So Money With Farnoosh Torabi



Host Farnoosh Torabi is an award-winning financial strategist, TV host and bestselling author. So Money brings inspiring money strategies and stories straight from today's top business minds, authors and influencers. What was their financial journey and how do they master their money today? Hear from inspiring individuals and learn about their financial philosophies, wins, failures and habits. Plus, their secret guilty pleasures.On Fridays, tune in as Farnoosh answers your biggest questions about money, career, guests, you name it. Submit your question for Farnoosh at


  • 76: Ask Farnoosh: How Much Should I Save for Retirement

    28/03/2015 Duração: 22min

    Farnoosh answers your biggest money questions. Today: What's the ideal age to retire and how much should I have? and How do you How do you approach that first investment or business move when you've made a bit of money? 

  • 75: Marni Battista on Making Money Work in Your Relationship

    27/03/2015 Duração: 27min

    I’m excited to welcome our first LOVE guru on the show. Her name is Marni Battista. She is the founder and CEO of, a million dollar plus company specializing in helping her clients to FIRST fall in love with themselves, create a life they love, and THEN find someone amazing to love. As a divorcee herself, Marni truly understands what it feels like to be lonely and sick of wasting time on dates that go nowhere. I actually interviewed Marni extensively for my book, When She Makes More, which arrives in paperback next month…She has some exceptional and important advice about how successful and ambitious women can attract THE ONE…when it feels like your “ambition” is a turn-off to the opposite sex.Several takeaways from our interview:-- How one becomes a LOVE guru-- Marni’s 15 minute daily ritual which helps her stay centered and keeps her finances in check-- How Marni developed a close, committed relationship with money-- The financial coach she hired and how this person changed Marni’s att

  • BONUS: Is College Worth $200,000?

    27/03/2015 Duração: 09min

    Let's say you or your child gets accepted to Stanford or Harvard, an elite private college that consistently ranks in the tippity top of higher ed rankings and where graduates tend to get the best jobs with the best pay. But here's the catch: It'll cost close to $200,000 to attend. In the grand scheme of life, is it worth it?I posed this question to a recent guest on my podcast, Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, a financial expert who's published a great book called "College Secrets: How to Save Money, Cut College Cost, Graduate Debt Free.” Lynnette's own daughter is currently considering colleges and so this question is hitting very close to home. Catch her full interview in Episode 72. 

  • 74: Paul Sullivan, NYT Columnist on Money Secrets of the Super Wealthy

    26/03/2015 Duração: 35min

    Today’s episode: What it means to live a truly wealthy life. Told by a man who’s job it is to report on the country’s ultra rich, how they think, act, save, spend and invest. Paul Sullivan writes the Wealth Matters column for The New York Times and is the author of the new book The Thin Green Line: The Money Secrets of the Super Wealthy. The thin green line is an interesting phrase…implies that there may not be such a huge barrier between the haves from have nots. We’re going to dive into that. Paul, himself, is admittedly a part of the 1% but in writing this book he discovered his financial weak spots …that it’s not how much you make but how you manage it, how you protect it..that ultimately puts you in control of your money…and not the other way around. A few takeaways from our time with Paul: -- How most people regardless of their income can get on the right side of the ‘Thin Green Line‘ if they really want it to. -- Paul’s financial philosophy of “fierce mental accounting.” -- How to spend smart…lessons f

  • 73: Kabir Sehgal, Author of Coined: The Rich Life of Money and How Its History Has Shaped Us

    25/03/2015 Duração: 36min

    Today’s guest makes me feel terribly under accomplished. He is a modern day Renaissance man. His name is Kabir Sehgal. I was introduced to Kabir by a mutual friend who thought he’d be a perfect fit for the show because he just wrote a New York Times bestselling book about the history and biology of money. The book is called Coined: The Rich Life of Money and How Its History Has Shaped Us. In it, Kabir explores how and why money has come to play such a central role in everyday life and unveils the neuroscience behind our money behavior. As the New York Times says, "If you've been waiting for an economic version of 'Eat, Pray, Love'  this may be it."   Kabir traveled the world for a few years to report on this topic and as if that wasn’t impressive enough, I learned this is actually Kabir’s second book. His first – Walk in My Shoes - was a New York Times bestseller, too. Oh, and by the way, the man is also a Grammy award winning musician.   Three takeaways from our interview:   -- The secret to Kabir's career s

  • 72: Lynnette Khalfani-Cox and Affording College

    24/03/2015 Duração: 41min

    If you are thinking about going to grad school… or have children heading off to college soon, you’re probably wondering 'How the heck can I afford it? How do I plan for it?’ The cost of higher education in the US has skyrocketed more than 500% over the past 30 years, all while salaries and labor market have stagnated. Today’s guest, Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, who is the CEO of and a New York Times bestselling author of “College Secrets: How to Save Money, Cut College Cost, Graduate Debt Free” is here with us today to dispel misconceptions about college and give important advice on how to make school affordable for you or your child and family. Before launching in 2003, Lynnette worked for nearly a decade as a Dow Jones Newswire reporter and a Wall Street Journal reporter for CNBC, where she covered business and personal finance news. Three takeaways from our interview: -- 5 financial options you should consider before applying for student loans -- What criteria determine the “b

  • 71: David Pottruck, Former CEO of Charles Schwab Talks Setbacks and Success

    23/03/2015 Duração: 41min

    Today’s episode is another great reminder that no matter how painful a life blow or a career setback, you can still recover… and not just survive but flourish and lead a richer, happier life. Today’s guest was let go as the CEO of a major financial services company after having invested in it his whole life. In his own words, “I was embarrassed. I was humiliated and I was devastated.” But as they say “when one door closes, another door opens.” As a result of simply having more time on his hands, he got to experience something he fell in love with, something so refreshing and captivating that he now says he would have loved to do it much earlier in life… His name is David Pottruck. He is the author of the bestseller, Stacking the Deck, How to Lead Breakthrough Change Against Any Odds and the former CEO of Charles Schwab, a company he says he “grew from $5 billion… to a trillion dollars”. Almost a decade later, David is now the Chairman of HighTower Advisors, a $25 billion wealth management firm that he helped

  • 70: Ask Farnoosh: How Can I Monetize My Website?

    22/03/2015 Duração: 23min

    In today's episode of Ask Farnoosh, I answer your questions about monetizing a website, whole life insurance and the best way to withdraw your pension in retirement when you're married. For more visit  

  • 69: Ask Farnoosh: How Much Net Worth Should I Have?

    21/03/2015 Duração: 16min

    Should I lease a car? What should my net worth be? What medical marijuana companies are hot? I have a ton of money, so should I pay of my student loans or invest? Today's Ask Farnoosh questions run the gamut!

  • 68: Jeff Olson: CEO of Neurium Talks Happiness, Money and Prosperity

    20/03/2015 Duração: 36min

    Three years ago the United Nations sanctioned March 20th as International Day of Happiness – day to drive awareness for the need for happiness in our worlds. Today’s guest is a major supporter of this event. He is the founder of Live Happy magazine, Jeff Olson, and for the second year in a row, Live Happy has joined the U.N. with its own mission to lead a global movement to inspire the world to think, act and live happy with the #HappyActs Challenge. For more, check out Jeff Olson is also the Founder and CEO of Nerium International™. He is the autrho of the best-selling book, The Slight Edge. A few takeaways from our time with Jeff: How happiness correlates to prosperity in your financial life. Jeff's "Millionaire Next Door" mindset and how it helps him protect his wealth. The benefits of growing up poor and the financial breakthrough Jeff experienced in college. 

  • 67: Jaime Tardy, Founder of The Eventual Millionaire

    19/03/2015 Duração: 38min

    For most of us, including yours truly, having strict deadlines can be very helpful in achieving our goals… And for today’s guest, Jaime Tardy, a 9-month deadline put her quickly into action to become financially free. She became pregnant and had a limited amount of time to pull her financial life together before welcoming her new baby. And she did it! At the same time she managed to quit her 6-figure full-time job with an expense account with confidence! Today Jaime owns her own business and has transformed her lifestyle of working 24/7 to just 30 hours a week… Jaime also writes about her experience in her new book The Eventual Millionaire.  In it she also chronicles what she’s learned from over 120 millionaires interviewed on her podcast with the same title The Eventual Millionaire. They discuss the tricks that worked in building their business (and what they wish they had done differently!). In addition to being an author and a blogger, she is also a successful business coach working with entrepreneurs who

  • 66: Gretchen Rubin and Mastering Financial Habits

    18/03/2015 Duração: 23min

    If you’re someone interested in the psychology of money and learning more about yourself and why you do what you do when it comes to money, you’ll enjoy today’s episode. Today’s guest is author Gretchen Rubin, who started her career in law and was clerking at the Supreme Court when she realized that she really wanted to be a writer. Since then, she’s become one of the most thought-provoking and influential writers on habits and happiness of our time. She is the author of several books, including the blockbuster #1 New York Times bestseller The Happiness Project.  It is based on the year in Gretchen’s life which she spent experimenting about how to be happier. She is out with a brand new book – Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives. Three takeaways from our interview: -- The 4 human tendencies we all should be aware of… (And the tendency quiz you can take on Gretchen’s website that will help you learn about yourself.) -- Why degree of temptation and your personality matter when establi

  • 65: Susan Beacham, Founder of Money Savvy Generation

    17/03/2015 Duração: 39min

    Today’s guest is a leading expert on money, kids and financial literacy and the creator of the Money Savvy Pig. She is also a banking and investment management veteran who worked with high net worth individuals for over 2 decades and advised them on what they should and shouldn’t do with their money. Her name is Susan Beacham. Susan founded her own company, Money Savvy Generation, in the late 90’s after seeing how much her own children wanted to learn about money. Since then, her company has developed a wide portfolio of products that’s helped millions of parents and educators teach basic personal finance skills to school-age children. Three takeaways from our interview: -- Susan’s inspiration to leave corporate America after 18 years to start her own company. -- Her money mantra that requires her to “stop, think and reflect.” -- How Susan’s own grandmother influenced her financial philosophy and helped her become a strong saver.

  • 64: John Lee Dumas on Going From Success to Significance

    16/03/2015 Duração: 28min

    oday’s guest is a podcasting legend who’s inspired millions to act on their entrepreneurial dreams – including YOURS TRULY. He is the Founder and Host of EntrepreneurOnFire, an award winning and uber successful podcast where he interviews incredibly inspiring entrepreneurs 7-days a week… His name is John Lee Dumas. John started his career in the US Army where he served for 7 years, 3 in active duty and 4 in the Army Reserves, before becoming a civilian at age 26. He then dabbled in a variety of professions, including working in corporate finance, a tech start-up and real estate, not to mention a semester long stint in Law School! But nothing felt right until he discovered podcasts… first as an avid listener and now as the creator of his own podcast, EntrepreneurOnFire. He’s also created Podcasters' Paradise, an online community filled with passionate podcasters, video tutorials and so much more that will help you create, grow and monetize your podcast. I am a proud member of this community. Three takeaways fr

  • 63: Ask Farnoosh: How Can I Hide Money to Score Financial Aid?

    15/03/2015 Duração: 20min

    In this episode of AskFarnoosh questions regarding how to buy disability insurance, saving on childcare and how to hire a tax preparer.  Also, where can  you legally "hide" money to position yourself in the best way possible to receive financial aid for college?for more visit

  • 62: Ask Farnoosh: How to Manage $200,000 in Student Loans

    14/03/2015 Duração: 23min

    On today's episode of Ask Farnoosh, answering your questions about reducing the interest on a six-figure student loan figure, choosing a travel rewards card and how to afford graduate school. Is it always worth it?  For more visit

  • 61: Michael O'Neal: Living Large as a Solopreneur

    13/03/2015 Duração: 39min

    One of my recent guests on the show, Amanda Steinberg, the founder of, said that she "ate struggle for breakfast" throughout her life. And that’s a trend that I’m starting to see across the board… among many highly successful people. Today’s guest is no exception. From losing both of his parents seven months apart to losing all of his savings and his house, he endured what many of us fear the most – hitting rock bottom. But he never stopped. He never made excuses. He just kept going. His name is Michael O’Neal. Today Michael is the creator and host of the highly acclaimed podcast Solopreneur Hour where he interviews the best and brightest solopreneurs from all walks of life. When he’s not podcasting himself, he helps others learn how to podcast and launch their own brands online. Three smart takeaways from our interview: -- Why Michael started “Solopreneur Hour” and what it means to be a solopreneur -- A time in his life when he had $14 left and how he climbed out of that hole -- A key influenc

  • 60: Tim Ferriss on Life Experiments, Financial Failure and Investing Right

    12/03/2015 Duração: 51min

    Tim Ferriss joins So Money to talk career, investing, experimentations, rejection, Billy Joel and so much more. Learn how Tim volunteered his time to amazing connections and opportunities in his 20's, when he first graduated from college, how Billy Joel influenced him many, many years ago to become the man he is today and where Tim prefers to invest his money and why.For more, visit

  • 59: Robert Coorey and How to Feed a Starving Crowd

    11/03/2015 Duração: 37min

    Today’s guest joins us all the way from Australia. He’s an incredibly successful online marketing expert and a best-selling author of Feed a Starving Crowd… which he currently offers for free on his website (below). He’s known for his practical advice for entrepreneurs and wannabe entrepreneurs who would like to launch an online business. Recently he’s been listed by Startup Australia as one of Australia's Top 50 Entrepreneurs. And he currently serves as the Director of Global Business at E-Web Marketing, Australia's top online marketing agency. His name is Robert Coorey. Robert is also the co-creator and lead host of the upcoming Reality TV show called "Business Rescue." This a TV Pilot which takes struggling companies through a maze of marketing challenges over the course of 30 days. I can’t wait to watch it! Three takeaways from our interview: -- Robert’s early money memory and what he learned from it -- How to test the market or your new business idea -- What Robert recommends we do with our lottery winni

  • 58: Mark and Lauren Greutman: Erasing $40,000 in Debt

    10/03/2015 Duração: 40min

    I’m excited to welcome our first couple to the show, the amazing Mark & Lauren Greutman, the co-founders of a personal finance website, Having gone through financial hardships, they are now on a mission to spread the word about money and financial health – the things they wish they had known years ago. I love their story – their tenacity and determination is so inspirational!

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