Athey Creek: Audio Podcast



Bible teaching by Pastor Brett Meador and other leaders at Athey Creek Christian Fellowship. Brett Meador leads Athey Creek, a fellowship of believers that strive to worship God, follow Jesus, study the Bible, and serve one another.


  • Through the Bible | John 1:1-18 by Brett Meador


    As we begin our study through the Gospel of John, we jump straight into theological truths about who Jesus is and why He came. As we examine the titles given to Jesus in John 1:1-18, we learn why He is called the Word and the Light and how He has imparted grace to those who believe in Him.

  • Is Jesus God? by Brett Meador


    The Book of John opens with a bang by poetically launching into deep theological issues that touch on things such as creation, the Trinity, and God's existence outside of time and space. As we explore these themes in John 1:1-5, we discover who Jesus is from the beginning to the end, how He is one with God, and why He came to Earth to become our life and light.

  • Through the Bible | Luke 24 by Brett Meador


    A group of women arrive at Jesus’ tomb following His death and burial only to find that He isn’t there! As we learn what happened in Luke 24, we see Him appear to various people and prove through His resurrection that He is the Messiah.

  • Jesus in the Old Testament by Brett Meador


    Jesus meets two men on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:27 and explains to them everything in the Scripture concerning Himself. And while we, unfortunately, don’t have Jesus’ teaching recorded, we can still search God’s Word ourselves to see how Jesus shows up in the whole of Scripture from the first page to the last.

  • Through the Bible | Luke 23:26-56 by Brett Meador


    Surrounded by a diverse cast of characters, Jesus is led away to be crucified in Luke 23:26-56. As we watch Him die upon the cross, we see the roles these people played, how numerous prophecies were fulfilled, and why this was the single most important event in human history.

  • The Cross by Brett Meador


    Jesus is hung upon a cross and dies in Luke 23:26-49, but why did this have to happen, and what does it signify within God’s whole plan for humanity? As we examine why Jesus was crucified and what it accomplished, may we all look upon the cross and be saved.

  • What Are You Going To Do About Jesus? by Brett Meador


    Jesus' sham trial arrives before Pontius Pilate in Luke 23:1-26 and what he decides to do with the accusations against Jesus will be the biggest choice of his life. Likewise, we are all faced with deciding whether we will follow Jesus or reject Him because of our double-mindedness, popular opinion, or failure to understand His perfect plan.

  • Through the Bible | Luke 22:39-71 by Brett Meador


    As He finishes praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus is betrayed, arrested, denied, mocked, and beaten. As we watch the story unfold in Luke 22:39-71, we see the significance of all that occurred, Jesus’ graciousness and longsuffering, and His response to their allegation that confirms He is the Son of God.

  • An Eerie Story by Brett Meador


    A curious incident occurs in Luke 22:47-51 as Peter draws a sword and slashes off the ear of a servant during Jesus' arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. More than just an interesting anecdote, this story teaches us powerful truths about the Word of God, how we receive it, and how we should wield it.

  • Through the Bible | Luke 22:1-38 by Brett Meador


    A Bible teaching titled “Through the Bible | Luke 22:1-38” from Luke 22:1-38 by Brett Meador.

  • The Olivet Discourse? by Brett Meador


    Jesus predicts the destruction of the Temple in Luke 21 and then begins a discourse on when this will occur and what the signs will be. As we gaze from the destruction of the Temple in AD 70 to the future Second Coming of Jesus, we see the historical, prophetic, and practical implications of Jesus’ address.

  • Through the Bible | Luke 20 by Brett Meador


    A Bible teaching titled “Through the Bible | Luke 20” from Luke 20:1-47 by Brett Meador.

  • The Rejected Cornerstone by Brett Meador


    Jesus makes a statement in Luke 20:17-19 about a rejected cornerstone and how people will either be broken upon it or ground to powder by it. While this remark may seem strange and confusing, we will see that the cornerstone runs throughout Scripture from Moses to the coming Kingdom and perfectly symbolizes Jesus and what He came to accomplish.

  • Through the Bible | Luke 19 by Brett Meador


    The final days of Jesus’ earthly ministry begin after He rides into Jerusalem to tremendous accolades and then further outrages the religious leaders by cleansing the Temple of crooked practices. As we look at these events and what else led to them in Luke 19, we learn important lessons about salvation, faith, works, and how God’s Word is always perfectly fulfilled.

  • People to Meet - Lessons to Learn by Brett Meador


    In Luke 18, we are introduced to a widow, a pharisee, a tax collector, a group of children, a young, rich ruler, and a blind beggar. While these varied persons have little in common, we find in all of them lessons on prayer, faith, and persisting in our pursuit of Jesus.

  • Through the Bible | Luke 17 by Brett Meador


    We continue to study the teachings of Jesus in Luke 17 and learn some important lessons on how we should conduct ourselves as Christians. As we hear what Jesus has to say about stumbling others, unforgiveness, faith, servanthood, and obedience, may we be those who adhere to His commands as we await His return.

  • What Happens When You Die? by Brett Meador


    Do you know where you go after you die? In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus helps us to understand that Heaven and Hell are real places as He tells a story about the deaths of a rich man and a poor beggar. As we see where each man went after death, we learn what these places are and, most importantly, how to choose where we will end up after we die.

  • Through the Bible | Luke 16 by Brett Meador


    Jesus tells two stories in Luke 16 about stewardship, riches, and poverty. As we unpack what Jesus is showing us, we see how He wants us to live in light of what we’ve been given and how our choices today will affect us for all eternity.

  • Are You Feeling Lost? by Brett Meador


    After the religious leaders questioned Jesus about why he was dining with sinners, He gave three illustrations as an answer in Luke 15. As we listen to the parables of the lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son, we learn how Jesus seeks us when we are lost and how we can be found by Him.

  • Through the Bible | Luke 14 by Brett Meador


    A Bible teaching titled “Through the Bible | Luke 14” from Luke 14:1-35 by Brett Meador.

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