Sasquatch Chronicles

SC EP:935 Watch Out For The Wood Boogers



Marshall writes "My friend and I went walking from his family farm across the road to his grandfather’s hunting land which was formerly a dog training area, high fences, used for training dogs to run foxes and coyotes. They would trap them and then have the dogs trail them. That all stopped many years before we came along. My best friend (I’m gonna call him Chad to protect his real name as he is now an army sgt and I don’t want this to have an effect on his career, we also no longer speak much it’s been more than a year since we last spoke.) Told me that we could go into the old fox pen to squirrel hunt that day. So we took off with a single shot 20 ga and a pump pellet rifle. We noticed several things were very wrong once we got in there. Firstly, there was absolute silence throughout the forest. We’re talking about a 20-30acre tract of land that again has 8ft fences all the way round and three main lanes that meet a fire lane that encircles. There were no birds, no crickets no nothing. If I remember right i