Mercy Seat Christian Church

Why A Truly Christian People CANNOT be Subjugated by a Lawless State- July 4th Sermon



This sermon was preached on Sunday, the 4th of July, 2021.----Nations should cherish liberty and it is Christ and Christianity that brings liberty to men and nations. True liberty comes to nations that honor His law and word in their polity and policies.----But America has lost her way. Her laws, policies, and court opinions spit in the face of Christ and impugn God's law and word. So while Americans are sold license disguised as liberty and think they are free - they are slaves to sin - and this makes them slaves to the state.----Culture is religion externalized. And atheistic cultures most always turn into statist cultures. They make the state god. Atheistic cultures end up as statist totalitarian hells or hedonistic sewers - or both. America is both.----But Christian men and Christianity produces something far different.----We as Christian men understand and cherish liberty more than all other men. And why is that- It is because liberty is rooted in our religion - unlike the religion of the atheist. Our d