Travel Wisdom Podcast -travel And Learn Languages For Success And Money



Can travel be more than just a fun thing to do? Could it also provide some benefit and learning experiences later in life? I have always thought this and this is why I have relentlessly travelled the world and now have been to over 80 countries. I have always thought that I was planting the seeds of wisdom while in faraway lands. Through experiences with foreign people, cultures, concepts, and ways of doing things I learned much more than anything I could've done while at home. I interview amazing guests, bestselling authors, scientists, successful business people, dating experts, travel junkies, polyglots (people who speak more than 3 languages), and anybody who I think is interesting for the growth of our listeners and I as people. I think by doing this we can plant the seeds of wisdom which will ultimately lead to our success in career, business, money, relationships, self-worth, and generally being a more well-rounded person. But it requires you to be active making this happen. What do you think?


  • Bonus: Creating the perfect suitcase for the airport with Diego Saez Gil

    26/06/2017 Duração: 23min

    Diego Saez Gil talks about his suitcase company, Bluesmart, which makes the perfect luggage for the airport. If you are not sure if you locked your suitcase, you can do so with the help of an app. If your luggage is lost, no worries, you can use the GPS to help the airlines find it much faster! And of course, it has a charger to charge all your electronics. We talk about this 'Internet of Things' product and how we might all have these kinds of things in the future! We also talk about entrepreneurship and how it was to start a company like this originally having come from South America.

  • Culture matters in your success with Hunter Maats

    21/06/2017 Duração: 01h15min

    In this second round with one of my favorite guests, Hunter Maats, we talk about his trips to the United Arab Emirates and how their culture affects the way they think. We then talk about Hunter's experience on the Joe Rogan show and how that changed his focus for the following weeks. Otherwise, we talk about some of the big questions of how culture is one of the most important things in life. This is essentially the programming of the way you act and will determine your success. Follow him on Mixed Mental Arts.   The music at the end of the episode is from a spontaneous wine night with my girlfriend and her Spanish friends singing some nice songs in the kitchen.

  • Richard Nisbett on how how culture determines our outcome

    14/06/2017 Duração: 01h02min

    Richard Nisbett is the author of 3 books which deal with the psychology of thought. His first book was about the differences between Eastern and Western ways of thinking. Eastern is more holistic and Western is more atomistic meaning that the ways they perceive things are completely different as well. His second book was about the different culture in the North versus the Southern United States and what that meant for outcomes. Finally, his last book is about we can learn better 

  • Nasos Papadopoulos on how to be the most effective learner

    07/06/2017 Duração: 48min

    Nasos is the host of the MetaLearn podcast all about how to become the most effective learner. When we met at the Polyglot conference in October 2016 we really hit it off and knew he would be a great guest! I love learning especially as it relates to languages. I also think that learning is enhanced while in a new environment like travelling. We talk about these things in this episode

  • Kris Broholm returns and we both talk about being sick of being nomads

    31/05/2017 Duração: 47min

    Kris Broholm is the host of the Actual Fluency podcast where he interviews language learners and polyglots on how they got to where they are. I can credit him to getting into the polyglot community which I have grown to love! However, in this episode, we don't talk much about language learning but rather how we are sick of being nomads and always travelling around. Also, we talk about the direction of both our podcasts and what our audiences want from us (hint: tell us both what you want!!!)

  • Bonus: 90% off Paradise Pack offer with my buddy Jason Moore

    29/05/2017 Duração: 09min

    My buddy and former guest, Jason Moore is launching the Paradise Pack for one week only starting May 30th!   There are some really cool deals in there on how to be location independent, learn languages quickly, and of course travel for much less!   This is their 4th year offering this pack of 19 courses valued at $2600!   But these deals are only valid for 1 week! From May 30th to June 5th during which they will be hosting live events with some of the creators of the products! Check it out!   So check out this sponsorship message and if you like Travel Wisdom, consider supporting the show by buying this great bundle!     Also, today, May 29th, is my 28th birthday, woohoo!!!

  • Britany Felix on how to travel with a partner who doesn't have the same drive

    24/05/2017 Duração: 25min

    Britany is the host of the Living Unconventionally podcast where she talks to people living in an unconventional way. She recently took a many month road trip after she and her husband sold all of their possessions as well as their house. However, a little bit into it, the husband didn't like it nearly as much as she did. We talk about relationships and travel as well as what to do when you partner isn't too crazy about travel. Since it was only a few weeks before the interview it was still fresh in her mind but it as still interesting to hear about the solutions.

  • Gina Gotthilf on meeteing Obama and whats coming up in Duolingo

    17/05/2017 Duração: 26min

    I am a huge fan of Duolingo and credit it with me learning 3 of my extra languages. Because its like a game and you get the immediate feedback you can learn very effectively and much faster than in a course. Gina is the Vice President of Growth and Marketing we talk about what is coming up in Duolingo pipeline including downloadable courses. We also talk about her experience presenting at the White House including to former President Obama. Although this was a short interview I found it informative

  • Jon Levy on how to never burn out on great adventures

    10/05/2017 Duração: 49min

    Jon Levy is the author of the 2am principle all about how you can have the best adventures. He says that the most interesting adventures are the ones that make the best stories. If it stands out in people's minds it will become more memorable. Therefore to live an engaged life you should always seek out something novel. After doing this for some time one would think you would get bored of it but he also recommends taking an adventure fast to reset your limits so you don't go crazy.

  • Bonus! JP Sears satirical comedy on University's limited value

    07/05/2017 Duração: 06min

    I recently stumbled upon JP's funny sarcastic videos and love them because they uncover our sometimes silly beliefs in a funny way.  The newest one is on the value of a University education. He starts out with "I know the best way to start my career is with $100k of debt."   Definitely check this out   Here is what his assistant wrote me in terms of using this clip   Hi Ladan, Thanks for reaching out to JP and also for your consideration in requesting to use the audio portion of JP’s college video. You have a green light to use the audio portion during your podcast, as long as you give appropriate credit to the following social media links: If you’re good with that, then off you go :-)

  • Ray Blakney on how to learn a language using Live Lingua Skype lessons

    03/05/2017 Duração: 36min

    Ray Blakney is a former Peace Corps volunteer and the founder of Live Lingua which helps language learners find tutors through Skype. The advantage of their service is that they have a curator who finds what you needs and brings any and all tutors up to speed with your course material. In this way it is more like a course rather than a random person on the internet who thinks they can help

  • Idahosa Ness on how to use the Mimic method to be understood in any language

    26/04/2017 Duração: 45min

    Idahosa Ness has an amazing video where he raps in 8 different languages in 4 different cameras. He had to time each part of the song perfectly all in different languages. Really cool stuff! We talk about how he uses his Mimic method to be able to get the right accent and be understood right away. He says that with a better accent people are happier to talk to you and your interactions can be much more pleasant. Also, you are perceived as more fluent and smarter. The way to do it is to think of the language as music and to learn the muscle movements behind the way that they sing it.

  • Bonus! Promo for Neural Implant podcast, the other show I just launched

    24/04/2017 Duração: 14min

    After talking with one of my listeners, Carolien Caspers, I realized that some of you may be interested in the other podcast I've launched, the Neural Implant podcast. Although it is more science and technology related, a good portion of you might be interested! I talk to the leaders and innovators in the field of Neural Implants and break everything down in an understandable way. So check it out! Either search for it in your favorite podcast app (I recommend Podcast Addict for Android) or listen on the website

  • My experience doing Work Away and why you should try it too

    19/04/2017 Duração: 08min

    I share my experience over the last month doing Work Away in Southern France. I talk about how it was a great experience to work hard for 3 hours per day and then to have time for my own projects. I highly recommend this for those people on a tighter budget but still want to experience a place for a longer period of time.

  • Richard Simcott on how to talk to a gazillion + 1 languages

    12/04/2017 Duração: 58min

    Richard is amazing! He is definitely in the top 10% of episodes and guests. He is back on the show after a few years and many times that we had met in person. He runs the Polyglot conferences where language nerds can get together and speak the languages they have learned. The last one was in Greece in October 2016 and the next one will be in Iceland in 2017. In this episode, we talk less about learning the languages and talk more about the philosophy behind it. We also discuss why it is that we learn languages and useful versus ornamental skills. We then talk about travel and what we can learn from it. 

  • Patrick McGinnis on how to travel to 79 countries as a 10% entrepreneur

    05/04/2017 Duração: 53min

    This was one of my favorite interviews because Patrick is a mix of traveller, financial consultant, author and entrepreneur. Unlike other guests I have talked to on the show he does consulting but not in diet, life coaching, or anything else you don't need much experience in. He does financial consulting because he used to work for AIG! He then slowly transitioned out of that and was able to start his own consulting business just like he suggests we should. See, we sometimes hear about how we need to "burn the ships" and there's no turning back when you decide to  See, we sometimes hear about how we need to "burn the ships" and there's no turning back when you decide to start a new business. He says that we should actually do as much as we can while we are still in relative safety. Only when you have done as much as you can do should you jump into the business fully.  I think this resonates with me so much because I think that we should never do anything permanent. Always try to make your decisions and actio

  • AJ Dunn from Abroaders on how to spend 100x less on plane tickets

    29/03/2017 Duração: 45min

    AJ has figured out how to travel for nothing! He found the code on how to get around the world to different locations for up to 100x less than what the airlines are asking! The secret is frequent flyer miles and finding the 'sweet spot' as well as some good deals to pay much less! He had one customer who would have paid $20k for a group of flights but they were able to get it down to under $200!!!   AJ helps run Abroaders podcast and a company which shows people how to save lots of money on flights. They help you get the right signup bonuses to get you on 4 free flights per year! If you can spend $1000 per month on the right credit card you can be on a flight in 3 months!   We also talk a bit about the future as well as the incentives of the credit card companies. I have heard frequent flyer miles stuff before but this part was absolutely new to me!   The song at the end is a Ukrainian folk band I encountered in the underground Metro in Paris. You can hear me finding out they are Ukrainian and yelling over th

  • Lydia Machova on how to learn a language by yourself

    22/03/2017 Duração: 43min

    Lydia says that learning with a teacher is not the only way to learn a language! She actually says that learning yourself is the best way and then the teacher or tutor can be used as a guide. You have the power to learn what you want! That's why I love Lydia so much! You don't have to wait for the right class to come along, you can do what you want right away! In her Language Mentoring site (as well as her Slovak version of this site) she teaches how to go through and learn a language to a high level by yourself. That's how she learned 7 additional languages, no teacher required!   She is also the head organizer of the upcoming Polyglot Gathering in Bratislava May 31st to June 4th. I will also be volunteering so can't wait to see you there!   The music at the end of the show was from Fastnacht in the village of Elzach outside of Freiburg, Germany. People dress up in scary costumes and hit the ground (and people) with sheep bladders filled with air. It's lots of fun with marching bands and kids running away f

  • Derek Loudermilk on how parenting is not as hard as it seems

    01/02/2017 Duração: 42min

    In this interview, Derek first talks about his 7-week old child and how it is actually easier than people say in order to raise it. If you have your own business and can change yours sleep schedule as well. With the help of grandparents and a support group, it makes things even easier. He then talks about how he has leveraged his successful Art of Adventure podcast in order to get free hotel accommodation in exchange for marketing. He gives some tips on this as I would be interested in this as well. He also talked about his experience making charity birthday parties and raising a few hundred euros for charity while having a party at the same time! If you can convince them to bring an awesome friend you can also use it to meet very interesting people. Finally, he says that travel allows you to get more confidence in a more general way rather than a domain specific way.

  • Kallen Diggs on alternatives to going to University to get a career

    25/01/2017 Duração: 48min

    In this episode, Kallen Diggs talks about how he started out helping people in his community get back to work. He has written a book Reaching the Finish Line for those that are looking for jobs or are not too enthusiastic about the traditional model of going to University before getting a job. He says that you do not need a college degree to have a good life. You can still earn $50k a year being an electrician or a carpenter and not be in debt or losing a few years of wages. Life is significantly better abroad and if you can combine your studies, work, and fun. You can end up learning better if you simply do the thing you want to learn instead of going to school for it. All his success as well has nothing to do with his college degree. Everything he has done was self-taught and he simply jumped into it to get started. We were only able to cover a fraction of what's in the book. This is a topic I am very passionate about and am glad that I had such an authority to talk about it as well. 

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