Unspoiled! A Song Of Ice And Fire



A podcast "book club" that does chapter-by-chapter reviews of every single book in the A Song Of Ice And Fire series. Natasha has read them all, and Brendan has read none!


  • Unspoiled 64 Game of Thrones 63 (Catelyn)

    20/04/2012 Duração: 41min

    The Battle is on! The Young Wolf is out slaying lions while his mother wolf looks on with concern. Brendan tries to work out the last few clues before the book ends so he can make predictions. Natasha has very strong opionions on film adaptations adhering to the books they were based on, and we introduce a new website that may or may not relate to cake production. Join as, as we draw Game of Thrones ever closer to its conclusion, on UNSPOILED!

  • Unspoiled 63 Game of Thrones Chapter 62 (Tyrion).mp3

    19/04/2012 Duração: 37min

    It's time for battle, but it's also time for Tyrion to get a little Tyrion time. Can you be lonely in an army full of Lannister Bannermen? What's better, sex, or suckling pig? All these and more we address as we read the latest chapter of Game of Thrones, in this episode of UNSPOILED!

  • Unspoiled 62 Game of Thrones Chapter 61 (Daenerys).mp3

    18/04/2012 Duração: 56min

    There are two great blunders in this world. The most famous is to get involved in a land war in Asia. The second worst is to get involved in a discussion about the ethics of writing about rape on a podcast. Guess which one we did!?! It came out pretty well though! In this Chapter Daenerys witnesses some horrible rapes, tries to save the victims through slavery (granted, best available option), and Khal Drogo gets some old timey medicine. We also argue a lot.Weigh in at Unspoiledpodast.blogspot.com!

  • Unspoiled 61 Game of Thrones Chapter 60 (Jon)

    17/04/2012 Duração: 25min

    Who's got post zombie depression? Seems like Jon might, but we don't! We go back to the wall, to see how Jon's faring with all the depressing family news rolling in at a glacial pace (no twitter in Westeros!). He's got a brand new sword but the same old bad attitude, and he learns a little life lesson from someone who's name rhymes with Aegon Tar-Marryin'. Join us, in a ice cold episode of UNSPOILED!

  • Unspoiled 60 Game of Thrones Chapter 59 (Catelyn)

    16/04/2012 Duração: 46min

    It's time for more Catelyn, and the introduction of the late Lord Frey. We talk casting choices, class struggles, zombie apocolypses, Twilight tatoos, and ponder the perils of castle living. We even talk about the chapter a little!

  • Unspoiled 59 Game of Thrones Chapter 58 (Eddard).mp3

    13/04/2012 Duração: 37min

    It's dark, the door is locked, and all hope is gone. And that's just while we were recording. Eddard is locked in prison, with his confinement only broken up by visions and Varys. What's that sneaky spider up to? I guess you'll just have to listen to UNSPOILED!

  • Unspoiled 58 Game of Thrones Chapter 57 (Sansa)

    12/04/2012 Duração: 32min

    The Lannisters are here and they're taking over! I'm sure it'll be a perfectly peaceful transition of power. Definately no beheadings, definately no weird burned maniacs promoted to the kingsguard, and definately no weird Lannister dream team as the most powerful ruling body in the land. OK, only two out of three. Enjoy it! Unspoiled time!

  • Unspoiled 57 Game of Thrones Chapter 56 (Tyrion)

    11/04/2012 Duração: 25min

    Mountain tribes! Tywinn Lannister! Corpse eating ravens! So much machismo in one chapter! Can Tyrion even make it through? Will anyones genitals be fed to goats? All bets are off, in this battle planning episode of UNSPOILED!

  • Unspoiled 56 Game of Thrones Chapter 55 (Catelyn).mp3

    10/04/2012 Duração: 32min

    It's a Game of Thrones! Wait, we knew that, but this time, it's specifically Risk. There's a battle a brewin', and it's time to figure out where to put the pieces. We bring our best John Madden skills to bear, and try to break down the plays. It's also worth noting we broke in our new espresso machine before recording this, and I think it shows. Sip your latte to this episode of UNSPOILED!

  • Unspoiled 55 Chapter 54 (Daenerys).mp3

    09/04/2012 Duração: 43min

    Let's go shopping with Daenerys! She goes to the market, and get's a free sample of the best poisoned wine money can buy! We try to figure out what a manticore is, argue about the edibility of horse hearts, and discuss late nineties search engines. It gets a little saucy in here! Welcome, to UNSPOILED!

  • Unspoiled 54 Game of Thrones Chapter 53 (Bran)

    06/04/2012 Duração: 39min

    Bran's still in Winterfell, though he may be the only person who still is by the time this book is over. Robb is marching north with his army of bannermen, Rikkon has gone feral, and Hodor is just wandering around nude like it's no ones business. Can we hold it together? Not so much! Thanks for listening to UNSPOILED!

  • Unspoiled 53 Game of Thrones Chapter 52 (Jon).mp3

    05/04/2012 Duração: 23min

    It's in your heeeeaaaaad, in your heeaaaaaad JoooOOOON SnoooOOOOoooW. Hey guys, your podcast hosts are back from the bar, and Zombies are coming down from the north. WE ARE EXCITED. We decide our own zombie plan, predict---something? Finally some heartless corpses that aren't Lannisters!

  • Unspoiled 52 Game of Thrones Chapter 51 (Sansa)

    04/04/2012 Duração: 27min

    For a book that's all about family ties, you can't get much more different than Sansa and Arya. Sansa doesn't kill any stableboys, doesn't jump out any windows, and doesn't even seem to realize what's happening. She writes some letters though? Good times on this episode of UNSPOILED!

  • Unspoiled 51 Game of Thrones Chapter 50 (Arya)

    03/04/2012 Duração: 21min

    Arya's on the run! Who can save her? Syrio? Sansa? The mysterious guy who lives in the stable? Nope, only Arya can save Arya, and she does a pretty good job of it too. We join the youngest Stark for some serious action on this episode of UNSPOILED!

  • Unspoiled 50 Game of Thrones 49 (Eddard).mp3

    02/04/2012 Duração: 26min

    Ned brings a piece of paper to a sword fight, in what may be the most lopsided battle so far. Stakes are raised perilously high, and we realize what it really means to play the Game of Thrones

  • Unspoiled 49 Game of Thrones Chapter 48 (Jon)

    30/03/2012 Duração: 39min

    Back up to the wall! Graduation days finally here, and Jon's ready to take his vows! Fortunately, Ghost breaks up all this happiness with his discovery of a severed hand. We make some pretty outrageous predicionts, pitch a new restaurant idea, and in get really silly overall. We also lay out our plans for the end of Game of Thrones, the new TV premier, and ask you to ask us some stuff. Let's all go from the window to walls, on this episode of UNSPOILED!

  • Unspoiled 48 Chapter 47 (Eddard)

    29/03/2012 Duração: 28min

    It's Eddard again! The king isn't dead, but it's pretty darn close. Is it the end of Robert Baratheon? More importantly, what does this mean for Ned Stark? He knows he's going to do the honorable thing, but what that is isn't exactly clear. There's intrigue aplenty, as Ned has to go to the slipperiest snake on the block, Littlefinger, for help. Predictions are all over the place, and we introduce a new theory of parallel universe predictions. We also take some unneeded digs at George RR Martin and the Dothraki language.

  • Unspoiled 47 Game of Thrones Chapter 46 Danaerys

    28/03/2012 Duração: 34min

    YAAAAY! HORSE HEART PARTY! HORSE HEART PARTY! Danaerys eats a horse heart (Average weight--8.5 pounds by the way) and her brother gets a shiny new crown in this festive chapter. It's high energy in the podcast studio/kitchen table, as we discuss horse hearts, human hearts, and heartfelt values, on this episode of UNSPOILED!

  • Unspoiled 46 Game of Thrones Chapter 45 (Eddard)

    27/03/2012 Duração: 37min

    No more silliness! Everything gets serious as Eddard calls Cersei down to the Godswood to deliver a message-- take your kids, and get the hell out of town. The time for clues and hints is over, it's time to find out who's really playing this game of thrones for keeps! A lot of discussion of Eddards plan and Cersei's reaction takes place, and we ponder the question-- was this a mystery story? How central to the plot of the book is the search for who killed Jon Arryn?

  • Unspoiled 45 Game of Thrones Chapter 44 (Sansa)

    26/03/2012 Duração: 35min

    It's Sansa time again in King's landing. There's squabbles, there's heartbreak, there's song, and there's stories. There are also some really bizarre metaphores from Brendan, and some strong Sansa opinions from Natasha. Predictions fly fast and furious in this episode of UNSPOILED!

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