Solo Parent Society



Solo Parent Society is hosted by author and founder of Solo Parent Society, Robert Beeson, along with radio personality and single parenting expert, Kimberley Mitchell. This weekly podcast includes conversations with other parents who have walked or are still walking the 'Solo Parent path, sharing experiences, advice and insights. SPS also features interviews and suggestions from experts in the fields that Solo Parents deal with the most.


  • Bonus Rewind: Getting Back To The Me I Lost with Dan Allender

    11/12/2023 Duração: 27min

    Looking for Christmas podcasts? We curated some of our favorite episodes just for you here!  Trying to navigate the exhausting demands of raising our kids as solo parents can leave us at a loss of who we are, completely depleted of our identity. Maybe we don’t recognize who we were—or who we’re supposed to become. Even that concept can seem elusive and out of reach—we’re so often just struggling to get by. We wanted to reintroduce our conversation with Dr. Dan Allender on how to reclaim our identity and discover confidence in who we are and how we fit into our new reality.  Dan is the founder and lead instructor at the Allender Center. For over thirty years, Dan’s theory, The Allender Theory, has brought healing and transformation to hundreds of thousands of lives by bringing the story of the Gospel and the story of trauma and abuse that mark so many. He founded The Allender Center which is the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology, and is the best-selling author of nine books.  Today we di

  • Bonus Rewind: Calming Anxiety with Dr. John Delony

    04/12/2023 Duração: 27min

    Welcome to the Solo Parent podcast, My name is Robert Beeson - and I'm here with Elizabeth and Amber (HELLO) we are so glad you have joined us. All this month we are doing something a little different. We’re playing clips from some of our (and your) favorite episodes over the last several years. Each week, a different member of our podcast team has chosen an episode to look back on and talk about why it was their favorite.  Today we discuss why Amber chose this episode as her favorite.  For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing, or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info, and a free book. Join our FREE daily meditational devotional -

  • How To Survive The Supposed To's Of The Holiday Season

    27/11/2023 Duração: 35min

    Fund conversations that matter: Tis the season to feel a lot of pressure. The list of supposed to’s is never-ending. There are expectations from family, work, our kids, our friends, and even ourselves. It’s not just a to-do list, but how we’re supposed to be, what everything is supposed to look like and be what it’s supposed to be like. All of this is so overwhelming and if you let it, it will pull you down. How do we survive this and can we actually enjoy the season?  Today we’re going to cover three main points:  1) naming the supposed to’s 2) why do we feel the pressure of the supposed to’s  3) how we can free ourselves from the suppose to’s  For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing, or just something you are curio

  • How Wonder and Creativity Create Contentment with Dr. Chip Dodd

    20/11/2023 Duração: 43min

    Fund conversations that matter:  As single parents the daily grind gives us tunnel vision that keeps us in survival mode. In turn, survival mode squelches out opportunities for adventure, creativity, and wonder. With so much on our plates and so many problems to solve, we think things like adventure, creativity, awe, and wonder are luxuries, and that it’s wise to give up on them. Is this true? Should we reconsider this idea? Today we’re joined by our resident counselor and friend, Dr. Chip Dodd. For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing, or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info, and a free book. Join our FREE daily meditational devoti

  • How to Deal With Discontentment

    13/11/2023 Duração: 30min

    As single parents, we can sense when something isn't right, but we may not recognize what is going on underneath some of our behaviors. You have so much on you. Are there indicators in our lives that are trying to tell us something? Today, we cover three main points: 1) the signs you’re not ok 2) what to do when you recognize a sign  3) three essential questions to ask yourself For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing, or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info, and a free book. Join our FREE daily meditational devotional - Download our free app - APPLE | ANDROID The Christmas Devotional: Hope & Humor for the Holidays is available o

  • How To Find Happiness When You Feel Hopeless

    06/11/2023 Duração: 41min

    For so many of us, we feel like we’re sludging through Solo Parent life and all that comes with it. We’re bogged down with all that we have to deal with and heal from. Some days we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel and we feel hopeless. What do we do when we feel this way? Is it possible to feel happiness, even in the midst of feeling hopeless? Today, we cover three main points: 1) the myths that might be holding you back  2) finding contentment while trudging 3) steps you can take to find happiness For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing, or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info, and a free book. Join our FREE daily meditational devotional -

  • How To Plan For The Holiday Season

    30/10/2023 Duração: 36min

    The holiday season is so hard on single parents. It can be super stressful and emotionally daunting. So we wanted to get a head start. If we don’t plan ahead we run the risk of numbing out, stressing out or just getting swept up in the crazy busyness of the season and miss the whole thing. How can we avoid going on auto-pilot and be more deliberate so that we can experience the joy of this season? Today, we cover three main points:  1) being intentional about time & traditions 2) setting ourselves up financially 3) preparing for emotions that come with the season  For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing, or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info,

  • How to Deal With Regret

    23/10/2023 Duração: 39min

    Single parents carry around regrets—whether we made the mistakes yesterday or years ago. We have a long list of regrets, like contributing to the breakdown of relationships, our bad habits, or maybe it’s feeling we can’t be the parents we could have been if we were in an intact family. How do we stop carrying around all of these regrets that make us feel terrible? Today we’re going to cover three main points:  1) why we have so many regrets 2) releasing the guilt 3) the upside of mistakes  For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing, or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info, and a free book. Join our FREE daily meditational devotional -

  • Self-Care When You Have No Margin

    16/10/2023 Duração: 41min

    As single parents, self-care is hard because we rarely have margin. We don’t have room for flexibility. It’d be great if we could share a one-size-fits-all self-care routine but that’s not reality. Self-care is nuanced. It depends on so many factors including how much time we have with our kids—whether we have them all the time or some of the time. How do we actually take care of ourselves and our kids, no matter our parenting situation?  Today we’re going to cover three main points:  1) what negative self-talk is 2) what’s behind your negative self-talk 3) how to stop your negative self-talk  For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing, or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Tool

  • How to Practice Self-Care in a Toxic Relationship with Katie Anthony

    09/10/2023 Duração: 41min

    So many of us cannot escape toxic relationships. Whether it’s someone we work with, a parent, or an ex, we must be around this person. How do we care for ourselves and our kids when we feel unsafe?  Our guest is Katie Anthony, a collaborative and trauma-informed therapist. She is EMDR trained and is completing her Traumatic Stress Studies Certificate. She is also a solo parent to four children ages 10, 12, 14 and 16. For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit For more on Katie - Or on Instagram @KatieAnthonyTherapy —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info and a free book. Join our FREE daily meditational devotional -

  • How to Be Brutally Honest With Yourself

    02/10/2023 Duração: 38min

    Fund Conversations that Matter: donate.accessmore.comIf we’re really honest, most of the time, we’re dishonest with ourselves. We don’t like to admit it, but sometimes the conversations we have with ourselves are really unhealthy and even the root of many of our problems. We can be negative or catastrophize everything, or we go from one extreme to the other, either in total denial of our feelings or beating ourselves up for everything. How do we have a more honest conversation with ourselves? Today, we’re going to cover three main points:  1) What is keeping you from being brutally honest with yourself?  (spoiler alert - it’s negative self-talk) 2) What’s behind your negative self-talk? 3) How to be brutally honest with yourself. For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, som

  • How to Know if You’ve Really Forgiven

    25/09/2023 Duração: 43min

    Fund Conversations that Matter: donate.accessmore.comWe thought we had forgiven the person who hurt us, but our feelings don’t reflect it. We were expecting to stop feeling angry and hurt after we forgave. We’re expecting peace and relief. But the pain remains. Does this mean we didn’t truly forgive them? How do we know if we’ve really forgiven? Today, we cover three main points:  1) The biggest reason you don’t feel like you’ve truly forgiven 2) Dealing with your feelings on forgiveness 3) How to move toward feeling like you’ve forgiven For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info and a free book. Join our FREE daily

  • How to Forgive Your Family of Origin with Adam Young

    18/09/2023 Duração: 44min

    Many of us experienced neglect and abuse from our family of origin–the people, whether parents, grandparents, or other caregivers, that raised us. Some of us might suspect that things happened to us but aren’t really sure, and some are very aware of the abuse and neglect brought on by our parents or even that we were over-parented or too sheltered. How do we move toward forgiveness when it comes to the pain that was brought on by the people who are supposed to love and protect us the most? Our guest, Adam Young, a licensed trauma therapist and host of the podcast The Place We Find Ourselves, joins us to discuss this critical topic. For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive

  • How Toxic Shame Keeps You From Forgiving with Dr. Chip Dodd

    11/09/2023 Duração: 41min

    Toxic shame tells us we’re not good enough. When we listen to our toxic shame, we get stuck in the blame game, and we don’t grow. Blaming others feels powerful. But blaming doesn’t get us where we want to be. How do we move from blaming to forgiving? Our guest is Dr. Chip Dodd an author, speaker, and counselor. He holds a Ph.D. in Counseling. Along with The Voice of the Heart, Dr. Dodd is the author of numerous books. Currently, he works as a counselor, consultant and speaker.  For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info and a free book. Join our FREE daily meditational devotional - Download our fr

  • Understanding The Cost of Forgiveness

    04/09/2023 Duração: 34min

    Forgiveness sounds good on paper, and it is a command in the Bible, but in reality, it is so hard. Why is that? Sometimes, our perspective is that it isn’t fair, and we feel like we’re letting the person off the hook when we forgive. How can we change our perspective on forgiveness to be more willing to embrace it?  Today, we cover three main points:  1) What forgiveness costs us 2) How to change your perspective on forgiveness 3) What the Biblical perspective on forgiveness is really about  For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing, or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info, and a free book. Join our FREE daily meditational devotional -

  • How to Have the Courage to Change with Brandi Wilson

    28/08/2023 Duração: 41min

    In this episode, we delve into the topic of having the courage to embrace change, particularly in the face of traumatic experiences such as the loss of a spouse through death or divorce. We explore the tendency to resist change and the importance of adapting and flowing with life's transitions. Our guest today is Brandi Wilson, an author, coach, and speaker who shares her personal journey as a single parent after her 20-year marriage ended in a very public way. Join us as we discuss the pain of change, effective coping strategies, and empowering ways to move forward. For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit More on Brandi- —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit wi

  • How to Model Courage for Your Kids

    21/08/2023 Duração: 36min

    Our children face daily challenges, from friendships to interactions with teachers, coaches and potentially strained family relations. They need us to help them understand, experience, and model courage. However, showing courage can be scary. We often admire courage in others but struggle to find it within ourselves. How can we guide our kids in learning courage when we sometimes feel we lack it? In this episode, we discuss three key areas: The first step is to model courage for our kids. Understanding why showing courage can be intimidating. Practical ways to demonstrate courage for your children's benefit. Join us as we navigate these questions, aiming to help our children - and ourselves - grow in courage and resilience. For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are f

  • Building Confidence in Your Courage

    14/08/2023 Duração: 34min

    Being a single parent means juggling many responsibilities, often leading us to overlook our own courage. Too often, we focus on the negatives and fail to see our own bravery. How can we reduce our fear and feel more connected to our inner courage? In this episode, we'll dive into: 1) Identifying the biggest fear that stops us from seeing our courage. 2) Redefining what courage really means for us as single parents. 3) Sharing practical examples to help you recognize and feel your inherent courage. Join us as we explore these points, aiming to help you appreciate your strength and resilience as a single parent. For all the detailed show notes, tips and links visit —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome To

  • How to Rely on God for Your Courage

    07/08/2023 Duração: 39min

    We often assume courage comes from within us, trying to show strength and keep everything together. But that's not always effective. We believe true courage comes from God, but how do we actually make that shift from self-reliance to relying on God? In this episode, we'll discuss: Why we tend to think courage comes from ourselves. Steps to start relying on God for courage. What changes when we rely on God for courage. Join us as we explore these ideas, helping us all find strength and courage in our faith. For all the detailed show notes, tips and links click - —> ASK US ANYTHING! We want to answer any Solo Parent questions you may have. Go to and ask us anything…it can be related to a topic we cover on the podcast, something you are facing or just something you are curious about. We want you to be part of our podcast! Receive a free SPS Welcome Toolkit with links to groups, info and a free book. Join our FREE daily meditational devotional - Downl

  • Relationship Killers Part 2 with Jenny Wise Black

    31/07/2023 Duração: 51min

    This month, we're diving deep into the realm of relationships from multiple angles. Today, in part 2 of our series on ‘Relationship Killers’, we’re focusing on an often-overlooked aspect that can harm our relationships with others: our relationship with media. We're delighted to welcome Jenny Black to our discussion. Jenny, a licensed marriage and family therapist, is not only an author but also the founder of Media Trauma Care. With her co-authored book "Our Digital Soul: Collective Anxiety, Media Trauma, and a Path Toward Recovery," Jenny provides critical insights into how the digital landscape affects our collective psyche. In our modern world, we have unprecedented access to a plethora of media forms, including smartphones and social media. While these technological advances offer many benefits, they can also be detrimental. In this episode, we'll delve into how our relationship with media can potentially sabotage our interpersonal relationships. The crux of our conversation will be exploring strategies

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