Mercy Seat Christian Church

The Submission of a Wife - Colossians 3:18-19



During the Apostle Paul's time, the family in the Roman world was fractured. Historians tell us that divorce had exploded- adultery was rampant- and childlessness prevailed.--Homosexuality - pervasive and widespread.--Sexual immorality of all kinds - pervasive and widespread.--Sociologists tell us that the culture was atomistic. In other words - the individual - his happiness- his desires- his wants - were paramount - the world revolved around the individual. - family was trampled.--MEism and the individual reigned supreme.--And yet, Paul doesn't set up a church that is appealing to millennials, or yuppies, or dinks or even generation Z. Rather he appeals to the Colossians to embrace Christianity. To embrace God's created order. To embrace God's created design for man. To marry. To have children. To build a home. To establish a family.--Radical. Counter-revolutionary stuff to the culture in Colosse. 39 min.