Lunar Datebook



Maine Stories and Moon Musing. It's "All Things Considered" for the moon and short fiction about modern Maine life. Hosted by Jennifer Ellsworth. Episodes are produced on each New Moon and Full Moon.


  • We're All Wayfinding and "Intact"

    21/05/2016 Duração: 26min

    Episode 63- May 21, 2016 Navigating the seas without a map, a compass, or a sextant and nautical almanac would mean death for most of us. Today host Jennifer Ellsworth introduces the ancient art of Wayfinding, and explains how celestial navigation negates that fate. She also tells a true story about a group of hayfield partiers finding their way to the next vision, and reads a short story about a soldier and his wife staying connected. It's called "Intact." "...“Can you hear me?”             She could. Abby was sitting at the kitchen table. Though it was 5:45 a.m. she was dressed in a pink blazer, her hair braided like a tiara above her bangs, her eyelids dusty purple. This was the advice of the VA—treat skyping like a date...." Moon Astrology: Full Flower Moon in Scorpio: Weed. Nainoa Thompson's philosophy, a ground compass, and needing to call a guy.

  • Spring's Sense of Timing and "Wanda's Second Day"

    06/05/2016 Duração: 32min

    Episode 62- May 6, 2016 Mainers that want a lesson in self-sufficiency should take a lesson from bulbs. Host Jennifer Ellsworth examines their perfect timing and patience. She also shares a true story from a woman, Michelle Holder, who could not wait to get a tattoo—until she had it—and reads a short story about our favorite nurse, Wanda, and her second day on the job. Discharging patients takes patience.   "...My first day at Waldo County Hospital everyone stopped what they were doing to learn my name, repeat it like the punch line of a tremendous joke, and marvel over my current life story. 'Wanda. Wanda. You just finished nursing school? And your husband runs a chicken barn?'...” Moon Astrology: New Flower Moon in Taurus: Run Wild. First settlers homesteads, the strangest place for a tattoo, and an overnight bag at the ER.

  • Lucky Lunar Beltane and "Lucky Day"

    22/04/2016 Duração: 25min

    Episode 61- April 22, 2016 May Day celebrates spring's conception of summer.  In this episode, host Jennifer Ellsworth examines the long odds it took for each and every one of us to be conceived, and how getting lucky really is.  She also finds gratitude for her lot in life and reads a short story where we revisit Ivan, a Jackson neighbor, whose numbers have come in.   "...Bear was the one that woke Ivan in time to see his numbers trail across the bottom of the television set and discover he’d won the jackpot...." Moon Astrology: Full Milk Moon in Scorpio: go whole hog. One out of two hundred million, Gomer Pyle's lucky scarf and top shelf whiskey.  

  • Life-altering Lightning and "Chubby Bunny"

    07/04/2016 Duração: 19min

    Episode 60- April 7, 2016 Metaphorical lightning strikes illuminate who we are.  Today host Jennifer Ellsworth illuminates how to properly name a moon phase- each precise moment and the many in between.  She also shares an interview with Babette Cohen-Solal, who explains how she decided it was time to learn to read, and reads a short story about a boy who gives up sugar for his health, despite the sweetness shared with his mother.  It's called "Chubby Bunny." "...It wasn’t a girl’s look, or a boy’s for that matter, that transformed CJ. It was a web seminar in Health Class. He left in the morning, Mountain Dew in hand, and came home talking about Glycolysis as he opened and dumped down the sink the remainder of his twelve pack, like an alcoholic gone cold turkey..." Moon Astrology: New Milk Moon in Aries: Spark your enthusiasm. The Balsamic Moon, strained eyeballs, and Barbara's baby.  

  • Everyday Phoenixes and "Good Deeds"

    23/03/2016 Duração: 27min

    Episode 59- March 23, 2016 Spring brings ascension!  In this episode, host Jennifer Ellsworth enumerates world myths that celebrate rebirth come spring.  She also tells a true story about a Tokyo train serenade that goes sour, and reads a short story about an on-duty cop and his cargo.  It's called "Good Deeds." "...The call comes in at 8:53. Right in the middle of the Sean Hannity Show. He’s gotten a bit too religious these past few years, praying as much as he politics, but I’ve got good filters...." Moon Astrology: Full Egg Moon in Libra: tip the scales toward light. Chippewa Robin Boy, "Sweet Caroline" embrace, and a porch Snuggly.

  • Diamond Anniversary Club and "Trim Day"

    08/03/2016 Duração: 23min

    Episode 58- March 8, 2016 Love ain't easy- not even for celestial bodies.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth shares myths of marital strife between the sun and the moon from around the world.  She also offers her grandparents' secrets to surviving sixty years of marriage, and reads a short story about a nursing home romance called, "Trim Day." "...For their diamond anniversary, Roseanne and Junior had gone to McDonald’s. 'We like it there,' Roseanne told her daughter, Rachel. 'It’s tradition.' Darby’s was nicer- certainly more expensive- but McDonald’s was where Junior had taken Rose of Sharon for their first date..." Moon Astrology- New Egg Moon in Pisces- Sometimes empathy is everything. Children for breakfast, bookends of the day, and a sun drenched couch.

  • Put Your Passion to Work and "Jobs, Not Jail"

    22/02/2016 Duração: 31min

    Episode 57- February 22, 2016 Welcome to the Red Fire Monkey year!  Host Jennifer Ellsworth introduces Chinese astrology basics and explains how this is the year to risk it all on what you love.  She also interviews Josh Ard of Permanent Expressions tattoo studio in Belfast, Maine about how passion influences his work, and reads a short story about a hitchhiking high school girl hot on the trail of her heartthrob.  It's called "Jobs, Not Jail." "...Getting rides is always a bitch in winter. You’d think drivers would see some poor bum walking the sliver of white line exposed between snow bank and main drag and pull off to offer a ride out of the slush, but it’s just the opposite...." Moon Astrology:  Full Sap Moon in Virgo:  Be particular. 1896 and the birth of bought elections, sleep on a short couch, and Bowen's burgers.   

  • Old Habits Die Hard and "Where Rushing Gets You"

    08/02/2016 Duração: 26min

    Episode 56- February 8, 2016 There are good habits and bad habits, but do we cultivate them, or do they control us?  Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores how habits helped shape Saint Bridget on Imbolc.  She also reflects on how nursing is a two-way street, and reads a short story in which a Yoga instructor, usually stuck in her ways, signs up for a cosmic reset.  It's called, "Where Rushing Gets You." "...Cheryl had been late all morning, but decided to turn around anyway. She’d forgotten her tea on the counter. She could’ve stopped and bought tea at Chase’s Daily or Bell the Cat – or McDonald’s for that matter- but then she would be seen carrying a paper cup with a plastic lid..." Moon Astrology: New Sap Moon in Aquarius: Gather together. A blacksmith bends earth, we all wean sometimes, and it isn't stealing if it's a gift.  

  • Retrograde Rescue and "Magic Touch"

    23/01/2016 Duração: 35min

    Episode 55- January 23, 2016 With two more days of Mercury in Retrograde, host Jennifer Ellsworth explains this astrological phenomena, and why you may be suffering a communication breakdown.  She also tells a true story about how she was lost in translation as an Italian exchange student, and reads a short story about a massage that affects the recipient in unanticipated ways.  It's called "Magic Touch." "...If we’re going to tell the story, let’s be honest. Richard was fat. Of the had-not-seen-his-penis-in-years variety. Of the only-one-position-works-for-sex variety.   Of that, there had been very little- one week stretch, twenty years ago when he had fallen in with a distant cousin..." Moon Astrology:  Full Wolf Moon in Leo:  Howl your heart out. Planets as passing cars, La Piazza della Repubblica, and nighttime in the desert.

  • Wolf Stories

    09/01/2016 Duração: 14min

    Episode 54- January 9, 2016 Humans vilify and worship wolves.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores how these canines inherited their own moon name.  She also tells a true story about an encounter with a Lone Wolf that wished she had a gun, and reads a poem about how her family falls asleep called "Wolf Stories." "...Every night it's wolves....Nice friendly ones and bad ones...." Moon Astrology:  New Wolf Moon in Capricorn:  Don't put off what you can do today. It takes a village, Icelandic love and no more counting sheep.    

  • Flying Fluid Faith and "The Full Tree"

    25/12/2015 Duração: 25min

    Episode 53- December 25, 2015 We all know Christmas marks Jesus' birthday, but that is not the only reason to celebrate.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth explains how Christ came to be a Capricorn and remarks about Christmas' other famous fellow- the one in the red suit.  She also reads a short story about a recovering thief who is determined not to be a Grinch despite being broke.  It's called, "The Full Tree." "...Everyone had said that backwoods landlords didn’t worry about First, Last and a Deposit, but the one with the one bedroom “cottage” in Jackson had. He had not asked Mary and Lawrence a single question. He’d just unlocked the front door and let them have a look...." Moon Astrology:  Full Moon of Long Nights in Cancer:  Family Writers gave us Christmas, Santa is an Indian and cranes upon a Christmas tree.  

  • A Pagan's Wagon Wheel and "The Christmas Buddha of Jackson"

    11/12/2015 Duração: 32min

    Episode 52- December 11, 2015 Year's end approaches.  Yet for many ancient people, the end was the beginning.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores how the winter solstice celebrates new life and an unbroken circle.  She also tells a true story about a Charlie Brown induced breakdown, and reads a short story about an unusual Christmas figure called, "The Christmas Buddha of Jackson." "...When Lesley pulled into Sid’s driveway Christmas Eve, her teeth clacked up and down up and down a half dozen times, like she were trying to loosen up a stick of Wrigley’s gum, an absent-minded habit she picked up when she finally quit smoking two years ago..." Moon Astrology: New Moon of Long Nights in Sagittarius: Take the long view.   Yule Variations, a moment in the spotlight, and the Christmas Joint.  

  • Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs and "The Boy and the Ogre"

    25/11/2015 Duração: 25min

    Episode 51- November 25, 2015 Weather may be the only safe conversation topic in some company.  On Thanksgiving Eve, host Jennifer Ellsworth describes a brief history of American weather forecasting and shares Maine's record breaking snows: perfect tidbits to accompany your giblets.  She also tells about an unusual Thanksgiving spent in a fondly remembered "crackhouse" and reads a short story about a fearless boy and an operatic ogre, called "The Boy and the Ogre." "...Once upon a time there was a boy who lived with his mother in a house on the edge of the woods.             Perhaps you saw their house, when it was still there...." Moon Astrology: Full Snow Moon in Gemini:  Talk it up! 76 degrees on July 4, 1776, Burning Down the House and a Dream Juice mother.

  • Samhain Brings Snow and "After the Meeting"

    11/11/2015 Duração: 24min

    Episode 50- November 11, 2015 Tonight's New Snow Moon marks the Lunar Samhain, when thresholds of all sorts wear thin.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores the bones of being alone in a true story about a dinner for one in recovering Hiroshima, and a fictional story about a World War II veteran who doesn't quite fit with the group.  It's called "After the Meeting." ..."They hadn’t invited Frank at first. It was a PTST group and Frank had never seen combat. But then George Pendleton succumbed to his lung cancer, and just two weeks later John DiLalio died of a stroke. The group was shrinking and besides, Frank was the only WWII vet left shuffling the halls of Togus VA Medical Center not in the group...." Moon Astrology: New Snow Moon in Scorpio: introspection, please. Liminal All Hallow's Eve, a twenty-minute meal, and a bowlful of Tootsie Rolls.    

  • Cosmic Love or Chaos- the Secret to Contentment and "Silence Lies in the Ocean"

    27/10/2015 Duração: 21min

    Episode 49- October 27, 2015 Contentment may be among our unalienable rights, but that doesn't make it easy to obtain.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores this desirable headspace and how the Universe may conspire to provide it.  She also tells a true story about happy meatball making and reads a short story about a woman writer whose patience has expired.  It's called "Silence Lies in the Ocean:" ...“Tonight’s writing exercise is another first line prompt,” Steve said.   “I’ve selected a launch pad sentence from the Sufi writer Rumi: Silence lies in the ocean. Let’s take fifteen minutes and see where you go....” Moon Astrology: Full Hunter's Moon in Taurus: Dig deep before the freeze. Moonlit nights, perfect parsley, and hands, hands, hands.  

  • Shooting the Moon and "Big John's Joy"

    12/10/2015 Duração: 20min

    Episode 48- October 12, 2015 Do you have what it takes to shoot the moon?  The women in today's stories do.  From a Greek Goddess to a good daughter, host Jennifer Ellsworth examines how hunting showcases skill, luck and love.  She tells a true story of the shortest fishing trip ever, and reads a short story about a special daughter's first deer called "Big John's Joy". "...The deer was dead, of course, when Big John and his best friend, Steve, hauled it to the knoll behind the house. It was understood that this was one of the stupidest things either of them had ever attempted to do, but that it would be done..." Moon Astrology: New Hunter's Moon in Libra: Study the bullseye. Artemis and Orion in love, Buzz Lightyear lends a hand, and a night beneath a tree stand.  

  • Columbus' Eclipse and "Lobster Lake"

    27/09/2015 Duração: 19min

    Episode 47- September 27, 2015 Tonight is a Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth celebrates life in the shadows with stories of darker moments.  She tells a true story about abandoning a distressed stranger, and reads a short story featuring a woman scorned called "Lobster Lake." "...Sarah loved the straddle seasons best. Days that began in long johns and by noon had you striped to shorts and a tee-shirt. That had been the weather last year when Sarah and David had gone fishing at Lobster Lake...." Moon Astrology:  Full Harvest Moon in Aries: Rebellion brews.   Columbus visits the north coast of Jamaica, Clinton Fair Truck Pulls and Trout filets.   

  • Brake Lights of Summer and "The Numbers"

    13/09/2015 Duração: 28min

    Episode 46- September 13, 2015 September's Harvest Moon signals summer's end.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth philosophizes about rides we wish did not.  She tells a true story in which she played chaufeur to her tipsy grandparents and reads a short story where a man cannot bare to part with the bike of his youth.  It's called "The Numbers." "...The bike had sat in the barn for five years.  The old Honda, a home for spiders, a spot holder for the snow blower in winter and the garden tractor in summer..."   Moon Astrology:  New Harvest Moon in Virgo:  God is in the details. One more fire in the pit, "Thank you very much," and a $300 dream.

  • Super Reunions and "Bird Buddah"

    29/08/2015 Duração: 21min

    Episode 45- August 29, 2015 Tonight's Supermoon- the Full Moon at Perigee- brings Earth and her satellite as close as they will be all year.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth celebrates this celestial reunion by imagining the first Supermoon.  She also tells a true story about a letter received at a funeral that unites her past and present, and reads a fictional story about a woman who finds enlightenment opposite an egret.  "Bird Buddah" begins like this: "...The thunderstorm had brought hail.  Nickle and dime size nuggets that would shear the shoulder off a perfectly ripe tomato, or just nestle into its flesh, and melt, and start rot.  This was where Karen’s mind had gone under the dark clouds..." Moon Astrology:  Full Corn Moon in Pisces:  imagine.   4.5 billion-year-old blood brothers, decade-and-a-half-old phone tree and a table set for two. 

  • Canned Corn Moon and "Back on the Chain Gang"

    14/08/2015 Duração: 31min

    Episode 44- August 14, 2015 Today's New Moon welcomes a humble vegetable with great significance.  Host Jennifer Ellsworth discusses corn's metaphorical and historical value to Maine.  She also tells a true story about a bad boss in a blueberry field and reads a fictional tale about two men debating holy matrimony called "Back on the Chain Gang:" "....'He's the only one that accepted my dinner invitation so I'm voting for him.' Charles loved his mother, but this logic made his brain rot. 'Mom, it was a dream,' Charles said, lowering the driver's side visor to impede the glare blaring in over Belfast...." Moon Astrology:  New Corn Moon in Leo:  Roar. Slavery ain't for sissies, a $10 million industry, and the best motorcycle ride ever.            

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