Cross Of Grace



We exist to glorify God by making disciples through treasuring, living, and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.


  • The God of Second Chances

    18/08/2013 Duração: 33min

    God doesn’t leave us in our sin. He doesn’t let our sin have the last word. God is bigger than our sin, extending mercy to us through the gift of repentance. In Christ, He pours out His grace and opens our eyes to the truth of the gospel. That repentance is for unbelievers coming to Christ. And that repentance for believers - everyday - as we follow Christ.

  • Prayer In The Darkness

    11/08/2013 Duração: 41min

    God will use the darkness of your trials to draw you closer to Himself. And while we are praying to be delivered from the trial, God will often use your difficulty to be your deliverance, to mature us and sanctify us and grow us in Him.

  • When God Sends The Storm

    04/08/2013 Duração: 44min

    Even in our disobedience, God will lovingly use all the trials of our lives to help us see Jesus and trust Him more. This is what God does for those who are His. By directing trials in our lives, God comes after us with His relentless mercy and love.

  • Running From God

    28/07/2013 Duração: 42min

    Because of Jesus Christ, God’s relentless mercy and grace always catch up to all who are His. In God’s mercy – His persistent, relentless mercy – He loves you too much to let you keep running in the wrong direction. No matter how far you’ve run, no matter how distant you are from God, you are never too far that God’s mercy in Christ can’t reach you, change you, and turn your life around.

  • We Are Interdependent

    21/07/2013 Duração: 40min

    To be interdependent means we need each other as we serve Christ, together. As Christians, we depend on Christ, but we also need each other - for personal ministry and for help in fulfilling the Great Commission. And as a church, we need other local churches to partner with, pursuing unity and grace as the whole Body of Christ

  • We Are Missional

    14/07/2013 Duração: 38min

    The church's mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We are each called to live our lives intentionally, in order to declare the gospel so that others become Jesus' disciples.

  • We Are Elder-Led

    07/07/2013 Duração: 38min

    Pastors are mature Christian men uniquely called by God to care for and humbly lead Christ’s church. As the churches of the New Testament were planted in the different cities, these were the men who had a God-given call to ministry, who had sound character, and sound doctrine to lead the church as fellow-disciples of Jesus.

  • We Are Complementarian

    30/06/2013 Duração: 41min

    As men and women joyfully function in their God-given roles, our churches will be blessed, and our homes will become a clear illustration of the gospel. When men humbly lead their families and women intelligently support their husbands, every area of our lives will benefit – our children, our neighborhoods, and our society.

  • We Are Continuationist

    23/06/2013 Duração: 40min

    Through the Holy Spirit, every Christian has been given a spiritual gift (or gifts) to serve each other and ultimately to point to Jesus. By filling every believer with the Holy Spirit, we are given the grace and power needed to fulfill what God has called us to – evangelizing the lost, encouraging believers, and spreading the gospel. This sermon entitled "We are Continuationist" explores what the Bible says about spiritual gifts and how we are to function in them for the health of Christ's...

  • We Are Gospel-Centered

    16/06/2013 Duração: 35min

    Why would a church seek to have its doctrine, preaching, and community life centered on the gospel? It is because we want to elevate the work of Jesus Christ above everything. We want our one passion to be all about Jesus.

  • We Are Reformed

    09/06/2013 Duração: 33min

    This is the beginning of a sermon series called "Our Values", where we are being reminded of what we hold dear as Cross of Grace and as a Sovereign Grace Church. The first value that we cover is "We are Reformed”. That means we celebrate God’s sovereignty in all things, including salvation. We accent the sovereign grace of God in our salvation.

  • No Man Left Behind

    02/06/2013 Duração: 43min

    When we wander from the truth, God calls us to help bring each other back. Our faith and our love are backed up with action. And we act by going to that person and getting involved, letting them know we care, reminding them of the gospel, and praying for their restoration.

  • Embrace Suffering For The Sake Of Christ

    26/05/2013 Duração: 22min

    Paul's telling timothy, Gods telling us today... Don’t run and hide in shame from suffering for the gospel but embrace it.

  • A Prayer Of Faith

    19/05/2013 Duração: 44min

    In every situation we can go to God in prayer knowing he will answer.

  • Jesus’ Return And Our Today

    12/05/2013 Duração: 42min

    Don’t forget, Jesus is coming again. We can endure because Jesus is coming again. He is coming back as Judge and Savior, to judge of the wicked, and Savior of his people.  He wants us persevere because Jesus’ return is near.

  • A Faithful Steward

    05/05/2013 Duração: 39min

    Since God is sovereign, He is the one who guides our lives. And since He is good, we can trust God with every detail of our lives, knowing His plans are best. In every decision, small and large, we can entrust our lives to the sovereign will of God.

  • If the Lord Wills

    28/04/2013 Duração: 43min

    Since God is sovereign, He is the one who guides our lives. And since He is good, we can trust God with every detail of our lives, knowing His plans are best. In every decision, small and large, we can entrust our lives to the sovereign will of God.

  • Word Weapons

    21/04/2013 Duração: 38min

    What I say about others should reflect God’s mercy, not unjust judgment. Jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Christians should not use words against each other, but instead should use our words to glorify God and minister grace.

  • Resisting Division

    14/04/2013 Duração: 42min

    We can never underestimate the folly of the human heart. Division is caused by conflicting desires of our hearts. We can avoid these divisions in the church by humbly asking for God’s grace. We resist worldly division by humbly submitting ourselves to God.

  • Godly Wisdom

    07/04/2013 Duração: 40min

    A life that is walking in godly wisdom will be proven, not only by what we know, but by lives that are self-less, that seek to honor God and serve others. We demonstrate godly wisdom with peaceful, humble lives.

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