Wyoming Valley Church Podcast



This podcast is hosted by Wyoming Valley Church in Wilkes Barre, PA.


  • Harder Things: Letting Go to Put On

    19/02/2020 Duração: 25min

    God has several pieces of Spiritual Armor for us to wear so we can be protected in this battle against the forces of evil. But as we'll discuss today, in order to put on the Helmet of Salvation and the True Hope in Jesus, we need to let go of false hopes first. The harder thing is NOT desiring more hope, but to let go of all those things on earth which promise us hope, but cannot deliver. Lord willing, we will be motivated once again to put our entire hope in Jesus and realize and recall that He is the only REAL HOPE in this world. Blessings!

  • Harder Things: Taking Up the Shield

    12/02/2020 Duração: 20min

    The Shield of Faith is our topic today. How we do we get this Shield and how do we properly use this Shield? Pastor Mel Walker joins us in this important discussion as we seek to do as Ephesians 6:16 tells us to "extinguish ALL the flaming darts of the evil one". We hope you'd be blessed by the encouragement that not only can we take up the Shield, but that we are promised certain victory when we do so! If our disciplines and training come together with God's power, we cannot be defeated. Many blessings!

  • Harder Things: Ready or Not

    05/02/2020 Duração: 23min

    As we've learned recently, we are engaged in an epic spiritual battle. We need God's strength, we need God's Armor, and as we'll learn today, we need to be ready at ALL TIMES. Readiness is something that is overlooked many times in Christianity, but God wants it for us and getting ready is going to take work. We hope you'll be motivated and inspired today to get ready! Blessings!

  • Harder Things: Doing ALL

    29/01/2020 Duração: 23min

    What does it take for us to give everything we have to some cause? Obviously whatever that cause is needs to be pretty important. As we'll be reminded today, the Christian path and battle IS that cause. We will challenge ourselves to go faster, greater, and be MORE disciplined because our enemy is vicious and determined to take us down. We need to DO ALL we can to stand firm! We hope this would be a blessing in your fight against evil today. 

  • Harder Things: Good Employees

    15/01/2020 Duração: 23min

    We all should be good employees and servants at our place of work, but the reason behind why is actually very deep and profound. We will discuss why we should be good employees, what are the motivations for doing so and what it all means. Once again, it's the harder thing but it's also the most rewarding life anyone could live. We hope this blesses you today!

  • Harder Things: The Trump Card of God's Glory

    08/01/2020 Duração: 20min

    In this episode, we discuss the greatest and most important topic anyone could discuss. We'll seek to align and calibrate our minds and hearts to the Truth that God's glory is greatest and best pursuit and it's also what we should want as His people. We'll discuss how that living for the glory of God is "The Trump Card" in every decision we make upon the earth. We hope you'll be blessed by this!

  • Harder Things: Emptying

    18/12/2019 Duração: 25min

    It's the Christmas season and it has us all seeking to buy presents for our loved ones and of course celebrate the coming of Jesus to this earth with the best present anyone has ever given, salvation. But, do we know that we too are called to give like Jesus gave to us? We will explore one of the hardest topics in the entire Scripture and perhaps the universe - sacrifice. We hope the sacrifice of Jesus would inspire and encourage you to do the same this Christmas season, and your entire life, so that God would be glorified. Blessings!

  • Harder Things: For Jesus

    11/12/2019 Duração: 19min

    In this life, we are called to live obediently and sacrificially. It's the very same in marriage. But the answer as to why we are supposed to walk on this narrow path is may surprise us. Today we will discuss the goal of doing everything for Jesus' sake. We hope this greatly encourages you!

  • Harder Things: Ideal Circumstances?

    05/12/2019 Duração: 22min

    Is life ideal for you right now? Is everything going smoothly and without hiccups? I doubt any of us can say that it is. But especially for the Christ follower, life seems to be constantly filled with hardships. Has God forgotten us? Are His promises not as steadfast as we hoped? Perhaps we're not even saved? It might surprise us to find out that our path is one of great difficulty. In fact, great difficulty can even validate that we are actually following Christ. We'll strive to encourage everyone going through a hardship in the Christian journey by what this pain and difficulty is all about. We hope you are strengthened by this. Blessings!

  • Harder Things: Spiritual Euphoria

    27/11/2019 Duração: 25min

    Is the Christian life simply one of duty, void of joylessness and excitement? Perhaps we've fallen too far on the side of duty, and forgotten that God is the best gift giver ever. When we strive to obey and follow the Lord, we find more joy and excitement than the world can ever know. In our new podcast series "Harder Things", we want to explore what's difficult in order to gain what is most sweet. We hope you'll be blessed on this journey!

  • The Deep End: The Pursuit of Love

    20/11/2019 Duração: 25min

    It might surprise you that in the Christian life, our job isn't to avoid sin. Of course that's a part of it, but we have a much higher pursuit than avoiding ungodly behaviors. We will discuss the greatest pursuit God ever gave man and how obeying it achieves everything God wants from us. We hope this blesses you!

  • The Deep End: Convinced

    06/11/2019 Duração: 23min

    The Christian life is full of disciplines. We learn from Ephesians 4 that there are three crucial disciplines for every believer. The instruction is important, but the motivation behind them is just as important. God through the Apostle Paul is going to seek to convince us that we must follow these disciplines unto Life, because there is only one path to Life and this path was paved by our Lord Jesus. We hope and pray that you would be convinced! Blessings!

  • The Deep End: Instructions for Building

    30/10/2019 Duração: 23min

    The Lord has given us His Church for the accomplishing of His glory, the building of His Kingdom and the defeating of evil on the earth. He also has left us many instructions on how to build and operate this Church. As we'll explore today, we can either adhere to God's instructions and have a Church that is truly formidable and strong and guaranteed to succeed, or we'll neglect God's instructions and have a man-made church that is sure to fail. We hope this has the proper tone of encouraging us all to invest into God's Church and do it His way for His glory. Blessings!

  • The Deep End: Unifying as a Team

    23/10/2019 Duração: 19min

    The Church is made up of individuals. But the Church is called to function as ONE unit. How and why should the individuals who make up the Church unify as ONE unit? We will discuss this very thing as we seek to ALL live out our calling as children of God, citizens of Heaven and ambassadors of Jesus. We hope this blesses you!

  • The Deep End: The Vulnerability of Love

    16/10/2019 Duração: 22min

    The Apostle Paul once prayed that a church would know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. He prayed that they would know the breadth, length, height and depth of God's love through Jesus. But as we'll discuss, loving someone opens yourself up to vulnerability and the possibility that you'll be hurt. So why would God want His people to know His love to such degrees? Couldn't that cause Him a great deal of pain? We will discuss God's vulnerability of love and what His hopes are for us knowing His deep and profound love through Jesus. Blessings!

  • The Deep End: The Mystery of Church

    09/10/2019 Duração: 20min

    God once had a mystery that was the greatest hidden mystery of all-time. That mystery, once revealed changed the course of a people group for the rest of eternity. And yet there's another mystery that perhaps isn't be noticed today like it should be. Today we will discuss the mystery of God's church and what it means for God's people. We pray this blesses you!

  • The Deep End: The Gift of Unity

    02/10/2019 Duração: 20min

    Is the family of God (the church) a true gift from our God? It is if we understand how far we once were from God at one time. In this episode, we will discuss what a true privilege it is to be apart of God's eternal family and how unifying together is a strength God gave us that we cannot do without. We will also seek to be motivated towards unity by our Lord Jesus and what He came to this earth to do, simply because He loves us and wants us eternally healthy. We hope this would bless you!

  • The Deep End: Good Works?

    25/09/2019 Duração: 19min

    Today in "The Deep End" we will explore a topic that can be a little tricky to discuss. But the Word of God is clear on it and it's very important for us to know so we can live the way we were intended to. We hope this would bless your soul and that you would be inspired and motivated to live for good works. Thanks for listening! 

  • The Deep End: Hope, Riches and Power

    19/09/2019 Duração: 13min

    What are the best tools we have to staying forward for Christ Jesus all our lives? The Apostle Paul considered that eternal hope, riches and power in Christ Jesus is what the church needs to truly do what God has called them to do. So he prayed that the Ephesians would know these 3 things, profoundly. And what if we knew them as well? As we'll discover, they would change our lives, forever and we would buy into following Christ permanently. We hope this blesses you!

  • The Deep End: Enlightenment

    18/09/2019 Duração: 21min

    What could we do with MORE knowledge, MORE hope, MORE riches and MORE power? Well, if that all pertains to God, then the answer is A LOT. We struggle in this life simply by not knowing what God knows. But, the reality is that we don't have to struggle, at least the way that we often do, with the lack of joy, confidence and security. The Apostle Paul once prayed for a church that they would know MORE and see MORE CLEARLY, and that request to God is one that we need as well. Today in "The Deep End", we'll discover what true enlightenment really is. Blessings!

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