Elevate Church - Perth, Western Australia



Elevate Church is a fresh, bold church located in Perth, Australia. This podcast includes messages by Mark Pomery, along with key leaders and friends of Elevate Church. Visit http://www.elevatechurch.me to find out more.


  • Chain Reactions


    It's easy to thank God when we feel blessed - but when life gets hard, praising God can seem like the last thing we want to do. How do we shift our perspective in the face of our greatest struggles?

  • Welcome to Pleasantville


    Tania Watson brings a powerful message for Mother's Day 2016 - Welcome to Plesantville

  • How To Deal With Disappointment


    We all have parts of our lives that aren't turning out quite like we planned. But how do we know when it's time to keep pushing or just cut our losses? And how can our disappointment help direct us to the life God designed for us all along?

  • Keep Your Head In The Clouds


    Our imagination can be amazing - but it can also get the best of us, and we find ourselves chasing thoughts into places God never intended us to go. So how do we take control of our minds and begin to think the way God designed us to?

  • It's All Part Of The Plan


    Frustration comes in all shapes and sizes - disappointment, impatience, other people. The good news is that God still has a way of working in all of our frustrations. But what are we supposed to do when we're too frustrated to wait on Him?

  • Making Friends With Frustration


    We all deal with stuff we don't want to talk about. Bad decisions, addictions, frustrations. But what if the struggles meant to destroy us could actually point us toward our future purpose?

  • I AM The Resurrection


    Jesus didn't just experience a resurrection - he declared he IS The Resurrection. Dead things don't stay dead when The Resurrection walks in the room.

  • Closing The Gap


    God doesn't want anything or anyone getting in the way of the relationship he wants with us - his good plan all along. Good Friday is called 'Good' because Jesus closed the gap.

  • Not From You ... For You


    There's no better thing you could invest in than the local church. Lives are being changed because of your faithful giving, and we say thank you.

  • Core Convictions


    Jesus doesn't ask us to surrender some things, He asks us to surrender everything. When we give Him complete control of our life, God will do bigger things than we could ask or imagine.

  • Satisfied?


    Most of us are way more blessed than we think we are, but we're still unsatisfied. That's because satisfaction is the result of seeking Jesus first in everything you do. Until then you'll keep wanting more.

  • Who's #1?


    God doesn't want your money, He wants your heart. And He knows that money is the number one competitor for our affections.

  • The Secret Of Sustainable Success


    Everyone wants to know the secret to success. But, when we talk about bearing fruit and leading fulfilling lives, we're not talking about quick hits and short-term gains. So how do we actually find success that lasts?

  • This May Take A While


    Our lives are overwhelmed with possibilities. And we'd like to think that priorities and productivity go hand in hand. But how do we remain faithful through our frustrations, when the work we're putting in isn't yielding the results we're hoping for?

  • The Problem Is The Pattern


    Many of us believe that our problems are a result of life's randomness, but in reality, our lives all have similar patterns. How do we determine the patterns that dictate the direction of our lives and is it possible to change them?

  • More Of The Same


    We live in a world of what's new and what's next - but, when it comes to living a life of purpose and progress, sameness can be underrated. Discover why the greatest catalyst for change can often be found in the most mundane routine.

  • It Doesn't Matter What You Believe, As Long As You're Sincere


    Sincerity of belief doesn't affect truth, so the better starting point to what you believe is whether it's true. Mark Pomery unpacks evidence that support Jesus' claim that he is the only way to God.

  • It Doesn't Matter What You Do, As Long As You Don't Hurt Anyone


    Our culture often tells us swinging a baseball bat in an empty room is fine, because you won't hurt anyone. Problem is we don't live our lives in an empty room. Our actions, both wise and unwise, have implications in our lives and the lives of those around us.

  • God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle


    Why would God allow you to have more than you can handle? Listen in as Mark Pomery unpacks an great foundational truth from God's word.

  • God Just Wants You To Be Happy


    God delights in our happiness, though it is not his highest priority. His highest priority for us isn't the pursuit of happiness, it's the pursuit of Him. And, in turn, the pursuit of holiness. These lead to something better than happiness, an upgrade ... a blessed life.

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