M6p: Marvel 616 Politics



The M6P is a show about the mainstream Marvel Universe. M6P discusses the writers, artists, editors, and most importantly the stories! We try to deconstruct the stories and motives to better understand and enjoy the Marvel experience for our listeners! Join us and enjoy the ride!


  • All Axis Pass

    23/10/2014 Duração: 02h11min

    Boy oh boy! Can the Marvel editorial group throw some nonsense at us, or what? I've seen a lot of interesting things in my day, but nothing as meaninglessly action packed as a devil-horned Red Skull battling a newly winged Captain America for days on end while Magneto raises an army of very strange supervillains...you know, because the Sentinels that Tony Stark made that he didn't know about can only fight super heroes (not villains). Because...you remember...during Civil War, Tony made Sentinels....right? RIGHT? I don't know, bro. It sounds like it's a mixture of retconning and contrivance. Or maybe just a strange, poorly written event. Not really sure which. YOU DECIDE!

  • Time Running Out to March to the Death of Wolverine

    01/10/2014 Duração: 02h13min

    Now there's really no good reason that we should keep reading comics. Prices are skyrocketing, Wolverine is dying, time is running out, and Deadpool is jumping the shark with his own movie. But, through sheer power of will, we march on toward a point of decision. To the axis of this world and that. Pure torture of our mind as our heroes come to the edge of their respective universes. I can only tell you to "Hang On, True Believers!" For this day is not the enemies. NO! This day is not for those of the Red Skull or his S-Men or the Hobgoblin or Nick the Furious or Morlun. NO! This day is ours! For the reader and the patriot and the cub scout and the Houdini's and the rest of this mad mad mad mad world! For this day, time does NOT run out! We are NOT on the edge of the universe! We will NOT see Logan die! And we will NOT hear the drumbeat of this march toward the mystery that is anarchy and fascism! We will rise up on the wings and souls of those comic characters long forgotten. For those Golia

  • Salvage Andy Kirby

    10/09/2014 Duração: 02h05min

    Soooooo...I always come on here every time we put an episode out and just write whatever comes to mind and then try to link it to the show somehow. This little excerpt of my life truly is a glimpse into all that I hold dear as a person. This is my creative outlet, my ongoing work of nonfiction...my Mona Lisa, if you will. And that's why things are going to change around here. Yep! Things...they are a-changin'. Yes, sir! A brand new day! I day of pondering and reflecting. A day of showing my true self to the world. A day of drinking from the firehose of inspiration, of sitting near the bush, of letting it all show through. Of living my life as an agent of the night. As a spector of things to come. As a man in white--riding on a care and a wing--roaming through the city with a straightened tie and a mask to show who I really am. Because the face I was born with is not who I am! The life I am living is NOT my life. It is the reverse of time and space as I am truly being REAL to you right now! My

  • The Real Jarid Mayo

    20/08/2014 Duração: 02h12min

    We often times idolize those that we look up to. But sometimes when we really get to know that person, we see that they are just a regular guy...or a average Joe...the CHILD-HATING MONSTER that we didn't know that we idolized. It's TRUE, I HEARD THE WHOLE THING!!!! One (if not both) of our hosts totally don't like kids and would rather live a long self-fulfilling life full of other people's children. What will we do with all this free time? Isn't it obvious? CUDDLE!!!!! That's right! We will CUDDLE while listening to Tina and doing the (patent-pending) Tina Mayo Workouts. We will CUDDLE while Jennifer takes her daily two hour naps. We will CUDDLE while we drown broken bunnies and nurse runts back to health. We will CUDDLE as we sit on the couch and correct Andy's misinformation about the Marvel U. We will CUDDLE while we play cards and guess animals and watch Charade and play charades and drink energy drinks and eat every two hours and workout once a day and read Storm comics and post on Facebook

  • Guardians of the 616

    11/08/2014 Duração: 02h03min

    I can't wait for SDCC! Every year I stand on line (that's in line on the internet...or if you are "across the pond" it's just on line--like "on que") "Why would they stand on a Chinese haircut?" No, that's 'on queue.' "That's what I said, 'on queue.'" No, no, you said 'on queue;' I said 'on que.' You have too many vowels. "You know that's right! I vow this day to stand with thee in the midst of thine ordained conflict. To mend thee right and beseech thy every command." Stop. "I vow, thee good prince, to have at thine enemies from within and without. To stand hither and thither in the quick of battle and the heat of the queue--as we stand on line for thine tickets to enter thine dominion of nerd." THAT'S ENOUGH! Good grief, you ruin everything. I'm just trying to tell people about the news. "I vow on the honor of my less than beauteous unwed sister, to not produce a noose that shall entangle they sublimous lock of hair...in a small oriental-style ponytial....you know, a queue!" OH FOR THE LOVE

  • Foster Me This!

    25/07/2014 Duração: 02h47min

    There are a lot of times that this comic book podcast delves into the realm of the politics. "Hey, what do you expect? The P stands for Politics." Yes, yes, I know. But what you may not know is that a lot of our listeners thrive on this stuff and crave the more social and political aspects of our podcast. "I already know that, moron. Wasn't your show founded on relating comics to the cultural and socio-economic events of our present time?" You could say that. But we also talk about family and God and country and pools and ice cream and flying and the Infinity Formula as well as other very important issues like love and children and friendship and killing little, cute bunnies in the most humane way possible. "What are you trying to tell me, here?" What I'm trying to say is that sometimes there is more to life than just comics. "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SURELY YOU JEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" No, I'm quite serious right now. "Ize cutchoo holmes!!!" OUCH!!! Get off of me! Stop biting my neck! What's the mat

  • Apologies and Disappointments

    01/07/2014 Duração: 02h24min

    I can honestly say that I'm discouraged. I mean it. I'm saddened by the state of affairs that I have witnessed and speculate to witness in the near and long-term future of the 616 universe. MY UNIVERSE!! I mean, the Hulk is brain-dead. Daredevil is outed. Black Widow is trying to redeem herself. And Spider-Man is actually Peter now?!?!?!?! How much can they torture me with their wanton use of colorful metaphor that is today's movie-goer? Wait...sorry. I am mixing my similies. AnyWHO!!!! The short of it is that someone owes me an apology! I demand it. I DEMAND IT!! Apologize dern it! Apologize for your time travel nonsense! Apologize for destroying a whole universe in a box!! Apologize for your secondary and tertiary mutations!! Apologize for your intelligence and catestrophic use of the word 'garters'!!! Oh..oh my....I think I know who I'm really mad at. Well, that's revealing. I...I'm just feeling so blue. Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DC

  • Taking Notes in our Pajamas

    14/06/2014 Duração: 02h20min

    Jarid and I talk often about our physical health, and why shouldn't we? It's good to be healthy. But it's not good to be obsessed about your weight. I mean, it's just a number, right? It doesn't really mean anything. When I'm sitting there watching X-Men Days of Future Past slurping up a gallon of health smoothy filled with sherbet and yogurt and peanut butter and natural non-fat sweetener why in the world would I need to watch my weight? Well, I'm here to tell you that as I sat and watched that end-credit scene of those poor, smoothy-starved slaves watching that pyramid be built all I could think about was how they must be sooooo thirsty...and hungry. Don't forget hungry (as I chomped down on my mini-van sized popping corn). Those poor people. But, hey, it's just a number right? No one wants to have elephant thighs (as Jarid so callously calls them). But I digress. The point of my story is that as soon as I saw that blue-hued young man and those four men on horses...I think they're called 'horsey

  • The Wages of Sin is Gwen's Death

    10/05/2014 Duração: 01h48min

    The connection that we have to these fictional characters runs deep. Our love and world is shaped by the interaction that we have for them and how we dream our dreams built on the inspiration they provide......wait, what? We're talking about comic books, right? Are you insane? Are you really that lonely that your life experiences are built on how you see these made up characters interact with each other? DUH, YEAH!!!!! I mean, everybody needs friends, right? Here, let me show you my collection of Spider-Dolls made up of my favorite dead bunny's fur. (Wow, this really went south quick). Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com. Get all your Marvel pre-orders for 40% off cover price. They even have specials and clearance issues for up to 70% off! And don't forget their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping. We are also sponsored by Community Retail Partnership. Sign up to get discounts on all your Office Depot sup

  • Andy's Fail!

    27/04/2014 Duração: 01h48min

    There comes a time in almost everyone's life where we just have to stop pretending. We always seem to put on our best socks and smile to meet that special someone's parents...but that doesn't change how smelly our feet and unsightly our dead tooth really is. Well, today, you will witness one of those times. It's not a flattering time for our co-host Andy. In fact it is shameful. To the point where Jarid apologizes for how badly Andy performed on this episode. I don't want to totally spoil it for you, yet the sweet sweet victory that Jarid experiences will make even Mr. Fear shiver down to his toes. Goodnight sweet prince! Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com. Get all your Marvel pre-orders for 40% off cover price. They even have specials and clearance issues for up to 70% off! And don't forget their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping. We are also sponsored by Community Retail Partnership. Sign up to get di

  • Live and Delirious

    02/04/2014 Duração: 58min

    Seriously, just skip this episode. I don't even know why we're putting it out. Jarid is forcing me to do this. The guy's a taskmaster...not the cool one that just bit it in Secret Avengers...before the reboot. No, not that one. Jarid is the kind of guy that forces his best friend to drive 14 hours from Louisiana to Ohio and then forces him to drive another 11 hours to and from Chicago, quizzing him about Spider-Man lore all along the way, just to get in front of a camera to tell a little bit about how Spider-Man has touched our lives...only in the superficial sense though. NO REAL EMOTIONS ALLOWED!! That's right! You heard me, NO EMOTIONS! I HATE YOU, SPIDEY!!!....notreallyItakeitbackDon'thatemeforeverSpider-ManYoubastianofallthatisgood! Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping. We are also sponsored by CRPSavings.com. Sign up to get discounts on all your Office Depo

  • Ms. Marvel #1 Sucked

    03/03/2014 Duração: 02h02min

    Honesty is very underrated in today's society. It is something that here at M6P we value beyond all else (even if it is spewing overt hatred and pretentious right-wing blather)! I mean, just look at Jarid--the man is a walking incarnate of Nicolae Ceaușescu. (Is that bad that I'm using an example I know nothing about except that one time he was mentioned on Seinfeld when he was dating the gymnast? No telling. But I digress.) "Honesty." That's a word I like to throw around when I want to spout off my opinion inappropriately. I think that I have a problem facing the fact that sometimes it is just not the right time to speak my mind. Hey, I'm just being honest here. People have different opinions, right? And there's nothing wrong with that, right? WRONG!!! If you don't like social progress or Freedom Fries then you are asking for a toilet papering of epic proportions...the bad kind! (Not that triple-ply ninny pansy-boy stuff neither!) Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We ar

  • 2013 Year End Awards

    19/12/2013 Duração: 03h01min

    As the year fades into the ever-growing whispers of History, the Marvel 616 Politics hosts would like to officially commemorate the passing of greatness with our humble awards and predictions. In honor of this event, we have desperately tried to suspend any bickering and set aside any broken promises that either of us have within our hearts. (This has been tough, believe you me, but we move forward.) We have waited all year for this moment in time and desperately want to share it with you. By the way, there could be contained within this episode the first time that we have ever picked a Tina Award that was not actually a Tina Turner song....we're....we're still trying to confirm that. Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping. We are also sponsored by CRPSavings.com. Sign up to get discounts on all your Office Depot supplies. So until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Poli

  • We Don't Agree...On Anything

    27/11/2013 Duração: 01h50min

    Jarid and I have reached a point in our "on-again, off-again" relationship where we are comfortable saying that we are two different people. We are not co-dependent on each other. We don't need each others' approval. We have an open and honest relationship. No one needs to have to must to agree on anything. In fact, we basically dispise each other's being to the root of our inner soul. But...we're fine with that. We may disagree here and there about silly things like the new uniforms, whether Scott was right in irradicating the scum that was Professor X from the planet or whether the New Warriors really is a super team worth looking at; but at the very heart of the matter it all comes down to the fact that....Jarid is an IDIOT!!! I mean COME ON! How can you NOT like the Punisher? And those uniforms are FANTASTIC!!!! And Kitty Pryde is HANDS DOWN the best X-Men right now! And Monet is AMAZING! And anyone other than Carol that has the mantle of Ms. Marvel DOES deserve to die!!!!! I feel us growing

  • Just Two Jerks

    12/11/2013 Duração: 01h54min

    But let's be honest. We are jerks. But it's not just us. I think that jerkism is just a symptom of our culture...nay, humanity. We are all jerks in our own way. Not giving back the money when the cashier gives you too much change: JERK! Making someone cry at work: JERK! Not picking up that candy wrapper that hit the wind just right right as it hit the edge of the trash can in that pretty park and is now part of the ever-growing problem that is litter: JERK! Telling your podcasting partner that he has a weight problem: JERK! Telling your podcasting partner that he's an idiot for not remembering to invoice the sponsors: JERK! Giving your podcasting partner a "strike" because he didn't necessarily like the 20+ year old Tina song that he sent you for the 50th time this week: JERK! (It really could be either one of us at this point, let's be honest.) Whatever the case is we are all jerks in our own way. The question then becomes what do you do with that knowledge....with that...Power. Because w

  • Less Politics, More 616

    15/10/2013 Duração: 02h16min

    Things get a little heated on the show when we bring up the topic of politics! It should be no surprise that that Libertarian fiend has no problem going and clubbin' the baby seals like they were made of candy from a rainbow of half-eaten unicorns. And it also should be no surprise that that tree-hugging Osamabot thinks that we should all pay for our own food! COME ON!!!! What is this country coming too? AND Elektra gets her own series?!?!?!?!?!? Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping and with our Promotional Code you can save an extra 8%. It's one time use only marvelpol8 We are also sponsored by CRPSavings.com. Sign up to get discounts on all your Office Depot supplies. So until next time, make yours Marvel 616 Politics.

  • Infinity and the Atom

    10/09/2013 Duração: 02h21min

    It's not often that we discuss what we are going to discuss in our show ahead of time. I mean, hey! It's not often that we even prepare for the show, let alone give each other the old prod and go with the winky wink and the nudgy nudge on the Tina Awards (what in the world does THAT mean?) But desperate times call for desparate measures. And that's why you should go eat and Frank's Gas and Chow! Fill up and go at Frank's Gas and Chow! ...wait, what? We didn't secure that sponsorship yet? Well that's embarrassing. No, no...in all seriousness. On this show we will be discussing Infinity #1 and #2 as well as Battle of the Atom #1 and All-New X-Men #16. How do I know that? I'm actually just guessing. I'll let you know when we actually record! See you in North Dakota!! Now seems as good a time as any to mention our (real) sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping and with our Promotional Code you can save an extra 8%.

  • Bunnies and the Backstreet Boys

    13/08/2013 Duração: 02h02min

    Well, it's no secret that Jarid loves Tina Turner, but did you know that this cat loves the Backstreet Boys as well? Well...that's not totally true. Okay, okay...he doesn't like the Backstreet Boys at all. He can't stand them. He hates them. He loathes them. Wait...that's not true either? Now I'm just confused. Does Jarid like the BB's (that's what he calls them) or not? Oh...OH! He loves his wife! Is that why he uses that magic marker every night to draw on Kevin's mustache? Now it's coming together. Now it's illuminated. Now it makes sense! Jarid actually IS a Backstreet Boy! I KNEW IT! I KNEW that sun of a gun was famous! I'm going to be famous! Bow to me you ants of this world! Compare your lives to mine and then kill yourselves!! (wow, that's harsh) For I am the podcast co-host of a Backstreet Boy! Now seems as good a time as any to mention our sponsors. We are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping and with our

  • Henry Pym's Christmas in July

    02/07/2013 Duração: 01h57min

    Who are we to judge? I mean, truly! I'm not judgmental of Jarid's annoying habit of flossing while he is putting in his contacts. He doesn't judge me when I practice my duck calls exclusively performed by my crelbows and knee-pits. We don't jump down anyone's throat that actually is enjoying the Captain Marvel series. So, I ask you...how can we judge Hank Pym's life choices? He continuously makes it abundantly clear that invention and re-invention is the path for him! Who are we to say otherwise? If he wants to make a life choice about not creating more seeminly benign robots that will eventually destroy all of mankind, we won't be hurting his feelings with our "nay-saying." I mean, I think humanity can take one for the team with Pym. He's been through a lot. A lot of names, a lot of identities, a lot of tights...some different antennae...some fins (OH I'M SORRY! "WINGS"). Either way, if he needs to feel good about his wretched human-killing, self-destructive existence I think we can all give him

  • Iron Man and the Freezer Burn

    07/06/2013 Duração: 01h54min

    Not to spoil anything for you...but Jarid seems like he's losing it over the new Iron Man movie. I'm not sure what his deal is. It seemed fine to me. There was no CGI fire that was there and then wasn't and then was there and then wasn't. There was no preachy mutie stuff (such harsh slang for are fine mutant friends). There wasn't terrible characterization of the White Queen...I mean, maybe some other characters...just maybe!!!!! But then he's never a cheerful guy. I mean, he once ate a whole 5 pounds of bacon to prove to me that bacon can make your stomach hurt. I mean, who am I to argue? I told him to go Freezer Burn himself! And then guess what! He went and auditioned for this movie that Marvel is putting out called...you guessed it: Freezer Burn! So weird! We are sponsored by DCBService.com and their sister site, InStockTrades.com. All orders over $50 are free shipping and with our Promotional Code you can save an extra 8%. It's one time use only marvelpol8 We are also sponsored by CRPSavi

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