New Dimensions



Our real identity is not found in external trappings. Our identity is in God’s riches, His likeness, and His character. Our show encourages you to find your identity in Christ. We build self-esteem and male/female relationships, unify races, and bring humanity together, thus creating a powerful tapestry of strength in unity. We would have our true selves back and live and function in a way God intended.


  • Disposable Love

    29/06/2016 Duração: 47min

    We live in a world in which it is cool to be disposable, as it’s easier to throw things out than to repair them. People often select products based on price rather than quality, then replace those items swiftly with the latest device. In our personal lives, technology has spurred a boom in what I term the “let’s date” syndrome. This dating system does not prepare people for long-term functional relationships, as it’s built on seeking something to fill a void through satisfying a need. Very often, people will seek a relationship to try to heal a hurt, avoid loneliness, or satisfy a physical desire. The listeners of this show will be inspired to break away from worldly paradigms that have brought with them a crisis in human relationships. This episode will reveal the root causes of why relationships can be doomed from the start by highlighting existing patterns and behaviors.

  • Sight And Sound

    22/06/2016 Duração: 50min

    The human body is a masterpiece of invention and creation, and only God, the Master creator and innovator, could have created something so complex and magnificent. The human body, although crafted from many separate parts, is moving forward in a complex ballet of interactions. Each facet is harmoniously intertwined to fashion us to reflect the image of God. The quality and ultimate success in our life is dependent on our lens and how we use it to gather information. This is composed of what we hear and see. These things work together to impact what we think and perceive and become the engine driving us to make decisions we choose to live our lives by. The listeners of this episode will be inspired to learn from my guest, Ted Winslow, how sound can influence the quality of their daily lives. He is a leader in the field of Sound Healing, having pioneered SoundSyncTech™, based off a foundation of 25 years’ experience in the music industry.

  • Rollercoaster

    15/06/2016 Duração: 56min

    Have you ever stopped to critically think about how you live your life? It can look like a rollercoaster—up and down at the mercy of the particular stage you are in. This is the common concept of “the emotional rollercoaster.” br How we feel is often dictated by the condition of the path we are riding. When life is smooth, we are up, but when life is bumpy, we are often down, discouraged, or depressed. br We crave guarantees in life, when the reality is that life is messy, as you never know what lies ahead. Even with the best of intentions and preparation, things happen regardless of what we do. br This episode will challenge listeners to make a shift from living by feelings or outcomes, to having a renewed perspective that will lead them to the transformation they want. Listeners will learn how the various seasons in life are essential for all things to work together for good, and that change is not revealed by an event, but by a process.

  • ToolBox

    25/05/2016 Duração: 51min

    In computing, a toolbox is a set of commands or functions that do various things in a computer program and are accessible from a single menu. As in a computer, your body is the hardware, the container for all the functions from a single, accessible menu. The mind is the software that can be activated to determine what the hardware, you, does. The software you have has been collected through living your life and is made up of what you have learned, experienced, and adapted to fit your lifestyle. The most important part of your toolbox is your mind, as your way of thinking determines your way of living. This episode will challenge you to confront your automatic and habitual thought patterns, to think and be less reactive to what is around you. You will be able to break the cycle of living by your feelings and be able to connect to God’s potential for you to live a life of more alignment, purpose and joy.

  • It's Happening Even When You Can't See It

    18/05/2016 Duração: 54min

    All the things we can currently see were previously unseen. This very day you are experiencing was once unseen. You came from a seed that, for 9 months, remained unseen. The building you are living in was once an idea that then became a foundation, a frame, and a structure that is now seen, but was once unseen. It appears that although many things become seen, our tug-of-war is a tussle with things seen and unseen. br This episode will challenge and elucidate listeners to no longer live in fear about what might or might not happen, but to be able to make a choice to live in faith. By living in faith, the listener will then have the mindset to accept future blessings with a present existence, as God already has a planned it for you. With deeper faith, you will then be able to position yourself to receive all the blessings that have been assigned to your life.

  • Trapped In Outcomes

    11/05/2016 Duração: 55min

    We are all busy with our everyday lives. At home, at work, or wherever we are, we are busy in the process of life. We often take on the misconception that we never seem to have enough time to achieve the things we want. Do you often find yourself saying, “I don’t have enough time,” “I’m in a rush,” or “How am I going to get it all done”? br The way most of us live our lives is by doing things based on outcomes and time frames. We get to the point in life when we have worked harder, taken more vacations, had more children, but still felt something is missing. We feel disillusioned, tired and a little saddened, as our outcomes have not been met the way we wanted, and in a certain time frame. br This show will inspire the listener to see life as a journey of perfecting and embracing every step in the process that God designed to give you the best life for your unique plan and purpose. Getting to be the best version of yourself is not a destination; it is a process.

  • Potentiality

    04/05/2016 Duração: 55min

    You have the same potential as anyone else for your unique plan and purpose, as you are created in God’s image and likeness. Where things get skewed is in our state of ego. We compare ourselves to others, and out of that, we perceive and make judgments based off their achievements and societal paradigms as to whether we are successful or not. The problem with this way of living is that we’ll never feel successful, valuable, or significant, as there will always be someone else with more. br This episode will elucidate the listener to connect to their true nature, which is in being, and therefore, God. This transforms each decision we make, whether in challenge or triumph, as another step in revealing the masterpiece that God has created us to be.

  • Functional Dysfunction

    27/04/2016 Duração: 55min

    “Functional Dysfunction” br Our relationships are a key element in our lives. Whether it’s a marriage, parent/child relationship, work colleague or whether it’s ordering coffee, communicating with a friend, or on the roads, we are all relational. The quality of communication we use is very important to our everyday lives, but we put so little focus on getting better at it. br The most fundamental component to effective communication is the words we use, as they create a meaning that is then perceived by the listener. The challenge is that what we say and what is perceived can often be very different. This creates a discrepancy between what is said and what is heard, setting off the road to dysfunction. br This episode will enlighten listeners how dysfunction is formed, how it’s sustained, and how to break that cycle. The listener will gain new awareness and abilities to enjoy more rewarding and fulfilling human interaction.

  • Breaking Free Of The Conditioned Mind

    20/04/2016 Duração: 55min

    If you take stock of your life thus far, you will find that there has been a predictable pattern to it. Years have changed from one to another, challenges have changed, but there has been a similarity to how you have handled things and felt. Things on the outside may have changed, but your experience on the inside has remained the same. br The conditioned mind is a box of standard thoughts. This mind only obtains solutions from its built-in pool of resources, as it can only work within the confines of its limitations. br This episode will elucidate listeners that their mind is part of an activity of thoughts, feelings, human interactions, and environments, of which they are the conductor. The show will highlight how to break the self-perpetuating cycle of limitation and the need to be right. It will assist listeners in breaking free of the ego and enjoying a life of wholeness, creativity, love and joy.

  • My Past Is A Mirror

    13/04/2016 Duração: 56min

    We all have pasts that have led us to this very moment. Everything you have experienced, whether positive or negative, is a reflection in a mirror. Much like the image you see when you stand in front of a mirror, it’s not really you, but a reflection of your perception of how you look. In the same way, your past is not how it really was, but what your mind has interpreted and conditioned you to think it is. br To view things from a mirror can skew your entire perspective of your life. Very often, this prevents God from giving you the best for your life, as your mind and its thoughts have edited opportunities that if you had kept moving forward, would have given you untold blessings, abundance, and joy. br This show will inform, elucidate, and inspire the listener on three levels: 1) to gain an awareness of why they have limitations, 2) to resolve anger, and 3) to liberate themselves through forgiveness.

  • New Habits, New Life

    30/03/2016 Duração: 53min

    A habit is a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up. The course of a person's life, and even destiny can very much be shaped by the choices that they make, as those choices create the habits by which they then live their lives by. br Many of us are influenced by our inner-voice, which is of limitations. This is a script that is constantly playing in the background, made up of an edit of all the steps that we have taken before, to the one we are in at present. br This episode will elucidate listeners to raise their awareness of the voice that they listen to most, 1) The world and people around us, 2) Our own inner-voice, and 3) God's voice. Each take us in on a journey, and reveal a very separate destiny.

  • Vision

    23/03/2016 Duração: 50min

    A vision is powerful if it’s a vision strong enough in the present to impact your future. It’s about turning thoughts into action, and then walking it out with passion, endurance and purpose to meet a desired goal. br Many of us get stuck in the process of life, thus manifesting a life that is more like a routine of survival than a path of vision and purpose. We have permitted our circumstances to cloud our vision and put us on a different path. br This episode will enlighten the listening audience that God created a unique plan for every person and that by aligning our minds to all that He has set forth, the best will always be in the steps ahead. Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and this show will encourage you to stay the course by helping you maintain a vision that transcends your circumstances, so as not to let circumstances thwart your Master Plan.

  • Seek Wise Counsel

    16/03/2016 Duração: 55min

    How many times have you attended a personal growth seminar, finished a self-help audio course, or listened to a motivational speaker who claimed that if you follow his steps, you, too, can have whatever you want? We have been led to believe that if we can think it, we can create it. br This is clearly not the case, as if it were, we’d all be more fulfilled and happy with our lives. Our way of living is based off a collective, socially conditioned mind. As it’s deeply ingrained, it needs to be stripped before it can be filled with a new way of thinking, to create a new way of living. br The common denominator is that we are all seeking a better life. We need to change our beliefs so we can change the two fundamentals to making lasting change—our emotions and behavioral patterns. br This show will enlighten listeners to challenge what they have accepted as their way of living and be able to connect to God and His pure potentiality for their lives.

  • No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets

    09/03/2016 Duração: 55min

    Many of us become disillusioned as the roads we initially thought were paved with gold were nothing more than a mirage. We experience challenges in life, sudden changes of circumstance that instead of stretching us to explore more, push us back. We become captives to our past. Society coerces us to stay on board with a plan we’ve set for our lives. We almost never challenge the plan to see if it’s the one society programs us to follow or if it is God’s Master plan for our individual and unique life. This episode will elucidate the listening audience that their past experiences were meant to mold and shape them to be a sharper instrument. To be able to stand unmoved by outside changes in circumstance, regardless of what is socially accepted. The episode will show that staying with principled choices will bring you the best God has for you. You will be able to live a life of no reserves, no retreats and no regrets.

  • Finding Your Value In A Modern World

    02/03/2016 Duração: 54min

    We are all walking a path to greater purpose, meaning, and self-worth. Many of us are on a quest seeking value from sources outside ourselves. We have been deceived by the illusion that the smarter we are, the harder we work, and the more funds we have in our bank account, the greater our self-worth or value. So we continue feeding our inner being with extrinsic solutions. This search can only be resolved when a person is willing to open the depths of his or her soul. The person who thinks the answer lies in being married, having children, owning a home, or getting a promotion will live a sad and unfulfilled life. This episode will elucidate on two levels: 1) to connect to God’s love, to feel loved and accepted, and to then love others out of this overflow, and 2) to negotiate the fine ballet between egotistic self-esteem and the limitless, selfless value God gives you to make you victorious in your life.

  • Discouragement

    17/02/2016 Duração: 55min

    “Discouragement” br Wherever we are in the world, discouragement will sometimes stare us in the face. You may have been discouraged before, many times before, or even right now. It’s a universal malady that spares no one from its destructive force. br Discouraged means the absence of courage or the opposite of it. When I am encouraged, I am creative, capable, and excited about the opportunity of another day. I feel that nothing can stand in the way of my purpose. Life has many facets that can lead us to get discouraged, whether it be in our careers, relationships, health, or finances. When we look at obstacles, we start to get overwhelmed, tired, fearful, or uncertain of the future. We get disheartened, apathetic, and even doubt our purpose or worth. There is nothing more detrimental to God’s plans plans for us than discouragement. br This episode will elucidate listeners on two fronts: how to deal with opposition from the outside and discouragement from the inside.

  • Contentment Redefined

    27/01/2016 Duração: 54min

    Many of us dream about living a blessed or fulfilled life. Success transcends money, prominence, and position. I believe our purpose is for far greater things than we are societally conditioned to crave. Many people who speak of such a life may not know exactly what they are yearning for and remain with a deep unanswered thirst. I believe this kind of life is available to all who connect to God’s will and His Master Plan for their lives. When we are walking in purpose, we have ultimate joy and peace. To give thanks sounds simple, but too often we take things for granted, especially the everyday things that are part of God’s bountiful blessings. The listeners of this episode will be inspired to not strive for more, but rather to see more of what is already great.

  • Hostage To Yesterday's Mind

    20/01/2016 Duração: 55min

    Today is a brand-new day, but many are traveling on the same beaten path. What you’ve been through has got you to where you are now, and your perception of it will determine the path ahead. br Life is akin to an empty suitcase, as we begin it with no previous experience, disappointments, or perceptions. However, as the story unwinds, we get disappointed by words, actions, and deeds. Before long, the suitcase is jammed with excess weight. br Your story is not so much the events in your life but what role you tell yourself you played in those events—victor or victim, loved or unworthy, dignified or ashamed. This episode will elucidate the listener that living with a societally conditioned mind is the norm, but you were created to be so much more.

  • How To Build Healthy Relationships

    13/01/2016 Duração: 56min

    Have you ever wondered why we have a 60% divorce rate? In our modern day culture, there is a rift between the sexes, as relationships are built on sand, as they’re built on hormones. We have bought into the deception that getting is more important than God’s intention for us to give. A disunity exists between men and women that is fueling distrust, discontentment, and mediocrity. Just imagine how many hearts would be unlocked if they knew that someone valued them, wanted to really get to know them, love them as people, and not just feed a drive for lust. The message needs to get out, as by a perspective shift from getting to giving, we can change not only the state of relationships, but also the state and condition of the world.

  • Align To 2016

    06/01/2016 Duração: 51min

    Show #10 “Align To 2016” br Each year, the media bombards us with messages about New Year’s resolutions, which defy logic, as if you kept those resolutions, you would soon run out of things to change. br You cannot go into 2016 with the 2015 version of you. Most of us go into a new year dragging the things of the old year into it. Instead, we need to change focus, to look at ourselves as a branch that can produce all we need. The mind needs to be reprogrammed and connected to a different source. br I call this the ‘Tango of Separation.” We try to change what we want, while God is molding us for His unique plan and purpose. Herein lies the perpetual challenge within our New Year’s resolutions: we want the things we want, instead of following God’s plans for us

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