Spiritual Living Podcast



We are a spiritual community that blesses all teachings and all spiritual teachers. We know that there is no wrong way to worship, whether it be lighting a candle, facing the east, burning incense, repeating a mantra, lighting a menorah, or offering prayer. We respect all the ways there are to draw closer to Spirit, for even though there may appear to be great differences in the path, the destination is the same. --- As an expression of our community, this podcast offers you weekly messages on the principles and practice of spiritual living delivered by Dr. Patrick Cameron and various guest speakers. We are the Centre for Spiritual Living in Edmonton, Alberta.


  • Inclusivity: The Key to Personal Transformation

    13/08/2017 Duração: 36min

    Inclusivity. "Where there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you." -- African proverb First of all, inclusivity starts with ourselves---owning all of ourselves and welcoming every experience in life as our teacher. Secondly, we need to understand the difference between translation and transformation. Translation opens the door, but true transformation causes real changes to occur in our ego. Thirdly, new learning opens new doors. We can learn new ways of relating and processing our hurts. Carl Jung understood how important it is to be nonjudgmental and practice "unprejudiced objectivity".

  • Living from a Place of Joy, Trust, and Radical Gratitude

    06/08/2017 Duração: 35min

    When we are in a place of joy, then we are at our best. When we are living from an inner experience of freedom, joy, and abundance, everything else works out. When we get to the place in consciousness where we realize that it is no better to have a million dollars than it is to owe a million dollars, then we will have the consciousness to create anything we want with the snap of our fingers. To say otherwise, to say that this situation is better than that situation, is to say that the world of form has control over how we feel inside. This an outside-in game, whereas we know the truth that it is an inside-out game.

  • New Age vs. New Thought: What's the Difference?

    05/08/2017 Duração: 33min

    We are all one. There is one Spirit or Force that contains All. We create our reality through what we think. Love and God are synonymous. Meditation and conscious prayer create dynamic change in our lives. We are capable and all on a path of evolving into higher states of consciousness and expressions of love. We are not creating our reality from the presence of our personal self, we are creating our reality from the presence of our higher self. Therefore, everything that is created is for us, and nothing is against us. We are not just evolving as a species, we are evolving into a new species. A universal human. This means becoming beings who walk in harmony with all things, and who recognize our power to create our reality.

  • Wholeness - Living an Undivided Life

    30/07/2017 Duração: 35min

    We are born with an inherent wholeness. We learn of the creative power of thought. We are intrigued by the wonder of it. We can become fascinated with the fact that thought is creative, that what we think takes form in our experience to some degree. We begin to use this law for every possible purpose for the benefit of ourselves and for others. We often go through a phase of treating to control people and things. Most of us pass through this phase. We then move on to treat to control our own mind and our own consciousness. Of this, Emerson said, "We must stay at home with the Cause." Wholeness is the experience of staying at home with the Cause.

  • Wholeness - Our Personal Myth

    23/07/2017 Duração: 39min

    We are not a drop in the ocean---We are the entire ocean in a drop. -- Rumi We are all myth-makers. Empowerment is when we are no longer dependent on something or someone outside of ourselves. Are we creating our personal reality consciously, or is it being created by virtue of our conditioned self? There is an infinite potentiality available to all. It mirrors back to us what we are sending out from our own state of consciousness.

  • Wholeness - From Suffering to Coherence

    16/07/2017 Duração: 40min

    We are living the richest experience, in wholeheartedness in the quantum field of possibility. Our newest science meets the oldest traditions in beautiful synergy. Buddhism teaches that everything is impermanent and suffering is a part of living. We have the opportunity to learn how to suffer and then cast it off. In our modern world, we are learning the secrets that ancients knew---how activating the pineal gland and keeping our chakras in alignment gives us a better chance of reaching coherence and accessing the divine.

  • Wholeness - Know Thy Shadow, Know Thyself

    09/07/2017 Duração: 34min

    Tibetan monks attempting to move a large, clay Buddha discovered that it was actually a gold statue covered in clay. We too have a golden shadow---a part of ourselves we do not want to recognize, that isn't a part of the image we present to the world. The mask we wear is one of clay; it can crack and show the true self within. We must give our attention and energy to that which creates greater aliveness. Let us understand our mask and begin chipping away at it. What is the opposite to our public persona? Look for the blessings that our unowned self has gifted us with. We can't embrace that which we won't own. We must do this to experience wholeness. Dr. Brené Brown said, "The irony is that we disown our difficult stories to appear more whole and more acceptable. But our wholeness, even our wholeheartedness, actually depends on the integration of all of our experiences including the false."

  • Wholeness - The Companion of Oneness

    02/07/2017 Duração: 44min

    The kingdom of heaven of which Jesus spoke is the unified field of consciousness. The seeds in Jesus' parables are ideas in our consciousness. A small seed planted in the right conditions and tended in the appropriate ways can flourish. The same is true of the thoughts in our consciousness. "Think about God and God will think about you. When we turn from destructive emotions, they are no longer fed by the creative imagination. A transformation takes place when love destroys hate by absorbing it in its Divine flame. The negative state which we have created by unhappiness cannot be healed by adding more unhappiness nor by analyzing the unhappiness we already have. Rather,it is healed as we turn to the contemplation of wholeness. Filling the consciousness with joy lifts grief out of itself until it no longer exists." -- Dr. Ernest Holmes There is nothing between us and the Kingdom of God but our own mistakes. What seeds are we planting? Is the field (of consciousness) ready?

  • The True Meaning of Yoga

    25/06/2017 Duração: 33min

    Lifestyle meditation teacher Mandy Trapp shares with us the true meaning of yoga. Yoga means to yoke together, or to bring together, into union all the dimensions of who we are. The soulful aspect of ourselves is the one that is just watching it all happen. And it is the same one that has been watching since the moment we took the first breath in our life, and it will be the same one that watches as we take the last breath in our life. And in that last breath in our life, we may feel the greatest sense of yoga or union. Patanjali wrote that the practice of yoga is available to us throughout our entire life if we go through the process. The outermost expression of who we are in yoga or in union is who we are in relationship to each other. The next layer is how we relate to ourselves---our inner dialogue. The third layer is known as asana---the seat and position that we sit in all areas in our lives. It is the many hats we wear, and all the rules that surround those roles. To get there, to reconnect with oursel

  • Our Superpower is Love

    18/06/2017 Duração: 39min

    "Man re-enacts the nature of God." -- Dr. Ernest Holmes After the dark night of the soul, we are broken open, and we learn a lot about ourselves. But we can only go so far with our intellect, and then we need to open our hearts. Our ego mind can spin a story of separation, of aloneness, but the heart tells a different story. Jesus spoke of God as a Father, but God is also a Mother. The father is the activity, the light, the thinking, the electricity. The mother is the love, the magnetism, the bonding, the attraction; Mother-Love brings order to chaos. In the Law of Attraction, the thought (Father) is where it starts, but the magnetism (Mother) brings the experience to us. It is electro-magnetism. We are creations of the I Am Presence; we have incarnated and are plugged into the Cosmic Lattice. Our thoughts activate love. We are all superheroes because we love---and our superpower is love.

  • Shining the Light on Prosperity

    11/06/2017 Duração: 25min

    In today's talk, Rev. Tammie gives us several practical ways to become more prosperous. The three metaphysical laws that govern everything govern money, too. The first is the Law of Unity---a spirituality of wholeness. When we find wholeness through Source, we find the peace we may be seeking in money and learn what prosperity looks like for us individually. The second is the Law of Cause and Effect. For every manifestation, there is an invisible idea behind it. An experience of lack is caused by ideas or beliefs about lack. The third is the Law of Circulation. The nature of life is giving and receiving---life energy flowing. Feeling prosperous comes from a grateful attitude, a generous heart, and a life of circulating our good. In our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives. -- Deepak Chopra

  • The Shadow

    04/06/2017 Duração: 45min

    Carl Jung was guided by four key principles in his teaching and life work: We need to become our complete selves to live as whole human beings. The complete self lives naturally in two worlds: the outer materialistic one and the inner spiritual one. The Spiritual Source of Life needs humanity to mirror Its creation in consciousness and help It evolve further. The whole human being is open to the Divine as co-creator. Ernest Holmes wrote, "There is an infinite, creative Intelligence which creates all things by imparting of Itself to become that which is created. This Creative Cause is an indivisible unity." Shadow work is an imperative part of the spiritual path. We must own our own shadow. We can learn the power of waiting while others do their shadow work. By not protesting or denying a situation, we can leave enough room for people to work out their problems among themselves. Such things can only be accomplished if our own shadow is reasonably well in-hand and we are not tempted to plan our own retaliatio

  • Generosity and Volunteerism

    28/05/2017 Duração: 38min

    When we are volunteering, the quality of the outcome as the result of our activity is directly connected to the state of our being or our consciousness that our activity springs from. The consciousness from which we offer our gift determines the ongoing nature of our efforts and the results that follow. When we plant a seed of love from a consciousness of love, there is a better chance that what we've planted will flourish and have long-standing impact and a ripple effect. Who we choose to be, and taking action from a feeling tone of what we've chosen, makes all the difference in the experience of our action and the crop that we harvest. We are the soil and the gardener of our own field of possibility. This agreement that we strike personally has everything to do with our relationship with others---how contribution, generosity, openness, and willingness can liberate us in relationship with ourselves and with one another. A shift in awareness can move us from a life of survival to a life of contribution. When

  • The Longing of the Soul

    21/05/2017 Duração: 34min

    We are all on a soul's journey. So much of our growth happens in our heads, we forget that we need to take action as well---it all works together. Contributing to the world around us is the culmination of our growth. 3 key points: Longing---Longing is the soul's language. When we trust the invisible then our longing has purpose. It changes from desperate longing to assured longing. Grace---Grace is that unseen force that helps us and allows us to change the course we're on at any time, to change our path and our karma. The Gift---Be a gift to others. Thach Nguyen uses these 4 steps: Connect deeply. Ask questions about the person you're with. Contribute on the spot. Watch the miracles happen. Deepak Chopra's book: How to Know God

  • The Invisible Mom

    14/05/2017 Duração: 38min

    The universal creative force is as much feminine as it is masculine. It is accepting of any ideas we give it and it gives birth to them. We are created in the image and likeness of the divine, with the ability to interact with it and determine our life's course. Our choices build faith in something---possibility, opportunity, creativity---or in error beliefs of restriction and limitations. God created with his word, "let there be..." and so do we create with our words. What we say most often, we become. Jesus was a radical, and he said, "I have come so that you may have life and have it more abundantly." Mother Nature shows us that abundance and is always guiding and directing us. If you ever feel like an invisible mom, know that God sees, knows, and loves you. (Story by Nicole Johnson.) (Song is "Hands of Grace" by Jack Fowler.)

  • Givers, Takers, and Matchers

    07/05/2017 Duração: 32min

    Adam Grant, in his book Give and Take, describes three types of people---givers, takers, and matchers. He studied organizations, engineering firms, and hospitals to discover that the givers are both the most and least productive people. How can we create a world where more of the givers get to excel? We must recognize that givers are the most valuable people in any organization. We must create a culture where it's okay to ask for help. This changes everything, and allows the givers to help more. Adam Rifkin, successful entrepreneur, says his secret is five-minute favours or strategic giving to help another. It is conscious giving---identifying what he can do that will help another and contribute without overextending himself. The key to creating a successful team is not to bring in more givers---it's to weed out the takers. This can be tricky, because agreeable people may not always be givers.

  • Don't Stop Believing

    30/04/2017 Duração: 33min

    New belief requires resilience. We have to decide whether we would rather be a victim or a creator of our lives. Do we want to suffer more, or do we want more joy? It can become power to us only as we recognize It as Power. We cannot recognize that It is while we are believing that It is not. Our belief sets the limit to a Principle which of itself is without limit. It is ready to fill everything because It is infinite. So it is not a question of Its willingness nor Its ability---it is entirely a question of our receptivity. -- Dr. Ernest Holmes Gratitude is giving thanks before the thing is here, because we know it is already complete in the Mind of the One. Could we become inspired by our future? To see the lower self from the higher self, and get back into the best state of being? Stop walking back into the past. Start bringing up the emotions of the future, feeling a magnetic charge. Energy is a frequency. Who will we be today? Change Change Change! We are reprogramming ourselves to the Unknown. We have s

  • The Infinite Self

    23/04/2017 Duração: 40min

    Our evolution is never ending. We are always evolving and growing, on the journey. Dr. Holmes said, "There is something within us all which consistently pushes us forward, which demands continued progress." Ask great questions. Because the Infinite answers! Why not ask, How can I see the divine in this? Can I claim this as a gift? "We're all a cell in that soul of the infinite," says Deepak Choprah. There is a divine realm and we can lift our vibration and interact with it. What are the ideal growing conditions? The Science of Mind practice works, but sometimes we don't work---"The very thing we wish to avoid, neglect, and flee from turns out to be the primal material in which all real growth occurs." -- Andrew Harvey Here is how to embrace growth in every opportunity, see God in every opportunity, and embrace the good and bad and everything in between: Wake up. Continue to wake up. Remember where your true power lies and go within. Get help. Partner with a practitioner. Be gentle and kind with yourself. [V

  • Jesus, the Great Example

    16/04/2017 Duração: 40min

    We celebrate Easter, Jesus the Christ's personification of the presence of God, his life of wisdom and integrity, his death and resurrection, and what it means for all of us. We have all experienced suffering because of what we believe. We all must die to our egoic or false selves. Our calling is to follow Jesus' example and learn to have the courage to love. Our journey ultimately is not one of consumption. It is one of contribution. It is one of service, of love.

  • How to Be Empowered

    09/04/2017 Duração: 30min

    Guest motivational speaker and entertainer Wayne Lee talks about how we can face a life challenge and, through the process, empower ourselves. How can we be free? How can we empower ourselves? How can we let go of the stuff that stops us in our own mind? How can we become a better performer? Fundamentally, how do we consciously create the life we desire? We can ask ourselves two questions whenever we are going through such a life shift: What can we learn from this? What can we do about this? A third, final question that becomes the most important question: What are we grateful for because of this?

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