M6p: Marvel 616 Politics



The M6P is a show about the mainstream Marvel Universe. M6P discusses the writers, artists, editors, and most importantly the stories! We try to deconstruct the stories and motives to better understand and enjoy the Marvel experience for our listeners! Join us and enjoy the ride!


  • Make Me Feel Fat and Old

    12/04/2013 Duração: 02h03min

    So, here we are just recording another show and Jarid feels like he's got to get his digs in. Sure I'm 30 and sure I may be a tad overweight at a solid 400 pounds...but does he have to let the listeners know? My take is that he could have been a lot more subtle. I mean, "ain't nobody got time for dat!" I don't make fun of his inability to grow facial or back hair. I don't mock him for his irrational fear of jelly. I don't inappropriately bring up his secret ambition to become the world's first invisible buttock model (right cheek only, I'm told). I don't do any of that. And yet, he stands before me, brazenly declaring that he will help ME with my problems?!? The man doesn't even own a pair of aviator sunglasses for goodness sake! Forget it. I hate him. We are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping and with our Promotional Code you can save an extra 8%. It's one time use only marvelpol8 So until next time, make yours Marvel 616

  • Hacha! We're Back!

    20/03/2013 Duração: 02h05min

    I don't believe it! I don't. I refuse. I mean, Jarid thinks that the Body Politic likes him better than me. This is totally unnacceptable. He's the jerk. Not me. And then he starts making fun of me because I'm losing my voice? Then he calls me Jerry Seinfeld (or however you spell that yahoo's name). Well, I won't stand for it. I'm better than that guy! I've read this week's books: Avengers, New Avengers, All-New X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Uncanny Avengers, Uncanny X-Force, X-Force and Cable, Avengers Arena, etc. etc. etc. Just tune in and see for yourself. This guy's a nut. I don't think he even really reads comics. You be the judge. We are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping and with our Promotional Code you can save an extra 8%. It's one time use only marvelpol8 So until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics.

  • A Year in Review

    14/01/2013 Duração: 02h26min

    Can you believe it?!?! We wrapped up another fantastic, amazing, superior, astounding year here at Marvel 616 Politics. AND...we didn't kill each other. Even after Jarid pulled his usual shenanigans this episode with his NINE Tina Awards. OH YES!! You CAN believe your eyes. Jarid, that jerk, picked 9 Tina Awards for our TWO issues that we reviewed. So tune in and listen to our voicemails, our take on Amazing Spider-Man #700 and Superior Spider-Man #1, as well as hearing our 2012 Year in Review!! We are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping and with our Promotional Code you can save an extra 8%. It's one time use only marvelpol8 So until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics.

  • M6P Unplugged

    14/12/2012 Duração: 01h23min

    Right on, man. It's cool. We slide right into our future along side our new bedfellow--Marvel NOW. Cool. We just go with where the road takes us and we just dive right in. It's surreal, man. AvX is over, man. We now can all gather 'round and show our love for one another. These new titles unite us under a singular consciousness, man. And that's what it's all about. We are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com, man. All orders over $50 are free shipping and with our Promotional Code you can save an extra 8%, man. It's one time use only, so don't crush it, man. marvelpol8 So until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics, man.

  • M6P Welcomes the Wives

    27/10/2012 Duração: 01h36min

    You may find it interesting that Jackie sounds a lot like Andy. You may find it interesting that Jennifer sounds a lot like Jarid. But I think what you will find most interesting is that these two goddesses of the earth put up with these two dopes to any and all degrees. We've got pigs, toothbrush fiascos, action figures, and toy stores. Too much money on comics, not enough time in love. How do they do it? Well, tune in to find out how these lovely gals take on their hubbies in a special anniversary episode of Marvel 616 Politics! We are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping and with our BRAND NEW PROMOTIONAL CODE !!!!!!!! you can save an extra 8%!! marvelpol8 So until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

  • This is Jarid's Show #2

    11/09/2012 Duração: 02h07min

    That's right everyone. I know in the episode that I said that Jarid was going to be writing this synopsis...but since he's at the old J. O. B., I thought I'd take a break and do him a flavor. That's right. A FLAVOR. WHAT!?!? I said it, and I'm not apologizing for it. I mean, we got only a few months of the world left before that despicable feathered serpent comes back and I will not be branded an aristocrat for the short time I have left. And if talking like a "R and B" musician/artist is what gets me there...then I WILL throw my hands in the air (as if I just did not care)! Anyway, we are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping and with our BRAND NEW PROMOTIONAL CODE !!!!!!!! you can save an extra 8%!! marvelpol8 So until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

  • We're Just Too Good

    13/08/2012 Duração: 02h16min

    Sometimes you have to toot your own horn. It's not a big deal. We're just that good. (Hey, that would have been a better title. Why would I say 'too' good, when I could have titled this album 'that' good? Huh...well too late now. I already wrote it.) Why are we 'too' good, you ask? Just go ahead and skip the entire episode and go right to the Tina's. I mean, who are we kidding? I know you don't listen to the comic book stuff anyway. Do yourself a favor. Anyway, we are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping and with our BRAND NEW PROMOTIONAL CODE !!!!!!!! you can save an extra 8%!! marvelpol8 So until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

  • Gwem J

    30/07/2012 Duração: 02h10min

    It gets easier and easier to prepare for these shows. How? Well, we just don't. Well...that's not really true. I mean we send each other a txt file with some ideas and Jarid usually says, "okay, boss." But what he really means is, "if that's what you really want to talk about...not that I'm complaining; I just think it's stupid to pick those topics. I mean they don't have anything to do with the X-Men or Tina Turner or my J-O-B or anything that I would remotely be interested in. And why do you constantly pick 'good' stories when I hate good stories and story-telling? Aside from Claremont, who couldn't tell a concise story if his life depended on it, I really don't like much of anything nowadays...except for Brian Wood's 'Storm' series. I know, I know...you want to argue that it's not really Storm's book, but you'd be wrong. You are entitled to an opinion...but it's wrong." I mean, GEEZ! Look at what I have to put up with! Anyway, we are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTr

  • This is a Comic Book Podcast?

    25/06/2012 Duração: 02h12min

    Some people ask us some silly questions when they find out that we do a podcast. (i.e. What's a podcast?, Do you get paid?, Do people like you?, Do you get paid?, How much do you spend in hosting per year?, Do you get paid?, What do you talk about on this "pod" "cast"?, Do you get paid?, They still make comic books?, Do you get paid?, Is it as boring as it sounds?, If you don't get paid then why would you do it?) That sort of thing. But they are always surprised to find out how much we laugh and talk about orphans and misconceptions about the birds and the bees and whether we can get our wives to do a show and give us a break. Come to think of it...we're pretty surprised when we talk about those things too. Anyway, we are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping and with our BRAND NEW PROMOTIONAL CODE !!!!!!!! you can save an extra 8%!! marvelpol8 So until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

  • As the Frozen Yogurt Melts

    08/06/2012 Duração: 01h22min

    YES!! We FINALLY get to answer the question of Professor X's frozen yogurt stand and what his best-selling flavors are. YOU'RE WELCOME! As well as doing an "Ask Andy" session followed by 4 stellar reviews of our favorite comics of this past week. (Let's be honest here: Jarid hates everything Andy likes. That's really all there is to it? I mean, you know it; I know it. Everyone knows it. That guy ticks me off so much!!!! He makes me Hulk Out!...well....not really...just rulk really bad.) Anyway, we are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping and with our BRAND NEW PROMOTIONAL CODE !!!!!!!! you can save an extra 8%!! marvelpol8 So until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

  • Avengers Movie and AvX Love

    23/05/2012 Duração: 02h03min

    It's that time of year again! What time, you ask? Well it's that time that the EVENTS start and the summer blockbusters are busting my block! And well...that's pretty much all we talk about here on our show this issue. The Avengers movie and how much we want to jazzercise to the movie, how Jarid basically directed it, and how we disagree on the length of AvX and what it should be compared to how doggone long it is! And of course this amazing, fantabulous episode is brought to you by the letters: D, C, B, and S (for those of you that are familiar with Sesame Street, that will get some laughs...maybe). That's right! Discount Comic Book Services! DCBService.com sponsor this manic monotony and pay for our Annual Report Renewal Notice for our business license in the state of Louisiana...huh? Well anyway, this month DCBS has 40% off all Marvel trades over at their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free and with our BRAND NEW PROMOTIONAL CODE !!!!!!!! you can save an extra 8%!! marve

  • The McVicker of Entendres

    28/04/2012 Duração: 02h05min

    There's nothing more embarrassing than dropping your sandwich down a pile of stairs covered with snail trails of slime and then being forced to eat that sandwich while only in your underwear in front of a crowd of politicians. And that's why we are bringing you the very best of AvX commentary this episode. Wait--what?!? Oh, and be sure to catch a glimpse of Jarid and Andy singing their favorite Tina's a la a cappella. And until next time: Make yours Marvel 616 Politics! (brought to you by DCBService.com!!)

  • Leaf Me Alone on Rye

    31/03/2012 Duração: 02h05min

    So here's the end of our PREVIOUS conversation. Thanks for hanging on to our every word. But I'm not sure you really want to hear us argue about whether the American public is stupid, or if the Vision and Magneto can be friends, or if Hope can stand Cyclops for a little longer, or even if the Hulk should have a sandwich if it's named after Thunderbolt Ross. Either way, it is a fun ride. So join us! Until next time: Make yours Marvel 616 Politics! (brought to you by DCBService.com!!)

  • Wait...Where's the End?

    28/03/2012 Duração: 53min

    I can't believe these two idiots would put out such a terrrible (did you see how I used three "r"'s?) product. But I guess I can't complain too much. I am getting this nonsense for free. But really how the whole production value has suffered through this process. I can't condone this crud....but ....on the other hand, I can't look away!!!! By listening, am I putting my seal of approval on this? I hope not....Gee, I hope not. So until next time: Make yours Marvel 616 Politics! (brought to you by DCBService.com!!)

  • Role Play Fiasco

    20/02/2012 Duração: 01h51min

    I truly don't understand why everything is so hard? Why is it so difficult to find good help? Why can't we just do the show and make the fans happy and talk about comics and have a blasty blast? Well, I'll tell you why! Because we don't always get along. Now I know that's hard to believe. Andy and Jarid seem like bestesty chums, but underneath that amiable facade, we sometimes get selfish and obtuse and sometimes....just sometimes....downright unruly. Hard to believe, I know. Yet, don't hold it against us. Because, frankly, if you leave us, we won't have any friends left. So until next time: Make yours Marvel 616 Politics! (brought to you by DCBService.com!!)

  • Ant-Man in My Pants

    13/02/2012 Duração: 02h03min

    Welcome back for another addition of our favoritest podcast in the world! Brought to you by DCBService.com, M6P takes you to places you never intended to go!! But don't take my word for it, come along and join us as we travel to Hell on Earth (aka Las Vegas) and the deep Russian gorilla monsters with machine guns as well as...wait, what was that last comic we reviewed? Well tune in and find out. Also, look forward to our AvX Top 5 predictions! So until next time: Make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

  • It's Jarid's Show

    13/01/2012 Duração: 02h40s

    In a twisted turn of events, we actually HAVE a show! Come join our merry band of two as we review fan-requested "Scarlet Spider" and "Carnage" as well as make our predictions on who would win what in this Avengers vs X-Men mini-diet-half portion-event that Marvel's doing. (tee hee) Make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

  • Let's Review

    17/12/2011 Duração: 01h40min

    Sure this may be “ambitious” of us. And, yeah, we may encounter “technical” difficulties,”disgruntled” interns, and “in”-fighting–but, heck, we think it’s worth it. This episode we predict the future of Marvel’s 2012 year, if we remember to. We also do a summary of EVERY TITLE RELEASED IN NOVEMBER (to Jarid’s dismay). What could be more fun? Join us….OR DIE!!! Make yours Marvel 616 Politics!


    05/11/2011 Duração: 01h51min
  • The Burden of Children

    01/10/2011 Duração: 01h44min

    Off to a rough start perhaps, but nothing a little glue and stitches can't mend. Of course there is that pestering baby that won't shut up. Gah!!! Kids are just a drag aren't they? But enough with the uncool talk of the funk. Let's get our comics on! But...but why is Jarid talking like that? Oh right, the Jersey accent. I don't get it. If he wanted to talk with an accent, why woudldn't he just do a M6P Role Play and get it over with? Why's the guy gotta be like that? Jerk! This issue we discuss New Avengers Annual, Fear Itself #6, Avengers - Children's Crusade #7, Spider-Island, Schism, Uncanny X-Force, the Point One one-shot coming up, and how uncool Thunderbolts #163.1 was. And of course our sponsor DCBService.com where you can fulfill all your lifelong dreams of fun and adventure through the comfort of UPS. So until next time, Make yours Marvel 616 Politics!

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