what you can actually control. It means making your life a lot easier by reducing th

  • 368-Greatest Hits: Thought Work

    03/08/2023 Duração: 53min

    I want to teach you the basics of thought work and so I can teach you how specifically it applies to women’s life. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: What is thought work How does thought work show up in our life The basics tenets of thought work Why thought work is essential to women Mentioned on the show: Undiet Your Life Program  

  • 367-Greatest Hits: Body Fantasies

    27/07/2023 Duração: 28min

    Body fantasies are a reality for many women. It sounds like this: “When I finally lose weight, I will _____. Learning to overcome body fantasies will allow you to live your life unconditionally. Listening to this episode will teach you the following: What are body fantasies? Do you have body fantasy thoughts? Where do body fantasies come from? The intersection between body objectification and internalization Opting out of body fantasies Mentioned on the show: Undiet Your Life Program  

  • 366-Greatest Hits: Other People's Opinion

    20/07/2023 Duração: 31min

    What to do when others talk about dieting when I’m trying to stop? How to not be jealous of other people's weight loss? How to handle my mom’s comment on my body? What about my family at gatherings and holidays so triggering? Can you relate? Although this episode was created around the American Thanksgiving holiday, this is applicable all-year-round. It’s good for family BBQs, friends dinners, office breakroom, or the Zoom room (2020 joke lol!), night out with girls… anytime, all the time! It’s a gem of an episode! You’ll want to replay it many times. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: Why you react when other people comment on your body How to not feel shame when other people comment on your body How to stop reacting when other people talk about diets & dieting The way you can change your core beliefs so you never again feel shame Mentioned on the show on other people's diet: Undiet Your Life

  • 365-Greatest Hits: Women Power and Control

    13/07/2023 Duração: 35min

    Do you want to be in your power with food or do you want to control food? Do you want to be in your power with your body or do you want to control your body? Power or Control. This is what this podcast episode will cover. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: What does it mean to be in our power Why we seek to be “in control” What happens when we shift from control to power How to claim our power Mentioned on the show: Undiet Your Life    

  • 364-Greatest Hits: The Good Girl Syndrome

    06/07/2023 Duração: 28min

    Do you remember being told to be a “good girl” when you were young? And praised for being a “good girl” and punished for not being a good girl? Although socialized very early on as women, to be a good girl this socialization is done with good intentions but it leaves grown-up women struggling and in pain. We are told to be: sexy, but not sexual; skinny, but not to be healthy; smart, but not too smart. The contradictory messages are seemingly endless. We have this duality within us... this need to be a “good girl” while needing to be autonomous, smart and independent as adult women. It’s a contradiction we carry within us that we think is abnormal.... a sign that something is wrong with us. Yet nothing is wrong... we were just socialized to something we cannot be. Being a “good girl” is an impossible standard to achieve leaving us confused, doubting ourselves, and in cycles of shame. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: What is the good girl syndrome Signs that the good girl syndrome is present in y

  • 363-Greatest Hits: When Intuitive Eating Isn’t Working

    29/06/2023 Duração: 41min

    Intuitive eating isn’t a fail/success system... the truth is, you can’t fail at it. In this episode, I will share the top 5 reasons why intuitive eating isn’t working for you. In this episode, we are going to explore: The top 5 reasons why you are struggling with intuitive eating 4 pillars that need to be present in your intuitive eating journey 10 case studies from real women as to why they think intuitive eating isn’t working for them What questions to ask to figure out why IE isn’t working for you Mentioned on the show: Rebellious Eating Masterclass

  • 362-Self-Leadership with Unyime Oguta

    22/06/2023 Duração: 49min

    Self-leadership is what determines how much we can live our life with purpose and intent.  As a woman, self-leadership is defined by our ability to step into our power therefore from diet culture. In this powerful conversation between myself and Unyime Oguta we explore what self-leadership means to both of us and how it allows us to reach our goals and live our best life despite our marginalized identities. Self-leadership for women Self-leadership is the practice of understanding who you are, identifying your desired experiences, and intentionally guiding yourself toward them. I believe that self-leadership is our ability to guide ourselves towards what we want to experience. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: How going beyond the food leads both of us to self-leadership Unyime shares how self-leadership helps rise her 3 daughters Self-responsibility versus self-leadership How you can develop self-leadership in your life. Mentioned in the show:  Health Habits Checklist Rebellious Eating Solution

  • 361-Wellness Culture with Christy Harrison, Author of the Wellness Trap

    09/06/2023 Duração: 42min

    Wellness Culture with Christy Harrison author of The Wellness Trap.  You know diet culture…but do you know it has a cousin - Wellness Culture? Thank you to my co-host Joni O’Donell for leading this interview in a way that will best serve you the listener. You can find out more about Joni on her website What you’ll learn listening to this episode: What is wellness culture and why it’s problematic The harm that wellness culture causes The SIFT method to not fall prey to wellness culture claims Why individual responsibility isn’t the long-term solution to our well being If not wellness then what? Well being perhaps Mentioned in the show:  Cohost: Joni O'Donnell website The Wellness Trap Book Health Habits Checklist Rebellious Eating Solution Webinar Quiz: Is it you or your diet? Undiet Your Life Program Non-Diet Coaching Certification Connect with our guest: Website - Christy Harrison Instagram - Christy Harrison Facebook - Christy Harrison

  • 360-Shopping & Styling Your Wardrobe After Stopping Dieting with Plus Size Styling Coach Liz Thogerson

    01/06/2023 Duração: 30min

    It’s natural that as you learn to accept your body, the desire to express yourself becomes stronger. There are many ways you can do that; dance, singing, art and for some of us, it’s through our clothing.  Finding clothes that fit your body, wearing bold colors and patterns, and styles that you’re comfortable in can be a beautiful way to honor the fact that you deserve to take up space.  Listen to Liz from Rise Styling as she shares how she helps her clients use their style biology to help them take conscious style risks, build a wardrobe, and celebrate themselves daily. She also shares ways on how to do shopping after stopping dieting. She will also share that her personal journey in dressing more authentically has helped her be a better mom, a better partner, more compassionate to other people, become more articulate and less afraid to speak her mind. What you’ll learn listening to this episode on Shopping & styling your wardrobe after stopping dieting: Why it can be difficult to let go of items that n

  • 359-Overcoming Chronic Pain with the Non-Diet Approach with Dr. Andrea Moore

    18/05/2023 Duração: 42min

    “Just lose weight” “The pain would go away if your body weight wasn’t so heavy” “ This pain is a sign that your body isn’t healthy… you need to lose weight”. It doesn’t have to be this way. Healing chronic pain doesn’t have to be about weight loss and in fact, many forms of chronic pain will NOT be healed with weight loss. There are as many people with chronic pain in smaller bodies as in larger bodies… so if weight loss isn’t the solution, then what is? In this episode, we have guest expert Dr. Andrea Moore, Chronic Pain Specialist.  What you’ll learn listening to this episode on overcoming chronic pain with the non-diet approach: Why pain is a necessary experience for human The problem is not the pain but how we experience the pain Stephanie journey’s through Dr.Andrea’s process to overcome chronic pain. The 3-day free event from Dr. Andrea to learn how to break the cycle of chronic pain so you can reduce pain levels by 50%  Mentioned in the show:  Health Habits Checklist Rebellious Eating Solution Webina

  • 358-Ozempic: The Conversation We Need to Have First with Dr. Natalie Gentile

    11/05/2023 Duração: 41min

    Ozempic: the conversation we need to have first with Dr. Natalie Gentile will be the most eye-opening to all women who have heard, considered, or taken Ozempic in an effort to lose weight. Whether it is for your own decision process or perhaps how to have an educated conversation with your bestie about Ozempic and really, any medicalized weight loss treatment, this is the conversation that will help you form your own opinion. Enjoy and share! Stephanie Ozempic: the conversation we need to have first Dr. Natalie Gentile (she/her) is a board-certified Family Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine physician who owns a direct primary care practice in Pittsburgh, PA. She strives to meet patients where they are and, with a personal history of disordered eating, is passionate about running a weight-neutral practice that is a safe space for any and all. You can find more on Dr. Gentile at and contact her directly on Instagram at Natalie Gentile MD. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: What

  • 357-How to Go Beyond the Food in 3 Steps

    04/05/2023 Duração: 21min

    Food was never the problem. The size of our pants was never the problem either. So why do we focus our healing approach on the actual food and body? The reason why humans experience struggles with food, health behaviors, and their body isn’t because of a lack of intellectual knowledge or effort. It’s beyond the food, body, or health habits. How to Go Beyond The Food in 3 Steps In this episode, I’m going to be teaching you how to go beyond the food in 3 steps. I’ll also be introducing you to the Going Beyond The Food Challenge and invite you to join us.  What you’ll learn listening to this episode: How I created the 3 steps to go beyond the food The 3 steps of going beyond the food and changing any behaviors with food and beyond food. How to take your learning about going beyond the food to the next level. Mentioned in the show:  Going Beyond the Food Challenge Non-Diet Coaching Certification Health Habits Checklist

  • 356-Listener Q&A Vol.6: Eating More Vegetables & Changing Health Habits

    27/04/2023 Duração: 19min

    Eating more vegetables & really how to change any health habits is going to be the focus of this listener Q&A edition Vol.6 of the Going Beyond The Food Show  Here’s the question: I'm 57 and I live in a large body. I’ve been doing IE for 1.5 years now. I'm struggling with adding more nutrient-dense foods into my meals. I am not trying to lose weight (I’m past that) but I do want more nutrients in my body. I never ate veggies growing up. However, I see IE posts where IE nutritionists will say you will eventually crave them. What if you never ate them?? Only forced yourself each time you went on a new diet. It doesn’t come naturally for me to reach for veggies. Can this be changed? What you’ll learn listening to this episode on eating more vegetables: How to change any habits including eating more vegetables Why awareness is what creates changes Cognitive Behavioral Coaching model to create new habits Mentioned in the show:  Health Habits Checklist Rebellious Eating Solution Webinar Quiz: Is It You or

  • 355-Doing the Damn Thing… Launching a Women Coaching Certification

    20/04/2023 Duração: 35min

    I’m doing the damn thing… launching a women coaching certification. Launching a women coaching certification   In this episode of the podcast, I’m taking you behind the scenes… curious? You’ve got to listen. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: Why I refused to create a certification for years The “behind the scene” work that needed to be done first How I build the curriculum My dreams for this program… Mentioned in the show: Non-Diet Coaching Certification Health Habits Checklist Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet? Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

  • 354-Overcoming Resistance To Do What You Want To Do

    13/04/2023 Duração: 21min

    Overcoming resistance to do what you want to do is where people get themselves stuck. The number 1 mistake people make is resisting the resistance.  In this episode, I’m going to walk you through another approach to overcoming the resistance. Powerful questions to ask yourself to discover your relationship to resistance What if the resistance was to deliver an important message straight from your intuition?  What if partnering with the resistance was the most easeful way for it to release the resistance and move forward with your transformation/goal? What if the process of partnering with your resistance created more trust within yourself? What you’ll learn listening to this episode: 6 steps to overcoming resistance in your transformation Why fighting resistance is getting your stuck Self-leadership approach to transformation Why creating safety for resistance is the path to overcoming resistance Mentioned in the show:  Health Habits Checklist Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet? Undiet Your Life Coaching Progra

  • 353-Listener Q&A Vol.5: Good Fear versus Bad Fear & How to Distinguish What My Body Needs

    06/04/2023 Duração: 21min

    This is another edition of Listener Q&A now at Volume 5. Today I answer two questions: How do I discern when it’s good fear vs bad fear? How do I distinguish my body needs if all food fits? What you’ll learn listening to this episode: Why there is no such thing as good or bad fear. We will talk about interoception awareness: our ability to feel what our body needs Gentle nutrition tenets that you should be aware of Mentioned in the show:  Health Habits Checklist Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet? Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

  • 352-My Personal Fitness Goals

    30/03/2023 Duração: 35min

    In this episode, I’m sharing my journey in healing my relationship with fitness.   Over the last 2.5 years, I have been working with a non-diet fitness coach to help me change my recurring unintentional thoughts about moving my body. Last month, I achieved the last goal I had set for myself 2.5 years ago so it was time to set new goals. In this episode, I’m sharing my new fitness goals with you. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: The step by steps approach I took to heal my relationship to fitness  Why I hired a coach to help me become someone who loves to go to the gym My new non-diet fitness goals going forward. Mentioned in the show:  The Rebellious Eating Solution Masterclass Health Habits Checklist Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet? Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

  • 351-Listener Q&A Vol.4 Navigating Diet Culture with Family & Does Undieting Mean I'll Never Lose Weight

    23/03/2023 Duração: 23min

    In this episode, I answer two questions: How to navigate diet culture with my family - my mom is a chronic dieter... Does undieting my life and quitting dieting mean I’ll never lose weight again? What you’ll learn listening to this episode: How to overcome being triggered by other people dieting  The long-term solution to be able to be with family that have different choices than you Why being in rebellion against diet culture isn’t the most effective way to heal Why compassion is key to move to changing how you experience life without diet culture Mentioned in the show:  Health Habits Checklist Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet? Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

  • 350-The 75 Intuitive Challenge

    16/03/2023 Duração: 27min

    Today I’m introducing you to an amazing opportunity to get started undieting your life!  The 75 Intuitive Challenge The 75 Intuitive is a 75-day transformative program that will permanently change how you approach health and well-being - mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It’s more sustainable, less pressure, and makes YOU the authority of what health means to you. The three main pillars of the program are consistency, confidence, and compassion. What you’ll learn listening to this episode: What is the 75 intuitive Challenge How to determine if this challenge is for you How to join for free Mentioned in the show:  Quiz: Is It You or Your Diet? Health Habits Checklist Undiet Your Life Coaching Program

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