Spiritual Living Podcast

The Infinite Self



Our evolution is never ending. We are always evolving and growing, on the journey. Dr. Holmes said, "There is something within us all which consistently pushes us forward, which demands continued progress." Ask great questions. Because the Infinite answers! Why not ask, How can I see the divine in this? Can I claim this as a gift? "We're all a cell in that soul of the infinite," says Deepak Choprah. There is a divine realm and we can lift our vibration and interact with it. What are the ideal growing conditions? The Science of Mind practice works, but sometimes we don't work---"The very thing we wish to avoid, neglect, and flee from turns out to be the primal material in which all real growth occurs." -- Andrew Harvey Here is how to embrace growth in every opportunity, see God in every opportunity, and embrace the good and bad and everything in between: Wake up. Continue to wake up. Remember where your true power lies and go within. Get help. Partner with a practitioner. Be gentle and kind with yourself. [V