Ignite Revival Ministries's Podcast



Our mission is to awaken, train and release an end time army of powerful spirit-led, joy-filled, cross-bearing, obedient warriors, followers of Jesus, who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. To equip and train the Body of Christ to walk in authentic supernatural Christianity. To teach them to live everyday life by hearing the intimate voice of God and being led by His Spirit. Teaching them to advance the ministry of Jesus Christ by bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to earth with signs, wonders and miracles. Unto this end we will labor for our God: that the lost would be saved; the saved would be revived; and that they both would be filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and be set on Fire. We want to train them to multiply the kingdom of God in these last days. Our mission is to release in the natural and spiritual realms a remnant of people recklessly abandoned in their love for a Holy and Righteous God. It is only this kind of love in the life of a believer that will destroy the works of the enemy and will set the captives free. This kind of love reaches into the darkest of dark places and has the power to break every stronghold, strongman, principality, power and ruler in the heavenly realms. This love transforms the spirit and soul of the man or woman who is bound by the enemy. We see an end time army that is effective in battle and touches lives wherever they go.


  • Taking Your City For Christ - Part 2

    20/09/2015 Duração: 34min

    Breaking Fears Grip

  • The Furnace

    19/09/2015 Duração: 38min
  • Contrary Winds

    12/09/2015 Duração: 42min

    In the devastation, in the storm, in the wind, miracles are on the horizon. There are fresh winds inside the adverse winds. God will at times will allow the enemy to assist Him in the process of our refinement. God uses the enemy's plans to accomplish His purposes and bring about His divine plans. Hidden deep in the enemy's devastation is a set up for the supernatural and miraculous.

  • Taming The Wild Beast

    29/08/2015 Duração: 29min

    Your tongue dips down and brings up that which is within the heart. What comes out your mouth is in response to your heart condition and our true transformation will show up in how we talk. How do we control this thing? James says it can't be tamed! Remember, your tongue is in a wet place and it can slip up easily. Nothing is more representative of man's sinfulness than his mouth and there is no easier way to sin than with your mouth because you can say anything you want to say. There are no restraints.

  • Mathematics Of Grace

    22/08/2015 Duração: 35min

    The Mathematics of Grace is not something that can be calculated in natural mans mind. It is something that is far superior and fully sufficient. This fully sufficient grace at times doesn't seem fair! It may even appear to be out of balance, but, there is a kingdom principle that that Jesus taught in a certain parable which has many different applications. The scandal of this parable is that we are all equal recipients of God's gifts and His grace. The scandal of our faith is that we are often covetous and jealous when God's gifts of forgiveness and life are given to others in equal measure.

  • Affliction By Design

    15/08/2015 Duração: 40min

    Israel was set in a place where no one was her friend. Even to this day, she has no friends. She is hated. Armies are poised against her. She has no one standing next to her. Her enemies are all around her. They are bent on her destruction. Some of you have said if God really loved me why would He put me in a place where no one would like me. Why would God put her, Israel, YOU, His beloved, in amongst enemies?

  • People Get Ready

    01/08/2015 Duração: 34min

    Sometime we feel embarrassed or even the need to apologize for the "All Powerful - All Knowing" God that does not operate within the confines of our human thinking and the box that we have created for Him. This sometimes stretches the limits of our ability to comprehend His ways and can even cause us to move away from the truths in His Word that make us uncomfortable. The Fact is: JESUS IS COMING BACK AND HIS PEOPLE NEED TO GET READY. Our readiness will determine whether we FEAST or FLAME.

  • "Perhap's God"

    18/07/2015 Duração: 36min

    At the beginning of this day, there were only two swords in all of Israel. There was nothing to indicate it would be beyond remarkable. But on this day, God would win a great victory through the bold trust of Jonathan. God is ever on the outlook for believing souls who will receive His power and grace on the one hand, and transmit them on the other. He chooses them, that by them he should make His power known.

  • Watch His Feet

    11/07/2015 Duração: 36min
  • Spirit Inspired Prayer

    27/06/2015 Duração: 38min
  • Faith Arising

    26/05/2015 Duração: 43min

    Faith birthed in the heart of the believer, many of us have envisioned this place, but have never gone there. Many have heard about it, but never experienced it. Many have been promised it, but it has not been fulfilled. They have glimpsed but not grabbed it. Spotted it, but never sampled it. Pictured it, but not possessed it. Faith in the life of a believer is tangible, Faith is visible, Faith has substance. Visible Faith, alive Faith isn't some secret thing, it will be obvious. Prophetic word given by Vicki Blair.

  • Are You Ready For The Rain?

    19/05/2015 Duração: 40min
  • The Sinners Prayer - Does it save?

    12/05/2015 Duração: 01h30min

    Almost every Pastor in America has used the "Sinners Prayer" to fill their churches. A good portion of the people that fill those churches have relied on this prayer for Fire Insurance. But are they really saved?? Are you really saved?? Is this "Sinners Prayer" even Biblical?? If it's a "Sinners Prayer" that has not transformed you then it will not save you! We don't see the church in America getting or America itself getting any better. So what's the problem? David Platt states, "I'm convinced that many people in our churches are simply missing the life of Christ, and a lot of it has to do with what we've sold them as the gospel, i.e. pray this prayer, accept Jesus into your heart, invite Christ into your life." "Should it not concern us that there is no such superstitious prayer in the New Testament? Should it not concern us that the Bible never uses the phrase, 'accept Jesus into your heart' or 'invite Christ into your lif

  • 9 Gifts of the Spirit 9 Keys to the Kingdom

    12/05/2015 Duração: 45min

    The Bible says that we should "...eagerly desire spiritual gifts." This word "Eagerly" means to imitate the sound of boiling water, properly, to bubble over because you are so hot (boiling), to burn with zeal, to be deeply committed to something, with the implication of accompanying desire, to be earnest, to set one's heart on fire, to be completely intent upon. Are you eager to possess the gifts of the Spirit? Or do you say, "No Thanks God! I got this!" You should be seeking these gifts with all of your heart because each one of these gifts are major power gifts. They are all direct, supernatural, miraculous manifestations direct from the Holy Spirit.

  • Searching To Find

    05/05/2015 Duração: 17min

    This is a call to pursue, this is a call to seek, this is a call to find, this is a call to be diligent, this is the call to meet! This IS NOT for the casual, the weak willed or the lazy. This is for those who really want it! If you want me, come find me! I am for the hungry, for the thirsty for the desperate.

  • Kingdom Keys

    14/04/2015 Duração: 30min

    It starts with Gods rule being formed and excercised in you. When He has you then He can use you! Ownership! Only then can He give you the Keys of the Kingdom which are power and authority. These Keys are not given to the casual hearer or the passer by.

  • Deliverance By Design

    07/04/2015 Duração: 44min
  • The Radical Grace Encounter

    31/03/2015 Duração: 25min

    "The Radical Grace Encounter" starts with God's rule being formed and exercised in you! When He has you, then He can use you! Only then can He give you the Keys to the Kingdom which are His Power and Authority. These Keys are the part of the Kingdom of God that enables you to open the spiritual doors around you. These are the Keys that will enable you to set people free. The Keys to destroy the works of the evil one. Remember, its His Power, His Authority, working through you!

  • Desperate for Deliverance

    24/03/2015 Duração: 01h07min

    Deliverance is brought through desperation. Prayer so deep it draws Divine intervention. We have erroneously held that God's chosen will never be assaulted by the adversary, much less driven to desperation. But this desperation is often the very crucible in which the elect of God are forged. We must not hurry the process nor be frustrated if our prayers do not immediately activate divine intervention. The Lord is waiting for the nation (His church) to break beneath the weight of her rebellion.

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