Visionary Wellness



My show is about looking at health and well-being from the physical,mental,emotional and spiritual aspects. Living in harmony and balance from your truest self helps you experience a vital life. I share tips and talk about topics that address all these areas.


  • Episode 453: How Does Sleep Positively Impact Your Wellbeing | Dr. Asha Prasad

    08/06/2023 Duração: 08min

    Getting a good night’s sleep is often overlooked in our fast-paced and demanding lives, but its impact on our overall positivity and wellbeing cannot be overstated. Sleep serves as a foundational activity that helps our bodies and minds to rejuvenate and recharge.  Quality sleep enhances our mood and emotional wellbeing. Good quality sleep helps regulate our emotions and reduces the risk of developing anxiety and depression. Sleep impacts our physical vitality, strengthens our immune system and helps promote faster recovery. Prioritizing the quality of your sleep promotes a positive outlook on life, supports emotional wellbeing, enhances cognitive abilities and boosts your physical health.   

  • Episode 452: When Is it Time for a Change? | Dr. Asha Prasad

    01/06/2023 Duração: 07min

    How do you know when it is time for a change in your life? You might feel stuck, unfulfilled or unmotivated, but how can you incorporate small steps of change that do not have to be so dramatic or drastic in your life?

  • Episode 451: Self Care is So Much More | Dr. Asha Prasad

    25/05/2023 Duração: 06min

    Well-being and health are so much more than just physical health. Your spiritual, mental and emotional health are just as important in playing a roll in our overall health. They all work together. If we don’t pay attention to all of ourselves we could be headed towards an imbalance. Focusing on all aspects of your life will help you live more optimally and be the best version you can be. 

  • Episode 450: Are You Suffering From Comparisonitis? | Dr. Asha Prasad

    18/05/2023 Duração: 09min

    Comparisonitis, the constant habit of comparing ourselves to others, can have a detrimental impact on our well-being, leading to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and anxiety. When we compare ourselves to others constantly we are taking away from our own authentic self. Overcoming comparisonitis is key to living a happy and successful life that you feel good about. Discover how redirecting our focus from others to our own strengths can lead to a happier and more successful life—one that we genuinely feel good about.

  • Episode 449: How Do I Live Up to My Potential | Dr. Asha Prasad

    12/05/2023 Duração: 05min

    Living up to your potential means realizing your full capabilities and achieving your goals in all aspects of your life. We spend a lot of time living up to what other people think we should be doing, but we must define that for ourselves first and foremost. What does living up to your potential look like? The only limit to what you can achieve is the limit you set for yourself.   

  • Episode 448: How Can Helping Others Increase Your Own Happiness? | Dr. Asha Prasad

    27/04/2023 Duração: 08min

    In this episode, we explore the idea of how helping others can increase our own happiness. There are so many practical ways in which you can incorporate acts of kindness and generosity into your daily lives. From small gestures like holding the door open for a stranger to more involved commitments like volunteering regularly. Even the smallest act of kindness can have a ripple effect that extends far beyond the initial interaction. By helping others not only benefits those around us but can also bring us greater joy and fulfillment in our own lives.     

  • Episode 447: 8 Steps to Achieving Happiness | Dr. Asha Prasad

    10/04/2023 Duração: 14min

    Happiness is a state of mind that everyone desires to achieve, but sometimes it can be elusive.  How do you define happiness in your own life? How can a person achieve happiness? And once you know what it is, and how to define it in your life, how do you finally achieve it? You'll learn practical strategies for implementing these 8 steps in your life for achieving happiness and overcoming common obstacles that may stand in the way of your happiness. 

  • Episode 446: What Are 3 Tips for Better Sleep? | Dr. Asha Prasad

    07/04/2023 Duração: 06min

    Sleep is one of the most important part of our day. We must get quality sleep in order to function better. Join me as we talk about creating a relaxing bedtime routine to managing your exposure to blue light, these tips are backed by science and easy to implement for better rest.

  • Episode 445: How Do I Balance Work and Personal Life? | Dr. Asha Prasad

    04/04/2023 Duração: 05min

    Finding harmony between your professional and personal life is a perpetual quest that requires constant tweaking and adjustments. But don't let that task discourage you from seeking balance. Imagine being able to cherish the moments you spend with loved ones while still excelling in your career. Imagine having enough time to pursue what makes you truly happy without sacrificing your professional goals. The key is in mastering an effective workflow, setting boundaries, and giving yourself permission to prioritize what really matters. Embrace the challenge of balancing work and personal life, and experience the richness that life has to offer.

  • Episode 444: Can Happiness Be Achieved Through Material Possessions? | Dr. Asha Prasad

    01/04/2023 Duração: 04min

    Happiness is one of the most sought-after emotions in the world. But can it be achieved through material possessions?  Or does it really come from the inside?  

  • Episode 443: Send Us Your Questions | Dr. Asha Prasad

    25/03/2023 Duração: 05min

    We are starting a new. Please send us any questions you may have that you want answered in relationship to health, wellbeing, consciouness, mindset, balance, habits, etc.  We want to hear from you. These questions will be addressed in our upcoming series. Stay tuned for me. 

  • Episode 442: Why Goal Setting Is Important For Success | Dr. Asha Prasad

    24/03/2023 Duração: 10min

    We delve into the crucial role that setting goals plays in achieving success. Recongizing the significance of goal setting, providing insights on why it is important to have a clear and specific set of goals in mind in order to accomplish them. It's important to stay motivated and focused, and learn how to overcome challenges and setbacks along the way.  

  • Episode 441: Announcement of Rebranding | Dr. Asha Prasad

    12/03/2023 Duração: 03min

    We are in the process of rebranding our podcast. We are going to be addressing more directed questions that you are wanting to know. Please feel free to send in questions concerning, positivity, mindset, wellness and transformation and we will address them on our podcasts.  Stay tuned for a little rebranding coming your way. 

  • Episode 440: 8 Ways to Embrace Your Uniqueness | Dr. Asha Prasad

    07/03/2023 Duração: 12min

    In a world where everyone is trying to be the same, it can be tough to embrace your uniqueness. But there are many benefits to doing so! In this episode I share eight ways you can start embracing your unique self and start living a more authentic life.

  • Episode 439: 9 Innovative Ways to Maintain A Positive Attitude

    21/02/2023 Duração: 09min

    No one is immune to the occasional bout of negativity. However, maintaining a positive attitude is key to success in any field. In this video, we explore nine innovative ways to keep your spirits high and your outlook sunny.

  • Episode 438: Having A Purpose and Staying Motivated | Dr. Asha Prasad

    09/01/2023 Duração: 05min

    Today on the show, we explore how having a purpose and remaining motivated can help you reach any goal.Knowing why you want something drives deeper motivation so that even when it's challenging, your focus remains clear. I've got several tips to assist with finding your purpose: determine what matters most to you; log down exactly what success looks like for each task or project in order to measure progress; then visualize yourself accomplishing those dreams! You can live a life full of meaning and remain motivated. 

  • Episode 437: How to Set Achievable Goals | Dr. Asha Prasad

    06/01/2023 Duração: 05min

    Everyone has their own unique goals and ambitions for the future, but it can be hard to figure out how exactly to turn those into reality. Today's episode will provide practical tips on transforming your dreams into achievable plans! Explore how you can take clear steps towards success - from deciding what your goal is, assigning measurable objectives that track progress over time, breaking down larger tasks with smaller actionable items along a timeline – we'll cover all of this so you have the tools needed to bring focus and energy in pursuit of whatever dream excites you most!

  • Episode 436: Starting Off on the Right Foot | Dr. Asha Prasad

    03/01/2023 Duração: 04min

    As the new year begins, make sure your 2023 is full of success by setting achievable goals and having a purpose! Break down big tasks into smaller chunks so that you can tackle them more easily. Celebrate each accomplisment along the way to remind yourself how far you've come - no matter how small they may be. And when obstacles arise, don't give up or get discouraged; remember nothing worth having comes easy and keep pushing forward until it's accomplished. 

  • Episode 435: Your Mindset Sets the Tone Of Your life | Dr. Asha Prasad

    01/01/2023 Duração: 06min

    Happy new year everyone. With the start of a new year, now is your time to create an incredible life! Focus on having a positive outlook and watch as opportunities abound. You have all you need within yourself - let's make 2023 one for the books. 

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