Lessons From Unity Cedar Rapids

UnityCR: Carrie Kenyon



Living in the Kansas City area with her patient and adoring husband, Rev Carrie Kenyon currently coordinates all aspects of the employment process for ministers, spiritual leaders, and ministries at Unity Worldwide Ministries, as well as providing support on questions regarding compensation, church governance and operations. She also provides assistance to those who are interested in starting a new church or alternative ministry. As a Certified Unity Worldwide Consultant, Carrie also works with ministries during times of transition. Prior to ministry, Carrie, with degrees in psychology and education, spent 18 years working in early childhood education where her own inner child came out to play. She founded Willow Center, a non-profit organization for grieving children and youth. Carrie is currently a Connection Practice Coach and minister of Unity Barefoot Travels. Carrie wants to live in a world filled with open hearts, deep connections, and people really listening as they discover the divine in themselves