Calvary's Devotions With Prince Guneratnam



Weekly Devotions with Calvary Church (Assemblies of God, Kuala Lumpur) Senior Pastor Rev. Tan Sri Prince Guneratnam


  • Jesus, Subject of Rome


    It's not a matter of rights. It's a matter of maturity. The way of humility never discounts.

  • Jesus, the Sent One


    You are doing what God has called you to do. And you question why you are faced with rejection, persecution, and ridicules… Let's take a look at how Jesus handled his being sent, into a world that rejected Him.

  • Jesus, Rejected by His Brothers


    Having grown up in a carpenter's home for thirty years, Jesus was expected to pursue the family trade. So when Jesus went out to call and meet his disciples (even forgoing a meal), his family did not understand. "He was out of his mind," they said. Truth is, he left home, to do the will of the Father.

  • Jesus, the Publicity Man's Nightmare


    Publicity – is it a motivation and a foundation for ministry?

  • Jesus, Man of Fellowship with God


    How does God view me? What is my relationship to God? How should I view myself in my relationship to God? If you want to learn how to have a relationship with God, then learn how Jesus, a man, related himself to God.

  • Jesus, Magnanimous to His Betrayer


    Betrayal can be one of the most painful experiences in our lives. It can also be one of the most difficult situations to forgive. The Jesus we know had such an experience, but demonstrated grace even in the face of death. We can learn much about grace and forgiveness from Jesus.

  • Jesus, Our Strength


    Where did Paul get strength to live Christ like life? What is that that gave Paul the ability, the strength, the perseverance? What is it that really kept him strong and helped to tell others “Rejoice and again I say rejoice!” in spite of being in the prison? It’s because he understood that he was just a branch and Jesus was the Vine. It means that his strength was coming from the Vine, i.e. from Jesus. Will you recognize Jesus as your source of strength?

  • Jesus, Disturber of Peace


    Jesus is a stumbling block but not in a negative sense. He is our standard, and so we need to be changed. We need to fit His standards because of His righteousness, because He is our standard. He is the “trouble maker” who straightens our lives, to make our lives whole. Therefore be open to the messages and truth that God communicates to you. He is the same Jesus who came to bring peace and He is the same Jesus who brought trouble to you to make you better.

  • Jesus, the Son of Man


    Jesus came as a sinless man in the flesh to have experiences that you and I go through so that He can help us in our journey. He knows your struggles and can help you. He can bring deliverance, healing, an answer, and give you wisdom so that you will know how to come out from your situation.

  • Jesus, the Exposer of Hypocrisy


    Jesus was exposing hypocrisy. He didn’t call sinners “hypocrites”, but religious people. Jesus Himself was not accused of hypocrisy. Whatever He taught and said, He lived it. One of the ways to know if we have hypocrisy is to look into our own hearts and ask ourselves: “Are we critical of others?” If you can see the wrongs in others, in many times, it’s because you yourself are living a life that is wrong.

  • Jesus, the New Wine


    Jesus came to bring new wine, and he wants to put it in new skin. A born again Christian can adopt new skin, and there... is new life!

  • Jesus, Healer of the Paralyzed


    Having faith in our friends, can stir faith within their hearts to believe Jesus!

  • Jesus, Attested by God


    Just as products have to be tested before distributing to consumers, Jesus was attested by God and He can be counted on - for real!

  • Jesus, Our Creator


    Understand Jesus our creator, who loves us!

  • Jesus, Preacher of Repentance (August 2010)


    Confession and repentance: what is the difference?

  • Jesus, the Faithful Worshiper


    Scripture must be your life application. What is your value of the church?

  • John the Baptist – Example of Humility and Humbleness


    One of our main downfalls is our pride. Opposite of pride is humility/humbleness. Humility has a way to attract people! Listen here for a better understanding of the difference between pride and humility.

  • Jesus, the Baby of Bethlehem


    God speaks through His Word. Read the Word and take it with your faith. He is going to do what He has said in His Word. He will keep His promise whatever it takes. Don’t despise His Word and Promises.

  • God is Communicator on All Levels


    God communicates with you on the level where you are. He doesn’t speak to you on high levels. He speaks to you according to your ability, knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

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