New Dimensions



Our real identity is not found in external trappings. Our identity is in God’s riches, His likeness, and His character. Our show encourages you to find your identity in Christ. We build self-esteem and male/female relationships, unify races, and bring humanity together, thus creating a powerful tapestry of strength in unity. We would have our true selves back and live and function in a way God intended.


  • Spirit, Soul, Mind and Body

    30/12/2015 Duração: 53min

    From nothing, God created all things and made us uniquely in His image. We were a concept in seed form that predicated the miraculous, which is visible in every living thing. Praise God. Only God could have created something so complex and magnificent as the human body. The spirit, soul, mind, and body, although separate, are moving forward in a complex ballet of interactions. The quality and ultimate success in our lives is dependent on what we hear, see, and ingest. Our thoughts impact our entire lives, and what we eat is the fuel for our God-given health. This show will inspire listeners to explore how to fine-tune the spirit, soul, mind, and body into a fine Stradivarius of balance, performance, and glory. God gives us each the gift of life; what we do with it becomes our gift to Him.

  • Loss and Recovery

    23/12/2015 Duração: 52min

    The season of celebration is upon us: one of acknowledging the birth of Christ, who gives us restoration, life, and hope. It is very often in the celebration of love that we remind ourselves of the grief we have suffered in losing a loved one. This show will inspire and encourage the listener to move through the pain, guilt, depression, and isolation that one can feel after losing someone close. It will give you the tools to celebrate the person and move forward to greater things. An experience is fleeting, but a loving memory eternal. The circumstances of life cannot be changed, but can be used as a stepping stone to greater faith, appreciation, and joy. This show will remind the listener that the best time to enjoy our lives is always the present moment.

  • Your Ego Will Rob You Of Your Best

    16/12/2015 Duração: 53min

    We are a self-centered, me-oriented society. It’s so inherent in our nature that many of us go through our entire lives without being aware of or challenging it. The ego, or “I,” is a myth, a societally conditioned hallucination. We have no location, as we are a spirit, created in God’s image and likeness. We are bent on the building of self, and with it, the pursuit of education, promotions, money, and hunger for the words of praise from colleagues or anyone who can give us a nod of approval. This show will help the listener break the pattern of ego, the source of all our suffering in this world. This way of thinking will always get you second best, compared to what God has waiting for you. Listeners will move away from getting, and toward being, and the infinite realm will become theirs.

  • Negative Resonance

    09/12/2015 Duração: 56min

    We are all aware of our pasts, but we are not always aware of how our pasts effect and manipulate our present lives. We perceive our past experiences as good or bad, with the bad being stored as a negative resonance that can grow to become our limitations. These past bad experiences become stored in a negative resonance, which lies dormant as a pain bank. This can then be triggered by the words or actions of others, causing things that are seemingly innocent to bring way to a response or reaction in a person that causes the feeling or past pain to be reactivated. This show will highlight how bringing about the ability to forgive using God’s ability to love will help listeners live a life that is liberated from the words or actions of others. It will also show how it’s easier to solve the past with forgiveness than to live an entire life as its hostage. When you release the things of the past, you can then begin to live the free and abundant life that was intended.

  • Container For Change

    02/12/2015 Duração: 45min

    “Container for Change” will inspire and challenge the listener to transcend the routine and mundane of how we often see our days. It will lift and expand our vision to see each day as a precious gift, changing our perspective, and with it the way we see each day. With this insight, the listener can then value each day and ultimately maximize their full potential as the restrictions that the mundane had put on them have now been broken. Through a restoration of the conditioned mind, the listener will be able to live in a new dimension of success, joy, and purpose. By challenging the mind, we can move past the things that hold many of us back. Very often it’s not the fear of the step that’s holding you back, but the fear of the unknown. That’s why a surety of direction, vision, and faith is the most important thing to take into your next step. Once you know your spiritual identity, the game is over for the distractions of the world.

  • Relationships Embodied in Community and Love

    25/11/2015 Duração: 51min

    We were created to do community together. This show will both challenge and inspire the listener, to become more aware that modern societal norms have often misguided us. We have become digitally more connected, but socially more isolated than at any time before. br The show will highlight the restoration of unity in diversity, discussing the importance of nurturing, building and supporting individual talents and gifts, with the focus on love and harmony.

  • Adversity

    18/11/2015 Duração: 54min

    “Adversity” brbr Every day when we turn on our computers and televisions or open our newspapers, we witness tragedies, whether locally, nationally, or globally, that grip our attention. It appears that darkness is vying for our attention to rob us of joy. Adversity and psychological oppression have become the norm. Sadness abounds because we hear the voice of the distracter so loudly that we cannot hear the voice of God. brbr Adversity is part of our lives and can take shape in many forms. We often let adversity shape us, but it’s in how we perceive adversity that will ultimately speed up our course or delay our progress in life. brbr This show will guide, inspire, and elucidate the listener that God created you to be a victor and not a victim of your circumstances. It’s in embracing the cards we have been dealt and taking your created state for what it is that you will accomplish something glorious. We have a choice to either live a life of resistance or one of persistence.

  • Show 'Change Your Way Of Thinking To Change Your Way Of Living'

    11/11/2015 Duração: 50min

    Many of us are waiting for a day to bring change, when it’s only if we become the change from the inside that things on the outside can really be any different. We follow a path of least resistance, becoming spectators in the journey of life, holding out for the next “new” thing. This has become the pattern of our world and our thoughts. Our societally conditioned mind and our way of thinking becomes the illusion under which most of us live our lives. br To break out of this, we need to create a shift in our thinking so there can be a change in our living. We need to raise our consciousness so we can develop a greater awareness of what we think and how those thoughts can impact our lives. br We can actually reprogram the whole mind by refocusing it. This show will elucidate and challenge you to take dominion over your life, by ridding yourself of negative patterns of thinking that will predicate a complete transformation of your life to mindful living from this day forward.

  • Tapestry

    04/11/2015 Duração: 52min

    The episode “Tapestry” will address the very core of our values, from the way we see ourselves to the way we see others. It will elucidate that we were made for a greater life than we have settled for. The way we are living was born from a mind that has been conditioned by society. This affects our thoughts, actions, and the very way we live our lives. Have you ever wondered why the world is gripped by racism and what has caused this to happen? Why is divorce the norm, and why have we settled for this? “Tapestry” will challenge the modern concept that when enough people do something, it becomes the accepted thing to do. This episode will reveal to listeners that if they want to go to the next level, they will be required to break free of the noise of the world and instead develop an inner peace so they can then hear the Master Plan for their lives. When the mind is stimulated, it can rid itself of the routine and mundane and instead fill itself with opportunity for change.

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