Sasquatch Chronicles



People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this too be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. If you have had an encounter, shoot us an email at episodes and content can be found on our website. Become a member today and receive access to our full back catalog of episodes, additional exclusive shows posted weekly, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums.For the latest news, please visit our blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.


  • SC EP:937 The Helicopter Incident

    17/03/2023 Duração: 56min

    Tonight we will be speaking to Joy. Joy had an encounter in the mid 70's, in Michigan. Joy and her sister were walking their dogs when a large creature covered in hair crossed right in front of them. Joy said "We didn't know what to call it besides a monster. I was seven years old at the time and the creature looked at us and turned and walked into the tree line. We will also be speaking to James and Amy. Amy writes "My husband is a truck driver and I ride with him. It was dawn and we were on I-94. Early morning traffic on one side of the road was a bear curled up and looked to be sleeping. Which was strange to me with all the traffic going by. Quarter mile from the bear on the other side of the road were two dairy cows laying on the side of the road (dead). Another quarter to half mile from the cows were three deer on the side of the road (dead). None of the animals had any blood or looked as if they had been hit. No tire marks that I had noticed. My husband and I discussed how strange it was and continued o

  • SC EP:935 Watch Out For The Wood Boogers

    11/03/2023 Duração: 47min

    Marshall writes "My friend and I went walking from his family farm across the road to his grandfather’s hunting land which was formerly a dog training area, high fences, used for training dogs to run foxes and coyotes. They would trap them and then have the dogs trail them. That all stopped many years before we came along. My best friend (I’m gonna call him Chad to protect his real name as he is now an army sgt and I don’t want this to have an effect on his career, we also no longer speak much it’s been more than a year since we last spoke.) Told me that we could go into the old fox pen to squirrel hunt that day. So we took off with a single shot 20 ga and a pump pellet rifle. We noticed several things were very wrong once we got in there. Firstly, there was absolute silence throughout the forest. We’re talking about a 20-30acre tract of land that again has 8ft fences all the way round and three main lanes that meet a fire lane that encircles. There were no birds, no crickets no nothing. If I remember right i

  • SC EP:933 My Grandfather's Property

    04/03/2023 Duração: 55min

    Tracey writes "As a young person I grew up in Northern Oklahoma, My Grandfather owned property that butted up against the Cow Creek water sheds. To provide location it was about 30 minutes from Ponca, 15 Minutes from Pawnee and 15 Minutes from Red Rock. Lake McMurty was about 30 minutes away in the opposite direction from Red Rock. At one point he owned 500 Acres or basically a square mile. Over time he had sold the property off down to 125 acres or what is referred to as a Quarter. The property had 2 good Sized Ponds on it and a Natural Spring that constantly ran towards the water shed with crystal clear water. No One was allowed to hunt on his property, and no one did. He Purchased the land around 1942 or 43. He raised cattle, pigs, Quarter Horses and Welch Shetland Ponies, goats etc... virtually anything he could sell ac the Stillwater Auctions. In the Early 80’s he sold off the property. My First encounter was with my brother I was 10 and he was just about to turn 12, we were fishing at a neighbors pond w

  • SC EP:930 The Creature At My Uncles Cabin

    25/02/2023 Duração: 01h07min

    Kevin writes "To give a little more detail I had went up to my uncles log cabin on North Pond in Woodstock ME. We were up there using his place to go snowboarding at Sunday River Ski Resort about 20-25 minute car ride away. My uncles place is on a dirt backroad and situated about 100 yards up from the pond. It was snowing for most of the weekend and the first night there we had lit off some fireworks out front of the house and towards the end of one of the fire works we heard a loud scream like noise. We paused before continuing and looked around like what the hell was that but decided it must have just been a weird sounding firework. As soon as the next one went off we heard a much deeper and guttural roar that lasted about the length of the last four shots of an XL Roman candle. Now right across from the driveway which is perpendicular to the road my uncle lives on is a large cliff like slope that runs up about 35 feet almost straight up. At the top there are more trees and this was the direction it had cam

  • SC EP:928 Sending Hot Lead Down Range

    18/02/2023 Duração: 01h02min

    Tommy writes “I am a retired lawman/judge still in my 50’s and going strong, when you become a cop at 18 and get your 30 you get to retire early and then go enjoy life. I own a cattle ranch in Texas. One got real up & close to me in the Sabine National forest and I gave him a dose of hot lead as he followed me or skirted me down a logging road. He screamed and roared as he tore through the brush running the other direction, we tracked him for about 2 days and did not find him. I made the huge mistake of telling some of my co workers (other Law Enforcement Officers) about what I had seen and witnessed on my many trips into the woods. I was set to be promoted to Sgt Investigator and when the date passed for promotion I inquired as to what happened? I was informed that when I shared some of my BF encounters with others I became no longer credible and therefore not up to the standards of supervision. I shut my mouth and did not share any BF info with anyone for sometime except others close in the know…. I had

  • SC EP:926 "You Saw The Slurry Troll"

    11/02/2023 Duração: 01h10min

    Tonight I will be speaking with Kenny who had an encounter when he was young. A creature came up to his window and stared at him. Kenny said "The window is 8 feet up and this thing was just standing there looking at me. Later my mother told me about things that happened on the property and told me she believed me. Kenny has a podcast called Melchizedek Chronicles. Check out his site at   We will also be talking with Z. Z writes "In 2003 I was just out of high school with nothing to do. I worked with my dad at a goldmine somewhat north and east of Fairbanks, Alaska. One afternoon after a particularly long shift, we were driving off the mountain and I lit a cigarette and leaned my head back to look out the window. A couple hundred yards below us was a copse of tree trunks left over from a forest fire the year before. As my eyes rested on them I saw what looked like a burned tree start walking like a man up the valley just below us. The valley is drainage for the mine and is fu

  • SC EP:924 A 10,000 Mile Journey

    04/02/2023 Duração: 56min

    Tonight I will be speaking to Jake. Jake writes "My encounter goes all the way back to when I was about 12 years old in Greenfield, Tennessee, which is a small town in the northwest portion of the state. When I was growing up, I would spend a great deal of my time playing out in the woods. This one time, which is when I had my encounter, I was walking along the sand creeks as I often did. These creeks run for miles and miles through the woods, and I was probably about a mile out from my house. Anyway, I was alone and walking around a bend when I thought I saw a bear. I had never seen a bear out there, nor had I ever heard of any being in the area, so I was really shocked to it see it. After I walked around the bend, I was probably fifty feet from it, which, being a kid with no experience with bears, I figured I was at a safe distance, so I stood there to watch it. I quickly realized that it had a deer underneath it and it appeared to be eating it, although it had its back to me, and I couldn't really tell wha

  • SC EP:922 Those Monkeys Are Back

    28/01/2023 Duração: 55min

    Tonight I will be speaking to two brothers that were hunting near Crater Lake in Oregon. They had a scary night walking down the center of the highway while two creatures were screaming and growling at them. The brothers ended up in a defensive position back to back and started shooting. We will also be speaking to Jeff. Jeff said “When I was around 11 years old I went to visit my grandmother. She was at the beginning stages of dementia. My grandmother said “Oh those monkeys are back” as she looked out the window. No one in my family listened to her because they thought she was losing it. My cousin and I walked over to the window and there was three creatures walking in the creek bed. There was two that were upright walking on two legs and a little one wrapped around one of them. The creature in the front was bigger then the one behind him by at least a foot. The third one was small and hanging off of the creature in the back. I remember being in shock and telling my uncle to come look but he just said “They

  • SC EP:920 A Monkey In The Barn

    21/01/2023 Duração: 53min

    Josh writes “I live in Western KY. Almost all the encounters happened within 5 miles of each other, several on the same property. I’d be more than happy to share my experiences. I’m not seeking fame, I just want to get these out there so other researchers can use the info to help them.” Spoke to Josh and he shared over 20 years of sightings on his uncles property. Josh said “The first time my uncle was clearing trees off his property and I heard what sounded like a lion roaring. I heard it over all of the equipment we had running. I remember feeling like I was being watched and my uncle had this old barn on the property that had the roof falling in. I looked over and saw this….monkey a very large monkey standing in the doorway watching me. This wasn’t the only time I had run into these things. I really did not know what it was at the time.

  • SC EP:918 The Beast Of The United Kingdom

    14/01/2023 Duração: 01h06min

    Tonight I will be speaking with Paul Sinclair. Paul is recognized within the field of unexplained phenomena for his honest no nonsense approach to the subject. He prefers to follow the research wherever that may lead, even if it means putting himself in locations and situations most people would not want to be in. Paul is currently working on a new documentary called Wolfland, about unusual cryptid sightings in the UK. Check out Pauls Youtube:

  • SC EP:916 The Butter Street Monster

    06/01/2023 Duração: 59min

    Tonight I will be speaking to Leslie and she had an encounter in the early 1980's in SE Ohio. The locals called the creature in that area "The Butter Street Monster." I will also be speaking to John. John had an encounter on a jobsite in 1992 in PA. read the full encounters here

  • SC EP:915 Why Is That Guy Running?

    25/12/2022 Duração: 43min

    Drew writes "I had an encounter with a Sasquatch 6 years ago in the Navy while on leave back home in Arkansas duck hunting. Visual sighting then what I assume was the animal in the woods about 2 hours later while hunting. I remember the encounter vividly and it could have only been two things a large full grown naked African American male or a Sasquatch . I was not a “Sasquatch” hardcore believer previous to this but after the encounter I spent weeks racking my brain to come to the conclusion that the most likely case was that it HAD to be a Sasquatch.” Spoke to the witness and he said “I saw what I thought was a guy running across this open field. I was going to my area where I duck hunt. I stopped the truck and sat there watching this “guy” and I was shocked how fast he was running. There are large ditches in this area and he ran up and down those ditches like it was nothing. I thought it was weird but I thought it was just some guy. I got to the area where I duck hunt and I could not stop thinking about wh

  • SC EP:914 Lance Corporal Shoots Sasquatch

    24/12/2022 Duração: 53min

    John writes "I served as a US Marine from 1999 – 2003. While I was in I was stationed at Kings Bay Naval Sub Base in southern Georgia. I was part of a CQB (close quarter battle) team and was a DM (designated marksman). As a DM I carried a M40A3 (308) and a M9 (9mm pistol). While serving at Kings Bay, I was called into my Platoon Commanders office prior to my team going to the LA (limited area). My Platoon Commander informed me that there were reports coming from lake D (a lake on base approximately 400 yards from the LA) of a wild animal being aggressive towards campers around the area. He asked me if I had a tree stand and ordered me to go to Lake D instead of the LA. He told me a DM from team 2 would take my spot in the LA. He said I was to locate, close, and destroy the animal and not to come back until I did. I ran back to my house and grabbed the necessary supplies, my hooch, tree stand, food, and water and headed to the north east side of Lake D. I had fished this lake several times and knew of a game t

  • SC EP:912 The Appalachian Trail Encounter

    16/12/2022 Duração: 47min

    Alex will be a guest on an upcoming show. In 2006 he was hiking down the Appalachian Trail. Alex said “I thought some serial killer was following me. He matched me step for step. I stopped on the trail and caught sight of someone or something in wearing a black hoodie. I thought it was a person. I kept moving down the trail and that’s when the rocks started whizzing past my head. I started running and this thing gave chase. It was knocking over small tree’s, it sounded like a bull dozer. I will also be speaking to David. In 2009 David was returning from a funeral when a large creature stepped in front of his vehicle. David said "The driver coming in the opposite lane stopped and this thing went straight up a mountain side. I didn't know what it was but it looked like a man, a big man walking across the road.

  • SC EP:910 A Pissed Off Monkey With A Grudge

    10/12/2022 Duração: 01h02min

    Lee writes "I’m reaching out because this past September my son and I had a run in with what we believe were multiple Sasquatch while kayaking the Lower Buffalo River, wilderness section. We were on day 2 of our trip and we were specifically there to fish for smallmouth bass. It was around 4pm when we went through a narrow section and around an obstruction and all hell broke loose. This thing was at the rivers edge when it bolted through the woods like a bulldozer. The crazy thing about it is that it sounded like a pissed off monkey as it ran tearing through the woods. We went a little over 2 River miles and made camp on a narrow gravel bar. While we were setting up camp we heard a tree knock across the River from us. We joked about it being Bigfoot and just kept on with setting up camp. After camp was established I broke out my weather radio to check our regional forecast for the next day due to a high percentage of rain in our area. After about 20 minutes of listening to several regional forecasts I cut the

  • SC EP:908 The Coon Hunter And The Devil

    03/12/2022 Duração: 01h07min

    Happy Holidays! Tonight I will be speaking to Joe. Joe is from central Texas and 34 years ago he was hunting and came upon a creature with red eyes. Joe said "I thought I ran into the devil." We will also be speaking to Ben. Ben had an encounter in New Hampshire. Ben said "I thought it was a guy dressed all in black but he was big and he had this ridiculously long arms.

  • SC EP:905 Bigfoot Of The Rockies

    19/11/2022 Duração: 01h02min

    Tonight I will be speaking to Jason Frank. Jason had his world turned upside in 2007 while out turkey hunting. Jason and his wife found tracks they could not place with any animal that is known to science. He later became friends with members of the BFRO. His friends would take him to areas that are known for encounters. Jason writes "I was born and raised in Western Colorado. While Colorado has always been my home, my father’s career as a gold miner required that the family follow the work and therefore we lived in North Central California, all over Colorado, and Moab Utah where my father worked at a uranium mine during the Cold War, before Moab was the tourist destination it is now. I was raised hunting, fishing, hiking, and all things outdoors in a family that has generations of outdoorsman and women, cowboys, miners, farmers and explorers. As an adult, I joined the U.S. Army in the early 1990’s and served as an Airborne Infantryman in the 82nd Airborne Division based in Ft Bragg North Carolina and a tour

  • SC EP:903 The Kentucky Massacre

    11/11/2022 Duração: 01h07min

    Tonight I will be speaking with investigator David Eller for a discussion of his findings in Tennessee. David looked into the Kentucky Massacre and what he found convinced him the attack was not done by a known predator.

  • SC EP:901 The New Hampshire Incident

    04/11/2022 Duração: 54min

    Andrew writes "Hey Wes, wanted to reach out to you about a situation I found myself in this morning about 3 am eastern time. I live in the south western part of New Hampshire and last night/ this morning we walked into the woods to a spot I wanted to show him. On our way out to this location which is about a half mile up a rail trail along side a big pond, we made sure to be noisy to alert any black bear that may be around. We made it to the spot which turns into a peninsula surrounded by water. We made sure there were no animals or anything in this little peninsula and walked in. We were quickly closed in by two things that sounded to be bipedal and heavy footed. We had a very bad feeling so we loudly yelled “ okay we are leaving”. As we approached the rail trail, the sound of those two things on either side of us run across the trail into the woods across the way. We made it to the trail and walked back toward the car but this whole time, we could hear one of them walking along side us in the tree line. Thi

  • SC EP:899 Creature On The Farm

    28/10/2022 Duração: 55min

    Tonight I will be speaking to Steve. Steve is from Kentucky and he had an encounter when he was 13. Steve and a friend decided to camp on the property when something large and stunk kept saying "Ike." I will also be speaking to Tristian is from from Missouri and he shot "something" on his property. Tristian said "The shoulders had to have been 5 feet across. It was on all four the whole time and it ran off screaming and roaring."   Steve has a podcast called "News Worthy??" check it out here:

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