Mercy Seat Christian Church



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  • Interposition of a Magistrate - Acts 18

    04/08/2022 Duração: 56min

    Continuing through Acts verse by verse.--So here again we see Paul before the magistrates. In contact with the magistrates. When the Lord spoke to Paul He said there would be no harm to him - but that did not mean there wouldn't be difficulties. But notice here - no harm did come to him- Here we see the interposition of the magistrates on behalf of Paul- The magistrate keeps Paul from harm.----And this was huge. Had Gallio sided with the Jews - scholars point out that this would have slowed the preaching of the Gospel for the next 10-12 years. Then there was a change in Roman rule under Nero decidedly against Christians. But those 10-12 years running up till then would have been decidedly different. Gallio was held in esteem - had his judgment gone against Paul - all other proconsuls would hear of his verdict on this - and they too would have made things hard on the Christians. Because of the interposition of this proconsul - the Christian faith was given liberty to be proclaimed.----This demonstrates once ag

  • What was the Undoing of One of the Wisest Men Who Ever Lived? 2 Chronicles 1

    21/07/2022 Duração: 52min

    What was the undoing of one of the wisest men who ever lived- While covering 2 Chronicles 1 verse by verse, this sermon looks at knowledge, wisdom, wealth, and ease. The sermon is loaded with in insight, history, and Scripture. 52 min. DefyTyrants,com

  • Warning to America: Dobbs Opinion Considered

    06/07/2022 Duração: 51min

    Pastor Matt gives a two-fold warning. -The first warning is about bloodguilt.-The second warning is about judicial supremacy.-48 min. Matt's sermon of repentance from 2013- Response to the Obergefell Opinion sermon- Look at the Masterpiece Cake Opinion- Neutrality and the Ghettoization of Christianity sermon- The Continued Evil of the Supreme Court sermon-

  • Statism Brings Society into Jeopardy - Malachi 1

    07/05/2022 Duração: 39min

    Starting verse by verse through Malachi.--Understand, when men have more fealty, honor, and reverence for human authority than they do for the Lord and His authority - all of society is in jeopardy.----By their bogus form of religion, the priests were teaching the people to have more fealty, honor and reverence for the civil authorities than they had for the Lord Himself - from whom the civil authorities derive their authority.----And so the churchmen in our day have taught Americans the same thing - they have taught the people to have more fealty, honor, and reverence for human civil authority than for the Lord Himself.----When you speak of the doctrine of the lesser magistrates, the worthless churchmen say -Oh, you don't respect authority.- No - it's precisely the fact that we do respect authority that we understand the abuse of authority must be confronted.----You must understand - without a valid doctrine of authority, order will not stand in society. We now live in a lawless state.--37 min.

  • The Immanence of Christ's Rule in the Earth - Malachi 3:13-18

    16/04/2022 Duração: 31min

    Here is something I want you to ponder -- if Rome tolerated so many odd and weird religions -and Rome did- -- why did Rome persecute the Christians so heavily and view Christianity as a threat---Ponder that. --I submit to you that it was because the early Christians held to and practiced the immanence of Christ's rule in the earth -- that the Roman establishment found Christianity intolerable and a threat.--Understand what I am saying -- Christianity holds to the transcendence of God - but not to the exclusion of divine immanence in the earth. As Christ Himself taught us to pray -- thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth as it is in heaven. His kingdom impacts the kingdoms of the earth. His kingdom impacts individuals and nations. Confronts the evils, idols, and tyrants of the day. Confronts the status quo and pagan thought. In all areas of life -- ethics, law, economics, etc.--Christianity teaches the transcendence of God, but not to the exclusion of divine immanence in the earth and THIS is what made C

  • Ukraine Situation: An Alternative View

    19/03/2022 Duração: 59min

    Pastor Matt looks at the situation in Ukraine and provides an alternative view from the narrative being promulgated by the media and government. --Here are the two links to scholars speaking about the history surrounding Ukraine and is another link on history- is the Tucker Carlson link on dangerous weapon biolabs- is the link to JP Sears video on Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum- is the link to the Forbes article on Vaccine Passports-

  • The Limits of Parents & The Duty of Children

    11/03/2022 Duração: 45min

    This sermon established the duty of children to obey and honor their parents. Then it presents the assertion that children are not always to obey as the parents authority has limits. Then it gives practical advice on how to reform and repair the family and home. 43 min.

  • Canada: Some Thoughts

    04/03/2022 Duração: 46min

    This sermon covers various thoughts regarding the draconian decrees that have been imposed upon the Canadian people due to the covid mandates. It covers a letter of interposition from churchmen to Justin Trudeau. The beginning of the sermon also covers some thoughts about the current situation in Ukraine. Below are some links to both. May Christ be praised- 46 min. are the three links I mentioned so you can see things from a perspective other than the narrative being pushed by the politicians and the press in America and Europe-----A short news article which exposes what the American press has been censoring- at least the first 15 minutes- article-

  • The Submission of a Wife - Colossians 3:18-19

    01/03/2022 Duração: 39min

    During the Apostle Paul's time, the family in the Roman world was fractured. Historians tell us that divorce had exploded- adultery was rampant- and childlessness prevailed.--Homosexuality - pervasive and widespread.--Sexual immorality of all kinds - pervasive and widespread.--Sociologists tell us that the culture was atomistic. In other words - the individual - his happiness- his desires- his wants - were paramount - the world revolved around the individual. - family was trampled.--MEism and the individual reigned supreme.--And yet, Paul doesn't set up a church that is appealing to millennials, or yuppies, or dinks or even generation Z. Rather he appeals to the Colossians to embrace Christianity. To embrace God's created order. To embrace God's created design for man. To marry. To have children. To build a home. To establish a family.--Radical. Counter-revolutionary stuff to the culture in Colosse. 39 min.

  • Reconstructing Extended Family

    01/02/2022 Duração: 55min

    Does the Bible address extended family- Yes it does - and this sermon provides Scripture and practical advice regarding extended family and how to reconstruct it. 52 min. Worship sermon-

  • 12-Minute Little Drummer Boy Homily

    23/12/2021 Duração: 15min

    This is a 12-minute homily on the song The Little Drummer Boy. Preached for Christmas 2021. The song is exegeted. 12 min.

  • Romans 14 Misapplied to Pandemic: Churchmen Shaming Christians

    15/12/2021 Duração: 39min

    A response to how the churchmen are falsely using Romans 14 to shame Christians into silence so they do not speak out against the evil of tyrants using the the pandemic to impose tyranny. 36 min. 3 of Christian Resistance- 4-Minute video Christ be

  • Sermon on Resting

    30/11/2021 Duração: 43min

    Rest is a part of God's created order - it is built into His creation. This sermon looks at practical points regarding rest. 39 minutes

  • The Awful Sin of Pride

    18/10/2021 Duração: 54min

    This sermon speaks to the heart. An excellent dissertation on pride. A must-listen sermon full of insight. May Christ be praised- -54 min.

  • The Attack on Work by Governments & Corporations

    02/09/2021 Duração: 51min

    Right now - our government is teaching men NOT to work - and the government and corporations are trying to make men unable to work. These tyrants are so brazen - they are even willing to attack the very created order of God regarding work. And you must stand against them- And you must stand for Christ---Here is the link for the LA Fire Captain's 12-minute declaration of defiance to the mandates- is the link about the mother denied seeing her child by a judge because she refuses to get the shot- is a link to another sermon on work-

  • Christian Resistance in This Dark Hour

    31/08/2021 Duração: 01h06min

    Every time you comply you are aiding and abetting tyrants in accomplishing their evil. You are aiding and abetting a great lie. You are selling tomorrow's freedom for today's convenience.----We must offer Christian resistance. Christian resistance involves and demands three things- 1. Repentance, 2. Fighting, and 3. Building. And I do not mean these in that particular order - all three happen intermixed and ongoing.----Save the link to this sermon on Gab TV before we are taken is the link to the 3-minute U. S. military recruitment video mentioned in the sermon- on ill-affects of masking children- to the ser

  • Acts 14 - Paul's First Missionary Journey

    17/08/2021 Duração: 30min

    Continuing verse by verse through Acts. This sermon goes through Acts 14 which covers the second half of Paul's first missionary journey. 30-min.

  • Why A Truly Christian People CANNOT be Subjugated by a Lawless State- July 4th Sermon

    23/07/2021 Duração: 32min

    This sermon was preached on Sunday, the 4th of July, 2021.----Nations should cherish liberty and it is Christ and Christianity that brings liberty to men and nations. True liberty comes to nations that honor His law and word in their polity and policies.----But America has lost her way. Her laws, policies, and court opinions spit in the face of Christ and impugn God's law and word. So while Americans are sold license disguised as liberty and think they are free - they are slaves to sin - and this makes them slaves to the state.----Culture is religion externalized. And atheistic cultures most always turn into statist cultures. They make the state god. Atheistic cultures end up as statist totalitarian hells or hedonistic sewers - or both. America is both.----But Christian men and Christianity produces something far different.----We as Christian men understand and cherish liberty more than all other men. And why is that- It is because liberty is rooted in our religion - unlike the religion of the atheist. Our d

  • A Duty of Fathers

    21/07/2021 Duração: 39min

    The monolithic centralized state views the decentralized family - as a threat.--Therefore the state wants to control and subjugate the family to the state through law and policy and court opinion.----This is a huge tenant of Marxism which views the family to be a major pillar of bourgeois society. To them - family must be subjugated by the state.----The family is an institution ordained by God and is not to be controlled by the state. Family is its own government separate from the state - and in fact - civil government is an extension of family government.----And men have a duty to protect their homes from the attacks and invasions of the state into their domestic affairs. -----We currently live in a statist hell which through law and policy has emasculated men- undermined their authority- taken their responsibility- stripped them of their duties- belittled, sequestered, neutralized, weakened, and tamed them for the state's ends. 39 min.

  • Dismembering a Concubine & The Murder of the Preborn - Judges 20+21

    13/07/2021 Duração: 38min

    Continuing verse by verse. This sermon looks at the difference in the response of the Israelites to the murder of a concubine - 400,000 men at arms rallied- and to the response by the American Church to the murder of the preborn - overwhelming silence. 38 min.

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