More Money



Learn how to welcome more money into your life, start living the life you have been dreaming of and learn how to make your business profitable quicker and easier with Cassie Parks, best-selling author on the topics of money, business and lifestyle design. When Cassie isn't speaking, coaching or writing to inspire others, you can find her sipping champagne with friends, traveling, or dancing for no reason.


  • S4, Ep. 385: Feeling Worthy To Manifest More

    09/08/2023 Duração: 22min

    Vicki tells us all about how she’s opening up to a new level of worthiness, when it comes to her manifesting. She’s created a beautiful new life for herself, and she was surprised when she discovered she had to uplevel her worthiness parallel to her life getting upleveled. We think when we get the life we want, that it’ll be easy to say yes to it all. But we still need to uplevel every part of ourselves along the way. She shares how her level of worthiness was reflected back to her in her previous relationship, and how it’s reflected differently now in a new relationship. She’s with an amazing great person now, because she now views herself as amazing and great.  Check back next week for another step in Vicki’s journey! Vicki Instagram @vickinotvicky TikTok @vickinotvicky10k Enchanted Life U Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu TikTok @enchantedlifeu

  • S4, Ep. 384: Manifesting and Feeling Guilty

    02/08/2023 Duração: 22min

    We are back with Vicki and she is celebrating manifesting $135,469.57! She and Cassie joke about how she had to look up how to say out loud such a big number. Vicki tells us her experience with having to put down her beloved dog, Otis. She felt guilty about him dying because it was the last piece of her former relationship. Her and her ex had been co-parenting the dog, and it didn’t feel great to continue on communication with him. Vicki worried she manifested Otis’ decline in health so she could get out of communication with her ex faster. She asked Cassie, “Did I manifest Otis' passing in order to complete my past relationship?” Cassie asked her, “What if Otis manifested you?” Meaning what if Otis was always on this path with his health, no matter what, so he manifested Vicki to have the best final years he could possibly have? This coaching allowed Vicki a lot of space for healing and closure. We also hear about how she was supporting and helping her boyfriend find his next home. She’s gotten practice

  • S4, Ep. 383: How Survival Money Story Affects Manifesting Money

    26/07/2023 Duração: 20min

    We’re back with Vicki for another step in her life’s journey! What has been your biggest growth as a coach and stepping into that? Owning her worthiness. Trusting and owning that she is worthy of being there, and worthy of being a coach, and accepting of the life she is creating. Her life is becoming what she always wanted it to be but it is also so different than she’s always wanted, and it’s perfect. What was her old money story? Survival. She is so happy she hasn’t needed support or guidance around money from her coach in a very long time. But she’s seeing her survival money story coming up in other areas of her life that don’t have to do with money.  Her life before joining ELU was full of drama. She was working so many hours and not getting paid enough. She’d sometimes get a big tip or paycheck and just go spend it on something right away. She’d have ants in her pants because she was uncomfortable with seeing and having all of that money in her accounts. She’d overdraft her account or realize she’d be sh

  • S4, Ep. 382: Manifesting in a Time Crunch

    19/07/2023 Duração: 24min

    Some of the questions Vicki answers in this episode: What is the biggest way you have grown/changed/shifted over the past few months? Deeper and deeper trust. She’s approaching scripting in a new way. She’s learning how to tap into her future self on a richer, more complex, yet simpler level. The FS questions are making sense to her and clicking really easily. Also money?! Like she’s awesome with it. She doesn’t even remember the last time she’s asked for coaching support around money. What's the best manifestation you've had over the past few months? Her bedroom furniture and her living situation in general. She manifested the exact house she intended. It’s a dream location and home. She did literally nothing, someone else reached out to HER to offer her the living space. The day she went to move, she had no furniture. That morning, she was inspired to open up Facebook marketplace and found the perfect matching bedroom set! What is coaching Cassie gave you or someone else that really made something &

  • S4, Ep. 381: How Feelings Affect Your Manifesting

    12/07/2023 Duração: 14min

    Vicki interviews Cassie in this bonus episode! She steps into being a host and asks her Law of Attraction coach questions about her process and where these things came from. Here are the questions she asked: When was the first moment you realized the type of scripting you created is the most powerful?  She practiced with one way of scripting, and all of it manifested so quickly! From there, she created the formula based on the high success she got. Prompts don’t have enough legs, scripting one day in the future life is so powerful and overall general and powerful. How did you realize feeling your feelings is so important? There was a process to move energy to get it out the way of your manifesting that Cassie used to utilize. She realized you could just feel the feelings instead of doing all of these things to move the energy (a.k.a. Skip over the feelings). She realized that you can’t move through anything until they’ve felt through it. When you look at kids, they are so good at feeling their feelings and mo

  • S4,Ep. 380: Change Your Money Story for Better Manifesting

    05/07/2023 Duração: 23min

    Where they are now: Why does this keep happening? I thought I had enough money to pay my utility bill. Why isn’t Law of Attraction working for me? (not alone) Through the process of Vicki’s move out of her ex-partners home, she’s discovered her old money story popping up. Her old money story was Survival. Survival is the most stressful money story, it’s categorized by stress. Just “surviving” is what someone with Survival’s brain is used to (i.e. feels good). Your brain knows you can live in the panic of “Oh my God, how am I gonna make it?” The only way to stay in that “Oh my god” place, is to always not have enough money. It becomes a pattern of being able to survive in that place. It’s where the adrenaline rushes come from, even when they don’t feel good. Vicki tells us some things she used to do in her old Survival money story, before joining Enchanted Life U. How she would “Hot-Potato” money. She’d receive money and even before it hit her bank account, she’d go out and spend it immediately. Then she’

  • S4, Ep. 379: Manifesting Something, Then Wanting Something Different

    28/06/2023 Duração: 22min

    Where they are now: This life is not what I want. What have I done? I don't know what to do. We are celebrating $113, 658.94 manifested!! Vicki tells us that she never imagined that she would cross the $100,000 manifested mark. She has just ended her relationship, opening up space in her life for more growth. She had manifested an amazing home, property, and family and realized she didn't want it anymore. Vicki asked herself, why did I create all this when all of a sudden I don't want it? The response she received was: "You are growing past what you created." Vicki manifested a fantastic life and house, and now she's outgrown it in the best way possible. She realized she needed the space to grow into her next bigger life. Her desires and future have grown and expanded past what her current life was able to give her. There was no more growth to be had within the life she had manifested. It's ok to continue to grow and want more. Vicki tells us the tools she learned in her 3

  • S4, Ep. 378: Why You Should Trust Your Lack of Inspiration

    21/06/2023 Duração: 21min

    Where they are now: I have this really great idea, but every time I sit down to follow through with it, I get anxious and stressed and worried. So I never actually get anything done with it. Vicki talks about how her life is getting easier and easier and how excited she is for even more ease in her future. She tells us about how she knew becoming a coach was for her. How she got the "call" and answered it. That she was presented with this opportunity, and she knew on a deep level that that was what she had been moving toward all along. A few times on her journey, she had gotten a feeling / thought that being a coach would be fun. But every time it came up, she never felt inspired to take action. So, she enjoyed the fun feeling of thinking about it and moved on with the other parts of her life.  What is she most looking forward to in becoming a coach? Seeing people's lives grow and expand. Why would Vicki tell somebody to join Manifest $10K? Because the path is laid out so clearly, staying on tra

  • S4, Ep. 377: How Having More Fun Can Help You Manifest Faster

    14/06/2023 Duração: 17min

    The interview starts with Vicki sharing how she manifested $105,128.59! She shares the biggest growth she's experienced since her last interview, and that is that there is more depth for her to grow into. One really fun piece of evidence Vicki experienced was walking into the bathroom at the house she nanny's and saw the foam bath letters on the tub had the numbers together of "10". This came right after deciding she would see the number 10 that day. We talk about a big way she's grown and how her future self has shown up in the last few months - deeper into trusting, confident, calm, and present.  Vicki expands on a great "ah-ha" she's experienced since we last heard from her. It's the fun score that got her results, not the action. She's growing through something in her life right now that used to feel fun, but no longer feels fun. For Vicki, so much money is showing up for her, and her life is getting easier and easier. She just spent some really fun quality time

  • S4, Ep. 376: How Saying "No" Manifests More

    07/06/2023 Duração: 35min

    We’re back with Vicki, who just said yes to becoming a coach with Enchanted Life U! After we hear about her awesome new manifested total, Vicki goes on to tell us about how she is trusting the process on a deeper level. She is owning the idea that the skills she learned while she manifested over $80,000 can be applied to every area of her life. She manifested that much money, why can’t she manifest anything else?  Vicki tells us about her process for changing her thoughts, especially how she had to learn to not judge the number of times she caught herself in unwanted thoughts.  She auditioned for a part in a musical production, with the understanding that she no longer would be accepting roles she didn’t love. This is a new level of growth for her! We hear how new and exciting that is for her to only be accepting roles that feel good moving forward. Learning how to get comfortable shutting doors, i.e. saying “no.” By shutting certain doors (saying no to roles that don’t feel good) Vicki allowed the space need

  • S4, Ep. 375: Can You Manifest While Sick?

    31/05/2023 Duração: 23min

    Vicki followed through with her commitment to doing her assignments consistently. Even in the face of getting Covid and being sick with it for 6 weeks. She learned on a deep level how to exist while sick. We all get sick from time to time, but this was the first illness she’d had for so many weeks in a row, it gave her the opportunity to learn how to thrive while not feeling well. During this period, she wanted support in how to “fix” a lot of things in her life. Cassie kept bringing her attention back to the fact that her first priority was to get better. Any of these fixes Vicki could’ve done, would’ve been done in the space of “the how.” When we try to fix something, our brains go, “How do I fix it?” This head space of “the how” is not where we create our most powerful dream lives. Typically, when we fix things from “the how” space, the things we’ve fixed come back up in our lives at a later date anyway and need to get fixed all over again. Vicki surrendered to the healing. Once she decided that her “work”

  • S4, Ep. 374: How Consistency Helps With Your Manifesting

    24/05/2023 Duração: 31min

    Since last speaking with Vicki, she has “fallen off the wagon” as it were, when it came to her daily assignments. She felt that since she’d been in the program for over 2 years, she had enough tools to get herself through anything. Some time passed and everything was great so she really felt she didn’t need Enchanted Life U. Quickly, things in her life got really rocky, and it eventually felt impossible to get back in to assignments and coach calls. When things finally came to a head, she reached back out to the group for support. Knowing she had a built in cheer-squad, a proven system, and a coach is what made it her only choice for change. Vicki had lost her consistency in showing up for herself. Going forward, having had this experience, she is going to show up with more dedication. It’s not out of fear, but having it come from a choice. She chose to show up for herself. When things get uncomfortable, it’s even more powerful to commit and show up for yourself and do the work. It’s powerful to show up when

  • S4, Ep. 373: How to Manifest The Perfect Job

    17/05/2023 Duração: 26min

    Vicki manifested her dog following inspiration… Since we last spoke with her, Vicki has manifested her dog! The dog is exactly what she pictured in her scripts. She followed inspiration and it lead her to the dog she’d been scripting about for only a few months! How should you count manifested money? She realized she could count her new job’s salary as money manifested! She followed inspiration to take this job, and now it’s an amazing fit, leaving her with a new total of $66,854.78!  Can you trust your gut to manifest the perfect job? Vicki learned how to follow and trust her gut. By trusting her gut feeling, she ended up with the perfect job for her in that moment, even though the details didn’t make sense. The details didn’t matter, because the details changed. How saying “no” helped her manifest what she really wanted. Vicki was offered a kids theater job that she normally would have jumped at the opportunity for. But this time around, her gut gave a resounding “No.” Confused, she turned down the job, eve

  • S4, Ep. 372: Manifesting More Space, More Money, and Your Dream Home

    10/05/2023 Duração: 24min

    Vicki is back to continue sharing her amazing voyage in Law of Attraction! Is manifesting your dream home easy? Through that process, she’s learned that she doesn’t need to suffer through; she can ask for what she needs. With that new opened space, she saw that she couldn’t be worthy of more if she was suffering. How to manifest a new job. Through getting a new job, Vicki asked, “Is this going backwards?” “Is this not working?” It’s all totally working. It’s giving her the opportunity to know what consistent abundance is like in a way she had never experienced before. Including getting paid to be on vacation! She got to experience living the life of a person who gets paid to relax and live in a beautiful space.  Do you want to pay off a loan? Vicki recently paid off a loan in full! She had spent some time with Cassie getting clear about what money was coming in and where she was investing it. Just a month or two later, she was notified that her loan was actually paid off. A year before she had calculated! Whe

  • Ep. 371: Manifesting an Inspiring Journey to London

    03/05/2023 Duração: 29min

    Join host Cassie Parks in the "Manifesting Success Stories" podcast as she invites special guest Paulie to share her incredible journey of manifesting success in London. Discover how the power of inspiration guided her through seemingly impossible roadblocks and led her to achieve her dream of moving to the vibrant city. From navigating visa requirements to proving her value, Paulie recounts the pivotal moments that transformed her life. Tune in as she shares the importance of staying in alignment with the present, letting go of the need for constant follow-ups, and embracing unexpected opportunities. Prepare to be inspired as Paulie reveals how an encounter with an African Ambassador changed everything and how her determination ultimately led to a delightful response from a London manager. Get ready for a captivating episode filled with manifestation wisdom and uplifting success stories. To connect with Paulie follow her on Instagram @paulie_golightly Anything discussed during the show: ht

  • Ep. 370: Harnessing the Power of The Law of Attraction

    25/04/2023 Duração: 30min

    Paulie once again joins Law of Attraction Coach Cassie Parks to share another chapter of her manifesting success story, using the law of attraction to manifest money and her dream life. The two discuss the amazing things Paulie has manifested, her biggest learnings of how to make the law of attraction work, and why people sometimes don’t get what they desire.  Paulie has consciously been practicing the law of attraction with guidance for 5 years. Cassie starts by asking her the biggest way she harnesses the power of the Law of Attraction differently than she did five years ago. Paulie shares that it works for her rather than her working for it.  Paulie then shares some of the most amazing things she’s manifested including: *All her human needs being met, including a deep love *An increase in her self-worth *Getting paid to act in other languages  *Going to countries outside the norm *The unfolding of a role she would love to have Paulie then shares how some of these things unfolded and what law of attrac

  • Ep. 369: Being Present is Key to Making Law of Attraction Work

    19/04/2023 Duração: 25min

    Paulie is back to share another chapter in her manifesting journey with Law of Attraction Coach Cassie Parks. She shares how she is manifesting money and more. ***Show notes based on answers before recording.  The interview starts with Paulie sharing how she manifested over $40,000 on a recent month-long vacation.  Paulie thing shares her deepened understanding of the law of attraction and how it impacts her: My purpose: to shine! I am always taken care of. What if? It would be awesome, and I’m excited! Paulie then talks about how being present is the key to everything. She shares a story about how animals are coming up to her, which is something she intended. Next, Paulie shares inspirations that have popped up recently and inspired action that she has taken: I am being present and finding joy. Doing nothing until I have to do something or something happens that I have to do, and it feels just right. Inspired action to go to Afghanistan, to send the song to the producer, to meet my singing teacher on a whim.

  • Ep. 368: How to Make The Law of Attraction Work: Slow Down, Go Deeper, Trust

    12/04/2023 Duração: 30min

    Paulie is back to share another chapter in her manifesting journey with Law of Attraction Coach Cassie Parks. Paulie shares how she is manifesting more and more of her dream life. ***Show notes based on answers prior to recording.  First, Paulie shares her most recent understanding of how to make the law of attraction work: Consistency of the work Going deeper and wider in becoming Having ownership of my future self Next Paulie shares the evidence she’s gathered since the last interview: Olive trees! Standing ovations, slowing down, and stepping into becoming more. Paulie shares her recent inspirations and inspired action: Moving to London giving away $20 feeling that everything is inspiration Paulie shares how her Future Self has been showing up: She’s telling me to be here now, and keep going. It’s happening. The best manifestation Paulie has had over the last few months is: The producer said they got the green light for the play and contracts are happening. The premiere is in fall of

  • Ep: 367: Manifesting Better Days By Calling Yourself Out

    05/04/2023 Duração: 26min

    Paulie is back to share another moment in her manifesting journey with Law of Attraction Coach Cassie Parks. Paulie shares how she is manifesting money and her dream life. ***Show notes based on answers prior to recording.  Paulie and Cassie discuss how Paulie has recently manifested over $100,000. Then Paulie shares that allowing what I want to come to me and realizing what works out when it’s inspired are two of the biggest ways she has deepened her understanding of how the law of attraction works.  Paulie then shares her biggest evidence since her last update which is, “Getting handed a $20 bill from a stranger. When inspired action feels like a thunderbolt and staying in it is a no-brainer. I love that feeling.” The two then talk about how inspiration is showing up for Paulie. Paulie shares how she uses the question, “Wouldn’t it be awesome if I got what I wanted and did nothing?” for manifesting more of what she wants and reminding herself to stay out of the how.  Paulie’s Future Self has shown up to sup

  • How to Manifest Faster By Being Present

    29/03/2023 Duração: 18min

    In this episode, Paulie is back to share another chapter in her manifesting journey. Paulie is using the law of attraction to manifest money and more and she is being interviewed by money manifesting coach Cassie Parks. They discuss the following: How Paulie has manifested more than $50,000 in a year. How a lot of the money is manifesting through virtual voice-over jobs Paulie shares how her biggest aha has been about presence and being present.  It’s overused, but when Paulie received coaching she’s now sinking into it.  She says it’s made her raw and vulnerable to be present, but that is where the magic is.  Paulie share about some coaching she got and how to be present making the bed which sets her day up to be more present more often The two discuss how scripting makes you more present Paulie talks about how being present relates to her ballet training and it’s why she enjoys it so much Paulie shares how being present helped her save someone Paulie talks about how being present is suppo

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