Just A Story: Urban Legend Podcast



A weekly podcast taking a look at the stories that we tell over and over again. What our myths and misdeeds, fears and fables say about us as humans.


  • Ep 49: Death Becomes Her: Halloween, The Day of the Dead, and Santa Muerte

    22/10/2016 Duração: 01h49min

    Halloween is often described as the one night of the year when spirits can return to the earth and interact with the living. That's a very simplified version of a vast, multicultural tradition that has existed, in one form or another, since the earliest written records. Spirits, vague ideas of otherworldly intruders, have been visiting for centuries, and over the years they've been understood as ancestors, demons, eerie informants, and hostile haunts. Join us this week as we explore Halloween rituals through the ages and the evolution of the otherworldly visitors they invited to join. We conclude the episode by shifting our focus from the living's relationships with the dead, to their relationships with Death itself, as we discuss Santa Muerte. Website: justastorypod.com - For more on what was discussed in the episode: links, citations, images, and more Twitter: @justastorypod Email: justastorypod@gmail.com

  • Ep 48: Halloween Hanging: Can You Save Her

    15/10/2016 Duração: 01h43min

    It's the time of year when well-meaning suburbanites stage miniature shock and awe campaigns on their front lawns. The sweet retirees on the corner are building a graveyard. Across the street, a soccer mom is arranging a life-sized skeleton in a lawn chair. The is a zombie invasion, comprised of wax dummies just one block down. So who would notice, could notice, the body hanging from a noose fastened to a tree? It's just one more macabre Halloween decoration, right? If it wasn't, if it was a corpse, that would ruin all the fun; that would make us question everything we know and love about this harmless holiday. Well, according to the legend of 'The Halloween Hanging,' it was a corpse; and that is exactly what we will be questioning on this episode. We will explore some dark territory, looking staged suicidal hangings, homicidal hangings and the history of hanging as a method of execution. We will also discuss the phenomena of crime scene staging, and try to reach our own verdict on the case of the mysterious

  • Ep 47: He Mixes It With Love and Makes the World Taste Good; Halloween Spec 2

    08/10/2016 Duração: 01h32min

    Pull up a chair, x-Ray that Snickers bar, and pour yourself some wine; it's time to talk about poisoned candy. Trick or Treat. It didn't begin as a question. In the early days it was a threat, more, 'do it, or else,' than 'what do you have for me?' Join us this week as we explore the rich history of the trick-or-treat tradition in America. Spoiler, contrary to whatever you might have heard from Max in *Hocus Pocus* it was not invented by the candy companies. We'll also discuss the tale of 'The Man Who Killed Halloween' and the way he brought the legend of "The Halloween Sadist" to life.

  • Ep 46: You Can't Reason With A Headless Man: 1st Halloween Special

    02/10/2016 Duração: 01h28min

    We are pleased to announce a month of spooky Halloween legends, here on Just A Story! We kick off the celebration of the month of hocus pocus and haunts by discussing the origin of the American ghost story's form and traditional substance. Join us this week as we take a look at the classic Washington Irving short story, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," and its central character, the Headless Horseman. We'll also examine the connection between this literary specter and Ohio's headless motorcyclist, and his possible historic origins.

  • Ep 45: A Bitter Pill

    24/09/2016 Duração: 01h45min

    We may take its existence for granted today, but the birth of the birth control pill was a long labor of love, belief, and scientific ingenuity. It seems no matter what side of the argument you may be on, we all have strong feelings about contraceptives and reproductive rights. Join us this week for a discussion of how the Pill went from an idea, to an experiment, to a controversy, to a right; over the last century. We'll meet the colorful cast of characters who made it their mission to make motherhood a choice, explore common myths about birth control and the various ways we've tried to keep the stork away throughout history. EXPLICIT WARNING (We talk about sex....)  A wonderfuly vulgar opening from Unbuttoned History, check them out: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/unbuttoned-history/id633437365?mt=2  

  • Ep 44: Riddle, Mystery, Enigma: Anastasia

    17/09/2016 Duração: 01h55min

    Some historical events leave scars on the minds of contemporaries that last long enough to become legends. The execution of the family Romanov in a Siberian cellar under the cover of night and the shroud of secrecy, was one such event. In 1917 the last Tsar of all the Russias, Nicholas II, was murdered along with Tsarina Alexandra, and their four daughters: Olga, Tatiana, Marie, Anastasia, and their only son, Alexei. It's almost to horrible to imagine. So the public did what the public does best. They imagined something else. What if, they asked in whispers, what if, one of them managed to escape? Then maybe, the whispers willed that hope to life. It must have seemed that way when a mysterious woman appeared in Berlin years later. Her body and memory were full of holes and badly scarred, but there was something regal in her bearing. She would become known as Anastasia, Grand Duchess, Anna Anderson, Fraud, and a puzzle for all of those who wished the fairy tale princesses of Imperial Russia to have a happier e

  • Extra: You Can't Handle the Brogue

    16/09/2016 Duração: 11min

    An Extra to go along with Ep 43: "I Shall Become the Bat" containing the expanded story of the Gorbals vampire hunt from writer John Lees and his discussion of local Scottish urban legends. 

  • Ep 43: I Shall Become The Bat

    10/09/2016 Duração: 01h43min

    When someone says the word 'vampires' to you, what do you imagine? Do you imagine Bela Lugosi, pale and wan; swirling his impeccable cape like he's a matador? Are you lost in thoughts of sparkly, angst-ridden teen romance? Are you reminded of something truly horrific, like the acts of Peter Kurten or Richard Chase? Does your mind drift the plantations and Southern gothic sensuality a la Anne Rice? Do you think of Nosferatu and wonder if the rumors were true? Maybe you think of the white-haired, powder-skinned Count, as played by Gary Oldman. Maybe you start thinking about what a badass Gary Oldman is and forget the question. What was the question? Oh, yes, what do you think of when you hear the word, 'vampires'? Chances are whatever image comes to mind, it's somehow informed by mass media. That was the claim, at least, when a group of schoolboys took up arms against a hometown vampire in Glasgow in the 1950s. Join us this week as we explore where our ideas of vampires come from, and how we use those ideas to

  • Ep 42: Jailhouse Rock

    03/09/2016 Duração: 01h54min

    Prison is a place you're meant to go when you can no longer control your actions or conform to societal norms. Because prison is meant to house those who deviate from formally instituted rules, and seek to do harm to others; those on the inside are not allowed to come and go as they please. There should be no escape from the consequences of your actions, and there should be no escape from prison. In a perfect world, this seemingly logical idea might hold true, but this is far from the best of all possible worlds. Join us this week as we explore desperate escape attempts, destructive riots and how quickly prisons can be constructed in our own minds. In this episode we discuss the legend of The Coffin Escape, the Montana State Prison Riot of 1959, and the Stanford Prison Experiment; as we ask, is the idea of 'getting out of prison', just a story?  Special thanks to Ryan, of "Small Town Horror" for sharing a Crayton legend with us this week. For more of his exploration in to the legends and stories of a small

  • Ep 41: My Baby Takes the Mornin' Train

    27/08/2016 Duração: 01h18min

    One of the best surviving examples of oral tradition, or passing cultural information by word of mouth, are jokes. The classic story of 'The Baby Train' is definitely an urban legend with a punchline, even if it's a hokey one.  Jaded as we are today, it's still easy to imagine your off-beat uncle recounting the story of a town full of babies, whose conception was inspired by having an unwanted alarm, an early morning train, and nothing better to do than...  You know, make babies. Have there ever been microscopic baby booms? We'll explore one inspired by a dead Canadian millionaire, and take a look at how seemingly trivial things like weather, can effect population growth. Join us as we take a look at the real-life baby trains carrying New York's foundlings across America, and how they compare to this light-hearted legend   Check out our other podcast Audio Dime Museum: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/audio-dime-museum-carnivale/id1096211271?mt=2   Our Guest Story teller is Melanie from Clan of the Cav

  • Ep 40: No One Gets Left Behind or Forgotten: The Night Marchers

    21/08/2016 Duração: 01h36min

    When we think of Hawaii, here on the mainland, we might imagine hula dancers in grass skirts. We might think of movies like Lilo and Stitch or Jurassic Park (it was filmed there, look it up). We might have googled photos of a certain shirtless President on that state's glorious beaches. Maybe, just maybe, we think about Pearl Harbor, and the historical significance the military base on a Pacific archipelago had in shaping history as we know it. But - do you think that's where the history of that 50th star on the flag starts? Hardly, my friend. This week we learn all about why Hawaiian history comes alive on the islands, and how the haunting presence educates new generations on the customs of the past. Join us this week as we take a look at the legend of the Hawaiian Night Marchers and its vital role in keeping cultural knowledge and traditions alive.   To listen to our historical story telling podcast, Audio Dime Museum: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/audio-dime-museum-carnivale/id1096211271?mt=2

  • Ep 39: She's a Bad Mother-Shut Your Mouth!: La Llorona

    14/08/2016 Duração: 01h12min

     Mothers are meant to guide, nurture and protect their children. We look to their love as a model for selfless giving and unending devotion. But there are bad Mothers out there. There are women who do the unthinkable to their own children, and subvert everything we expect from the mythical martyr mother. Join us this week as we examine the deep, rich history and cultural context of the patron saint of less than perfect mothers, La Llorana. In this episode we will explore her story's consistent patterns over time, and compare those features to some modern cases maternal filicide.   Also Check out our audio drama Audio Dime Museum: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/audio-dime-museum-carnivale/id1096211271?mt=2

  • Ep 38: Running Away With (or From) the Circus

    07/08/2016 Duração: 55min

    The circus is an American institution. It's a carnival of thrills and wonder that crisscrosses the country. The circus coming to town might be the highlight of the year. Breaking the monotony in even the most far-flung towns, the colorful carneys and mind boggling performers brought joy... And maybe something darker and more foreboding. Have circuses ever brought threats to small town America? Or have we imagined monsters where there are none? Join us this week as the circus comes to town, and we examine our perceptions of outsiders.   Check out Audio Dime Museum: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/audio-dime-museum/id1096211271?mt=2

  • Ep 37: Rippin Up A Rag Doll

    31/07/2016 Duração: 01h11min

    Dolls are symbols of childlike innocence; visions of idealized beauty suspended in time. They are treasured companions, well-loved playthings, sweet mementoes.  Wait. No. What the hell am I saying. Dolls are HELLA creepy. But why?  How did these sweet little toys get wrapped up in all this horror story nonsense? Join us this week as we explore the strong ties between dolls and the macabre, and ask why the hell are dolls so eerie?

  • Ep 36: Hello, Is It Me You're Looking For?

    23/07/2016 Duração: 01h05min

    The legend of "The Babysitter and the Man Upstairs" is one of the most widely circulated, well known urban legends in modern history. This week we ask why this story has such staying power and how it relates to real, documented crimes. We will examine everything from the 1950s Columbia, Missouri murder of a babysitter that may have inspired the legend, to a story of a Washington family being stalked and harassed using their own cell phones within the last decade. We also explore the kinds of calls that have come from killers throughout history, and what they say about the murderers who make them. We hope you will join us for a truly creepy episode, and that you've checked the children...

  • Ep 35: Pants on Fire

    16/07/2016 Duração: 01h08min

    From the classic pithy one-liners just before the gavel sting on Law & Order to the antics of Andy and Barney in Mayberry, it seems like we, as a culture, have agreed that even when dealing with something as serious as crime and punishment, it never hurts to find a little levity. "The Colander Copier Caper" is an urban legend that plays on the trope of clever cops and credulous criminals. On a more serious note, the story might point out how easily false confessions can be obtained. In this week's episode we'll take a look at ironic history of the lie detector's inventor William Moulton Marston, who is responsible for both the technology and the court decision that still bans it from courtrooms across the country today. Don't worry, we'll discuss his role in creating Wonder Woman, his well hidden polyamorous household, and his absolute allegiance to the feminist agenda, as well. Join us as we explore the history of the lie detector, why we want to believe in the device, and what the use of this technology

  • Ep 34: Apocalypse ... Eventually!

    10/07/2016 Duração: 01h06min

    Humanity has long been certain that the sky is falling. We've basically been predicting the end of the world since it began. From Nostradamus to Y2K, the doomsday predictions have been as varied as they have been persistent. This week we ask why people are so preoccupied with post apocalyptic propaganda and what happens when the world keeps turning after you've publicly promised catastrophe. Join us as we explore the end of the world as we know it.   Twitter: @justastorypod  Email: justastorypod@gmail.com  

  • Ep 33: They Must Be Invited

    03/07/2016 Duração: 59min

    The bond between guest and host is ancient and sacred one. Hospitality has always been considered a virtuous undertaking, in fact, opening your home to travelers and friends was at one time expected, if not demanded. But what happens when you open the door to the wrong person? What is a host to do when their kindness is abused in ways darker and longer lasting than having all their hot water used up, or a visitor putting coffee grinds down the sink? What if the bad guest came back when you weren't home, and began living in your attic? What if they watched you sleep? What if they caused you harm? Such a thing could never happen, could it? This week we take a look at urban legends about people living in the walls. Join as we examine the importance thresholds, boundaries, and home security and ask what happens when those are fundamentally disrespected and ignored.

  • Ep 32: On Murder Considered as one of the Fine Arts

    25/06/2016 Duração: 01h12min

    Thomas DeQuincy first wrote this week's titular essay "On Murder Considered as one of the Fine Arts" in 1827 as satire, but after almost two centuries; it seems old Tom may have been the herald of a genuine cultural phenomenon. There are several well documented cases of quasi-intellectual criminals claiming literature, art or music made them do it. Excluding the persistent worries of each generation of parents that some new form of mass media is brainwashing their precious youngsters, the claims that high culture inspires some to express themselves violently may actually hold some water. Conversely, plenty of heinous acts of violence have inspired artists to create well respected works. So, what's the connection? How do art and murder inspire one another? Join us this week as we explore the urban legend, 'The Suicide Painting' and unravel surreal connections between high art and the infamous Black Dahlia murder.

  • Ep 31: Dog Is My Copilot

    19/06/2016 Duração: 01h06min

    Charles de Gualle once said, “The better I get to know men, the more I find myself loving dogs.” He may have a point. We seem to love stories about dogs, but as we do here on this podcast, we have to ask what does that say about us as humans. This week we take a look at classic urban legends like, "The Choking Doberman" and "The Mexican Pet" and spend a little time getting to know some amazing true stories about man's best friend.

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