Lunar Datebook



Maine Stories and Moon Musing. It's "All Things Considered" for the moon and short fiction about modern Maine life. Hosted by Jennifer Ellsworth. Episodes are produced on each New Moon and Full Moon.


  • Polaris Primer and "Playing At Witches"

    27/03/2017 Duração: 31min

    Episode 83—March 27, 2017 The North Star, Polaris, has been guiding star for travelers for centuries. Host Jennifer Ellsworth offers an overview of this celestial compass point and explains how it won't be there forever. She also shares a poem about Sungold tomatoes from a man who doesn't write poetry anymore; and reads a story about Bets, our favorite waitress, and how she tries to locate a little magic in life. It's called "Playing At Witches."             '...“Are you really going?”             I nod. I had emailed a way out this morning: Hello, ladies. Looks like rain. Next weekend?             The responses came quick with no bites.             I don’t melt! See you at 6!             I love rain. Might be ten minutes late.             Rented movies for the girls already. 6:10 it is.             “Rugged women,” Steve says.             I nod again. “How do I look?”...'   Moon Astrology: New Milk Moon in Aries: Spring means begin. Sky clock, a sneaky trap, and a spring blizzard.

  • A Nice Pair of Genes and "Baby" Part 1

    26/02/2017 Duração: 20min

    Episode 82—February 26, 2017 Who's your Daddy? Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores the science of genes and what happens when energies merge. She also shares an interview with Michelle Moschkau who describes a long distance connection made via a cell phone number; and reads part one of "Baby," a short story about the end of the 23rd chromosome.  '...“Where are we going?” Kaleb asked.             “Equinox party—” Julie muttered. She was stuck, with a towel-wrapped Pyrex wedged between her breasts and the steering wheel. She’d charged from the house through the rain, not wanting to wear a hat. She had tried a new part following her shower—sloughing her bangs left, not divided down the middle—and had a moment of such sexy feeling she’d gooped it in place...' Moon Astrology: New Egg Moon in Pisces: Daydream believer. Gaia and Kronos, meditation question, and a quiet car. 

  • Fire Rooster Calls Change and "Executive Order"

    10/02/2017 Duração: 17min

    Episode 81—February 10, 2017 The Fire Rooster is this year's Chinese New Year animal, and we cannot ignore his crow. Host Jennifer Ellsworth enumerates his traits that we should adopt to succeed this year. She also profiles a couple that lives the change they wish to see in the world, and reads a short story about a woman following doctor's orders and transforming her life. It's called "Executive Order."             "...Isn’t this worse?             I’ll do it because that’s how I am, but imagine if this was the prescription for the whole country? Ignore the media and eat red meat. Oh wait, it is! Is it possible Dr. Liz is one of them? Perhaps her chakra poster peppered walls are a ploy to make me accept her and her advice: ignore the media and eat red meat!..." Moon Astrology: Full Sap Moon in Leo: Illuminate. Healthy, happy hens; sugar shack time; and dressed burgers. 

  • Unseen Sea and "The View of Planet Earth From Room 216"

    27/01/2017 Duração: 09min

    Episode 80—January 27, 2017 Can dreams tell the future? What happens when we die? Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores some of Life's mysteries with Joe Asciello as he recounts a boating accident he saw coming. She'll also share the outline for a tough talk with her children and a poem about a sweet farewell with her grandmother. It's called "The View of Planet Earth From Room 216." "...In her delirium Grandma shops at the open market. 'They’ve got sausages drying,' she gestures to the fluids dripping into her IV..." Moon Astrology: New Sap Moon in Aquarius: All together now. Righting itself in the water, a not-fancy fish, and marveling at them all. 

  • Love Is From Venus and "The Waiting Game"

    12/01/2017 Duração: 20min

    Episode 79—January 12, 2017 Love abounds as Venus occupies its point of greatest eastern elongation. Host Jennifer Ellsworth offers a planet primer for our solar system sister. She also marries love and food in an essay about what makes a good cook, and a short story about waiting for a table at Neighborhood, Belfast's next best thing. It's called "The Waiting Game."            “'Twenty minutes?'             The return pitch of those two words, twenty minutes—the estimated wait for a table at Neighborhood, the new restaurant in town—was designed to equate that time frame with swimming naked in pig swill...." Moon Astrology: Full Wolf Moon in Cancer: We are family. Sex, love, beauty, and military victories; beans and rice; and She Talks to Angels.

  • Doorway Wolves and "Special Delivery, Christmas Eve" Parts 3 and 4

    29/12/2016 Duração: 27min

    Episode 78—December 29, 2016 Today marks the start of the lunar calendar year. Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores how this Wolf Moon can help us connect with our family after a busy holiday season. She also offers some Lunar Datebook updates and corrections so as to start the year with a clean slate, and concludes the short story "Special Delivery, Christmas Eve."  "...The house on the address label of the grey envelope tucked under the Deliveryman’s arm was a seasick two-story just off Front Street. It leaned toward its neighbor on wobbly knees, but so far had not accepted the hand of progress that surrounded it..." Moon Astrology: New Wolf Moon in Capricorn: Get the job done. People packs, broken heart death, and a bowl of cherries. 

  • Presence Present and "Special Delivery, Christmas Eve" Part 2

    13/12/2016 Duração: 21min

    Episode 77—December 13, 2016 In the season of gift swaps, sometimes showing up is our best present. Host Jennifer Ellsworth shares a first person account from a Dakota Access Pipeline protester, and shares her dreamy experience of missing a plane. She also reads part two of this year's Christmas story, "Special Delivery, Christmas Eve." "...The Concord Trailways bus was on time, arriving at the Shell Station at 9:15 from South Station. Jessica’s ride was not. She’d received a text: “Ten minutes!!” Double exclamation point, followed by a sad face emogi. Jessica’s mom...." Moon Astrology: Full Moon of Long Nights in Gemini: Change your mind. "All actions here are prayer", assured recognition, and a good smoke. 

  • Thanks With Family and "Special Delivery, Christmas Eve" Part 1

    29/11/2016 Duração: 19min

    Episode 76—November 29, 2016 The darkest portion of the year corresponds with family-intensive holiday celebrations. Host Jennifer Ellsworth recaps her Thanksgiving. She also shares a story from Stella Tirone about a family hike to the Jordan Pond House on Mount Desert Island that went awry, and reads part one of this year's Christmas Story. It's called "Special Delivery, Christmas Eve." “...'Merry Christmas. Ho Ho Ho. Merry Christmas.' Criminey it was cold. Too-cold-to-die-here cold. Thank-God-for-nostril-hair cold. Gary called Merry Christmas and HoHoHo out to shoppers because talking reminded his body it was alive..." Moon Astrology: New Moon of Long Nights in Sagittarius: Resilience in us all. Winter mode menu, not a bear, and ringing bells on beaches. 

  • Great Moons and Gram and "Cellar Hole"

    14/11/2016 Duração: 21min

    Episode 75—November 14, 2016 It's yet another Supermoon. Host Jennifer Ellsworth explains why today's full moon really is great, and reflects on that superlative in a eulogy for her husband's gram. She also reads a short story about a less-than-great man and his moment of grace with a gun. It's called Cellar Hole. "...Hunting in the middle of the day was like jacking off to a kitten calendar—nearly useless—but Arlen needed to get out of the house. Diane had left the turkey in the mudroom, thinking it would be warm enough to thaw there, but it hadn’t. When she retrieved it for stuffing, it remained an igloo brick and set her off cussing..." Moon Astrology: Full Beaver Moon in Taurus: Work together. Proxigee full moon, hauling water, and canned peas.

  • Samhain's Two Sides and "The Scratch Man"

    30/10/2016 Duração: 25min

    Episode 74—October 30, 2016 All Hallow's Eve is here, marking the time of year when it is kosher to connect with ghosts and spirits. Host Jennifer Ellsworth explores divination's relationship with intuition through tasseography, tea leaf reading. She also reads a letter to the editor imploring peace between politic's two sides, and reads a scary story inspired by Siv Widerberg's poem "Nightmare." The Boy returns to the Ogre. It's called "The Boy and the Scratch Man." "...Once upon a time there was a boy who lived with his mother in a house on the edge of the woods. Perhaps you saw their house, when it was still there...."  Moon Astrology: New Beaver Moon in Scorpio: look beneath the surface. Can you read clouds? Our falling sky, and retrieving wishes. 

  • Still Trophies and "Measuring Wall"

    15/10/2016 Duração: 28min

    Episode 73—October 15, 2016 We are all hunters at heart, tracking desires and dreams. Today host Jennifer Ellsworth explores the trophies of that hunt through the history of taxidermy and its ability to transport us through time and space. She also compares hardcore hunters to yogis, and reads a short story where a woman harvests a piece of her home. It's called "Measuring Wall." "...Madge hadn’t expected the house to sell so quickly. The realtor said it would take at least a year, and when she had blanched at that, he’d comforted her by saying, 'more likely three,' explaining that the market bubbled on the coast, but inland, in these rural towns, homes still sold the old fashioned way—with time and a new price every six months...."  Moon Astrology: Full Hunters Moon in Aries: we are wildfire. The origin of "stuffed animal," Action with a capital A, and hailing a chainsaw operator.  

  • Sky Hunters and "#Blessed-Common Ground Country Fair Folk Arts Tent 2016"

    29/09/2016 Duração: 18min

    Episode 72—September 30, 2016 Nearly everyday Earth has a close approach with an asteroid. Today host Jennifer Ellsworth explores how NASA scientists find these Near Earth Objects and what we plan to do with them. She also tells a true story about an ant-hunting dog, and reads a prose poem about shape note singing. It's called "#Blessed-Common Ground Country Fair Folk Arts Tent 2016." "...I was there because I was supposed to be there, the next act on stage, following whatever this was, telling a story in the old way as the woman said, which to me just meant I’d rehearsed it out loud in my car on the way to the grocery store, my two boys a peanut gallery in the backseat, and while driving here, to the Fair, instead of listening to NPR..." Moon Astrology: New Hunters Moon in Libra: Take only what you need. Interplanetary gas stations, my dungy dog, and a hand shaking heart.

  • Night Flight and "Jackson Pond Party Boat" Part 3

    16/09/2016 Duração: 30min

    Episode 71—September 16, 2016 As the sun slips into the southern hemisphere, we welcome autumn and longer nights than days. Host Jennifer Ellsworth considers what to pack for this journey toward year's end. She also tells about midnight walks to Lake St. George, and concludes the short story "Jackson Pond Party Boat," where, after lunch, Melissa poses an interesting question to the quartet.  "...Billy had made tuna fish sandwiches, but they were on shore. Ivan dragged the boat until Billy’s quadrant sunk into the mud. Tommy and Melissa widened their stances in their chairs, and Billy rose like a tightrope walker, determined not to flood the boat with his departure...." Moon Astrology: Full Harvest Moon in Pisces: Dream on. What do you take to bed?, tossing our wishes in, and star sailing.  

  • Reclaiming "Virginity" and "Jackson Pond Party Boat" Part 2

    01/09/2016 Duração: 25min

    Episode 70—September 1, 2016 A woman warrior is not usually the first image that comes to mind when you hear "virgin," but perhaps it should. Host Jennifer Ellsworth dissects the etymology of the word to reveal its ancient and surprising roots. She also interviews Belfast Maskers cofounder Diane Coller Wilson as she prepares to reclaim the stage in the Midcoast Actors Studio production of George Bernard Shaw's Arms and the Man, and reads part two of "Jackson Pond Party Boat," where Melissa and the two brothers write one another's obituaries. ...Melissa had brought a thirty pack of PBR, packed in ice. The first one she cracked open and set beside Ivan, who nodded and said, “Hmm.” She then handed beers to the brothers, and took one for herself. “Cheers, men,” she said. “Thanks for coming.” Moon Astrology—New Harvest Moon in Virgo—the Universe provides. "A kind of man," a forty-minute Medea, and a single-white-female.

  • Aliens Among Us and "Jackson Pond Party Boat" Part One

    18/08/2016 Duração: 28min

    Episode 69—August 18, 2016 Is there evidence of aliens? Today host Jennifer Ellsworth investigates stories of out-of-staters, and way-out-of-staters. She hashes out the details of Maine's most famous close encounter, the Allagash Alien Abduction of 1976, visits the Roswell UFO Museum, and reads part one of a short story about newcomers to Jackson. It's called "Jackson Pond Party Boat. ...The phone rang at 7 o’clock. “Is this Money Bags #1 or #2?” “This is Billy.” “#1 then. The party boat is ready. Please come to the dock at 10. Bring dinner.”... Moon Astrology: Full Grain Moon in Aquarius: We aren't so different. Art students fishing, Alien Bagels, and Melissa's middle finger.

  • Future Harvest and "The Crew Today at Steven's Pond"

    02/08/2016 Duração: 24min

    Episode 68—August 2, 2016 Today is the Wheel of the Year holiday Lammas. Host Jennifer Ellsworth explains how that means now is the time to plan for the future. She also lets you eavesdrop on her annual pilgrimage to Temple Heights Spiritual Camp in Northport for a psychic reading, and reads a poem about being present at her favorite swim hole. It's called "The Crew Today at Steven's Pond." My goal is just get wet, be baptized and reborn then get back to cook supper: quesidillas, beans, fruit salad, I think, or will once this heat’s extinguished. Moon Astrology: New Grain Moon in Leo: Be seen. Sacred grain stories, a spiritual pep-talk, and lounging lions. 

  • Fast, Dangerous Thunder Moon

    19/07/2016 Duração: 20min

    Episode 67—July 19, 2016 There's a storm brewing. Today host Jennifer Ellsworth explains the science behind July's frequent thunder showers. She also explores how the appeal of lightning extends beyond the single strike into our lives. She tells a true story about a fast-driving friend, and a short story about a dangerous ride taken anyway. It's called "Velocity:" ..."Quickly Pete learned to say he didn’t remember anything. Not the impact. Not standing around after with bleeding ears shouting at Jonah Reynolds, the unfortunate first on the scene, that he hadn’t meant to..." Moon Astrology: Full Thunder Moon in Capricorn: Slow and steady wins the race. When particles collide, north of Orono, and a game of Chicken.

  • Pickup Revolution and "Ode to My Junky Car"

    04/07/2016 Duração: 16min

    Episode 66—July 4, 2016 Want to learn America's fortune? Today host Jennifer Ellsworth examines the star chart for the United States—or tries to. She also tells about the last time she rode in the Brooks Fourth of July parade, intent on changing the world, and reads a poem about being stranded then saved. It's called "Ode to My Junky Car."  After I’ve cursed my blue streak and safely found the shoulder it’s easy to diagnose: Dead. Moon Astrology: New Thunder Moon in Cancer: Families gather together and roar.  Ebenezer Sibley, tossed salad, and a friendly F-150.

  • Welcome Summer and "Satiated"

    20/06/2016 Duração: 19min

    Episode 65-June 20, 2016 It is officially summer! To mark the solstice, host Jennifer Ellsworth takes a beach read approach to today's episode. She shares entertaining trivia from the first moon landing, visits Josh Ard of Permanent Expressions Tattoo Studio in Belfast to hear about the silhouette tattooed on his back, and reads a story about our favorite waitress, Bets, from Bottoms Up, as she hosts a barbecue. It's called "Satiated." "...How many is that?”             Josh just shakes his head. He is knuckle-deep in his labradoodle’s coat searching for ticks. We warned him that Liberty was tick Mecca. My husband Steve and I have been coming out of the shower with our arms up since March to perform the tick check..." Moon Astrology: Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius: Take your vacation. Moon Communion, a hundred dollar tattoo, and Endurance.

  • Luna Moth's Light and "Morning Glories"

    04/06/2016 Duração: 28min

    Episode 64- June 4, 2016 Luna Moths are short-lived, single-minded insects. Host Jennifer Ellsworth describes their life cycle, and how we sometimes emulate them. She also tells a true story of a close encounter with one of these beautiful creatures, and reads a short story about a woman whose pursuit of a perfect garden leaves her lonely. It's called "Morning Glories." "...Sandra submitted the application for the Belfast Garden Tour last year. It was only after she’d hit send that she realized how much she wanted it, and worried she should have said more in the answer spaces...." Moon Astrology: New Strawberry Moon in Gemini: 'tis the season for manic multitasking. Let's get it on, a treasure transported by spoon tip, and a 400 pound wake-up call.

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