Just A Story: Urban Legend Podcast



A weekly podcast taking a look at the stories that we tell over and over again. What our myths and misdeeds, fears and fables say about us as humans.


  • Ep 68: Changelings: Turn And Face The Strange

    05/03/2017 Duração: 02h00s

    There are moments when stories transcend geographic and culturally borders, and touch on something fundamentally and universally human. The persistent idea of changelings across Europe, and the ogbanje and abiku throughout Africa might be an example of that type of story. Join us this week as we examine the circumstances that might lead to believing your child has been replaced by an impostor from the spirit of fairy realm. From medical explanations to rare and nearly unbelievable psychological diagnoses, to the cultural needs created by unique circumstances this is a complex case full of twists and possibility. We will conclude by taking a look at a classic anthropological study on maternal love in Brazil's shanty towns, and how things have changed there over the last 20 years. For more on this week's episode, and every episode: justastorypod.com Twitter: @justastorypod  Instagram: justastorypod  Leave a voicemail on the Urban Legend Hotline 1-(512)-222-3375    Help support the show: https://www.patreon

  • Ep 67: We'll Say I Do, And Never Be Lonely Anymore: The Lost Bride

    26/02/2017 Duração: 01h39min

    The story of 'The Lost Bride', sometimes called 'The Mistletoe Bride', blurs the line between classic folklore and urban legend. It's one of the older stories that still finds relevancy and wide transmissions today. Transmitted as a series of ballads, poems and scary stories, it has reached audiences in a variety of ways for centuries. In this episode we'll discuss the rich history and possible origins of this old tale.  We will also be exploring unlucky wedding traditions, and the origins of some of the practices still widely seen in nuptial ceremonies today.  Join us as we explore real ill-fated brides, ghost brides (and grooms) from other cultures, and the Victorian preoccupation with death and the marriage ceremony. For more on this week's episode, and every episode: justastorypod.com  Twitter: @justastorypod  Instagram: justastorypod  Leave a voicemail on the Urban Legend Hotline 1-(512)-222-3375    Help support the show: https://www.patreon.com/justastorypod

  • Ep 66: Bigfoot: The Case for the Missing Link

    19/02/2017 Duração: 02h59min

    Is there any more well known cryptid in modern lore than Bigfoot? The elusive forest dweller must have one incredible agent. Featured on multiple television programs, Internet channels, and countless books; Bigfoots are an odd kind of celebrity. For starters, the paparazzi cannot keep up with them, despite the best efforts of enthusiast the world over we have yet to find definitive proof of the existence of these mysterious bipedal behemoths.  Also they keep getting booked on network TV and failing to show up for their cameo appearances. Their reluctance to engage with their adoring public makes Woody Allen's refusal to attend the Oscars seem downright congenial. Join us this week as we explore the history of Bigfoot, from famous sightings, to contested evidence; from mythical origins, to scientific conjecture. We'll also be taking a look at the cultural significance of the idea of the "missing link." We'll be discussing Darwin's Theory of Evolution, along with the man who aimed to 'prove it' once and for all

  • Ep 65: Bury Them Side by Side: It's Death for Bonnie and Clyde

    12/02/2017 Duração: 02h07min

    What good is a love story without a little danger? Tales of star-crossed lovers do certainly seem to endure the tests of time, if they have a good dose of mortal peril in the mix. Romance means many things to many different people, and this week we are going to look at the American romance with crime; and the outlaws that throw caution to the wind and fully embrace it. We'll be exploring the legends of famous outlaw couples throughout American history. From colonial highwaymen, to pirates on the high seas, to Wild West outlaws, we'll bring you love stories from the unlikeliest of places. We'll conclude with a thorough examination of the depression era bank-robbers, Faye Dunaway and Warren Beaty. Oh, I meant Bonnie and Clyde, sorry. We'll see what we can do about separating the facts from the muck and mire of breathless fiction, and almost a century's worth of lore and legend. Join us for this St. Valentine's Day celebration of love on the wrong side of the law. For more on this week's episode, and every epis

  • Ep 64: The Many Faces of the Antichrist: The Omen

    04/02/2017 Duração: 02h43min

    This week, we're asking, is it just a movie? We will be taking a look at the 1976 horror classic, "The Omen." Like many movies in this genre, there is an incredible amount of lore about the making of the film itself. Also, like many now classic scary movies; this one has its own curse. We'll be checking out the many claims made about the purported "Omen" curse, and offering what we can in the way of historical verification. But when presented with a story full of such rich subject matter as the end times and the antichrist; we'd be crazy not to explore the legends that fueled the plot of the film, as well. We will learn all about the history of the antichrist concept, various suspected antichrists throughout history, and conclude by examining the ways these interpretations of religious text have shaped today's political climate and cultural landscape. Join us this week as we look at those who bear the mark of the beast For more on this week's episode, and every episode: justastorypod.com Twitter: @justastor

  • Ep 63: Better Angels of Our Nature

    29/01/2017 Duração: 02h27min

    Angels are an intriguing idea. They're ethereal beings who are like us, but maybe, just a little better than we are. They have our best interests at heart, they have wings, and they have a direct line to the supernatural, or the divine, or the universal forces beyond our control. So, that's cool, but perhaps we've missed a step. What, pray tell, is an angel, exactly? Join us on this romp through the wilds of history, as we search for the answer to this seemingly simple question. From fierce, fiery warriors with four faces, to chubby winged-baby putti, there are a lot of different ways to understand the amorphous idea of the angel. We'll examine angel symbolism and iconography in art through the ages, and discuss the origins of belief in guardian angels, specifically. We'll also analyze the story of the Angel of Mons, a battlefield apparition that occurred during the Great War; its historical origins, and the incredible rapidity of its spread. We conclude with a discussion of the protective guardian alter that

  • Ep 62: The Uninvited Anesthetist: The Mad Gasser of Mattoon

    21/01/2017 Duração: 01h53min

    In the Autumn of 1944, in the small town of Mattoon, Illinois, people were afraid. They weren't afraid of bombs falling from the night sky without warning, or losing loved ones and how they'd get by on their own if something happened, or escaped Nazi Prisoners of War. Of course they weren't. Voicing such fears would be bad for morale and positively un-American; at a time when patriotism was the greatest defense against a sense of powerlessness and depression that could have doused the brightest home fires. No, their fear was of something lurking in alley ways and creeping around slumbering homes. They feared the "Mad Gasser of Mattoon," who piped unknown chemicals into their windows as they slept. His poison was not fatal, but its effects were unpleasant, and his attacks were quickly increasing in frequency. This mad scientist fiend had to be stopped, and he was, though not in the way one would expect. Join us this week as we explore the month of panic in Mattoon that began as a manhunt, and ended as the defi

  • Ep 61: Birth of a Notion: Needle Men, Night Doctors, and the KKK

    14/01/2017 Duração: 03h18min

    Imagine realizing you are worth more dead than you are alive; that there was a market for your corpse; that you might never be allowed to rest in peace, even after death. These are the ideas that drive the legend of Needle Men. The mysterious sounding title was used to describe rogue medical students in New Orleans who went out looking for unsuspecting victims to inject with poison and carve up in order to learn the secrets of the human body. While this is a legend, the study of human anatomy did have a dark side in America's early days. This week we will explore the history of Resurrectionists, Night Doctors and Sackemup Men; and how the fear of such persons along with the fear of Night Riding Slave Patrols gave rise to the Invisible Empire known as the Ku Klux Klan. Join us this week as we discuss the terror the KKK has inspired in America for well over a century, and the ways in which this hate group is evolving to continue its teachings and missions in modern society. Guest Story Teller: Matthew Guinn: h

  • Ep 60: Baby, Baby It’s a Wild World

    08/01/2017 Duração: 02h35min

    There is something infinitely fascinating about the idea of children who have grown up outside of the constructs of society. These individuals have taken on legendary status over the centuries, from Romulus and Remus to Mowgli and Tarzan. Perhaps we imagine their connections to the natural world run deeper than those of us civilized people, or that they might have something to tell us about the essential nature of humanity. In some ways, people look to these wild boys and girls to exemplify the ‘noble savage’ archetype. We will explore the legend of children raised by animals as we examine “The Wolf Girl of Devil's River.” We will also discuss the real world phenomena of feral children and their reintegration into society over the course of history, and ask that age-old question; just what is it that separates humans from animals? Hint: it rhymes with smodcasting. For more on this week's episode, and every episode: justastorypod.com Twitter: @justastorypod  Instagram: justastorypod  Leave a voicemail on

  • Ep 59: You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone

    01/01/2017 Duração: 01h50min

    Where do people go when they disappear? The idea that a person can just vanish is inarguably mysterious, and that element of mystery seems to capture the public imagination each time such an event is reported. One line of conjecture that inevitably arises in the wake of a person going missing is, 'maybe they just left to start a new life.' This idea seems to be something of an urban legend. In fact, there are many urban legends surrounding these mysterious missing persons cases. From alleged amnesia, to falsified ransom notes, there are many ways in which people who wish to start over justify their absences. Though the stories of missing persons are as varied as they are numerous, statistically speaking; these disappearances are much more likely to be the results of foul play or accidents, than carefully orchestrated schemes to start over somewhere new. Can a person just walk away from his or her life? Is such a thing even possible, especially in this day and age? This week we will examine the difficulty of l

  • Ep 58: Let It Go Ice Queen

    25/12/2016 Duração: 01h15min

    Ice Queens are all the rage these days. Aside from the popularity of "Frozen", sarcasm, snark, and apathy are kind of the hallmark of our age. But whatever, like we care. This week we'll be taking a look at the Russian folktale, "The Snow Child", from which the Christmastime figure, Snegurochka, is based. We'll be examine the construction of the modern Ice Queen trope, and the factors that psychologists say may contribute to those personality types. We will also be exploring the history of the real world Ice Queen of Russia, Anna Ioannovna and her ice palace. For more on this week's episode, and every episode: justastorypod.com Twitter: @justastorypod  Instagram: justastorypod  Leave a voicemail on the Urban Legend Hotline 1-(512)-222-3375

  • Ep 57: Am I Pretty? The Slit Mouthed Woman

    18/12/2016 Duração: 02h07min

    The legend of the Slit Mouth Woman has captured the imagination of people around the world. Many are surprised that the story only began circulating amongst the people of Japan in the 1970s. Why is that so surprising? New legends and ghost stories are constantly emerging, why is it so surprising that this is an example of modern folklore? As we will discuss this week, it may be because something about this urban phantom feels much more ancient. Join us this week as we explore the tradition of yokai and the psychology of the monstrous feminine.  For more on this week's episode, and every episode: justastorypod.com Twitter: @justastorypod  Instagram: justastorypod  Leave a voicemail on the Urban Legend Hotline 1-(512)-222-3375

  • Ep 56: Snuff Films Do Not Exist!

    11/12/2016 Duração: 02h51min

     We've all heard whispered rumors about snuff films, films so dark, so depraved, that real actors were actually killed on screen just for the sake of entertainment. We've also heard the resolute denial that such things happen from the most worldly of our know-it-all acquaintances. Somewhere between those two well known rumors lies the truth, and you know what they say about the truth, don't you? It's often more terrifying than fiction. Such is the case this week on Just A Story because we will be looking at unnerving murderers who documented their own crimes, from the Glamour Girl Slayer, Harvey Glatman; to the Boneyard Killers, Leonard Lake and Charles Ng, to a star-struck Canadian psychopath Lucca Magnotta. In addition to a our meandering tour of True Crime Alley, we'll be speaking to Holly Kingstown, a real life insider from the industry about how snuff and have been unjustly conflated in the modern imagination. We'll be exploring the cinematic history of gore and sexploitation flicks and the way those g

  • Ep 55: Fearful to Name: The Jersey Devil

    03/12/2016 Duração: 01h49min

    The Jersey Devil is an enduring New England legend. Throughout the pine barrens of New Jersey, stories of the American chimera inspire fear and create borders between civilized people and the wilderness. It's ubiquity begs the question, where did this monster come from? This week, in addition to exploring this historical origins of the tale; we will discuss the Puritan fears about the wilderness, and the harsh measures imposed on members of that society in order to separate man, from beast. For more on this week's episode, and every episode: justastorypod.com Twitter: @justastorypod  Instagram: justastorypod  Leave a voicemail on the Urban Legend Hotline 1-(512)-222-3375

  • Ep 54: Welcome to Reality

    27/11/2016 Duração: 02h06min

    This week we are taking a look at the classic legend of 'The Pin Prick Attack'. We'll also dive deep into the history of the AIDS epidemic in America, and examine the ways in which the cultural climate allowed urban legends to spread as quickly as the disease. From cautionary tales, to hero's quest, to boogeymen; we'll discuss the folklore of AIDS in the moments before science caught up with the monster. Join us this week as we remember those we've lost, the men and women who dedicated their lives to finding hope, and the stories that survived this moment of intense fear, real threat and unbelievable bravery in the face of impossible odds. In honor of World AIDS Day, we present 'Welcome to Reality' For more on this week's episode, and every episode: justastorypod.com Twitter: @justastorypod  Instagram: justastorypod  Leave a voicemail on the Urban Legend Hotline 1-(512)-222-3375

  • Ep 53: All Beauty Must Die: Murder Ballads

    20/11/2016 Duração: 02h12min

    Ballads are enduring relics of rich oral tradition. From literary epics like Beowulf, to the seedier broadside ballads sold at public executions; these story songs give us a glimpse at the practices and values of distant times and places. Just as we can see the heroes of the past in these narrative lyrics, so can we see the villains. Especially in the dark and twisted sub-genre of murder ballads, and perhaps even more so in the sub-sub-genre of sweetheart murder ballads. Join us this week as we explore the urban legend 'Elisa Day' and the history of songs of similar substance from Appalachia. We will consult experts from William Shakespeare to Allen Lomax as we try to understand the phenomena of murder and infatuation, and the (apparently) persistent need to sing about the combination. We'll also talk about the real-world criminal case that inspired the play and novel, "An American Tragedy" and its adherence to the murder ballad tradition Special Guest: Welcome Little Stranger http://themostwonderfulwonder.c

  • Ep 52.2 Blood Into Ink

    16/11/2016 Duração: 01h52min

    1 Year Anniversary Special - Part 2 Who are we, really? Identity is an amorphous, malleable concept that haunts human consciousness at almost every moment. Whether telling a pushy sales person that this shirt, 'just isn't me'; having a skull and crossbones inked on a forearm; or updating an online status; we are valiantly attempting to answer the question of 'who am I' for ourselves and the others we encounter. We want to show the world who we are, and be accepted, esteemed or valued for that presentation. Every detail, our style of dress, our haircut, hair color, our tone of voice, our choice of words, the scars and emblems that we ecru upon our skin throughout our lifetime; tell the story of 'us'. Where does the story stop? Join us this week for a special two-part episode that asks the question are we all, just a story?   For more on this week's episode, and every episode: justastorypod.com Twitter: @justastorypod  Instagram: justastorypod  Leave a voicemail on the Urban Legend Hotline 1-(512)-222-337

  • Ep 52.1: Blood Into Ink

    12/11/2016 Duração: 01h47min

    1 Year Anniversary Special - Part 1 Who are we, really? Identity is an amorphous, malleable concept that haunts human consciousness at almost every moment. Whether telling a pushy sales person that this shirt, 'just isn't me'; having a skull and crossbones inked on a forearm; or updating an online status; we are valiantly attempting to answer the question of 'who am I' for ourselves and the others we encounter. We want to show the world who we are, and be accepted, esteemed or valued for that presentation. Every detail, our style of dress, our haircut, hair color, our tone of voice, our choice of words, the scars and emblems that we ecru upon our skin throughout our lifetime; tell the story of 'us'. Where does the story stop? Join us this week for a special two-part episode that asks the question are we all, just a story? Special Guest Story Teller: The Curator - Audio Dime Museum  Music:  Purple Planet  Marry Lattimore - http://marylattimoreharpist.tumblr.com/ Jared C Balogh - https://soundcloud.com/ja

  • Ep 51: ...And Justice For All

    05/11/2016 Duração: 01h43min

    There's no question that there have been incredible innovations in the ways in which scientists and law enforcement gather and present evidence for trial. Expert testimony has become an almost indispensable aspect of legal proceedings. We should consider that, perhaps, we are blurring the line between circumstantial and scientific evidence. Is this a new phenomenon? Hardly. Spectral evidence has featured prominently in criminal proceedings since the days of comparing the weights of ducks and witches.  From the validation of literal specters visiting people in the night, to three-buttoned double breasted suits; there are many examples of expert opinions casting long shadows in the court room. In this episode we'll examine the history of behavioral profiling and take a look at the kind of testimony that originally convicted the West Memphis Three. Join us this week as we examine the evolution of spectral evidence over time, and what happens when we try stories instead of the accused.    Guest Story Teller: Jo

  • Episode 50: A Monster So Hideous with Joshua Zeman

    29/10/2016 Duração: 01h08min

    Whether our parents warned about strangers with candy in windowless vans, or creepy clown gangs, or a deranged loner hiding in the woods; we were all subjected to cautionary tales in one form or another. Scare tactics are integral to parenting, apparently. We shrugged off the stories, or elaborated on the ideas and shared them with peers while holding flashlights under our chins. We may have been leery of men who looked like the silhouette on the neighborhood watch sign. We might have run out of the woods when we came upon a boot print, or imagined a sinister side to the Shriners in clown white who lead the parade. We probably never considered that these manufactured monsters might be real for longer than a moment. What if they were? This was a question addressed by filmmaker Joshua Zeman in his documentary feature, CROPSEY. He joins us this week to talk about the powerful intersection of legends and reality, and the effects that stories have on our perceptions. We'll explore why society needs to believe in m

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