Knowledge For Men Archives



Today's most successful leaders share their incredible stories and life lessons to help you get the life you want in the areas of health, wealth, relationships and personal growth. Every show is jam packed with actionable tips and insights that will propel you forward to become the man you want to be. Join us at for recaps of every interview as well as an incredible gold mine of resources to help you live better. Are you ready?


  • Rational Living in an Irrational World With John Vespasian

    19/02/2020 Duração: 56min

    John Vespasian is the author of seven books about rational living, including “When Everything Fails, Try This“, “Rationality Is the Way to Happiness“, and “The 10 Principles of Rational Living.” Favorite Success Quote “A small dose of rationality is worth a large amount of positive thinking” Key Points 1. Rationality, not Positivity is the Way to Success We live in an era of positive thinking, where people value a good attitude over rational thought. If you want to be successful, you have to approach all of your endeavors with a rational mind. Base your assumptions off of history and practice, not off of positive psychology. 2. Be an Entrepreneur Not a Crusader One of the biggest mistakes many would-be prolific entrepreneurs and business owners made is that they allowed their mission to become a crusade. Instead of simply working on growing their business and their profit, they focused on forcing their message down other people’s throats instead of allowing their success to speak for itself. 3. Focus on Achie

  • Unleash the Beast and Become a Balanced Athlete With Mike Fitch

    17/02/2020 Duração: 55min

    Mike Fitch is an innovative fitness educator focused on bodyweight training, skills-based practices, and multi-planar, fluid movement. As the president of Global Bodyweight Training, he has developed multiple programs (including Animal Flow) that celebrate movement. All of his work embraces the philosophy that anybody can excel at bodyweight training and advanced skills building with practice and proper progressions. With 18 years’ experience in the fitness industry, Mike has used and taught a range of styles from Olympic lifts and kettle bells to sports-specific and Speed-Agility-Quickness training. Favorite Success Quote “You must suffer through the structure in order to conquer the chaos” Key Points 1. You Have to Put in the Time No matter what you want to accomplish in life, you have to put in the time. Mastery takes time, it takes patience, and it takes an intentional practice that pushes your limits each day. You cannot expect to see world class results unless you are putting in world class time and eff

  • Hustle, Believe, and Receive Your Dreams With Sarah Centrella

    12/02/2020 Duração: 44min

    Sarah Centrella is the author of the book Hustle Believe Receive which is based on her 8 step #HBRMethod; the guide to changing your life and living your dream! She is a master coach and the founder of #HBRUniversity a life coaching program that trains people from around the world to become #HBRCoaches. Sarah also teaches her method in the Sarah also teaches her method in the 10-week #HBRBootcamp. Sarah is a single mom of three and lives in Portland Oregon. Favorite Success Quote “Hustle, believe, receive” Key Points 1. You Have to Start with a Dream and Believe It  Before you can achieve anything in this life of real substance or value, you have to start with a dream. If you have achieved success today, even if you do not realize it, it’s because you started with a dream. You started with the dream that you would be able to support your family while still making time to be with them, you started with a dream of owning your own company, or marrying the girl of your dreams. If you want something, you have to f

  • The Unity of Wealth, Work, and Fulfillment With Jake Ducey

    10/02/2020 Duração: 58min

    At twenty-one-years-old, Jake Ducey is the world’s youngest published inspirational author and is the Director of Self Reliance Institute, where he has built both a school and an orphanage in San Marcos, Guatemala. Since 2012 Jake has traveled to Guatemala, Australia, Indonesia, and Thailand. His experiences in such countries, after quitting a basketball scholarship and leaving a drug-filled life at 19 years old to wander the world without a map, have become his first full book, “Into the Wind; My Six-Month Journey Wandering the World for Life’s Purpose. Favorite Success Quote “Your income is directly proportional to the need for what you do and your ability to do it” ~Jim Rohn Key Points 1. Circumstances do not Dictate Your Fulfillment We live in a world where when people are unhappy, they often make rash decisions that can put them in a financial sink hole. And while it should always be your goal to live a life that is full of fulfillment and joy and to love the work that you do, sometimes you need to wait.

  • A Collection of Simple Truths to Change Your life With Jessica Ly

    05/02/2020 Duração: 40min

    Jessica Ly is a life coach, meditative breathing teacher, and devout poet. She graduated from the University of Southern California with a B.S. in Exercise Science.  Jessica has taken her own personal journey to meditate with Buddhist monks in the Himalayas and loves Jessica has taken her own personal journey to meditate with Buddhist monks in the Himalayas and loves traveling to enrich her own connection to communities around the world. She believes it is not so much about gaining knowledge, but living it that leads to infinite peace and joy and the empowerment of leadership and great change. Jessica is also the Author of The ABCs of Authentic Me. Favorite Success Quote “We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are” ~Anais Nin Key Points 1. Authenticity is Knowing Who You Are and Accepting It  We live in a day and age where people will do anything except be themselves. People often don’t like what they see in the mirror and instead of working to change it, they look for ways that they can cover i

  • Uncover Your Entrepreneuria With Alex Charfen

    03/02/2020 Duração: 44min

    Alex Charfen has dedicated his life to answering the question, How do you make business grow? As a personal consultant to billionaires, the Fortune 500 and some of the most successful individuals in the world, Alex’s pursuit evolved into a larger calling to understand How do you help people grow? For the past two decades, Alex has created and curated proven business philosophies, models and strategies geared specifically to entrepreneurs. An internationally recognized speaker and business consultant, Alex has helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs grow and scale their business. Favorite Success Quote “There is nothing wrong with you and you are not alone” Key Points 1. Your Biggest Weakness is Your Biggest Strength Anyone who was great, past or present, has always had some weakness that others thought was crippling, yet they somehow learned to turn them into one of their greatest assets. Einstein was told he would never amount to anything because he did poorly in school due to the way that he processed and

  • Cut the B.S. And Take Responsibility With Allie LeFevere

    29/01/2020 Duração: 50min

    Allie LeFevere is a women’s coach who creates programs helping women improve their self worth and confidence  Favorite Success Quote “Anything that does not bring me alive is too small for me” ~David Whyte Key Points 1. Personal Growth Requires Giving to the World On your path to ultimate personal development, you will reach a place where you realize that you can no longer focus solely on yourself and you have to begin giving back to truly impact the world. To grow into the best version of yourself, you have to give back to others, you have to be a servant to the world, and you have to be willing to occasionally put the needs of those less fortunate than you above your own. 2. You Need to Know What You Really Want If you do not know where you want to go, then it doesn’t much matter what you are doing on a day to day basis. You have to have a vision for your life and for who you want to be. You have to have goals and a plan to achieve them, based off of your desires and your dreams, not society’s, your parent’

  • Lessons from a Son of Anarchy With Kim Coates

    27/01/2020 Duração: 29min

    Kim Coates is a Canadian-American actor who has worked in both Canadian and American films and television series. He has worked on Broadway portraying Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire and in the lead role of Macbeth performed at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival. He also starred as Alexander “Tig” Trager in the FX series Sons of Anarchy. Key Points 1. Follow Your Bliss Life is too short to live every day doing things that you dislike. If you love something, do it, end of story. If you want to be an actor, act. If you want to be a musician, play music. If you want to start a business, do it! Don’t let anyone or anything hold you back from pursuing what you love. Follow your bliss, and the rest will fall into place. 2. Be Willing to Wait Until You Are Ready Once you have committed to a path, whether it is business, acting, athletics etc. be willing to wait until you are ready to take the big leap. For Kim, he continued to master his craft of acting on stage for 8 years before he took the leap into

  • Awaken to a More Fulfilling Life With Charles Hanna

    22/01/2020 Duração: 41min

    Charles Hanna is the Chairman, CEO, and founder of Brains II a third-party technology provider that he began in a basement in 1979 and built into Canada’s largest independent service consolidation company with offices in all of the major cities in the country. A devoted father of three children, Hanna is involved with a range of charities including organizations that help with cancer treatment, artists, and displaced or handicapped people. He has a particularly soft spot for children and animals and contributes his personal time in various ways to the YMCA and animal shelter groups. He divides his time between Toronto and Los Angeles Favorite Success Quote “Happiness is a way of thinking” Key Points 1. Your Life is Not Yours  A mistake that many of us make when we think about our lives is to believe that our lives are truly ours. We did nothing to earn this life, we did not take out a loan that we are forced to repay, we were simply given the gift of life and the responsibility to make the most of it. You hav

  • Becoming a Beastly Gentleman With David De Las Morenas

    20/01/2020 Duração: 51min

    David de las Morenas is a Boston-based personal trainer, strength coach, bestselling author, and the founder of – a popular fitness and self-improvement website for men. Favorite Success Quote “You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength.” ~Marcus Aurelius Key Points 1. Don’t Let Growth become a Drug Whenever we embark on our personal growth journies, it is easy to allow growth to become a drug. It is easy to get addicted to the surges of growth without ever stopping to appreciate them or stopping to realize that they are becoming a crutch. While constant and never ending growth is a wonderful thing, it can also become how we deal with issues in our lives. Struggling at work? Just go to the gym! Relationships suck? Just build your business and ignore it. Growth is good, just make sure that you focus on making small changes overtime and don’t allow it to consume you. 2. Presence Destroys Anxiety If you are suffering from anxiety, you are really

  • Why You Should Pursue Your God Given Mission Over Money With Dean Niewolny

    15/01/2020 Duração: 42min

    Dean Niewolny spent 23 years in executive roles with three of Wall Street’s largest financial firms, finishing his career in the financial sector as the market manager for Wells Fargo Advisors in Chicago, where he oversaw a $100mm market. While in Chicago, he and his wife, Lisa, traveled many times to Africa and, seeing the abject needs of widows and orphans, made life changes that enabled them to get involved, such as helping to complete an orphan home and a Hospice home in Durbin, South Africa. In 2010, Dean traded his marketplace career for Halftime to help more people who, like him, wanted to expand their own “first half” success and skills into passion and purpose for meeting human needs and making a significant difference. Dean joined Halftime as managing director and in 2011 became chief executive officer. He speaks at events around the world, encouraging business leaders to channel Dean joined Halftime as managing director and in 2011 became chief executive officer. He speaks at events around the worl

  • A Modern Man’s Guide to Personal Excellence With Jerod Zavistoski

    13/01/2020 Duração: 01h06min

    Jerod Zavistoski is the international bestselling author of “Methodology of The Modern Male: A Modern Man’s Guide to Personal Excellence”, a motivational speaker and LA’s premiere dating coach. Favorite Success Quote “There is nothing with which every man is so afraid as getting to know how enormously much he is capable of doing and becoming.” ~Søren Kierkegaard “This won’t kill you, just do it” Key Points 1. The Only Person Who Can Fix Anything is You One of the most common themes in the Knowledge for Men interviews is personal responsibility, and this should come as little surprise. When you are in a victim mode, there is very little that you can do to change your life. If you are constantly blaming other people for your lack of success, you will never take the action necessary to achieve the success you are after. The only person who can fix your life is you. Take 100% responsibility for everything in your life and start making moves to get your life to the level you want to be. 2. Be Careful You Build the

  • Master Personal Transformation and Seize Opportunity With Jay Samit

    08/01/2020 Duração: 43min

    Jay Samit has been described by Wired magazine as “having the coolest job in the industry.” He is a leading technology innovator who has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for startups; sold companies to Fortune 500 firms; taken companies public; and partnered with some of the world’s biggest brands, including Coca Cola, McDonald’s, General Motors, United Airlines, Microsoft, Apple, Verizon, and Facebook. Samit is CEO of SeaChange International, a leading global multi-screen video software company. A technology innovator and entrepreneur, he was a senior advisor to LinkedIn and was appointed to the White House initiative for education and technology by President Bill Clinton. An adjunct professor of entrepreneurship at USC’s Viterbi School of Engineering, Samit is the host of the Wall Street Journal Startup of the Year series and author of the book “Disrupt You” Favorite Success Quote “Are you living life or just paying bills until you die?” “The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose” Key Points 1.

  • Life Lessons from a NY Times Best Selling Author With Tucker Max

    06/01/2020 Duração: 56min

    Tucker Max received his BA from the University of Chicago in 1998, and his JD from Duke Law School in 2001. He even attended Duke Law School on an academic scholarship, where he neglected to buy any of his textbooks for his final two years and spent part of one semester–while still enrolled in classes–living in Cancun. His first book, I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, is a #1 New York Times Best Seller, spent five years on the list, and has over 2 million copies in print. His second book, Assholes Finish First, and his third book,Hilarity Ensues, are also NY Times Best Sellers. He co-wrote and produced the movie based on his life/book, also titled “I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell.” He has also been credited with being the originator and leader of a new literary genre, “fratire,” is only the third writer (after Malcolm Gladwell and Michael Lewis) to ever have three books on the NY Times Nonfiction Best Seller List at one time, and was nominated to the Time Magazine 100 Most Influential List in 2009. He currently

  • Life Lessons after 93 Years of Chasing Dreams With Babette Hughes

    01/01/2020 Duração: 29min

    Babette Hughes, did not start writing until her 80’s and has now become a prolific author of books like The Red Scar, The Hat and Lost and Found, and co-author of Why College Students Fail. Now 93, she writes every day with a fluidity and grace of a woman half her age; her most recent novel is Searching For Vivian. Her earned wisdom has enriched her contributions to the Huffington Post. Favorite Success Quote “When you accept the events that happen to you, you accept life, and when you accept life, life accepts you” Key Points 1. Stop Worrying About the Pressures of Society  As a man, society places tremendous pressure on you to live up to the standards it has unrealistically set. If you don’t drive the fastest car, own the biggest house, have the biggest paycheck, lift the most weight, be the most masculine and classically manly man yet also be the most sensitive and kind-hearted lover that you can be then you have failed tremendously. Men, just stop! Live your life, love your life and be there for the peopl

  • Breakthrough Your Life’s Challenges and Upgrade Your Leadership With Stephen McGhee

    30/12/2019 Duração: 44min

    Stephen is at the forefront of mind-opening new directions in leadership. For the past 25 years, he has guided business executives and influential leaders across the globe, to go beyond self-imposed limitations to new levels of leadership. An international keynote speaker and author of three books on leadership, Stephen has transformed accomplished individuals around the country and initiated cultural change with major corporations such as Microsoft, Merck, Georgia Pacific and Firestone. He recently completed his first film, Climb For Freedom, a documentary about the transformation of seven men summiting one of the world’s highest peaks and the profound impact of that journey on their lives and relationships. Favorite Success Quote “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Key Points 1. Learn to See Problems as Opportunities  One of the most valuable skills that you can cultivate as a man and a leader is to control y

  • Transform Your Body Transform Your Soul With Drew Canole

    25/12/2019 Duração: 43min

    Drew Canole is a rockstar in the world of fitness, nutrition and mindset, with a huge heart for others and doing his part to transform the world, one person at a time. As the founder and CEO of, he is committed to sharing educational, inspirational and entertaining videos and articles about health, fitness, healing and longevity. Favorite Success Quote “Remind yourself to check in with your thoughts” Key Points 1. Choose to Control Your Subconscious Mind A mistake that many individuals make on their path to success is that they fail to realize the importance of the subconscious mind on their path to success. If you want to succeed in the world, you have to accept the power of your mind and learn how to harness it to help you achieve your goals and live a life of meaning purpose, and happiness. 2. Your Body and Your Spirit are Inseparably Related The Bible says that your body is a temple, and this is true. It is the temple of your soul, and if you are not taking care of your body, your mind and your

  • A Man’s Guide to a Better Life in Dating and Business With Christian McQueen

    23/12/2019 Duração: 01h02min

    Christian McQueen is a men’s dating coach, blogger, entrepreneur, author and the founder of, The Netflix of Self-Improvement, an online self-improvement video course subscription site that streams step-by-step courses ranging from making money online to dating and social skills. Favorite Success Quote “Failure is not an option”. Key Points 1. Take Responsibility for Your Own Damn Life We live in a day and age where people live live’s that they claim no responsibility. They sit at home in front of their television, stuffing their face with processed shit, and never getting out to meet people and socialize and then they blame the government that they’re broke, big medicine that they’re fat, the high school bully who called them a name 15 years ago for the fact that they are alone and depressed in life. Wake up, men! No one is responsible for you except for you. Take responsibility for your own life, because if you don’t you can never change your life. 2. Watch Out for Red Flags While you can be gre

  • How to Attract Women as an Introvert With Sarah Jones

    18/12/2019 Duração: 44min

    Sarah Jones is an online entrepreneur and dating coach for men who helps introverted men unleash the power inside of them to attract and date the beautiful women that they desire by expressing themselves openly and authentically, and avoiding the gimmicks of the PUA community. Favorite Success Quote “Enjoy the hell out of being you” Key Points 1. Love Being You  The first step that is essential to becoming a powerful man who can authentically relate with and attract the women he desires is simply to love being you. Love who you are! Love your weirdness, your quirky traits, your dreams and goals, your hobbies, your flaws, and your strengths. Many people suggest that loving yourself often causes people to steer away from personal development, but the opposite is actually true. If you genuinely love yourself and love who you are, what is the more loving thing to do? To allow yourself to live a mediocre life held back by fear and doubt? Or to break free and step into the life that you know you can achieve? 2. You

  • How to Be More Masculine in a Hyper Feminine World

    16/12/2019 Duração: 31min

    We live in a world caught between two extremes. In one breath, we eschew and vilify masculinity and traditionally “manly” virtues, labeling them as “toxic” and detrimental to society. Yet in another, we revel in them. Subconsciously pining for a resurgence in traditional masculinity. We are enamored with the classically masculine archetypes that proliferate our favorite movies, books, and TV shows (think Jon Snow, Don Draper, Hank Moody, and Captain America). The blood in our veins rips at the sight of a vicious knockout in the UFC and, as we watch the victor leap to the top of the cage with his arms held high in the air, we can’t help but imagine ourselves standing in his place…the taste of blood on our lips, the deafening roar of the crowd filling our ears, and the inner confidence of knowing that we are capable of handling ourselves in conflict. Yet all of our imagining does little to change the way we feel and show up in life. Despite our desire to “be the man”, to feel strong, accomplished, and powerful…

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