Lessons From Unity Cedar Rapids



UnityCR is a mighty magnet, attracting people who are ready for a message of Truththat our Divine inheritance is one of wholeness, abundance and happiness. Our 10 a.m. Sunday service endeavors to provide an experience of Spirit, blessing all with the awareness that God is within.Unity is a positive path for spiritual living. We gather to create an experience of Spirit. At UnityCR, we offer practical teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living. Meeting you right where you are, we endeavor to provide a variety of ways to support YOUR path of spiritual living.


  • UnityCR: Jonas Magram 11/10/2019

    18/11/2019 Duração: 28min

    We gratefully welcome Jonas back to UCR. You won't want to miss this! Jonas hails from Fairfield, Iowa and is a frequent guest speaker at Unity centers and Centers for Spiritual Living around the country. His topics include relationships, spiritual development, meditation, emotional healing, and spiritual activism. Jonas is also a well-known singer/songwriter and is a student of Transcendental Meditation. To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnityCR: Chris Klostermann 11/3/2019

    08/11/2019 Duração: 23min

    Chris will take us through an exploration of practical self-compassion as a way to build the capacity necessary to more intentionally connected with our individual isolated outside world. By looking at the Prodigal Son parable metaphysically, plus the work of Marge Piercy and David Brooks, we will decipher for ourselves how we can show up for others in true connection. To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnitycR: Marcia Koering 10/27/2019

    08/11/2019 Duração: 15min

    Marcia Koering is a longtime UCR member who is eager to share her perspective on Faith, Hope, and Love. Her gentle storytelling style will reference many Bible verses, including 1st Corinthians. Marcia is a member of our Welcoming Team and is always at the door with a big smile, kind word, and hug (if asked). To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnityCR:Rev. Debra Carter Williams 10/13/2019

    13/10/2019 Duração: 33min

    At one time or another, we all arrive at a place in which we feel vulnerable, anxious, and afraid. However, we can be certain that God is with us, and through the power of prayer, a season of uncertainty becomes a moment of transformation and growth. http://unitycr.org/

  • UnityCR: Carrie Kenyon

    04/10/2019 Duração: 30min

    Living in the Kansas City area with her patient and adoring husband, Rev Carrie Kenyon currently coordinates all aspects of the employment process for ministers, spiritual leaders, and ministries at Unity Worldwide Ministries, as well as providing support on questions regarding compensation, church governance and operations. She also provides assistance to those who are interested in starting a new church or alternative ministry. As a Certified Unity Worldwide Consultant, Carrie also works with ministries during times of transition. Prior to ministry, Carrie, with degrees in psychology and education, spent 18 years working in early childhood education where her own inner child came out to play. She founded Willow Center, a non-profit organization for grieving children and youth. Carrie is currently a Connection Practice Coach and minister of Unity Barefoot Travels. Carrie wants to live in a world filled with open hearts, deep connections, and people really listening as they discover the divine in themselves

  • UnityCR: Joseph Drolshagen 9/22/2019

    24/09/2019 Duração: 27min

    The number of years you live is limited…But your LIFE doesn’t have to be!” With those words in mind, Joseph Drolshagen will share ways of creating a life you love and opening up a world of possibilities, purpose, and passion. As a Certified Master Coach, Joseph is dedicated to the awakening of life’s passions. He assists the transformation of individuals so they can live a life aligned with their Soul’s purpose. He has spoken at Unity centers around the country and has appeared on numerous radio and television programs. He also has published many articles, as well as his book, “Life’s Lessons”. We’re excited to have him back. To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnityCR: Melissa Harris 9/15/2019

    16/09/2019 Duração: 20min

    Love, Serve, Remember The one in each of us is awakened by the One in all of us, and  The One in all of us in awakened by the one in each of us. This is why we come to community. Lifelong seeker of wisdom and meaning, Melissa believes that the breath and body are expressions of God, and the way to live fully is to intentionally and equally embrace our humanity and our divinity.  Melissa is married to Tim Harris. They live in Urbandale, Iowa, are avid sports fans, and enjoy boating, fishing, hiking, and any time spent out in nature.

  • UnityCR: Ruth Geary 9/1/2019

    05/09/2019 Duração: 28min

    Join Ruth and hear about some of her favorite things in Unity teachings. We will explore Affirmations & Denials, The Twelve Powers, and Metaphysical Gadgets as developed by Lowell Fillmore, son of Charles and Myrtle. Get back to some Unity basics with Ruth and take home some Unity ideas. Ruth has been a Truth student for more than 50 years. She enjoys the writings of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, co-founders of Unity. On her bookshelf you will also find books by Emmet Fox, Ernest Holmes, Emily Cady, and Louis Hay, just to mention a few. Ruth is a Master Reiki Teacher certified in Karmic Reiki and is a Oneness Blessing Giver. She has facilitated workshops at the Great Lakes Retreat in Olivet, Michigan. Her interests are wide and varied. She never met a book or stone she didn't like! To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnityCR: Jonas Magram 8/25/2019

    26/08/2019 Duração: 36min

    Often we see demonstrations on television that come with the warning, “Don’t try this at home.” In the final lesson in his August series, Jonas will focus on things he recommends we do try at home. He also will address topics UnityCR members raised earlier this month, including “How the world got to be in its present condition,” “What might a fully enlighten world look like.” Don’t miss Jonas’ last talk of the summer. To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnityCR: Jonas Magram 08/18/2019

    18/08/2019 Duração: 40min

    We've all heard about the Seven Deadly Sins which we wisely strive to avoid. But Jonas has his own list he calls "The Other Seven 'Sins"' that could be considered equally harmful to our personal wellbeing and to society. In this lesson, Jonas will focus on this alternate list and invite us to add it to our priorities as spiritual aspirants. To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnityCR: Jonas Magram 8/11/2019

    11/08/2019 Duração: 30min

    Jonas Magram will be sharing inspirational messages all month. Jonas hails from Fairfield, Iowa and is a frequent guest speaker at Unity centers and Centers for Spiritual Living around the country. His topics include relationships, spiritual development, meditation, emotional healing, and spiritual activism. Jonas is also a well-known singer/songwriter and is a student of Transcendental Meditation. To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnityCR: Jonas Magram 8/4/2019

    05/08/2019 Duração: 31min

    In the Lord's Prayer, we say, "Thy will be done," but what does that really mean? Are we simply recognizing that Divine Will reigns supreme? Or are we seeking the strength to accept Divine Will, whatever that may bring? Or are we praying that we might serve as instruments of Divine Will, and, if so, how are we to achieve this? In this lesson, Jonas will explore these questions and address how we can align our individual will with Divine Will and the powerful impact this will have on our daily lives. Jonas Magram will be sharing inspirational messages all month. Jonas hails from Fairfield, Iowa and is a frequent guest speaker at Unity centers and Centers for Spiritual Living around the country. His topics include relationships, spiritual development, meditation, emotional healing, and spiritual activism. Jonas is also a well-known singer/songwriter and is a student of Transcendental Meditation. To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnitCR: Julie Heidger 07/28/2019

    03/08/2019 Duração: 28min

    It's a Brain Thing, Julie will speak on the effects of trauma on the body & mind and how various practices can help to calm the mind. Julie works in the College of Education at the University of Iowa, mostly working with student teachers. She also teaches a class to newly admitted Elementary Education majors, where she's able to integrate trauma-informed practices into her lectures. Julie is a trained ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) presenter and a busy mom of 4 boys. To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnityCR: Josh and Mary Haun 7/21/2019

    22/07/2019 Duração: 37min

    Mary and Josh Haun give us a crash course exploring the impact of Unity's unspoken 6th Principle "Mind Your Own Business." Staying in your own lane isn't only about avoiding collisions, but honoring the paths of those who travel by our side and trusting in the system that provides us a path home.

  • UnityCR: Kevin Krumvieda 7/14/2019

    15/07/2019 Duração: 33min

    “Growing Our Spiritual Practice” Kevin will share how increasing inner flexibility can enhance our spiritual practice. He will help us see spirituality as a value and then introduce exercises that will help us stay focused on that value. Kevin is a longtime member of UCR, serving on the Building and Grounds team as well as helping with the audio each month. He is a licensed psychologist, practicing in the Cedar Rapids area. To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnityCR: Sandra McKinney

    09/07/2019 Duração: 36min

    When in our lives have we felt lost? Lost physically? Lost spiritually? Are they the same? When we lose our way spiritually we may not have a feeling of being connected to a belief; a faith. Is that the same as being lost physically? Marcel Proust, philosopher and novelist said, “The real act of discovery lies not in finding new lands but in seeing with new eyes.” And we have many tools available for guiding our way. Rev. McKinney served Unity Christ Center in Eau Claire, WI as an Ordained Unity Minister for 13 years, retiring in 2016. She served at Silent Unity for two years prior to entering her path into ministry. To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnityCR: Marianne Williamson 6/30/2019

    01/07/2019 Duração: 38min

    Unity Center of Cedar Rapids is honored to welcome internationally acclaimed lecturer, activist, and author Marianne Williamson as our guest speaker on Sunday, June 30 at 10 am. Her inspirational message has influenced many spiritual seekers. She has been one of America’s most well known public voices for more than three decades. Seven of her twelve published books have been New York Times bestsellers and Marianne has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Good Morning America, and Bill Maher.

  • UnityCR: Clair Hanson 6/23/2019

    24/06/2019 Duração: 25min

    We welcome back longtime Unity member Claire Hanson to share a message titled "The 2000 Piece Puzzle". Claire has been a member since July of 1986 and served on the Board of Trustees for many years with Reverend Lola Andrews and Reverends Geoff and Anne Marie Davis. She gave a memorable, thought-provoking talk earlier this year and is willing to share more of her words of wisdom with us. To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnityCR: Rick Nash 6/16/2019

    21/06/2019 Duração: 25min

    We welcome back longtime Unity member Rick Nash to share a special message with us on Fathers’ Day. What are the Spiritual gifts of your “daddy”, and what do they mean as you discover them? How and why do they come into your life? How do you use them and pass them on? Join us for a look from a father at spiritual gifts from a Father. To learn more please visit http://unitycr.org/

  • UnityCR: Carl Swanson 6/9/2019

    21/06/2019 Duração: 52min

    Carl Swanson joins us as guest speaker. A long-time member of UCR and truth student his topic is “Unity: What’s It All About?" A center of practical Christianity? Accepting all, loving all and judging no one including ourselves on our path to heaven. Based on the writings of Eric Butterworth and Emily Cady.

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