More Money



Learn how to welcome more money into your life, start living the life you have been dreaming of and learn how to make your business profitable quicker and easier with Cassie Parks, best-selling author on the topics of money, business and lifestyle design. When Cassie isn't speaking, coaching or writing to inspire others, you can find her sipping champagne with friends, traveling, or dancing for no reason.


  • Ep #42: Focus On Your GPS Point!

    02/11/2016 Duração: 21min

    Show Timing: 00:05 Show introduction 00:37 Cassie Parks introduction 1:05 There is more to say 1:15 Get as much done in chunks as I can because it makes my world easier 2:10 “Doubling Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours” so enjoy the life you have built 2:18 What to focus on to get you there, process is about clarity 2:43 Double Your Business #1 on Amazon multiple times in multiple areas, thank you 3:15 Free 4-part video course at 4:03 Leave a review and tell us what you did after reading the book 4:32 Question of the hour 5:01 Clarity and focus - whether get to #1 or not 5:28 Book coming out in May 2017 Manifest $100,000 is in a place that it can now hit the NY Times Bestseller List 6:22 Cassie shared 2009 speaker story 7:20 The message I got - you need a book 8:00 “Open to Possibilities” speaking gig 9:16 Book to promote yourself and the syndicated (in 8 markets) radio show 10:10 Did the show and got one book sale 10:30 Sole focus was on getting on the radio sh

  • Ep #41: When and How To Invest In Your Business

    21/10/2016 Duração: 29min

    Show Timing: 00:05 Show Introduction 00:35 Cassie Parks introduction 00:53 Extra valuable information 1:38 “Doubling Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours” so enjoy the life you have built 1:47 Talking about this today: When and how to invest in your business 2.25 You often need a different skill set (investment) 4:14 Investing in a magazine to showcase the work my clients have done and their success. 4:50 Working hard - step and grow into the person you are becoming 5: 46 Inspirational to know what is possible 6:11 If you loved this season of the podcast grab your copy of The “Double Your Business” book is available on Amazon 6:36 Free 4-part video course at 6:49 Investing in business strategy 8:56 How I make investments in my business 9:05 Investment in my future self 10:00 How to run a business 10:22 Invest in things that grow my personally in the capacity I want to serve 10:55 Class to learn the structure of my signature talk   11:39 Big investments are thousan

  • Ep #40: I Want To Write A Book!

    12/10/2016 Duração: 27min

    Show Timing:  00:05 Show Introduction 00:37 Cassie Parks introduction 00:58 Doubling Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours so enjoy the life you have built. 1:08 Writing A Book - when does it make sense, should you/shouldn’t you? 1:48 If it is time, send me an email at and let me know you loved this episode. 2:00 Manifest 10K Course’s client, Maggie, manifested $20K in the form of a new job opportunity. This allowed more time, more freedom and more like-minded people. 2:55 In the process of celebrating by doing a photoshoot which you can see on my Facebook page 3:03 Celebrating the success of others, through an online magazine with all the stories. Loved doing this for one of my clients. 3:57 Red carpet treatment 4:50 If you love this podcast grab your copy of The “Double Your Business” book is available on Amazon 5:00 Free 4-part video course at 5:26 “I want to write a best-selling book” 5:58 Clarity: Why do you want a book? What is that book

  • Ep #39: What is Next?

    05/10/2016 Duração: 28min

    Timing of the Show 00:05 Show Introduction 00:37 Cassie Parks introduction 1:08 What To Do Next in Doubling Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours 1:21 It is all about clarity in the Double Your Business process. 8:44 The “Double Your Business” book is available on Amazon or email 9:39 Take advantage of  a free 4-part video course at 9:55 We covered all the steps and how to navigate any challenges 10:04 What is it going to look like? 10:16 I have the Manifest 10K Course and Manifest $10,000 book 10:36 Did the money show up the way you thought it would? 11:47 Jill’s experience - double her money in 10 days 12:11 You don’t know how it is going to show up but that is not your job 13:04 Let go and let the process work and give yourself space 14:37 I support entrepreneurs who want to Doubling Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours so if you are interested in that let’s go through the application process at and click on Work With Cassi

  • Ep #38: Here Is What Might Go Wrong

    28/09/2016 Duração: 28min

    Timing of the Show 00:05 Show Introduction 00:37 Cassie Parks introduction 00:54 How You Can Mess Up The Process of Doubling Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours 1:54 Give you to tools so you know you have them 2:02 Teach you how to navigate if you get stuck 2:10 Live workshop at the enchanted palace and all the people who showed up over the last year and even before that 3:30 Focus on one thing but remember the moments where no one showed up 4:03 Use this process to have people show up and invest. 5:15 Remember where you have been 5:30 The “Double Your Business” book is available on Amazon 6:00 Grab a free 4-part video course at 6:25 Here is what might go wrong 7:45 Not setting a high enough income intention 11:00 Not scripting from the place of your future budget 13:55 Follow all the steps and staying in tune 14:10 Catch yourself thinking (I thought or I think) 15:08 The magic pill 16:18 Whispers, intuition and knowing the next steps 18:18 I want to write a book

  • Ep #37:Feeling Your Future Now

    21/09/2016 Duração: 22min

      Show Timing:  00:06 Show introduction 00:39 Cassie Parks introduction 1:10 The Next Step In Doubling Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours: Feeling Your Future 1:15 How this process continues to evolve and how the path can show up quickly and easily 1:37 Jill Angie, Not Your Average Runner is hosting a retreat in Denver, CO in Oct 2016 and the exciting parts are 1) having a place to share with others and 2) created a business that supports the lifestyle I want 2:58 The Double Your Business process by stepping into your future self and the path shows up quicker each time. 3:55 $500K business owner - step into this big vision and big intention 5:47 The “Double Your Business” book is available on Amazon 6:06 Grab a free 4-part video course at 6:24 Feeling into your future and how this process evolves 6:37 How will you feel living this life? You have to consciously feel this now while you are creating how you’ll feel then. 7:29 You could  hit your income intention wi

  • Ep #36: Mirroring Your Future & Stepping Into Your Future Self

    14/09/2016 Duração: 27min

    00:05 Show Introduction 00:41 Cassie's Introduction 00:55 Double Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours: Next 2 Steps 1) Mirror Your Future Self 2) Step Into Your Future Self 1:11 Do all steps in order and if you need to go back and do the past steps 1:29 FREE Double Your Business with Cassie Video Series 2:00 Relish in the experience of success because of having gone through the process 4:32 Double Your Business Book on Amazon is available and thank you for downloads and reviews 5:40 Mirroring your future self 6:06 Invest in something your future self would have 7:36 Your future self lives in your home and what you focus on expands 9:32 Vision board collage 11:29 Analyze the snapshot of current and future lives 12:19 Appreciate the things that are in both lives 12:47 Determine what isn't in your life yet 13:25 List how you can get more of those things that aren't there yet 14:02 Quicker and easier way 14:14 How to get your current life to look like your future life 15:22 Step into your future life by enga

  • Ep #35: Analyze Future Budget and Meet Your Future Self

    07/09/2016 Duração: 26min

    00:05 Show introduction 00:37 Cassie Parks introduction 00:53 The Next Two Steps In Doubling Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours 1)Analyze Future Budget and 2)Meet Your Future Self 1:07 Dream about not working in the middle of the day but time to enjoy my morning, time/space to enjoy the beginning part of my day and how it would feel like vacation and felt free. 2:15 Get clear on what you want. 3:55 Grab “Double Your Business” book on Amazon 4:12 Sign up at and register for the 4-part video cou 4:35 Analyzing your future budget and how it is allocated 5:26 Let your budget paint the picture 6:55 Budget gives you a clue who you are in your future life 8:12 What did you expect when you looked at your budget? Any surprises? 8:33 Pick out the top 3 highlights from that full picture with that income intention where you are loving life 9:32 Anchor that lifestyle and get to know that 10:19 Know your future self 10:39 Tool for getting to know your future self and the smal

  • Ep #34: Setting Your Income Intention and Future Budget

    31/08/2016 Duração: 32min

    The first two steps in doubling your business without the hours is 1) set your income intention and 2) set a future budget. Cassie will show you explain why this important if you want to double your income without doubling your hours. 0:05 Show introduction 0:37 Cassie Parks introduction 0:55 First Two Steps In Doubling Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours 1) Setting Your Income Intention 2) Future Budget 1:19 The Four Season’s experience and sharing that experience with others and teaching others 4:58 Free four part video course that will walk you through the steps too at 6:00 Step One: Setting your income intention. 7:40 Environment is key and how to let your income intention come to you. 09:45 Quick slow way rather than the Slow Quick way 10:10 Open up more into the income you want in 5 years and space to grow as a person 10:40 A big intention is powerful and more powerful when it comes from a place inside of you 10:55 It only takes 10-15 seconds to get this num

  • Ep #33: Goals vs. Intention and the Bubble Concept

    24/08/2016 Duração: 24min

    In this podcast Cassie will clarify the difference between a goal and an intention and how the bubble concept can help you grow into your future self easily and double your business without doubling your hours.   Timing of the Show 0:05 Show introduction 0:38 Cassie Parks introduction 1:11 Double Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours: Goals vs. Intention and the Bubble Concept and How You Have To Grow 1:40 Cassie shares about her lifestyle and some recent trips and how this created a “dream come true” moment for her.   3:23 What is the lifestyle that you want along with the money? Get clear on this. 3:52 Upcoming Cassie’s new book “Double Your Business” available on Amazon 9/1/16 for FREE 4:18 Four part video course available at 4:40 Goals vs.Intention 4:46 Definition of a goal 6:46 Definition of an intention 8:00 Learn to be set up for easy success 8:53 How do goals and intentions generally play out in life? 11:08 Intentions 11:23 How does this impact what is going

  • Ep #32: Steps To Doubling Your Business The Slow Quick Way

    17/08/2016 Duração: 25min

    Cassie talks about how the Slow Quick way of doubling your business without doubling your hours is easier than the Quick Slow way. In this podcast she talks about the 5 steps in the Slow Quick Way and will talk about each step in detail in upcoming podcasts.

  • Ep #31: You Get To Choose: The Slow Quick Way or the Quick Slow Way

    15/08/2016 Duração: 27min

    In this episode Cassie will talk about the two ways to get to Doubling Your Business. You might recognize of of these ways as the way you have been growing your business. Listen in as you learn both ways. Then you get to decide which of the two ways you will implement as you Double Your Business and Not Your Hours.

  • Ep #30: What Success Looks Like & The Cost of Not Doubling Your Biz

    15/08/2016 Duração: 29min

    Cassie will share what success looks like without doubling your hours and evaluating your true cost of not doubling your business.

  • Ep #29: It's About More Than The Money

    12/08/2016 Duração: 24min

    Join us as we discuss how doubling your business is about more than just than the money. 

  • Ep #28: Double Your Business Episode 2

    04/08/2016 Duração: 20min

    A business does not grow overnight, we all know that. Right knowledge, determination, hard work, dedication, and passion are the basic requirements to increase the growth of your business and that takes time. Though doubling business growth is possible, you’d think you’d need to invest lots of things, especially tons of your precious time. But does it really have to be this way?    On this new episode of Happy Ever After, we will discuss why doing things that you have been doing hard won’t take you where you want to go and we will learn how to grow your business without spending too much of your hours.    Make sure to turn up the volume and listen closely as I uncover my insights on the traditional way on how to double a business without doubling up your time, as well as your stress. Don’t forget to take some notes.     What You’ll Learn from this Episode:  Why hard work doesn’t always pay off  The greatest business tragedy: Money vs Time  The possibility of doubling your business without doubl

  • Ep #27: Season 2 Double Your Business

    27/07/2016 Duração: 26min

    Remember why you started your business in the first place? I’m sure it wasn’t about working harder to get better results, but all about being able to have the time and money to do all the things that you love to do. And if you’re still figuring out how to do this - welcome back!    Welcome to the next season of Happy Ever After, and this season is all about how to Double Your Business Without Doubling Your Hours.   On this episode, I talk about why I wanted to create my business as well as my experience with doubling my business without, yes, doubling my hours to double my business, as well as a brief look at what I’ll be talking about in this coming season.   What You’ll Learn from this Episode: Why the “Double Your Business” process. How to access four free videos that will teach you how to Double Your Business. How to get quiet and create the life you want (homework). What I’ll be talking about in the other episodes of this season. This week’s mantra: “I am doubling my business.”

  • Ep #26: Creating and Running the Business that You Love

    25/05/2016 Duração: 28min

    Join us as we discuss what it means to create and run a business that you truly love and are passionate about.   Get full show notes and more information here:

  • Ep #25: How to Love, Honor, and Cherish Your Clients

    18/05/2016 Duração: 20min

    Listen in as I share my thoughts on the importance of making your clients feel cherished and honored with small yet thoughtful gifts.  Get full show notes and more information here:

  • Ep #24: How to Show Up As the Person Your People Are Looking For

    11/05/2016 Duração: 26min

    Listen in as I share my insights and personal experiences with showing up as, as my mentor calls it, someone that people want to buy from. Get full show notes and more information here:

  • Ep #23: 7 Biggest Money Mindset Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make

    04/05/2016 Duração: 25min

    On this episode of Happy Ever After, we delve into 7 biggest money mindset mistakes people make and explore how to avoid falling into those traps we set up for ourselves. Get full show notes and more information here:

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