Athey Creek: Audio Podcast



Bible teaching by Pastor Brett Meador and other leaders at Athey Creek Christian Fellowship. Brett Meador leads Athey Creek, a fellowship of believers that strive to worship God, follow Jesus, study the Bible, and serve one another.


  • Through the Bible (Ezekiel 19-20) by Brett Meador


    The people of Israel have vacillated between following God and their pagan idols since they departed Egypt, and God has finally given them over to their sin and subsequent destruction. But as we study their course in Ezekiel 19-20, we learn that God’s ultimate plan is always to bring redemption and that He is merciful even to the worst sinners.

  • Regathering of Israel by Brett Meador


    After being scattered worldwide, the Jews are now regathering in Israel – just like the Lord promised in Ezekiel 20:23, 33-37. As we study how this prophecy has been fulfilled, is currently being fulfilled, and will be fulfilled in the future, we see why it is so important and how it figures into the End Times.

  • Through the Bible (Ezekiel 17-18) by Brett Meador


    Ezekiel shares a parable and refutes a proverb in Ezekiel 17-18 to show the people in Jerusalem what will happen with the coming Babylonians and why they will be held accountable for their own sins. As we study how he implores them to instead turn from their sin and live, we gather insight into repentance, righteousness through Jesus Christ, and restoration.

  • Repent! by Brett Meador


    Tapping into one of the major themes of the Bible, Ezekiel 18:30-32 implores the people of Jerusalem to repent – that is turn away from their sins - so that they may live and not fall into ruin. As we look into the topic of repentance, we see what it means to cast away our sin and what it should look like in our lives when we do.

  • Through the Bible (Ezekiel 14-16) by Brett Meador


    Ezekiel 14-16 paints a grim picture of how despite being given every opportunity to be blessed by God, the Jews reject Him in favor of idolatry and set themselves up to incur His wrath. As we study, may we learn from their example and instead be those who humble ourselves, repent from our sins and turn to God for our salvation.

  • Abide in the Vine by Brett Meador


    Throughout Scripture we see the Lord using imagery of a vine to typify His relationship with His people. Ezekiel 15 contains one of these instances and as we study, we learn why this illustration is so powerful, what it means for us today and what our lives should look like as a result.

  • Through the Bible (Ezekiel 12-13) by Brett Meador


    Ezekiel was speaking the Word of the Lord and yet the people chose to straight-up ignore him, listen to false prophets instead, or scoff at what he was saying. As we study Ezekiel 12-13, may we be those who heed the Word and take prophecy seriously - especially in the days we live.

  • Through the Bible (Ezekiel 8-11) by Brett Meador


    Ezekiel receives a vision in Ezekiel 8-11 concerning the judgment that has come upon the people for rejecting God and continually living in sin. Yet even as we watch God’s glory depart in what is perhaps one of the most gut-wrenching passages in the Bible, we see how God will never truly forsake His people and that He has a plan for their future still.

  • The Battle for the Brain by Brett Meador


    God gives Ezekiel a glimpse inside the minds of the leading elders in Ezekiel 8:7-12, and the thoughts he sees in their heads are nothing short of abominable. And we cannot claim that our thoughts are any better today. However, we can arm ourselves with tools that will help us combat our wicked thoughts and steer our minds to how God would have us to think.

  • Through the Bible (Ezekiel 4-7) by Brett Meador


    God gave Ezekiel some very specific – and somewhat questionable – scenarios to show the people what they could expect to happen as the Babylonians closed in, as they are killed or carted off into captivity, and then what would become of them after these things. As we look at these object lessons in Ezekiel 4-7, we see God’s desire for repentance, the certainty of His wrath, and most importantly, His grace and mercy in offering salvation to all who will call upon the name of Jesus.

  • The Proof is in the Prophecy by Brett Meador


    Ezekiel puts on a strange demonstration to show the Jews how long they will be cursed and driven from their land. As we do the math behind his illustration in Ezekiel 4:3-6, we see the Bible’s perfect predictability regarding past events and how they pertain to things yet to come.

  • Through the Bible (Ezekiel 2-3) by Brett Meador


    Ezekiel had a clear calling on his life to minister to the Jews in Babylonian exile, but God had to equip him first. As we study his preparation in Ezekiel 2:8-3:27, we see the importance of knowing the Word, how the Holy Spirit works in our lives, and how our words should always reflect God’s truth and love.

  • Through the Bible (Ezekiel 1-2) by Brett Meador


    Ezekiel has a remarkable -albeit somewhat confusing - vision of God that he describes in fascinating detail. As we dive into his account of the imagery, we begin to make sense of what he saw and how it paints a beautiful picture of God’s glory and His plan for humanity.

  • Palm Sunday 2021 by Brett Meador


    If you were in charge of planning Jesus’ grand entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, how would you do it? Riding in on a lowly donkey would probably be low on your list. But as we examine why God chose this particular mode of transportation, we see perfect reasons that fulfill prophecy, show us God’s character, and reveal the things He uses to accomplish His purpose.

  • Through the Bible (Lamentations 3-5) by Brett Meador


    If the people had only listened to Jeremiah’s heartfelt pleadings, they would have understood that their unrepentant continual sin would bring about God’s wrath. And, as we learn in Lamentations 3-5, they could have found compassion and mercy if that they just turned to God with repentant hearts and followed His ways.

  • Dealing with Depression by Brett Meador


    A teaching from our through-the-Bible study in Lamentations.

  • Through the Bible (Lamentations 1-2) by Brett Meador


    God very specifically warned Israel time after time, for years and years, of the horrific calamity that would befall them if they failed to obey His Word - and it happened exactly how He said it would. As we study Jeremiah’s sorrowful recap of the situation in Lamentations 1-2, may we heed the Lord’s warning for us to repent before it is too late as well.

  • The Problem with Sin by Brett Meador


    Jeremiah puts pen to paper in Lamentations 1:5-11 to express his sadness over the shocking and sorrowful fall of Jerusalem because of their sins. As we study the repercussions of their actions, we learn how our sin will destroy us in a very similar manner, but also that we can find forgiveness and mercy through Jesus Christ.

  • Through the Bible (Jeremiah 50:35-52:34) by Brett Meador


    The Babylonians have inflicted great pain upon the Jews and left Jerusalem in a state of destruction and desolation. But Jeremiah 50:35-52:34 foretells that their reign of terror won’t last and their fall will come soon enough - bringing severe punishment upon them for their pride and sinfulness.

  • Jehoia-who? by Brett Meador


    Jeremiah tacks on a interesting little addendum about the unexpected fate of Jehoiachin in Jeremiah 52:31-34. But why should we even care to hear about what happened to this seemingly insignificant minor character? It turns out we have more in common with Jehoiachin than we may realize.

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